There were those who lived in defiance [4-HO] Options
#1 Posted : 11/15/2010 1:23:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 08-Sep-2019
Because they found that they could.

Okay, from the beginning:

The bridge, the line beneath the sky, the path I followed to my death.  The water awaits, the ink summons me, cold feet stumbling through wet leaves. The pieces pursue, the fragments of me I have left behind, abandoned here in this place.  I could not bring them with me, so here they wait, wait for me to return and remember what I have forgotten. They have haunted me for what feels like forever, pushing me towards something I doubt I will ever comprehend. I find them here, in the oblivion of my ignorance where I know I am lost.

I trip over a root hidden in the mud, sprawling at the the very edge of what I foolishly consider my sanity. The wave overtakes me, consumes me, is me.  I made them alive, the things I discovered birthed them and they devoured me.  The trees, their strength ties me to the source;  depth is the only reality I conceive. I crawl to the precipice, fumble for an anchor, here at the end. I am sucked into the void, that tear in existence which lays waste to whatever handhold I think I have gained.

There is nothing, but even that is something?

I fall back through the cosmos as the rain of delight, return life to clay that was extinguished by the fire, laying there under the sky.

It was I who put the stars on the brink, scattered the silk on the glass of the here.  I found I could live in the reflection, in the bubble of the paradox.  It was there that I created my destruction; it was there I became them.  They let me decide and I chose, there on the cliff of the unknowable. I heard the echoes of the thoughts I never conceived.

Thank you, were the words I left as I fled back through the line that divides.  That was the land I left behind, the place that saw my arrogance in ruin.  The land where the lights were the stars, because the mirror told me they were.  And I believed it.


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#2 Posted : 11/17/2010 2:17:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 178
Joined: 14-Aug-2010
Last visit: 29-Sep-2024
Such Poetry! Those are the words "Thank you", thank you eden!
"Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling, and knowing, they don't perceive the radiance of the source. If they could eliminate all conceptual thinking, this source would appear, like the sun rising through the empty sky and illuminating the whole universe." - Huang Po
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