Did I break through or not ? Options
#1 Posted : 11/14/2010 12:35:54 PM


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My first experience was very weird, and I am still somewhat ambivalent about how I feel about it.

I had extracted from 200g MHRB using xylene to get beautiful yellow crystals ( proudest moment of my life ).
I had already bought a 0.001 scale, but it is still on the way, so I'm not sure exactly how much I took, but it was definitely in the range of 15 to 50 mg, based on some improvised calculations.

I had actually been planning an ayahuasca preparation and journey for the evening, but forgot all about that when I saw that my extractions had formed crystals so quickly (8 hours in front of a fan, plus 3 days in my closet. I had expected at least 2 weeks).

So I quickly loaded my bong with layers of mint/spice/mint. I was so excited, my hands were trembling as I lit up. I took in a huge lungful of smoke, and it wasn't nearly as harsh as I thought. I held it in until everything started vibrating, sort of like a camera quickly and repeatedly changing focal depth, if that makes sense. A second later it hit me.

I had been preparing for this moment for many years, and had been confident I could handle it. Yet I was seriously thrown by the almost-instant onset. It was so quick, swept the rug right out from under me.

This initial shock casued fear to rise up inside me, as well as plenty confusion.

It was like reality itself had disolved into millions of spiky animated lines, all changing size and perspective yet strangely remaining perfectly spaced from each other. But I could still see my room faintly through this vortex of madness. I could also still hear the traffic outside my apartment, but also this all pervasive humming. Also the taste of apples.

I had difficulty moving, yet I just could not lie still and enjoy it. I was constantly tossing and turning on my bed, not sure where to look. I didn't dare close my eyes. My initial fear had now blossomed into terror and negative emotions, and I was somewhat repulsed by the hallucinations. I just wanted it to be over.
I kept repeating to myself ' Its physically harmless. It's physically harmless. ' which helped a lot.

I had also learned a trick to dealing with bad psychedelic experiences back when I took large doses of lsd. The trick is, when you start to feel the fear, just fake it.
Act as if you are having a good experience. Start laughing. Tell yourself loudly : ' I am loving this.' Keep grinning. Allow the love in. And very quickly, all this becomes true and you are not acting anymore.

It worked for acid, and it turns out it works for dmt too, though with a bit more effort. The fear went away, and I felt a gradual increase in joy. The last two or three minutes went very well. I loved it, and was sad when I came down. I was in awe. Shocked, humbled, grateful. The power of this drug is immense Surprised

In retrospect I should have paid more attention to set and setting. That much is obvious. Also my initial anxiety about taking the drug had been potentiated much more than anticipated. Also, only in retrospect is it clear that the difference between my expectations and the reality of dmt was a big contributing factor to the fear. I had expected one thing, and freaked out when it turned out to be totally unlike that.

Tonight I will try again, but this time with a lot more respect. Purify my apartment. Purify myself with a bath. At least fifteen minutes of calming meditation beforehand. Incense and hippy music. And most importantly, take about 3/4 of what I had the last time. I'm not really comfortable with taking anymore than that till I have a proper scale.

I am just not sure if what I had was a breakthrough dose ? Could I have had a breakthrough dose, then kept myself grounded through sheer fear and bewilderment and reluctance to commit?

It only lasted six minutes, and I was always aware of my surroundings and state of mind. This suggests it was a small dose.
On the other hand, the hallucinations were much more intense than I thought possible with a less-than-breakthrough dose. I also seem to have forgotten big parts of what I saw, which I thought only happens on higher doses.
If it turns out this is only a tiny little dose, way beneath breakthrough levels, I don't think I will be able to handle a breakthrough dose.

Any thoughts would be most welcome, fellow Nexians.

The odours occasionally wafted from the laboratory were exceedingly strange. Sometimes they were noxious, but more often they were aromatic, with a haunting, elusive quality which seemed to have the power of inducing fantastic images.
People who smelled them had a tendency to glimpse momentary mirages of enormous vistas, with strange hills or endless avenues of sphinxes and hippogriffs stretching off into infinite distance.
- H.P. Lovecraft

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#2 Posted : 11/14/2010 1:47:13 PM

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Sounds like a powerful introduction to the sub breakthru levels of dmt. Glad you made it.
I think your problem is the immediate intensity of the experience. It might have taken you by surprise. You now know that there is a lot of "steam" behind the dmt experience. So, the next time you'll be prepared and able to surrender more to it. I suggest to stay at this level for a while so you can familiarize yourself with the rush a bit more.

I'm confident, that your relationship with DMT will be more fruitful than this one fearful experience. I for once also had some anxiety at the beginning, but it quickly dissolved and gave way into many beautiful and loving experiences of intense joy and contact with the spiritual.
#3 Posted : 11/14/2010 2:24:59 PM

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If you took only one lungful with a bong and leaf bed I do not think you were able to vap more than 20mg.
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
#4 Posted : 11/14/2010 3:46:23 PM

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Nothing can prepare you for this kind of experience. Over time it actually gets easier and more amazing.

Focus on your own experience try not to have any expectations, pay close attention to whats happening . take it as it comes, breath, breath through the tough spots. Set and setting is everything . Try easing in with smaller doses next time.
As you discovered anxiety and fear can spiral out of control. check yourself before going in . a little initial fear is normal you can work through that. surrender to the experience but be strong at the same time if that makes any sense. You have the right idea a happy joking vibe is the best mindset. Slow and steady wins the race.. stay with it its worth it.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#5 Posted : 11/14/2010 9:38:12 PM

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Sometimes I have confronted the negativities head on, it gives you instant power. Once I said "STOP BEING A TOOL" and it kinda just shrugged it off and revealed itself to be no threat. Which made me happy, and amused, and changed the whole trip Smile
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#6 Posted : 11/15/2010 12:32:42 AM

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Accurate doses are extremely important, use that mg scale once it arrives and all will be good Very happy
#7 Posted : 11/15/2010 9:55:36 AM


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Great advice everyone, thanks.

I did try it with a reduced dose, and then worked my way upwards till I was close to my initial dose. No fear this time, and it was incredible. I feel I understand the dmt a little better now. Knowing what to expect was a big help. I probably spent too much time on set and setting, but it paid off with a beautiful experience.

@ mumbles
I agree. This guestimating business really isn't for me. I want to know how much goes into my body. I wont partake again until I have the scale. I can wait a week or two. Besides, my experiences up to now has given me a lot to think about.

Thanks again for the advice.Wink

The odours occasionally wafted from the laboratory were exceedingly strange. Sometimes they were noxious, but more often they were aromatic, with a haunting, elusive quality which seemed to have the power of inducing fantastic images.
People who smelled them had a tendency to glimpse momentary mirages of enormous vistas, with strange hills or endless avenues of sphinxes and hippogriffs stretching off into infinite distance.
- H.P. Lovecraft
#8 Posted : 11/15/2010 10:32:49 AM

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My advice:
Don't do spice during the day. In my experience 80% of day attempts = bad trips, some of them like really bad. Schizophrenic time loops and stuff. Strong sunlight no good. Read this:

Late quiet night after good day before you go to sleep. I learned that be tired is not so bad (more endorphines in brain = less fear), the same goes after sex. I do dose opium or kratom before dmt flight sometimes (spoiler: IT'S ADDICTIVE!!! IT WILL REPLACE YOUR CURRENT LIFE, YOU WILL LOST EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!!!! ETC. etc.) which I don't recommend to anyone.


I forgot to mention: You have a good chance to have a lucid dream if you do dmt at late night.

'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
#9 Posted : 11/15/2010 11:37:15 AM


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Thanks for the advice Zubidlo, will keep it in mind.

The odours occasionally wafted from the laboratory were exceedingly strange. Sometimes they were noxious, but more often they were aromatic, with a haunting, elusive quality which seemed to have the power of inducing fantastic images.
People who smelled them had a tendency to glimpse momentary mirages of enormous vistas, with strange hills or endless avenues of sphinxes and hippogriffs stretching off into infinite distance.
- H.P. Lovecraft
#10 Posted : 11/15/2010 11:51:39 AM

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If you want to go as far as you can, measuring your dose is not really important. Back in the days, i tended to fill the VG with 100mg and vape as much of it as possible. But you might discover, that dosage isn't everything, contrary to popular belief. In the beginning, measuring your dose makes certainly sense, because it gives you a feeling of security. You won't accidentaly inhale a common breakthrough dose, but if they decide that its time...its time. Although i have to say that they sometimes told me that i'D have to smoke more or otherwise they could not show me everything.
#11 Posted : 11/15/2010 2:33:51 PM

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I agree with obliguhl here about dosing. Sometimes you get very different experience from spice that you expect. You seek ego dissolving transport out of this reality and you get cold mental time loop hell where you beg for mercy and you can't remember how hope feels (I maybe went too far hereVery happy ). But every time I think where did I made mistake and I came up with these: I was not in right mood or (and) dose was too small or(and) I freaked out during smoking process(you have to get as much as fast into your lungs) and NO f*cking sunlight (dmt is powerful reality replacer but need a bit of help). Best result I had with big doses at darkness with dumb body. Once I did trip before an exam and it was DISASTER. On the other hand with right setup I love to do 4-5 trips in row. Sometimes I work with spice from 2am till dawn. And its mind blowing and sets me on spiritual quest for next two days.Very happy

Respect and Regards.
'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
#12 Posted : 11/15/2010 7:36:27 PM

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doesnt sound like a breakthrough, if you didn't shut your eyes and 'pass through' to the other side.

but its good to get some of that fear out so you can get it over with and then have nothin to hold fear against.

I would strongly suggest taking a tiny dose, then riding through it. Then after you come down, do a lil more meditation and go for a real trip, no anxiety, nothing to fear. pure bliss.

#13 Posted : 11/16/2010 4:37:08 AM

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I don't necessarily agree with zubidlo on this. Day time can be ok Its actually my favorite time to journey. A nice sunny beautiful day is perfect in my book. Yes super bright direct sun can be too intense but in a nice forest there are plenty of spots with diffuse lighting.
A good spice ass kicking can happen under all kinds of conditions. I think our internal set has much to do with that.

Being tired is a bad thing I would not recommend that to anyone. I avoid journeying while tired at all costs. An intense spice breakthrough is hard enough to handle when in tip top shape let alone fatigued. I've had many a bad difficult journey at night in bed at the end of a day as anyplace else.
I know what works for me everyone is different I guess.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#14 Posted : 11/16/2010 10:46:41 AM

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That is very interesting post felnik. We seems to be a bit different brain monkeys. I never got to' breakthrough' with sunlight. I never had problem to handle big doses tired or under influence. DMT is powerful but needs a bit of help in my experience. At least 15 g caapi tea is a must for me. I hate 'sub-breakthroughts' and I'm love to get scaredVery happy Still Dmt only in dim light is a must in my humble opinion. Why aya amazonian rituals take place in darkness if not? San Pedro, peyoty, salvia too. I did changa in park few times but not satisfied. I need to be as comfortable as possible. But you have a huge point here. Everybody is a bit different. I should be careful giving an 'advices'.I found one particular strong combo with one particular compound, but it will stay with me only now...

'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
#15 Posted : 11/16/2010 11:53:02 PM

John Murdoch IV

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Librarian wrote:

It only lasted six minutes, and I was always aware of my surroundings and state of mind. This suggests it was a small dose.
On the other hand, the hallucinations were much more intense than I thought possible with a less-than-breakthrough dose. I also seem to have forgotten big parts of what I saw, which I thought only happens on higher doses.
If it turns out this is only a tiny little dose, way beneath breakthrough levels, I don't think I will be able to handle a breakthrough dose.

Any thoughts would be most welcome, fellow Nexians.

This is not a breakthrough you describe. But you might have been close to a breakthrough. But when you break through you loose all contact with this reality. You literally break through to another world.

But a sub-breakthrough dose can be very uncomfortable. If you had smoked a little more you might have got over the mess and into bliss.

Maybe you should do small doses, around 20mg. for a while to get used to the rush and then do a proper dose 50mg. to see what DMT is about.

And I don't like to trip in daylight. I like it dark. Maybe just some candles. Darkness and silence is my preference. Absolutely.


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