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#41 Posted : 10/23/2010 4:37:24 AM

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I had a very good experience mixing cactus and kratom together. I ended up re-dosing the kratom halfway through the cactus trip because it lasts for like 4-5 hours while the cactus lasts for 10+ hours. I intend to experiment with this combo again as it was a good mix of psychedelic and feel good. I forget how much mass I ingested. Probably about 40g san pedro and 2x3-4g kratom. Next time I want to add a small mushroom friend to the mix as well.
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#42 Posted : 10/23/2010 1:46:53 PM

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alzabo wrote:
I had a very good experience mixing cactus and kratom together. I ended up re-dosing the kratom halfway through the cactus trip because it lasts for like 4-5 hours while the cactus lasts for 10+ hours. I intend to experiment with this combo again as it was a good mix of psychedelic and feel good. I forget how much mass I ingested. Probably about 40g san pedro and 2x3-4g kratom. Next time I want to add a small mushroom friend to the mix as well.

It sounds like it might be a good combo, but ugh the nausea! That would make me feel extremely nauseous. Kratom alone makes me want to hurl Very happy
#43 Posted : 11/14/2010 4:59:48 AM

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Seems like the best area to post this.

Friday night I went out to a local pub/club (where I go with my friends who arn't into other drugs decides alcohol).I thereat least once every 3 weeks or so. It's not a terrible place, just some of the younger males can be dicks. Anyways I had 6-8 drinks then my friends brother said he had a bit of speed, I asked if I could try some and he seemed pretty keen to see what I thought of it as it was my first time. A good 20 mins later I was feeling pretty damn good but I still realised that I really didn't do enough as I was just testing the waters type thing. When I got home at around 1AM I had 3 bowls of some hydgie. I havn't done much drug combining but it seemed like a pretty good combo. Thoughroughly enjoyed myself, Its nice to think that if you don't want to go into some deep, serious shit, like a psychedelic trip that may show you some interesting things about yourself, that you have the option of not going too deep and just having a laugh and shit with some friends. Because I mean the average folk (I think) wouldn't do intense psychedelic trips that regually - DMT every 2-3 weeks, keeping on the path and then something like booze and MDMA every 2 or 3 weeks to chill with the friends that stay away from weed (or anything else) all together. But double nice to think that I have friends who have open minds who will happily do psychedelics with me, and its funny how I have a much stronger bond with the more psychedelic'y friends and I havn't known them any where near as long as my friends I went to school with. They just won't be envolved in anything to do with entheogens/drugs when they don't even know what they would be envolving themselves in...

Anyways, thats my rant!

Much love!
#44 Posted : 11/14/2010 7:07:40 AM

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There seem to be quite a few 2C-I fans here. I guess I'll have to try it someday. Personally I'm a big fan of 2C-E, low doses (around 15-20mg) are great at parties. It combos well with spice too...though I can't imagine trying to run that combo at a club :^P

I've been playing around with 2CT2 lately but I don't see much club-drug potential in it unfortunately.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
Like a blue lotus floating on the sea of love.
Lingering in ashantic realms
Lingering in the akashic realms
Lingering in, lingering in the realms.
Blue lotus floats, floating, floating..
Some laugh, some weep, some dance for joy.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
#45 Posted : 11/14/2010 3:13:32 PM

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BenevolentSon wrote:
its funny how I have a much stronger bond with the more psychedelic'y friends and I havn't known them any where near as long as my friends I went to school with.

Definitely. People I've tripped with I always seem to have a much stronger rapport with than people I just hang out with and shoot the shit. Psychedelics, the friend maker! Laughing
#46 Posted : 11/14/2010 3:38:59 PM

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I had a very enjoyable night on Friday night. The combination was 20mg AMT, a few dabs of MDMA, generous quantities of alcohol and a few tokes on some marijuana/hashish cigarettes. AMT is completely legal here in the UK. I haven't done any MDMA in years so this was an extra special treat for me. It was a new friend's 23rd birthday party, in a South London flat, and I only knew 3 people there. Her boyfriend was DJing, another friend, and another lady friend was also there, a very close friend and someone I also happen to be madly and deeply in love with, and for the first ever time. Later in the eve a German friend who was my roommate when I first went to uni many years ago, surprised me by turning up which was cool.

Anyway, I digress... this was a social experiment with AMT. I had sampled it a few times, and found the internal glow it provided enjoyable and social. It takes 3 hours to fully make it presence known. The girl whose birthday it was, her boyfriend, my lady friend, one of her close friends and the person I connected to most while there, another house mate, and myself all ingested 20mg around 9:45.

AMT is a creeper...takes it slow to come on. I think maybe we took it a bit too late. More and more people continued to arrive, none of whom I knew, yet I was in a good space. The vast majority of these people were fellow Imperial College students, all scientists, and I had some very stimulating, interesting and otherwise mind expanding chats with people involved in science very different to that of mine. A few hours in, my friend who birthday it was started saying she felt confused and anti-social. I felt really guilty!! I only wanted her to have fun! However I thought this was the come up affecting her, and it wasn't a high dose of AMT. So later we had a little MDMA...and that got everything rolling! There was a little sensory enhancement, but nothing too intense. Lots of good chats, meeting some new cool people, dancing, drinking, a few embraces here and there...and we were all on a very nice level...danced/partied to 9 AM, then I had a strong desire to curl up in a dark room. A similar thing happened to my German friend regarding the confusion, although he took it much later than the rest of us.

So if experimenting with AMT I would suggest taking it in very good time before things kick off, and don't do too much. I would also like to report, despite the range of things ingested, there was no real hangover or comedown to speak of! In fact today I feel curiously at peace, mellow and chilled. Was a good night! Cool
#47 Posted : 11/14/2010 4:15:12 PM

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Interesting..I was innterested in AMT about 18 months ago when I came across it at a weekend psy event..I sat and dosed a few people with DMT and salvia and was then offered all sorts of 2c substances and AMT..I decided to wait until I could research it more, and found mostly reports from people who did not like it here and other I never persued it..

Can you go into a bit more detail pertaining to the AMT experience in general?
Long live the unwoke.
#48 Posted : 11/14/2010 4:32:13 PM

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Well apparently AMT is neurotoxic in a similar way to MDMA for starters, its not the klind of thing that I feel should be used much (like MDMA) and I have only used it 3 times, and won't be using it again in a hurry, 10/12 hours is a big commitment for me these days. However of the times I have used it, I have never had a come down or hangover (the same also applies for MDMA with me, although I only use it once or twice a year, if at all...VERY rare for me).

My first experience was on my own on a lazy uni-based Saturday. I took 15mg, then 3 hours later took another 15mg. At these levels it was pretty gentle on my system...come up is long and gentle, although one's stomach feels a bit funny on the come up, but I never got any pressing nausea or came close to vomiting. Many people report headaches later on in the experience, but I can't say I experienced these. Little desire for food. For my first experience, I would describe the feeling as my insides/heart glowing like a toaster oven. A gentle, positive, euphoric push...much less manic than MDMA. More time to chill and enjoy it...seems like a flexible buzz as well, good for dancing and being active, and good for chilling. Lightly psychedelic at this level, colour enhancement, very subtle patterning, but I feel socially lucid and clear, your mental faculties all seem relatively intact. Nothing profound, earth-shattering, life changing or particularly fascinating or engrossing like the full on psychedelics (but you're not really seeking that in a party environment!), but fun nonetheless. I think the MDMA I ingested modulated the whole experience in a positive fashion on the third experience. It's definitely not one of my favourites, but I'm glad I tried it out for myself to so what it was like. Apparently impressive psychedelic effects can be experienced at higher doses, but the side effects are much more prominent, so I would rather take something else. Experiences seem to vary widely between different people with this stuff. I think it would be good festival-friendly material. The come up is long and drawn out, and this is best gotten out of the way in good time before one plans to make use of it.
#49 Posted : 11/14/2010 7:58:34 PM
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There was this calamus thread. Was a bit of a question whether calamus contained a substance that is metabolised into AMT or something simmilar.
Have you ever used calamus and could you confirm that it's simmilar to AMT?
#50 Posted : 11/14/2010 10:02:30 PM

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Sorry dude I have no experience with calamus.
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