Something dark, something euphoric Options
#1 Posted : 11/10/2010 7:12:02 PM

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My last visit to hyperspace was so overwhelming that its really hard for me to start describing my trip.

A while ago, I came back from work, only to find that our doggie had gotten its teeth into my mg-scale box, the scale had a few teethmarks in it, but I thought it was in fine enough shape and didnt need recalibration. I guess I was wrong.

I caked what i thought to be 30-40mg of spice to my bong with Calea, lit it up, took a good drag, inhaled, felt the pressure rising and thought: "here we go, I better put my bong down fast while I still can" and placed it on the table. Immediately everything went yellow and started to bulge towards me, I mean tv-screens, walls, windows, everything. Then everything transformed into fractals, caleidoscopic imagery, well you know what I mean, and I felt like I was falling rapidly, like the speed of light and it freaked me out a bit, enough for me to start fumbling and trashing around on my sofa. I ended up knocking my bong over.

Then, a sudden stop. I cant really describe what happened after that, I started to fold over and over again, to revolve, if I might say. My mind spun around itself, then again, and again, and again. Every damn time I was about to grasp of what's going on, SNAP, another fold, accompanied by a sharp pain somewhere in the back of my head. This continued to the point I was sure that I had overdosed somehow and fried my precious little brain. Then all of a sudden I could see myself lying on the floor, shaking and convulsing, at the same time I could see my girlfriend entering our home from the front door, seeing me lying on the floor. She ran to me yelling and crying "you goddamn idiot! what have you done!? Why did you do this?!" She yelled and lifted me up to her lap and all I could utter was "Im so sorry"

I thought a week had gone by and that I had lied on the floor the whole time. Then I was escorted to some another place, I cant really remember how and where, but I could hear a sound like a didgeridoo and tibetian throat singing at the same time and I saw thousands and thousands of green lotus flowers pillaring towards me, and every petal of those flowers had a peacock eye on them, hundreds of thousands of eyes, every one of them fixated at me like I was being inspected by someone.

Then all of a sudden all those pretty flowers retreated and left me in a complete darkness, I mean COMPLETE darkness, I couldnt see anything. Like I had been inspected, and then denied of access to somewhere. Until another sound caught my ear: crackling. Like a sound you hear when you take ice cubes out of freezer, and I felt the most euphoric Ive ever felt, like every cell of my body was vibrating in an orgasm. This lasted a while that felt like ten seconds or so, then I was placed in that same darkness again. Alone.

Suddenly I could feel my sense of smell and taste being ripped out through my mouth and transformed into these square-shaped neon trees that pulsated and exploded constantly. There I was, in darkness, without my senses of taste and smell and only thing I could see were these trees, and if it wouldnt have felt so violent and overfelming I would have enjoyed it. But no.

After the last tree started to fade into the darkness, I slowly could regain my consciousness and though "oh man, Im tripping so hard, I better just lay down and close my eyes" even though I didnt know if my eyes were already closed. I lied there for a while, placed my hands on my chest, since I felt that it would soothe and relax me and surely it did.

When I opened my eyes, I could see red and blue lights flashing, an ambulance in front of me, and paramedics kneeled down and reaching their hands at me. I couldnt see them from the waist up, but I knew I was SCREWED. Thinking "damn damn damn damn, I bet the police will arrive here soon too and then Im really screwed!" When suddenly, the flashing lights, the ambulance, and the paramedics just vanished into the thin air and I found my self sitting on the floor of my livingroom.

I stood up, leaned my hand against the livingroom table and thought "Phew, that was ruff, Im glad Im back here... Hold on, am I really here? Whats "here" anyway?" I had to sit down for a while, since I couldnt really grasp at what level the floor was, couple times I had to place my hand on the floor to convince me that the floor is really there.

Only fifteen minutes had gone by, and for five or so minutes I still could see a whole lot of fractals every time I closed my eyes, and even when my eyes were open, It was like I was watching everything through a multi-faceted diamond. 5 more minutes and Im completely back, just flabbergasted and wondering what the hell just happened. The night after that I couldnt really sleep well, bits of the trip echoed in my dreams like nightmares and kept waking me up.

And that was it.

I guess I'll order a new scale 'cos I dont think the old one is accurate.

Sorry if my story is kinda repetitive with some words, my vocabulary is rather limited
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.

CosmicFool is a fictional character, a creation of imagination, and everything written above should not be taken seriously, or perhaps read at all.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/10/2010 10:53:14 PM

Not I

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Welcome back to this reality. Def buy a new scale my friend!

Hey on the plus side you were able to remember the whole thing. Sometimes people just go black when they get an unexpectedly large dose. Smile

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#3 Posted : 11/10/2010 11:59:44 PM

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well, thank God for floors!

So glad you made it back.
#4 Posted : 11/11/2010 1:15:19 AM

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The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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#5 Posted : 11/11/2010 1:51:13 AM

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Wow. Do be careful!!

Glad you made it back without a real ambulance being involved.
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#6 Posted : 11/13/2010 12:22:11 PM

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joedirt: yeah. altough I cant really say I can remember it all (and dont know even if I want to Very happy). Took me about few weeks to regain my mental health back to just about normal and sometimes I still get these weird feelings that Im not really "here". Also the ability to enjoy most drugs is now gone, for example I cant enjoy MDMA anymore. It feels like these drugs create a thin layer or film over my real self and locks it back deep somewhere in my consciousness while this "artificial me" roams around free. Also weed can now induce REALLY intense visuals if I concentrate enough, that never happened before the trip.

Weirdness all around
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.

CosmicFool is a fictional character, a creation of imagination, and everything written above should not be taken seriously, or perhaps read at all.
#7 Posted : 11/13/2010 12:43:39 PM
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Woah, sounds like quite a trip, when you said your girlfriend came back & found you like that i thought she actually did, same for ambulance thing, good thing they were just projections of the fears you had on the trip.

I had that fear the first time i blasted off, i thought that 'this is it, im here forver stuck in this loop, my mums going to have to go through institutionalizing me' which was quite scary to say the least, after a few times though i came to understand that it will always end no matter how intense it is. Low doses & building up is the key imo, especially with a powerful extract like DMT.
#8 Posted : 11/13/2010 8:27:16 PM

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Have had experiences that sound similar to your folding. It seemed like I had become a hyperdimensional flexagon. Each shift would reveal a different composite of myself, with some aspects revealed on the surface and others hidden. The same physical sensation of folding you describe, though. Also the sense of having done something completely wrong and messing it up for everyone.

Thank you for sharing.
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#9 Posted : 11/14/2010 2:58:23 AM

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I could see myself lying on the floor, shaking and convulsing, at the same time I could see my girlfriend entering our home from the front door, seeing me lying on the floor. She ran to me yelling and crying "you goddamn idiot! what have you done!? Why did you do this?!" She yelled

i had this exact same experience happen to me.... the only difference is it really happened in this reality. I woke up on the floor screaming and thrashing around. Happened when i took waay too much and DEMANDED answers prior to entering hyperspace.

wokeup confused to see wife FREAKING OUT, screaming she looked afraid and said something about calling an ambulance and my parents! Confusing terrible way to wake up!
#10 Posted : 11/14/2010 11:32:54 AM

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Hehe, Wow! So did your wife happen to stroll in while you were tripping or was she as your sitter? But yeah, going through that whole range of emotions wasnt fun, especially when spice seems to amplify them to the max.

Altough after the trip for few days I was a total wreck, going through it in my mind later has changed my life for better, thats for sure. Smile Even though going through some seriously tough shit, theres always that silver lining Smile
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.

CosmicFool is a fictional character, a creation of imagination, and everything written above should not be taken seriously, or perhaps read at all.
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