DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 105 Joined: 12-Jul-2008 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024 Location: Samsara
SWIM can't believe he actually has to ask this question after more than two years worth of experience with the spice, but...there it is. Whenever SWIM asks, he keep getting cryptic responses like "You'll know it when it happens" or "if you have to ask, you've not broken through."
Maybe its SWIM's 57 year old brain or limitations in lung capacity (doubtful)...but for SWIM it never goes beyond intense kaleidoscopic closed eye imagery and open eye distortions...sometimes (rarely) a bit of mind-fuck or corporeal sensations such as local or systemic numbness.
So...can someone provide a description which is more helpful than those SWIM has received in the past.
Many thanks,
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
did you try the glass vaporgenie and a torch lighter? It will make all the difference in the world I promiss. From your descriptions you definitely doesnt seem to have broken through (my guess because of smoking technique, not lungs)
There cant be no description of a breakthrough because it is such a radical transformation of reality, you really cannot describe. In a breakthrough for me I have no notion at all that my normal self exists, that im a person with a body that just smoked dmt. I am completely experiencing this other reality and only much later during comedown one begins to remember 'this' reality (often I come back crying/laughing from the absurdity, being thankful for the experience). Not much more in terms of content can be said about the experience for the reasons I mentioned before.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 728 Joined: 09-Oct-2009 Last visit: 26-Jun-2024 Location: London
Doesn't sound to me like you have. It's almost impossible to describe, but for me it's when reality is replaced by some kind of... other landscape. (words fail me) What are you dosing? If you smoke 35mg efficiently I'm pretty sure you will breakthrough!! Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery. Sic transit gloria mundi
 John Murdoch IV
Posts: 2038 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 03-Jul-2024 Location: Changes from time to time.
When I break through I loose all awareness of this world and my body. I forget all about my life here and now. I'm just absolutely in some totally different/other reality. Seems like very far from this one  โโโโโโ
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction. I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
I've definately had breakthroughs into other parts of this world also. Like flying through the air and crashing into the side of some tower block, or stairing across at this fountain in front of this amazing hall. Also I have layed in a hammock which was tied to either side of the corner of my right eye as I was simeltaneously sat on my bookshelf laughing down at myself behind closed eyes.
It takes all kinds.
 No.. that can't be...

Posts: 493 Joined: 21-May-2010 Last visit: 04-May-2024 Location: The assylum
I would also have to agree that it does not sound as if you have 'broken through'. I am in my 50's and using a good device to vaporize with (I use the GVG) anything north of 25 mg has the ability to take you to that place which is difficult to put into words the description thereof. The most I have smoked is 45 mg and the experience was a mind blower => melding journeyMy GF has experiences much different than I, but we both go to that 'odd' place which seems to change from time to time. The comeback within 5-10 minutes is usually accompanied by an amazing sense of gratitude for us both. I really don't know why nor do I think either of us will ever figure it out. Get a good smoking device and a reliable lighter. Load up 30 mg, heat it carefully, and hold onto your mind.... Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
i believe the word is "amnesonia" which is actually the OPPOSITE of amnesia! Its remembering EVERYTHING at once. We actually live life in a state of amnesia and the spice allows us to remeber our true self for a mere moment out of time.
also the feeling of being outside of time, and amnesia from this baseline reality. For me i define a breakthrough with these terms
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
from my experience the difference between a breakthrough a body buzz, is the density of the smoke. When you are lighting up you will see the smoke begin to swirl. What your looking for a thick thick white cloud. This might sound silly but its like your looking for a ghost in the glass bottle/pipe. You will absolutely know it when you see it. Your body will immediatly recognize it and reject it when you smoke it... its like a UH OH effect when it hits your lungs (and i'm not talking about harshness). If you fail to develop this menacing white cloud you will NOT breakthrough period. That has been my experience at least. typically need around 40mg of spice to do it but can be done with 30.
when smoking friends up i will typically hear a hicup like noise when this thick cloud is inhaled and their body shudders for a split second...when this happens...the corporal body realizes whats coming next and shudder in terror/excitment.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 265 Joined: 05-Jan-2010 Last visit: 19-Jun-2018 Location: New Crobuzon, Bas-Lag
Hi, For me it's Alex Grey's 'Dying' picture which most brilliantly describe my experiences with spice. Not only the visuals, but that feel coming out from that painting. Me lying on bed, being transported out of body into some different space with entities observing me. I saw the picture for first time after many spice trips. http://www.alexgrey.com/a-gallery/dying.htmlRegards. 'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
 everything is becoming
Posts: 250 Joined: 19-May-2010 Last visit: 03-Feb-2018
skinwalker wrote:i believe the word is "amnesonia" which is actually the OPPOSITE of amnesia! Its remembering EVERYTHING at once. We actually live life in a state of amnesia and the spice allows us to remeber our true self for a mere moment out of time.
Bingo, this is the best description of a breakthrough I've heard in a long time. But I tried to look up the word "amnesonia"...no luck. Would a state of Total Recall suffice instead? thankyou Nothing lasts...nothing lasts...everything is changing into something else...nothing is wrong...nothing is wrong...everything is on the right track
In an interstellar burst I'm back to save the Universe
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1072 Joined: 12-Feb-2009 Last visit: 18-Dec-2021 Location: Here with you but living in florida
When I have a good breakthrough with my eyes closed I forget that I have a body and I transcend to another dimension. When they state that you will know when you have one they aren't exaggerating. I know it is frustrating especially if you have tried as much as you stated. I would recommend looking into other methods of ingestion if I were you. Changa allows this to happen over a longer period of time and it might work out well for you if you are not on any medication. As for freebase DMT usually if you can control your body enough to light up and take another hit then you probably aren't going to break through. Pure spice is a punch in the face which is why back in the day it was so vital for the spice to be completely pure as loss of motor coordination would come on quickly so it was a race. Try changa it will allow you a decent period of time to take in enough. If that does not work you may be resistant to the spice. I have seen some reputable people claim that spice does not effect 3-5% of the population. I have yet to meet one of these people but anything is possible. While you may not be immune to it you might possibly be resistant. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2240 Joined: 20-Oct-2009 Last visit: 23-Feb-2023 Location: PNW SWWA
Im 46 years old, I use the GVG and a torch lighter. Breakthrough for me requires 30mg of spice double for changa. I often go lower, say.... 20-25 mg and I voyage around the fringes. When I break through the come up is normal and then everything just kind of goes retarded and splinters and the surroundings are a different reality. Really crazy. I remember about 50% of it and I often remember everything about a break through during my next voyage. Sometimes I remember all of it right away. When everything splinters its kinda like world is made of Play Dough and then that splinters. Imagine a room your in made of play dough and everything in it splinters. Weird. Then its another plane of existence. Often familliar but not? Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=16089on the link above i even posted pictures of the inital PRE-breakthrough stages i experince, i assume it is similiar for most people. It also falls in line with the prevous "playdough" comment. All of those pictures are of what i see BEFORE the big enlightment of a breakthrough. the breakthrough itself? now thats where all links between commonality disperse
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 105 Joined: 12-Jul-2008 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024 Location: Samsara
Many thanks to all who responded. I read the accounts in the links provided with great interest. I probably should have said that SWIM's spice is top shelf, and he uses an oil pipe with great efficiency, so that's not the limiting factor. If pressed, SWIM will confess that there is a strong likelihood that the unmeasured dosages he uses for vaporized journeys are probably on the low side...maybe 20mg(?) - but there always seems to be at least a bit left over. SWIM only used his scale for oral doses of the fumarate salt. Honestly, it may come down to a matter of both courage and desire...it sure isn't a lack of supply.  The DMT music he hears and the intense closed-eye pixellation and morphing kaleidoscopic images in red and gold have been sufficient reward to date. SWIM's heart tells him there are deeper depths to plumb, but, he's always felt that going deeper would happen one day by accident. SWIM gets great pleasure out of "simply observing" the CEV's described above, but when corporeal effects (a sense of stretching/elongation of the fingers and his body overall, confusion, local and whole-body numbness) and open-eye cartoon world envelope him, so does the psychic discomfort (a.k.a.fear). Dosing has pretty much been up to and just short of the points you have all so eloquently described. Maybe its SWIM's age. He's no longer as adventurous and courageous as he used to be. Maybe one day when the time is right, it'll just happen or he'll grow a set of balls and go for it all. Again, many thanks. I hope your descriptions will benefit others as much as they have helped SWIM. N.B.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 728 Joined: 09-Oct-2009 Last visit: 26-Jun-2024 Location: London
Sounds to me like you just answered your own question. I'd buy a mg scale and load up 35mg. Like you suggest - you need to smoke it in a committed way to get a breakthrough dose. No half measures. After all dude - There is a reason why you did your extraction, why you visit the nexus and why you think about spice so often, and I'm guessing it isn't to see some pretty CEV's. Asking people what you are missing will never take you any closer to knowing, even if you read about it for a lifetime. Most of us feel the fear before smoking, but 99% of the time it evaporates as soon as you get to the other side. Put some trust in yourself and the spice, and just go for it. Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery. Sic transit gloria mundi
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
Quote:you need to smoke it in a committed way to get a breakthrough dose. sorry i should have said that, that one line i perhaps most important. I myself should repeat this line before smoking as i've failed quite a bit lately myself to have a breakthrough (just lack the courage and heart for some reason lately). It really is a commitment and somewhat of a test of bravery with a very strange reward awaiting you.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1760 Joined: 15-Apr-2008 Last visit: 06-Mar-2024 Location: in the Forest
Its been said before but when people say: you'll know when your having a breakthrough its so true. When my first real breakthrough finally happened to me many moons ago now it was more amazing and fantastic than anything I had ever heard or read about. I would say a total loss of body is a good indicator. This would be coupled with an experience so fantastic,weird and amazing you would not think it even possible in your wildest imagination. Also a certain clarity of thought during the whole affair. also running in circles afterwards repeating :" I can't believe what just happened to me" for a good hour afterwards is usually a sign. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke http://vimeo.com/32001208
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 105 Joined: 12-Jul-2008 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024 Location: Samsara
1664 wrote:Sounds to me like you just answered your own question. I'd buy a mg scale and load up 35mg. Like you suggest - you need to smoke it in a committed way to get a breakthrough dose. No half measures.
After all dude - There is a reason why you did your extraction, why you visit the nexus and why you think about spice so often, and I'm guessing it isn't to see some pretty CEV's. Asking people what you are missing will never take you any closer to knowing, even if you read about it for a lifetime.
Most of us feel the fear before smoking, but 99% of the time it evaporates as soon as you get to the other side. Put some trust in yourself and the spice, and just go for it. Yeah...I guess framing the question and looking within and without for an answer has a tendency to uncover the uncomfortable truth. It is, I think, a matter of courage and conviction, fear of the unknown, and foreknowledge of the power SWIM is holding in his hands. I'll report back when the deed is done. Again, many thanks to all who have helped SWIM acknowledge the fear. N.B.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 31-Dec-2009 Last visit: 25-Jan-2025 Location: outer limits
Hello NB, My advice is to just go for it! I have tried easing into it with a few warm up tokes and that made me more anxious than anything else. I use the sandwich method and usually stay around the 40-50 mg range, three to four puffs or until I feel the pipe has been cleared. The times I dont break thru is because I have been hesitant while toking. Harmalas either subling'ed or vaped seem to help the overwhelming aspects of vaped DMT for me. I have to agree with everyone else and have said it before, you will know when it happens because almost instantly this reality is swapped for that reality. There is nothing else like it as far as I am concerned. Each time I break thru and ego death is experienced in all it's beautiful glory, I come back wondering why I felt anxious in the first place, but . here I sit anxious again...lol... Aetherbound In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order..Jung All above writing with the exception of Dr. Jung's quote is pure mushroom encrusted cowpie!
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1072 Joined: 12-Feb-2009 Last visit: 18-Dec-2021 Location: Here with you but living in florida
When I had reservations on taking of the spice after a strongly negative experience I adapted to it by sitting with a loaded pipe by my side. I would just instinctively pick it up and not think about it and took a taste. There was no buildup it was not something I prepared for I just did it as a reflex like reaching for a glass of water on the table as you eat. You know you are doing it but you dont focus on the action. In doing so I was able to not build up a anxiety and thus fear was greatly diminished. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.