Is weed trippy for anyone? Options
#21 Posted : 9/24/2010 2:39:07 AM

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When I smoke daily, cannabis has more of a narcotic feel, but when I smoke every weekend or so, I get more of a psychedelic feel. Oral cannabis is more trippy, than smoking it. I love the headspace cannabis puts you in.
I smoked a blunt with a friend who had never experienced it before, and he had a truly psychedelic experience. You would have thought I gave him a hit of acid. He was talking about the music coming from all different directions. He was babbling and laughing. It would have been a bit scary, if he didn't have a giant smile on his face.
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#22 Posted : 9/25/2010 8:45:55 AM


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Phantastica wrote:
My body and my consciousnes felt like they were dying and being re-born every moment of existence. I literally felt like i was manifesting every nanosecond, and then disappearing into an emptiness every nanosecond, simultaneously. It was anaologous to blinking your eyes in a way. every time the eyes are blinked, the eyes in a way, reset their vision. Similarly, my reality was coming into existence, and being constantly reset, in a "blinking" was fucking weird. There was also quite a bit of time dilation.

Very well put Phantasica. It was very awesome the last time I had a hash brownie I felt the exact same way, I was being shown a lot in my life and was re-experiencing it but when you put the spin on about being reborn it makes more sense and it seems my memory was projecting my past and I was able to relive it and perceive it differently and learn from the lessons or at least be aware of them, I am very obliged to undergoing that transformation Smile.

With my first few marijuana uses I got very high where the viewpoint was delusional and paranoid. I have come to cope with the initial fear now I use it occasionally to get insight but nothing close the the first times I used it. Hash is where you can get into some deep personal insight and an intense psychedelic trip. I don't smoke very much MJ when I do, but using high doses seldom is what I enjoy.
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#23 Posted : 9/25/2010 10:22:01 AM

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last time swim ate some moroccan egg shaped hash he felt very heady uplifting high but when he came back after 4 hours i think.he had headache like when he smoke lot of joints in one night
anyway there's particularly strains more trippy than others,usually sativa's, haze family and thai family: cinderella 99,jack herer,african landrace,durban poison..,malawi gold,kali mist,flo and many others
Tz'is aná
#24 Posted : 9/25/2010 6:14:23 PM

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Sublime wrote:
but when you put the spin on about being reborn it makes more sense and it seems my memory was projecting my past and I was able to relive it and perceive it differently and learn from the lessons or at least be aware of them, I am very obliged to undergoing that transformation Smile.

yes this was a very fun experience, which after undergoing a bunch of times, i took for granted. In the very first such experiences, i didn't know what to make of it. all i knew was that "I was blinking." but with more such experiences, integration followed, and then i realized that this experience was analogous to being born, and die every moment, with a repeating loop. It is also realized that we can know nothing for certain, except the present, since it is only memories that bring the past into existence, like you said. i also wish i could experience this again. haven't smoked weed in many months, so will see how it turns out with hash sometime.

Sublime wrote:
With my first few marijuana uses I got very high where the viewpoint was delusional and paranoid. I have come to cope with the initial fear now I use it occasionally to get insight but nothing close the the first times I used it.

same with me; initial trips had a tinge of paranoia and delusions, which soon faded as i turned into a potheadLaughing
Though, i have gotten insights very rarely on more than a couple times; one of which had me jumping in joy
#25 Posted : 9/25/2010 7:16:48 PM


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GDP (grand daddy purp) is the most psychedelic strain i've ever used. it's subsequently also the tastiest of them all (IMHO) very strong stuff. indica.

#26 Posted : 9/25/2010 10:41:38 PM


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Welcome back, house (?)
#27 Posted : 10/6/2010 11:05:38 PM

Chairman of the Celestial Divison

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Weed, is extremely psychedelic for me. I think it strongly has to do with all of the entheogens I have done. Weed seems to connect me to a space, where my memories, from various experiences from DMT, mushrooms, and other psychedelics all come together to form a very interesting journey. Very trippy.
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"Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). "
He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
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#28 Posted : 10/6/2010 11:42:23 PM

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I was a daily smoker for years, but after a years worth of journeys it has become very psychedelic for me. I have actually all but quit, ( maybe 1 doob a week), to supplement my trips.
I seem to have gotten very sensitive to it and it isnt always enjoyable as it once was. It is a very tricky plant spirit indeed!Laughing

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order..Jung
All above writing with the exception of Dr. Jung's quote is pure mushroom encrusted cowpie!
#29 Posted : 10/21/2010 8:15:54 PM

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Mindlusion wrote:
Weed, is extremely psychedelic for me. I think it strongly has to do with all of the entheogens I have done. Weed seems to connect me to a space, where my memories, from various experiences from DMT, mushrooms, and other psychedelics all come together to form a very interesting journey. Very trippy.


When i first tried weed and a few times after it was chill, and light, but not what i was expecting (only one batts though), but still a nice high, i just wasnt sure what all the hype was about.
Then one day my friend and I were on a trail and must have smoked more than usual, maybe not, extreme time dilation as we were walking back, then i remember hallucinating different peoples faces turning around on my buddy in front of me and (true hallucination, certain it was true at the moment) that he was them, people from our school. Extreme racing thought, dillusions, much is forgetten.
Getting through the forest i remember the babbling gained heights as did the colors and visuals, i do remember raving a pretend time about a show interviewer to my friend, who was clearly not tripping, probably very high as well.
The walk must have felt heavy and the sun, as I remember lying down and writhing in the sun talking of how it was burning me, do i relate the vampire notion to it now or was it then. Pretty sure it was then as I was probably jabbering so much shit.
We went inside, and probably ate or played video games.
It will be mediated on at the right time for deeper memory of it.

Then weed became the normal semi trippy stone i think most find it.

My first awakening and visions, also came from weed.

I remember we were smoking under this beautiful dark clear sky and we were walking back to the house when I looked up and just had this grand realization of
"This is the world we live in."
Simple and yet so impacting on someone who ones tried to run and deny the realities of the here.
After getting inside I was very high and layed down into my head where I was put in a sort of spaceship craft, where rows and rows of the archives of past memories and as such I am sure knowledge, I was prompted as to what I wanted to see.
I responded with my oldest memory possible, after which I was seemingly ejected from the overload.
You may form your own beliefs as to why, as there are many a possibility.

Once again while at a park taking bong rips I got that divine buzz/ whitenoise and was incapacitated by the visuals, "body load", and the noise.
I remember grasping on to a climbing object at the park and being unreachable and in a self proclaimed comatose state.

Again one other time while in a friends sauna this happened, where I just lied down on the edge of a bed.
This last time was more or less the same as the one previous.

The visuals remembered in the 1st, 3rd, and 4th experiences of this severity could be described as one other member stated "fuzzy patterns" Pleased
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#30 Posted : 10/22/2010 1:59:16 AM
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In its own way, swim finds cannabis very psychedelic. He's experimented growing Cannabis with cubensis mycellium in the soil, and the mushroom does seem to leave its influence on the ganja. Either that, or swim just thinks it does. Either way, it seems to result in a bit of that tryptamine-style psychedelia after some smoke for swim.
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#31 Posted : 10/22/2010 2:18:47 AM

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^ I highly doubt that the tryptamines are metabolized by the cannabis plant as some sort of precursers to active compounds produced by the plant..Im sure the biosynthetic pathways for cannabinoids and tryptamines are completely different.

Cannabis is psychedelic on its own..I personally dont enjoy the full on effects of cannabis though.
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#32 Posted : 10/22/2010 4:40:19 AM
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I wasn't postulating any kind of scientific theory for the phenomenon, I was just saying that it seems to me that the essence of the mushroom does rub off on the plant.
I am awake in a dream called reality.
#33 Posted : 10/22/2010 5:21:26 AM


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The news high is even worse than when you're tripping.

you realize how bullshit it is.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#34 Posted : 10/22/2010 7:10:15 AM

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Harmalas also make cannabis incredibly trippy. There is nothing like ONE (any more would be too much! Shocked ) puff, out in the forest, the morning after a wild night with Ayahuasca.

Last time I smoked... one puff... I couldn't get up... I felt electrified threads of copper stitched to my corneas in Mayan patterns, flickering... It tends to kick up any residual Caapi (which is usually a lot Pleased ) floating around in my system.

Sometimes --one puff-- has resulted in the same full body shivers that I get during an Ayahuasca peak.

Not something to be taken lightly, but if I can manage to have just enough without having too much, sometimes I can create beautiful music. Smile
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#35 Posted : 10/26/2010 4:05:34 AM

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If i smoke all day and use nothing but cannabis at the end of the day i will be in a euphoria similar to that a L trip. But we must keep in mind cannabis is a psychedelic and when cannabis is activated in your body your experiencing it through the majority of your receptors. could result in the bringing of maybe an overwhelming or sedated feeling... just my thoughts. DYLYLYLYLYLYLY
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#36 Posted : 10/26/2010 8:39:13 AM

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weed has many ceiling effects in swim opinion. if swim smokes 1.5 grams of weed himself in about 2 hours than he could smoke more and more weed without more noticeable effects..than he would have headache for sure Rolling eyes Confused
Tz'is aná
#37 Posted : 11/8/2010 11:51:15 PM

Chairman of the Celestial Divison

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I found some particularly "trippy" weed the other day.

As soon as I smoked it, I knew I was in for something intense.
I was experiencing all the trippy effects I usually get from weed, major CEVS and OEV tracers. DEEP trance state, and hearing voices.

And hour later, My friend and I departed for home. As I was walking towards a path I usually walk through, I heard a very strange, Very REAL sound. It was like static, with an eerie, pulsing beat to it.

As I got closer to the path, I realized this sound was coming from the path. The sound got louder, and I started to really FEEL the pulsing. This sound really had some negative vibes coming from it, I had a strong feeling that it did not want me here. The closer I got to path, I saw the air vibrating above the path. It vibrated along with the pulsing. As the sound got more intense, I asked myself "Do I really want to go down this path?" I turned around and started walking away. As I got further away, The sound slowly died away but I kept feeling like someone was behind me. I couldn't get this sound out my mind so I walked back to it again. The sound, pulsing and vibrating got louder again, and I approached the path. My senses were screaming "WHAT THE F*CK" as I was surrounded by this noise. I took a step onto the gravel path and in an instant, the sound stopped. You know that feeling that someone is standing behind you? All I could feel was this presence behind me.

THEN, It grabbed my shoulder, and for an instant, was inside of me, and then disappeared.

I walked away from this path, and took the road home.


I have been known to have VERY intense weed experiences with all weed but,

This experience was characteristic of this particular weed I have. It looks and smells
like normal, But with these weed, I ALWAYS DISTINCTIVELY hear these very real sounds that don't actually exist. (Well I actually don't know this, because no one has been with me when I heard these sounds) I also see shapes of people, and other entities that talk to me.
Also characteristic of this strain, I feel like something else is hiding, and THEY are in control. This strain often leaves me feeling paranoid, and psychotic.

Here is another experience with this same strain.

For instance, on another occasion with this same strain,

I was in my bedroom, Door was closed, lights were off.

I kept hearing noises, Like something moving around in my room. I saw figures and shapes of people sneaking around and watching me. I felt like a child fearful of the dark.
I turned on the lights after hearing more moving around. And of course, Nothing was there. The door had not opened, and I did not hear it open. I turned the lights off again, and Immediately, I heard movement, I FELT THE RUSH OF AIR as something moved past me. I turned the lights on again. Nothing. I turned them off, and heard nothing for about 5 minutes. Then all of a sudden, coming from right beside me, a loud CLAP! I immediately turned on the lights, and nothing was to be seen. The door had not budge. 3:30AM, Alone in my house, What is the source of this clap?

So when has weed become a deliriant?
Expect nothing, Receive everything.
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He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
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#38 Posted : 11/9/2010 1:47:01 AM

John Murdoch IV

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I've tripped on cannabis but never had any visuals. Just very trippy thoughts, emotions and scenario. But more from sativas than indicas.

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#39 Posted : 11/9/2010 6:11:41 AM

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Whenever I smoke pot lately, which is maybe once every four or five days, visuals aren't very pronounced, but I definitely start "hearing" a voice in my head guiding me in which direction I need to take in my life. It isn't as though I'm literally "hearing" it, but it is as though my thoughts are hijacked and something is controlling the words coming into my head.

Trippy indeed..
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