Mescalahuasca.. is it safe? Options
#1 Posted : 11/8/2010 7:25:00 PM

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Its not safe. Especially with a mixture of compounds for which you have no idea whats in them. Also cacti can contain tyramine which is not safe.

I think its a bad idea. If one had pure mescaline they could try low doses and see whats a safe dose but with raw cacti I think its really not a good idea.

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#2 Posted : 11/8/2010 7:28:40 PM

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Either go low on the aya or the cactus. High doses of both is a bad idea.

I tried a low dose of ayahuasca on a high dose of cactus and it kind of mad me rush MDMA style, but it also took away some of the mescaline energy for an hour or two. Other than that there were no nasty side effects.
#3 Posted : 11/8/2010 7:34:42 PM

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If its in base form most likely.

Honestly though if its your first time you should just stick with the cacti. Mescaline is a beautiful experience on its own and if you are unfamiliar with the effects and throw in MAOI's which can have quite a body load it will be difficult to gauge whats ok and whats not.

Just my advise you can of course do what you like.
#4 Posted : 11/8/2010 7:44:23 PM

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Thanks Very happy i love how fast this question was answered yall are great. Im gonna stick with just the mescal i dont want to have a hypertensive crisis trippin. It seems tyramine is soluble in d limonene plus all those other nasty aminos could come out too.

I guess i should share this link for anyone else who has the same questions,, they say tyramine would be pulled out too.

Love yall!
#5 Posted : 11/8/2010 7:48:05 PM

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Ah yeah I skipped the bit where you say you haven't had mesc before.

Also I think mesc alone is far superior.
#6 Posted : 11/8/2010 8:10:18 PM
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I would also like to contribute a really nice "overview" of MAOI interactions and mode of action. It will answer many questions for the "non-expert" on the subject and its quite "friendly": lots of nice diagrams that will make people who love "books with pictures" feel all warm inside. Actually i think its one of the best introductions on the subject out there, a must read. My opinion is that this could serve as a rather conscise introduction to anyone "starting out" MAOI bioassays of any sort or starting to learn about them.

While i have to second the people above me, i must say -with great care though- that RIMA's such as harmine and harmaline are not very dangerous when combined with tyramine , compared to the non selective or irreversible (or even worse both at the same time) MAO inhibitors. Why am i saying that with care? Because i cannot know how much tyramine a random cacti concotion will contain and also because human carelessnes can be vast , it never stops to amaze me : in other words this is NOT a green light when cacti and MAOI comes into play, because i do not know how one will approach it. Will he/she load up on 300 mgs of mixed harmala alkaloids and drink a rather big volume ofconcentrated aqueous cacti extract? I have no way of knowing and i bet there will always be people that "push it".

Anyway, enjoy the attached document.
#7 Posted : 11/8/2010 8:48:32 PM

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Agreed Crystalito.

There can still be dangerous interactions from the alkaloid themselves not just tyramine. Tyramine is not that much of a concern with harmines. But the pharmacology of many cactus alkaloids is largely unknown. I'd worry about that more then tyramine but again the level of tyramine could vary so who knows.

Cool article though thanks for posting.
#8 Posted : 11/10/2010 8:40:01 PM


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While I have not taken the standard 150+ mg of harmalas, I have dosed sublingual caapi extract or THH in the 25-50 mg range. I have done this while on moderate amounts of cactus with no ill effects. If on a 'functioning' dose of cactus (5-10 grams) one can get that edgy feeling and a small dose of harmala can be soothing.

Again, I have no experience with 'ayahuasca' dosage harmalas with cactus, so listen to Burnt and either try the cact** by itself or ease in the dosage. Cact alone is truly one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. There is not anything that isn't fun on cactus. It can be social, spiritual or just visually incredible.

side note: I like to have neurotransmitter boosting aminos on hand for the days following. Tryptophan, N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, GABA, etc. all help with smoothing out the dip one may feel in mood after a deep journey.

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#9 Posted : 11/11/2010 5:33:22 AM
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^anitoxidants before (and)or after mescaline (any phen really) are a good preventative measure. this MAPS link lists a few suggestions, alpha lipoic acid is a good antioxidant that's not on the list.
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#10 Posted : 11/11/2010 6:11:10 AM

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Fantastic overview of MAOIs, Crystalito, thanks for posting it.Should be essential reading for afficionados who like using these agents in combination with others!
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#11 Posted : 11/11/2010 10:29:54 PM

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I would like to know as much as possible. Very happy Does anyone know more about the traditional uses of Aya and San Pedro together?

I am still a cactus virgin... The only thing that concerns me is that I've experienced firsthand some mindblowing potentiation of seemingly innocuous compounds while completely saturated with Aya...
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#12 Posted : 11/11/2010 11:14:00 PM
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I've combined a small amount of peyote with some caapi-extract. The result is an XTC-like experience. It's more than a year ago now so i don't remember what exact amount of both i took, but it wasn't much of both.
The experience was like the rush when you've taken MDMA and it just starts working. That rushing lasted for many hours. It was extremely pleasant.

I can imagine that in psychedelic doses, it would be far less comfortable. I find mescaline to have XTC-like effects anyway, when you take only small sub-psychedelic doses of it. When you take a larger dose, it becomes a completely different experience that has no simmilarity with XTC in any way.
#13 Posted : 11/11/2010 11:17:23 PM
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ms_manic_minxx wrote:
I would like to know as much as possible. Very happy Does anyone know more about the traditional uses of Aya and San Pedro together?

I am still a cactus virgin... The only thing that concerns me is that I've experienced firsthand some mindblowing potentiation of seemingly innocuous compounds while completely saturated with Aya...

In your case i realy wouldn't try combining the two. Psychedelic cacti also contain hordenine. I remember it being one of the suspects in your grassdrink that caused you to go through the ceiling once.
#14 Posted : 11/12/2010 2:50:11 AM

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These are exactly the things I need to know!! Thank you. Very happy

I might have to walk around in a surgeon's mask when people start cutting their lawns again in the spring. Shocked

I am quite cactus-curious, though... Twisted Evil
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#15 Posted : 11/13/2010 3:54:38 PM
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ms_manic_minxx wrote:
These are exactly the things I need to know!! Thank you. Very happy

I might have to walk around in a surgeon's mask when people start cutting their lawns again in the spring. Shocked

I am quite cactus-curious, though... Twisted Evil

Mescaline has something of ayahuasca quality in itself. It has much in common with ayahuasca made with chaliponga, but it doesn't have that intimidating alienness and it's visions are more colourfull.
What it does have in common with chaliponga is the feel of tangibillity of the visions you get, that dimension of hyperrealness. It also blends the senses very much.
Mescaline is very related to ayahuasca. Both to the vine as to it's admixtures. You will feel a sense of recognition immediately, like being in another corner of the same room.
I bet you like it.
#16 Posted : 11/14/2010 1:29:25 AM

The Great Namah

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Many years ago I tried 120g Bridesii and 3 grams rue...while not a smart combo neither my wife nor I experienced any negative side effects from them. It was a rather speedy 14 hr experience though, and we much prefer any cactus by itself over cactus and MAOI.
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#17 Posted : 11/14/2010 1:35:48 AM

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so there was a difference? at first i was thinking the maoi would increase duration but the mescaline itself lasts longer than the maoi does.
#18 Posted : 11/14/2010 2:10:10 AM

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Meh, a was more energetic than usual (even for a bridgesii)....but drifted off into a pleasant dream state at about the 6 hour mark. We had also tried a massive melatonin boost the week prior @ 12-18mg/night (was supposed to increase mescaline effects)...not sure if that contributed to the effects or not...either way the rue added to the initial nausea.

We only used maoi once with any cactus if that tells you anything.
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I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#19 Posted : 6/13/2011 7:49:13 PM

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It has been safe in the experience of many people who have tried it.

no negative effects from this combination have been reported that have not been reported from cactus alone and most who try this combination do not report ill effects

Anyone have any medical cases they can provide reference to where harmala alkaloids or a combination of them with any food caused hypertension?

If there are people who believe it happened to them, did they measure their blood pressure and verify this?
#20 Posted : 6/13/2011 9:12:59 PM

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the one time i took cactus i preloaded with 3grams of syrian rue tea since the cacti had was supposed to be a very mild dose.

I had an awesome 18hour trip on those 25grams of dried san pedro with no real side effects.
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