69Ron's "Triple E" Tech for Elemicin Extraction from Elemi Oil Options
#181 Posted : 8/20/2010 8:26:08 PM
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^report wrote:
Dinner was had then 2 ml was added to the chocolate milk.

produced 'too much energy' followed by bliss.

69ron wrote:
Taking elemicin in a capsule on a full stomach produces a stimulant effect that is only weakly psychedelic, if at all.

Sounds about right.

Thanks for the link, good to get other sources.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#182 Posted : 8/21/2010 2:12:16 AM

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69ron wrote:

As far as I know there is no regulation of essential oils and the FDA doesn’t check these oils. So if a company was found selling 100% fake oils, there’s nothing you can do about it because it’s not FDA regulated. Besides, they would claim they purchased the oil from a reseller overseas and they didn’t know it was fake. It’s a believable story.

This pretty much sucks. Not knowing if your oil is actually the real deal or not is a big problem. Is there a place that tests oils for you that doesn’t sell oils, so they have no vested interest in giving you false results? Does anyone know?

Not sure how rigorous, but there is a standard called EOBBD.

"The way to tell if an essential oil is a therapeutic quality oil is to look for E.O.B.B.D. label. The letters E.O.B.B.D. stand for "Essential Oils Botanically and Biochemically Defined." When you buy an E.O.B.B.D. labeled oil, it is your guarantee that the essential oil is 100% pure."

Only found one elemi supplier with certification. Again more research might be required. Could be a marketing gimmick.
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#183 Posted : 8/22/2010 4:09:54 AM

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After following this thread for some time, I was inspired to explore to give elemicin a try. Thanks to 69ron for all the information, innovation, and inspiration.

Here are a few notes from two experiences to date. No other substances were ingested during or 24 hours prior to the experiences aside from my usual cup of morning coffee.

Test 1:

Sunday: took about 2 ml of elemi oil from FV in a glass of milk. Figured this might be a good baseline (or at least a good allergy test -- don't have any DMSO). The taste was not particularly good, but was tolerable.

After about an hour, feeling is mostly a light stimulant. Can't rule out placebo effect, though. Not sure. Still, no ill effects and not sedating in the slightest.

Back to baseline after about 2.5 hours.

Test 2:
Saturday (1 week following):

Setting -- quiet, relaxed afternoon at home in backyard garden and sunlit living-room.

+0:00 -- After a small lunch of about a cup of pasta in butter, a few cooked carrots and some apple, drank 16 ounces of milk with 2ml elemicin extract from FV (x5). Taste was very pleasant. The extract reportedly contains roughly 3.5 times as much elemicin as the elemi oil sold by FV that was tried one week ago, so this was equal to the elemicin content of about 7 ml of that original elemi oil.

+0:25 -- definitely feeling some slight physical effects; a light euphoria and sense of well-being.

+1:20 -- feeling good; definitely visual enhancement, colors seem brighter, perhaps a little harder to focus attention (in the same way as with other psychedelics), but still the feeling is subtle. Light physical euphoria, feeling of well-being, but no stimulant effects. There is definitely something there; well beyond placebo. The visual/color enhancement is definitely happening, though not quite 'psychedelic'.

+1:50 -- Feeling very good. A bit giddy, actually. No overt visuals, but some interesting CEVs (above and beyond baseline). Feel particularly sociable, which is notable in contrast to my usual curmudgeonly hermitic ways.

+4:06 -- Mostly back to baseline. Slight fatigue, perhaps, but generally no worse for wear.

Overall conclusion: there was no doubt this was something different from baseline, with enhanced visual sensation and appreciation of music, and a definite physical sense of well-beling and light euphoria. It was all rather subtle, but promising. I will try increasing the dose in a week or so; there was enough there to make me think that higher doses might indeed be psychedelic.
~ hpp
#184 Posted : 8/22/2010 11:35:35 AM

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I think it's all a matter of dosage. I think SWIM is extra sensitive to elemicin. Others SWIM knows personally have needed as much as 10 times what SWIM needs in order to feel the effects. That's a giant variance in individual responsiveness to elemicin.

In this way, I think it's like 5-MeO-DMT, in that individual dosage requirements vary by as much as 10 times. No one knows why 5-MeO-DMT is like that. SWIM can get effects with 1 mg sublingually, others need 10 mg or more to reach the same effects from 5-MeO-DMT.

I think we're dealing with a similar phenomenon.

If you took 2 ml of an extract thats equivalent to 7 ml of elemi oil and you're getting effects like what SWIM would get from 0.5 ml, then you need about 10-15 times as much for the same level of effects.

I wonder what causes this.

On another forum I visit there's this user who was pretty much ready to give up on elemi oil until his last trip when he finally experienced some mild psychedelic effects from it. His dose was many times more than what SWIM would need.

I feel stupid for posting dosage information based on SWIM's tests. SWIM usually needs much smaller doses of psychedelics compared to what most other people need. Typically his doses are 1/2-1/4 what others need. I think in terms of elemicin it's more like 1/10 of what most people need.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#185 Posted : 8/22/2010 5:18:59 PM

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I do suspect I will need a much higher dose of elemicin for effects. There was definitely something there, though, so I'm not ready to give up on it myself. Perhaps 3 or 4 times the dose I took? I'll try again in a week.

My sensitivity to other substances is quite varied: I am fairly sensitive to DMT (20 mg vaporized is consistently enough for a breakthrough); but harmine and harmaline render me a laughable light-weight. I am exquisitely sensitive to THC. On the other hand, I can handle relatively large doses of LSD and psilocybin. It seems really hard to gauge sensitivity from one substance to another.
~ hpp
#186 Posted : 8/22/2010 9:05:20 PM

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I tried 2ml of my oil - which smells like flowery nutmeg - through the triple E tech, and consumed it in a glass of milk. Felt no real psychedelic effects, but a very nice euphoriant effect that faded in about an hour and a half. Disappointed by this, I consumed a drop of acid, and I literally tripped balls for 24 hours.

After that I finally started to come down, but the come-down lasted maybe 15-20 hours more. That's 30+ hours duration. Other people around me tripping on the same amount of the same LSD didn't trip nearly as hard or for nearly as long. In other words, caution is to be taken when combining this oil with anything. It potentates other substances.
#187 Posted : 8/22/2010 9:10:55 PM

Dr Do Little

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Wooah bless you evening glory you just blew my mind Very happy
SWIM now knows his next calling Very happy
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

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#188 Posted : 8/22/2010 9:39:54 PM
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Before we all go around drinking DMSO and essential oils to get high...

DMSO exposure to developing mouse brains can produce brain degeneration.[13] This neurotoxicity could be detected at doses as low as 0.3 mL/kg, a level exceeded in children exposed to DMSO during certain medical treatments.

Skin irritation (human): Mild

They say it's not toxic and pretty hard to die from, but because I know most people here wouldn't have done the research I thought I'd do it for you. So I put up some of the 'risks' to possibly take into consideration...
#189 Posted : 8/22/2010 9:51:51 PM

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Evening Glory wrote:
I tried 2ml of my oil - which smells like flowery nutmeg - through the triple E tech, and consumed it in a glass of milk. Felt no real psychedelic effects, but a very nice euphoriant effect that faded in about an hour and a half. Disappointed by this, I consumed a drop of acid, and I literally tripped balls for 24 hours.

After that I finally started to come down, but the come-down lasted maybe 15-20 hours more. That's 30+ hours duration. Other people around me tripping on the same amount of the same LSD didn't trip nearly as hard or for nearly as long. In other words, caution is to be taken when combining this oil with anything. It potentates other substances.

The potentiation effect of elemicin is unusual. Others have reported that non-psychedelic doses greatly potentiate LSA/LSH containing seeds, producing a trip like that of LSD, and very intense. SWIM found it doubles the potency of mescaline, makes the trip come of faster, but strangely shortens the trip. This mescaline potentiation is experienced by SWIM at sub psychedelic doses of elemicin. Even doses so small you can’t feel it alone will potentiate the effects of other psychedelic.

So definitely use caution when mixing it with other psychedelics. The potentiation effect can last up to 12 hours after taking it. At least that’s been SWIM’s experience. Your personal mileage may vary.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#190 Posted : 10/27/2010 5:39:52 PM

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just so you guys know, i used to be friends with a very large ethnogen vendor who was very successful. the month he tried to do this on a large scale to sell on his vendor site, the police raided his business. it was because of his work with elemi oil. whatever trouble it got him in was enough to make his hide in russia.....

just a word, it is known about places. or was about 6 years ago
#191 Posted : 11/8/2010 5:52:12 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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I recently took a a class on distilling essential oils. Elemi oil is composed of lots of different components Elmecin being only one of them. The trick in separation is to use a columnar still and find the evaporation temp point of Elmecin... It is a bit more complicated then that but for those of you who get what I mean its fairly simple. You can further distill each component by focusing on their evaporation temp.
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#192 Posted : 11/8/2010 6:31:13 PM

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Dorge wrote:
I recently took a a class on distilling essential oils. Elemi oil is composed of lots of different components Elmecin being only one of them. The trick in separation is to use a columnar still and find the evaporation temp point of Elmecin... It is a bit more complicated then that but for those of you who get what I mean its fairly simple. You can further distill each component by focusing on their evaporation temp.

You give a false impression of the situation by stating that the different constituents of the elemi oil can be separated by distillation as long as you know their different boiling points. An array of oils with different boiling points will often co-distil and/or form azeotropic mixtures. I suggest you read more on distillation and separation.

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#193 Posted : 11/15/2010 4:57:17 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Missssssed you..... God so much....

Your right though other oils will be distilled out with it. And there is a lot more to it. Just wished to point some heads in that direction for the purpose of exploration. I do not know a lot about the process just that the teacher said it could be done.
As always it's wonderful communicating here with such great folks such as your self.
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