I had been in a crappy mood lately - brain chemistry a bit out - no real reason other than perhaps change in season and change in location.
I thought that i had purged it all out but it seemed there was still some left.
Mdma was organised as it usually fixes odd brain chemistry - a bit later fungus was consumed.
The mdma was wonderfully healing - then when it left the mu came on strong and we ate some white root.
Very open headed visions - like a sunroom, during this time i was taught an important lesson about spice.
I previously had experiences with the spice that had scared me. Often a mesh would appear in front of me - made of green and red +'s - for some reason this made me fear. The fungus brought that up to be fixed - it would show me a flash of that mesh and allow me to perceive my reaction fully and disect my response.
It occured as such - the mesh was shown to me the first time and i felt fear - then i understood its nothing to fear - so i felt love.
then a few mins later the mesh would jump out again - this time it was fear, quickly followed by love - then again - this time fear for 10% then love 90%, last time it appeared my instant reaction was love.
So mushies helped me to interpret things on spice - a helpfull ally indeed.
During this time cactus tea was prepared - come sunrise -we moved outside - natures_revenge and i seated on the back verandah watching the moon in the pure white morning sky - the cactus juice, some juice and some oranges were set out and we consumed our breakfast of champions - admiring the clarity of the brew

(ay tripple filtered, top shelf)
We sat waiting for the purge - during this time we watched 2 spiders on the awning pack up their webs (very awesome to watch during nice visuals)
The purge came - and was perfect.
We moved indoors to travel - and after some visions we both slept for 3 hours - awaking fully rested and refreshed - still slightly trippy tho.
Later that day Lenard came over - natures_revenge and i had set up a hammock each below the trees in my garden - and we got out a garden blanket, and beanbag for more seating.
Changa was smoked - first was soft and loving, second was soft and made me want to go deeper, then a new changa was made.
Koi enhanced lavender(a lavender bush that grows over the koi pond has its roots in the waterfall of the pond) 22x caapi(thanks professor

mullien, a dash of harmine and 100mg spice.
This changa prooved to be very beautifull - i reached the veil, i realized my toes are the weakest part of my body, i decided i am going to get a falcon or smaller bird of prey and that i am now at the end of one journey - the journey up until this point.
Up till now it has been all about learning things about myself - getting rid of stuff that causes fear or holds me back - now things have changed - i am going for breakthru from now on - my journey has just begun.
Also i am happy to finally have the perfect hammock spot in my garden to smoke spice.
Fully healed.
antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell
Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great
He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.