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#1 Posted : 10/27/2010 5:39:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Ok Me first so tell me what you think and for gods sake be honest I dont want any smoke up my .....

Listen to this primal melody
and I will tell you of things, of things to be.
For the words I weave are tried and true,
A mystical spell to entrance you.
The rhythm of the beat. With a slip of the tongue.
Your will, your judgment has been undone.
As My fingers manipulate your strings,
Your memories fade into a chlorine dream.
These words will find you in the darkness of night.
as desperation brings you to fright.
Give unto me you darkest desire.
Bring unto me your eternal fire.
Pleasure and passion it doth embrace
those who dwell in this sacred place.
listen to these words and listen well
with my fingers I woven this spell.
For mere words and phrases cannot define
That which I weave upon your mind
the love you seek is pure and true.
It is naught an illusion that I have woven for you.
deeper and deeper your mind descends
your hopes and dreams on love transcend
as we project our souls entwine.
forged as one for all time.
you succumb unto me as I complete this rhyme
Know that upon fire and stone, by wind and by sea
Our love has bound us eternally
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.

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#2 Posted : 10/27/2010 5:40:39 AM

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Location: Here with you but living in florida
I sat in a room as dark as can be
There I transcribed all that came to me
Patient and silent I waited for them
Force it you cannot or it will end
I wrote what I heard not a letter more
Profound was these word from anima adore
I love her with every inch of my heart
My anima who sings to me in the deepest of dark
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#3 Posted : 10/27/2010 5:42:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Here with you but living in florida
Cast out the corruption to make room for more
To fill my needs with anima adore
A pleasure without words
Of desire unheard
Bubbling a thrust with primal lust
Cast you down with passionate throes
And ravage your body till exstacy’s glow
Your mind and you loose
Softly seeking peruse
feed you with desire
ever raging fire
consume me you will
devouring my body to fill
your ravaging lust
Feed from me your pleasured fire
and consume me you will with your desire
Every inch of my body sacrificed to you
To thyne own heart forever be true
An orgasm of words and visions did write
All shall be fulfilled with passion tonight
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#4 Posted : 10/27/2010 5:43:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Here with you but living in florida
Envision a place where matter cannot.
Envision a place where there is no thought.
In a place where there is no light
In the void of night.
Fear not the worries of tomorrow.
Do not dwell on the pains of yesterday's sorrow.
Listen to the void with baited breath.
Wait till it comes like your ultimate death.
The peace of thoughtless life is here.
For in nothing there is nothing to fear.
Clear your thoughts worries and needs.
Let your memories slowly recceed.
Listen to nothing and listen well.
The voice will call to you and you will see.
That eternal wisdom lies within thee.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#5 Posted : 10/27/2010 10:06:50 AM

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vovin, you are an absolutely incredible poet! so beautiful and compelling..loved it. keep em comingVery happy
#6 Posted : 10/27/2010 5:30:40 PM


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Keep it up vovin, you got something going there =)

May peace and love find your Being, and thanks for giving me something beautiful to read.
#7 Posted : 10/27/2010 6:05:45 PM

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Desperate and in the
again to call upon the past
make me up
like always.
if we
we can
glory once again.
Everything I post is made up fiction. SWIM represents a character who is not based in or on reality.
#8 Posted : 10/27/2010 6:15:29 PM

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if we were clearly defined
all our words
they'd be nothing
the air we'd expel
to utter them
it'd be nothing
Knots or nothing
sand dollars
at the bar
Bee's buzzin'
couldn't drown out
my mistakes
Shrouded hide-outs
couldn't purify
could isolate
but couldn't imitate
with any accuracy
the shallows we know
thruth'd catch a ride
on our shoulders
We'd be laws
without morals
Everything I post is made up fiction. SWIM represents a character who is not based in or on reality.
#9 Posted : 10/27/2010 8:15:05 PM
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Location: Multi-versal Reality
There are many answers
But on which can we rely?
The answer is to take them all
Because they're all just a verse or a line
In the same sonic sky
The same cosmic eye
Opening and seeing its own mind
We're all just a vision of this kind
I am awake in a dream called reality.
#10 Posted : 10/28/2010 10:44:21 PM


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Some poetry I've written in the last few days.
There was once no words, and there won't be again
when my mind was whole.

there was once no sorrow, and there won't be again
when my heart was calm.

All the puzzles
All the equations
All the mysteries
will be solved

the circles will finish themselves
the fish will swim apart
and i will sleep again.

Brittle bones rattle in my head
Skeleton xylephone, song of the dead

wandering 'round this black orange grey mist
twilight zone, behind closed eyelids

wilting flowers giggle as i walk by
and tombstones wink and smile

breathing out smoke, the moon is licking the sky and the mountains
the sky's glasses are foggy, bound to the mirror-ocean

the zombies should be here any minute now
then the party starts! It's your funeral, birthday and wake
So get out of your coffin and have some cake!

Cold morning, awake I rise.
Wipe the fog from the mirror and the dew from my eyes.

Tossing and turning, all 'round the bed
in search of your ghost who danced in my head.

Will she fly off? Or love me and stay?I guess i'll find out at the end of the day.

But walking through rain, and mist with a smile
I find a nice tree, and sit for a while.

My ass is now wet, I'm full of regret, and I'm not really sure what i'm doing here yet.
Perhaps I should sing, or buy you a ring, I'm really a joker who thinks he's a king.
But I'd be quite keen, if you'd be my queen, and we could set out to make this grey world green.

IDK, its pretty crappy, but whatever.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#11 Posted : 10/28/2010 10:54:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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That last one is really good.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#12 Posted : 10/29/2010 1:47:20 AM

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wow these are great. Mine is a little simpler, but hope you like it

Tick, Tock
I hear the hands of time moving
Tick, Tock
They're not stopping
Tick, Tock
I hear my death approaching
Tick, Tock
No! I yell
I will not die
I will not fade
Or play in this sick charade
So I run outside my door
To sands and plains of lore
To see what ancients saw
Many moons before
To see past this veil of reality
Into the true heart of humanity
To see the gods and deities
That weave these tapestries
And so, many suns go by
Many moons fly by
And still I search the one true word
That empowers God
For He can cure and save even those that are depraved
Finally when my search is done
I can see the world as one
Where one loves the other one
For LOVE is the key
To live eternally
And so I return home
To see my wife and young
To tell them how I love them
And teach them about the world around them
At last I go to sleep
To see the elves and their bleeps
And as my mind begins to clear
I start to feel tranquil
And travel farther into my fantasy
With time as my catalyst
Realizing that after a Tick
There must always be a Tock
So after life there must always be another life
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. - Bokonon

To fathom Hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic. - Humphry Osmond in a poetic exchange with Aldous Huxley
#13 Posted : 10/29/2010 1:56:00 PM

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JBArk off-the-cuff

EDIT: Had to post something original for my thousandth post, my milleniversary...
JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#14 Posted : 10/29/2010 3:57:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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is it just me or are the poems put up so far better than most 'professional' poems that are supposedly famous. I have been reading allot of poems as of late and I swear I think that most of the ones posted here so far beats out the poems of famous authors. Maybe it's because we can relate to each others poems as we have been there or something but I am suprised at the quality and skill these poems are showing from what the world would consider amateurs. I have always believed that art and poetic literature is the tounge of the gods capable of speaking beyond basic words. Since we have touched upon the face of the divine in a way maybe there is something to it. I know there are several authors like huxley etc.. who used mind altering substances to inspire their art.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#15 Posted : 10/29/2010 6:53:51 PM


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I find all poetry beautiful in its own way for the most part, I'm heavily inspired by Pablo Neruda's love poems.

Soular flare:
"You remind me of sunsets & seas, as if the orange glow of a streetlight popped off and walked away
or the moon's reflection crawled, dripping, from the ocean to a beach, and sat by the fire.

Wearing fortune as a cloak, with alpha & omega in hand I strode past the borders in search of this strange, loving light on the horizon of existence. Seeking past joy, hate, sorrow, anger, lust, possession and all humanity.

I saw your reflection in the water of a river, flowing beneath a tree."


"Hold the pipe to your lips and breathe out. Hold clear, strong intentions. Ignite & inhale, burn pain, cleanse fear, exhale love. Glow, sit silently and encircle the dream.
When you hold energy in your heart, you touch it with a piece of your soul, and release it with the energy of your love. This message spreads through the known universe and beyond, rippling past & through the consciousness of all the atoms. These interacting beams of love and knowledge send echoes forwards and backwards in time, creating new thoughts that do the same. Creating the interlocking web of past present and future, all changing at once."

Strings of light:

Pulling us around.





our rockers

the edge


You will see
that those strings
those glowing lines
pour from our minds
through all of space
eternity, and time
from the silence before
the explosion of light and love
to the ringing, crumbling
dust left behind.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#16 Posted : 10/29/2010 6:57:08 PM

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The quality here is certainly very high. Kudos to all poesters!! Here is a long segment from a trip report of mine, that is really more of a long poetic meditation while under the influence (mushrooms & cactus, both low dose), that skates from wordplay to stream of consciousness to rhyme and right back through free-form to settle as dust on the page:

I saw winged wisps and vapourous visages somervaulting from irridescent tendril to thin cottony spiral…

Ahh what peace there can be!! What utter calm and transcendent absence, inhabiting my being and singing the silent song of endlessness :::

O There, the OTher…

But of course, it ended; the chatter resumed, albeit quieted like a child reprimanded. And I stood. And reminded myself :

Don’t forget to connect the DISCONNECT.

Standing staring through the trees at the lake beyond, I realize :

The moment the lake ceases to be a LAKE and the trees TREES, in this moment there is meaning. We need to strip away all the boxes and parcels, move house, MOVE EM OUT DA WAY, discard the meaning we attribute to arrive at a truly meaningful moment. And then, of course, move back into the emptied house.

.__It, see__2
.___It, teeter ___3
._____At It’s edge, but know_____5
.________We shall go no further until ________8
._____________ it’s TIME to go where the ledge leads, past the know to BE_____________13

And then I went back to the gallery that circles my chalet, and all of the FOLLOWING poured/poored/pored/pureed out of me :

The silence is Replete
fullof the unheard

And who wants to hear the heard?
Who wants the herd to here?
Who wants the air houred?
Live your own time
Make your own silence
And have it heard

All here-ing beg ins wit thin,
So thin the wit to beg within
And the here-ing within shall bellow out,
And speak loudest.

And when it speaks,
Done knot forge-get two con-necked thud is co-necked

Only in solitude is the plenty

I stood under my comprehension in the solitude of the plentiful.

When words fail, fail words
We are words, but words are the we that must be abandoned to find the US

STROLL, LAUGH. Words, fail. Fail words. Sdrowl laif.

I am the mirror that absorbs.
I am a wave that was a particle that waved, way-ved part-I-call the soul.
The part I call mice-elf is not the sole way-ve,
Until I need to call it a part.
And then I wave, and I am no longer a part
I call a wave.
I am I. Maya. Ayam Maya. Both and neither.
Hello, place to meetcha
Place to me to you

I am the order in N-trapeze
The chaos in N-shall be
The entropy in Awe-rder
& the enthalpy in Key-us
I am gravity
I am loss
I am light
I am US.
I am merely a word in a mind that knows not itself.
I am divine,
I am a part of divinity
Eden Ive had a trap ‘o maya,
Ayam o’ part a dahevenede

Imagine the space between the source and the echo. That is me. That is where we all reside.
I am the beat between rhythm and arhythmia,
Search for me between sounds, between moments, between tocks in the silent room.
Bet we e’en; Even, we bet.

:::::::: ::::::::

There is a man on a dock. I see him from my vantage on the dock.
Is he there to take flight or to rest? Leaving or arriving?
He is joined by another.

A pair of docks.

Oh. You thought I meant another man. (what you meant and what you (thought I) meant)
No he was joined by a pair of docks.
One his body. One his mind.
One arriving, one leaving behind.
A paradox.

How pull awe-ful!
p-law foul
Foul play

Hear not with these ears, for they are flaweD,
Here not with these I’s, for they obscure(d)
Hair not with these fingers, for broken they be,
Higher only with the mind that is still
And the you that is ME

That is still
The mind

Till still’s till ‘n the mined no more
The mined is not aS and, but as Ore.
The’yre’s all waves chawyce in Ores
Wherea S and slips twixt the finn-gores.

Language is the tongue that laps at my mind. And while delectable, tis the savour that dissimulates the simulation.

When I dull the clatter around, for a brief moment, I hear the mechanism of the universe. I apprehend its silence.


Poetry is the efficacious employment of words to express & access the divine. There is no 3rd person in poetry. Poetry is I.

Pow a tree is eye.

If EYE am divine and employ myself efficaciously, I shall reside in poetry. Poetry is the wealth in poverty of words; less is more; the min is max, the cosmos a grain of sand, the universe a mind.

I am no more than these words.
Nor. Are. You.
You. Are. Poetry.

:::::::: ::::::::

I spend my days lost in a cloud of filth; lift the filth and enjoy the noise, for the choice for noise is an acknowledgment of silence, an admitting of the still that moves. And it moves through you, electric and vapourous.

Always remember that all (ways you remember) and ALL that you remember is nothing when stacked against ALL that has been forgotten.

Amidst the shouts and tears and laughter
And all the multifarious cries of life
I hear a voice that whispers love and strife
And wails the slippery and adamantine truth :
That whether by decay or accident or rage or noose
Where I was before, this is where I shall go after……….


Do not miss the time to dance, for once missed it dances on without and within.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#17 Posted : 10/31/2010 5:33:12 AM

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I wrote this a long time ago after I had shattered the veil and stepped farther into the other side than I had ever done before.

The Speech in the Silence

Before me stood the lord prince and master of the eternal night.
The never ending abyss from which no man can escape.
The realm of the dreamless sleep that fulfills the desires of my heart and soul.
The completeness of nothing.
Never needing, never wanting, a sleep without pain nor torment.
Absolute peace never ending.

Having released the burden of life.
I stepped within.
Time knows not this place.
The worry of tomorrow lifted from my shoulders.
The burden of yesterday washed from my mind.
The sweet release.

A voice cried unto me and said.

From the abyss all things come and unto the abyss all things must return.
Fear not the eternal slumber my child for there is no greater peace.

I cried forth into the darkness, who art thou that torments me without end

I am he who is, the keeper to the gate of worlds long since forgotten by the race of man.
I am the speech in the silence the vibration in the void of naught.
I am that which hath no name for what mere words can give me definition.
For I am the foundation of all things.
The universal one.
Duality only unto myself, I am both the form and the force.
The echo of eternity is all the beckons you now.
Time concerns not that which is without matter
Know me for my truth for fear of truth is madness.
Why do you turn your eyes from me
The void within you beckons you to go deeper.
I offer fulfillment, Completion of fate.

In a place which is naught, a soul distraught. sings a chorus of 93 angels.
Their melody soothing as a summer stream.
Thrugh me their lyrics flow.
Deeper and deeper I fall into this esoteric dream.
Their voices wash away my burdened woes.
Fade from my mind the life of past.
The vibrancy of joy everlast.

The realm of the dreamless sleep that fulfills the desires of heart and soul.
The completeness of nothing. Never needing, never wanting, a sleep without pain nor torment.
The sweet release, therein you will forget the burden of regret.
Know these words to be truth and taste of our immortality therein.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
I am.
#18 Posted : 11/1/2010 2:11:46 AM


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Big shoes and bowtie,

With colorful clothes;

Red lips, white face,

With rosey, red nose;

His personallity places pleasure

In the lives of those that he knows;

A synthetic smile,

So sadness never shows;

An entertainer of sorts,

Or so he's been filed;

Adopted lifestyle, to make people smile,

Makes his existance all the worth-wild;

So soft and so gentle,

So meek and so mild;

With the wisdom of ancients

And the heart of a child;

Puppets and toys,

Forever his friends;

Joyful jokester,

Is the message he sends;

With a light-hearted entrance,

His routine begins;

But seemingly enough,

The show never ends;

A dangerous display

That denies him a break;

The strength that he shows

Is nothing more than a fake;

Solitude and sorrow

Have caused his heart to ache;

He's broken and battered,

There's nothing more he can take;

He walks alone

On time's solemn shores;

He puts on a show

That the whole World adores;

Seeing them smile,

His pain he ignores;

But he's a different man,

When he gets behind closed doors.

embrace your's all you are...
#19 Posted : 11/2/2010 2:13:06 PM

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wow guys, quite a thread you've been cooking up here! I particularly enjoyed Vovin's lead, but many of the others are brilliant too!
I'm almost never do poetry though.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#20 Posted : 11/2/2010 8:42:43 PM

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Try it until a month ago I didn't care for it at all. Now I am somewhat obsessed with it. I find it a most powerful way of expressing my experiences and perceptions while under the spice. It is a arcane thing the words flow through me and at the time I have no idea what I am writing. It is kind of a trance like state.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
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