SWIM's DMT, Changa, and Pharamayhuacsa expierences journal (edited from a previous post) Options
#1 Posted : 10/28/2010 8:22:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 53
Joined: 23-Nov-2009
Last visit: 23-Jul-2023
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*****How DMT Found Me & How I Started My Journey*****

I was researching stuff about 2012, Mayans, Sumerians, mathematics, sacred geometry, herbs, brain (neurology and stuff), mind, consciousness, religions and spiritual teachings, quantum physics and mechanics, metaphysics, and many other things and I just happen to stumble upon DMT and wondered what it was.

I had smoked a lot of weed, done meth a few times, but that was the extent of "drugs" i did. Weed was only psychedelic I had done before finding dmt. I researched and found out quite a bit about dmt and ayahuasca, but not too much. I did not want to learn to much about individual experiences at the time, cause I didn't want to be effected by others thoughts and opinions on things.

I read bits and pieces of books like, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, The Void, Psychonauts Guide to Invisible Landscape, The Mayan Factor (not really anything to do with this but i read around the time i was reading other books), and a book about Kundalini and Chakras.

First extraction I did I found on Didn't work out good at all, but i tried it (although I did learn about the dangers of lye and muratic acid from that). Soon after I tried salvia 20x (not standardized). This was my first out of body experience and experience of "The Void State", and first thing i can call a psychedelic expierence.

I also was practicing meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection (no luck with that) prior to even finding dmt. I also began to keep track of Mayan calendar and stoped following the Gregorian calendar. All the dates for things i did date are in Mayan, and I think I have found a connection between the Mayan calendar and hyperspace.

The day I was born in Mayan calendar was 9Pax 11Cib. I found this thing called the dream spell by Jose Arguelles, which he got from the Mayan calendar (although I cant figure out how he got it from the calendar). He wrote the book, "The Mayan Factor", but my dream spell tells about my conscious self, subconscious self, and higher conscious self, and other parts of me.

My dream spell thing is 13Oc. Which means my subconscious would be 13Chuen, conscious self would be 13Oc, and higher conscious self would be 13Ix. I tried not to keep track of Mayan calendar during all these experiences and then only finding out what day it was when I decided to do dmt.

Each time I did I found that the day would fall on one of my days of my conscious forms and I would do a lot of work on myself and remember more and more. On days when I would go when it wasn't one of my days, I always saw beings or places.

I would like some other peoples information about these or test it yourself and let me know how it goes. http://www.astrodreamadv...ree_mayan_readings.html go here to find out about yours. I think its really accurate, and it seems to work on other levels than just here.

List of days I kept track off doing dmt, 12Moan 4Ix, 18Moan 10Ahau, 5Pax 4Manik, 0Kayab 6Ik, 3Pop 2Oc, 4Pop 3Chuen, 2Uo 8Muluc, 3Uo 9Oc, 5Uo 11Eb, 7Uo 13Ix(most intense experience I've ever had), 1Zip 1Lamat, 11Zip 11Etznab.

*****Experiences & Thoughts*****

First few times I messed up extractions without knowing. Tried to smoke what I had out of light bulb (bad idea). Had some slight hearing effects. Lost track of experiences for a while then started writing everything down.

First DMT Experiences

A few experiences have past, I'm not sure how many. This is what I can remember, I was shown what this world really looks like without limitations and it looks like a mathematical pattern of chaos and randomness called Mandelbrot (Fractal Geometry). All this world is, is patterns, everything is a pattern. Even a random pattern is still a pattern. The real pattern of the world or this reality is Mandelbrot.

I saw golden/white lights and snakes moving through and around everything, then a being came through the snakes reaching out to me, trying to guide or comfort me, giving me feelings of love and compassion that I've never experienced before.

First close-eyed experience. As soon as my eyes were closed I saw this dark blue/green and black (or color I cant comprehend) pattern surround and engulf me. I could clearly see all my surroundings and myself as it was happening.

I tried it through a pipe a few times, still only got mild low dose effects. Tried it through a bong, very effective (found out later it actually wasn't, average size pipe with carb worked best).

I took a very deep fast hit, as soon as I cleared the smoke from it everything started shaking extremely violently then my vision stretched out. At the same time I heard something so deeply that it shook me down to the depths of my heart.

I saw a black hole come into my vision, which instantly surrounded me with golden and pure white geometric designs and patterns, that were constantly changing and moving through everything.

I noticed one of my dreads hanging in front of my face but decided not to mess with it. Right after I had that thought I heard a voice say, "Don't worry we can help" and then my hands moved up and started moving my hair back for me and as it was doing this, there were hands coming from everywhere. I noticed that all the hands were mine and connected to me, thousands of arms and all i could see were billions of fingers waving like water or like something waving in the wind.

After that, I noticed that I was in some type of planes that the lower half of my body was interconnected to along with my head (didn't make much sense but they were like a plane above and below me that is kinda how you would think of if you turned a torus tube inside out, Alex Grey has a painting of exactly what I'm talking about).

The entire time this was going on there were 2 beings standing over me just looking down on me like how you would look down on a new born baby (that's what I felt like at the time). As soon as I came came out of it, my memory started fading of what i saw. It felt like an instant, like someone snapped there fingers and it was over and made me wonder if something actually happened or if I imagined it.

(This was around the time I found the Nexus, and started looking around at different things here, and found out how to do the extraction the right way).

A couple days or weeks after that I did it again but this time I did it alone in pitch black. I started seeing things before I took dmt. After I hit it I heard noises and then went back to the planes I was in. This time I looked up into the plane above me and got shot through another tunnel (star gate looking tunnel, like from the movie).

I cant explain in writing what happened. I was showed many things and taught many things. I was brought back to this world/dimension/reality (I didn't know what to call this anymore) and shown many things here and in space, and how to travel from here to hyperspace and how to guide others to hyperspace. I was showed a conscious being being born, living, and death of a conscious being. It was so beautiful and loving.

Since this my reality has been getting torn apart. I cant believe or understand all the confusion, corruption, hate, differences, dependencies, and ignorance in this world. Everyone lives on selfish desires, abuse of the world, and things that just don't make sense. I'm losing touch with people around me cause I am choosing a better way to live and experience the full extent of life (was letting go of some people and started connecting with others).

Psychedelics are a gift of this world not to be abused or mistreated, but society has turned them into "drugs" that effect you in negative ways. But look at the drugs and addictions imposed on society today, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, meat, prescription drugs, technology, etc (all things to get us away from our natural selves).

If psychedelics are so negative, then what are the positives of the drugs that are incorporated and "allowed" in society? (Death, suppression, zombified people, obesity, health problems, etc.) Society is dependent on itself but for what purpose? (For this same system to keep running in circles, cause people are so afraid of change.)

This world has become backwards and society calls it normal. No one questions what is on the TV. No one questions schools/education, information, government, teachers, doctors, history, science, the list is endless. The second someone comes up with a new idea, theory, or truth of something they are shunned, ridiculed, called crazy, or have things that don't make sense pushed into there faces.

Society is like a disease or virus that is eating away at people without them even knowing or trying to get away from it. I think everyone just needs to step back, look around, think, question, and be free, happy, loving, and respectful. I have broken free from my ego, which is literally my mind. (My mistake at thinking the ego was just the mind.)

Had some different DMT experiences that I did not write about. Did not seem of much importance. Saw random things, connected to a cube once, saw beings with sharp edges (very geometric), could not make out a definite place or anything. Most of effects and things I thought dmt was doing wore off. Took a vacation and didn't do it for a while.

I did dmt once more when I got back before trying pharmayhuasca. The DMT trip was just like falling through a tunnel the whole time, and my girlfriend was going through the tunnel with me then she got taken by reptilian entity's and experimented on (as she had told me later). I don't remember what happened, but I don't remember being there when that happened to her.

Pharmayhuasca Experience ( 4Pop 3Chuen)

Dose: Couldn't measure dose, so just guessed (maybe around 100mg DMT per cap).

First I took 100mg harmala crystals in pill (wasn't sure if it would work so also drank half ayahuasca brew i tried to make, that only contained MAOI no dmt). Waited about an hour took first DMT pill then waited about 10-15min and took other DMT pill (total about 200mg dmt, maybe). Then me and my girlfriend went and layed down in bed and began to wait.

The wait for it to come on made me kinda nervous, anxious, excited, and doubtful (was doubting it would even work the way i did it). When the patterns finally started forming I thought maybe I was just seeing the usual stuff in the dark. So I sat up and my body felt almost alien and every thing in my vision started flowing. So I knew it was finally working.

I layed back down slowly, just watching everything. As I was laying down me and my girlfriend started pointing things out we saw. Everything she pointed out I saw and she saw everything I pointed out. As we started going deeper we kept pointing things out until we finally stopped talking out loud and started talking without speech or voice. As I got farther she got stuck behind somewhere and I kept going (only way I can think to describe where she went is that she didn't break through the tunnel).

As I got deeper my body got aroused, but soon after I left my body completely. After that everything was just moving through, around, and a part of me, I was like an eye that had no need for senses and could see everything. I came across the Hive Mind shortly after that and was looking down into these inter-dimensional/hyper-dimensional hexagon shaped honeycombs.

They were many different colors but the colors around me were darker and the hive was more colorful with tunnels, golden tunnels that were also translucent, branched off the hive to everywhere, maybe memories, or my life playing out from my eyes inside them. As I kept going I just saw the hive everywhere until I hit nothing.

When I hit this nothingness (referred to as The Void from the book, "The Void"Pleased I knew at that moment that the void, is actual nothingness but in this nothingness is everything. Everything is nothing and nothing is everything (just a balance, like everything else: Life & Death, Male & Female, Awake & Asleep, etc.).

Out of this nothingness then came several body's and then as I saw these bodies clearer I realized they were all me. I was able to see all the bodies and parts of them at the same time, while it felt like I was above them and they were around me in a circle pattern. I don't remember how many there were but 12 seems to stick in my head.

As I inspect these other me's, I notice that they were all a different emotion. Like each emotion that people have is an entirely different person that is a part of you, living the same life with you but maybe not the same ideals.

After a little time with my selves (felt like years had gone by), I got pulled back by puking and my girlfriend pulling on me. Then she told me she had to go to the bathroom now. Instantly I built reality around me (something I was taught how to do from previous DMT experience), and started going with her to the bathroom.

As I was going, I was seeing my entire body from up higher, my point of view was from looking down at the back of my head. As I was going with her, I noticed that as I was building reality it was dispersing into cubes then smaller and smaller all the way back into the void. As we were in the bathroom after that I just started to have after effects, mild visions, that lasted about an hour or so.

Time I spent on trip about 4 hours peaked.

Changa Experience ( 2Uo 8Muluc)

Dose: 300mg MAOI (Syrian Rue 10:1 extract), 75mg DMT on top. Got 2 really good hits.

Amazing Experience. Started going into it wanting to be outside hit it twice really good, then had to set the pipe down fast. I felt a rushing experience then gazed at the moon. Right after the buzzing came and I glanced into the darkness a few times then started seeing things form in the dark more. I started staring at it and went into these planes then I cant remember what happened. I do remember just being amazed and astounded by everything.

After a while I saw what looked like the inner workings of some kind of floating liquid shock pump looking things. I was not a part of my body at this time and the pumps started moving in different ways and then my body would move. When I would move my body they would move too (like there were hydralic looking pumps floating in liquid attached to me). This whole time this place was filled with watery gel type of liquid.

My thoughts then started to divide, still part of me, but what felt like I was more than one person at once. Kinda shocked me at first when I realized it but then that became another self too. It felt soon after as though I was questioning everything and each self was to and we were contemplating everything. After a little while of doing this the selves started to sync up and have similar thoughts. Until eventually they all became one thought. All thought is part of the same thought.

Don't remember what happened next. As I was coming out of it, I felt like I was started to figure out tons of stuff, then stopped myself and opened my eyes (don't remember closing my eyes) and saw the moon and after effects started, left me speechless and amazed when I was done.

Duration 20 - 30min.

DMT Experience ( 5Uo 11Eb)

Dose: 75mg DMT

What are all the patterns? Why am I being shown all these patterns? Even away from DMT state I still see patterns. 11:11, 11, Mandelbrot, people, reactions, everything is a pattern. Even randomness and chaos still sit in the pattern.

I went into a low dose dmt trip (only hit twice), and I saw patterns, first it was what looked like fruit/food in pills/capsules type things (they were huge though). After that it was just a round bubbly looking pattern everywhere. I wanted to go farther but couldn't. Me and 2 others (entity's) were communicating while I was seeing this pattern, but it was just like talking to a friend that you see everyday.

During this trip though I just started wondering more about these patterns. I just don't understand the true meaning behind this and every pattern. I have a feeling like I should do another pharmayhuasca dose soon.

Pharmayhuasca Experience ( 7Uo 13Ix)

Dose: 100mg Harmala crystals, about 300 - 400mg dmt.

(I did so much DMT cause people were talking about it being dangerous and I knew it wasn't, so I did a really high dose to show some people it wasn't dangerous. Also I just wanted to do a really high dose.) Smile

I just packed 2 caps full of DMT, didn't measure them. But I measured one later that looked about like how much I had put in and it weighed out to 200mg.

This is what I wrote when I came out of it:

This day has been the day of remembrance, awakening, understanding, dedication and everything else forever. I exist in time (physical reality) cause I want to. I want to experience love and live life to its fullest extents. If this is the last time I do DMT, then I am ok with that because I am the everything and the everything is me. I have just came back from my trip and those were a few of my thoughts.

About the day of my experience:

The day started different from a normal day somehow. As if this day had been a day to remember the rest of my life. I woke up, couldn't sleep good cause of the night before me and my girlfriend had an argument. I just wish she knew how hard it was when she left. When she was around she could always make me happy, even doing nothing with her was amazing (I wish it wouldn't have taken me so long to realize, but I believe there is a reason for everything. I had to let go of her for a short time to realize how much I loved and cared for her and did not want to lose or leave her.)

The day seemed really long and drawn out, cause I was really excited and anxious to go on my Pharmayhuasca experience. Smoked some bud to ease my mind for a little. Hung out with a few of my friends (they all knew I was going today also). After I had breakfast I fasted for the rest of the day (only drank water, lots of it). Only got about 4 hours of sleep prior also.

My experience:

Starting my trip, at 1:00am I took MAOI. Then tried to kill time by watching movie. Then took first dmt pill at 1:45am, then 2nd dmt pill at 2:00am and went and layed down and got ready.

The trip started with mild things which soon became intense things. Had many thoughts of fear and doubt, regret and discomfort. But every time a bad thought would come in, I would analyze it and it would be alright.

I experienced my life in one instant, being born into a conscious being (when i was still a fetus), until the time is ready for me to depart the physical shell. (I saw everything little moment of my life happen in that instant). I witnessed my own death (I got some kind of illness or sickness, everyone was with me giving me love and support), and then I was dead.

Engulfed in the darkness, the void of everything. Every thought, idea, question, anything imaginable was here and being asseted. I started to wonder if I was going to be able to make it back here to commune this with people. Then started hoping someone didn't find my body and say, "Oh my god, wake up", and then wonder if I was dead.

Every thought I had became another reality that I was creating. I was missing my girlfriend and her baby and wanted them back with me. I kept separating everything, then correcting myself and knowing everything is always connected. There is no division of anything cause everything is everything. A thought, idea, personality, you, me, that, there, distance, time, its all a part of the everything that is never divided.

Everything faded from the real to the unrestricted real over and over. I thought I was going to be sick a few times but wasn't. There was so much more, I'm going to take a break from DMT for a while to try and remember. Coming out of it, I wanted and was ready to come back (shocked and amazed, I never fully understood what I forgot, that I already knew). Lots of remembering (not learning).

Manipulated reality when I was coming back and jumped to bathroom (did not feel as though I had went a distance). Fully understood what chronokinesis, telepathy, and everything else like that really was and how it was used. I spent maybe years, thousands of years where I was at.

After thoughts:

Fully understand what it means to be a shaman and connect and interact with the 2 states at the same time. I believe now it would be hard to be a shaman in this society with all its rules and suppression. In this society a shaman would be "cast out", he/she would be imprisoned and suppressed to make him/her believe they are crazy or they have lost their mind. The tools of the shaman are of natural origins but in society these are illegal, propaganda is made against them so people will stay away from these natural tools, and artificial distractions are the main goal in this society.

Science, religion, and mass media are killing humanity. But the veil has been pulled over everyone's eyes so slowly that they haven't even noticed that there thoughts and ideas are being influenced by these mechanisms of control. But to what end is what I truly don't understand.

Why, what is the point of control and suppression? Why is it that when you bring this up to people they get so defensive? Perhaps because they have been taught (better way of saying controlled) to be and remain closed and suppressed, and also fear change.

Text messages to my girlfriend that day & thoughts on them:

Text messages I sent to my girlfriend that day (which I think I knew what was to come by these messages, or maybe I had already started to experience it) - I'm trying to open up more I really am but at the same time trying to control the ego and keep what I think is sane so I can commune this to the world.

I want you to be able to tell me everything and talk to me, don't run away from me just talk to me please, and don't keep things to yourself. I will try my best to listen to you and not shut out your ideas and thoughts. I'm very sorry for that too.

(I was apologizing and saying I was sorry a lot and I wanted someone there with me. My memories were being played over and over and I couldn't tell what was real at one point of this. I realized that I have a lot of layers to break through which is going to be hard to get through, but I know I can do it. DMT is the key to awakening from the false reality, feels like being reborn, awake, and alive, full of love and innocence. I wonder if the world can really accept the truth of everything.)

Back to text messages - I'm really stubborn sometimes too, don't try to be I just am. But just to let you know will you be able to put up with me with whatever happens while I'm trying to control my ego? This is going to be a hard process and at times could seem like its never going to end, but it takes a while to do and I may need a lot of support but it will come to an end eventually.

(The process was exactly that also as it was happening. It was very hard to get through and seemed like it was endless but it did end in physical state as well as hyper-dimensional state.)

Back to texts - Its already started. With my first pharmayhuasca dose, it started. I don't know how long it will take or last though. Its my experiment and I will finish, even if I have to shove the pharmayhuasca down my throat. I'm going to finish what I started one way or another. That's the end of text messages I sent that day.

(I knew that whole day what was going to happen and what I was going to experience, I just didn't know that I knew that yet, that's why I am writing down my texts that I sent that day. (All texts that I'm writing are just from that day only.)

Final thoughts of that day:
It is now 7:05am of that same day of the trip, and feel very good and relieved. If I remember anything else I will write down again.

When I came back and was having strong effects still, things that seemed natural and normal to do (navigating, eating, time, distance, and reality) seemed to feel alien. Like I had never done or experienced these things before. Also things like ideas, thoughts, and emotions and feelings, and using the senses felt alien also. I finally feel like I remembered to understand everything.

A Few Days Later ( 15Uo 8Ik)

I believe I connected with the higher consciousness, and 2012 will be like an opening to reconnect with the higher consciousness. The "higher consciousness" was a being that i connected with, that had cables coming from its head and in these cables was everything, literally EVERYTHING. This beings body was just like an outline in some place I cant seem to describe even though I can see it very clearly. If I started to look where the beings skin would be I would start getting sucked backwards into the void again. There were other higher conscious's too. It was not only one, but many. Not sure how many though.

Why do people fear so much what they don't understand? I feel like I have so much to tell the world and I want to help people understand this transition that we are about to go through. I wish everyone would at least try DMT once to understand a true psychedelic experience. I cant stand people that don't or don't want to understand what a psychedelic experience is (that's like saying I don't want to use my brain, it doesn't make sense).

People think that DMT is a hallucinogen, this is entirely wrong. A hallucination is something you see that is not real, psychedelic literally means mind manifesting (creating with your mind). The psychedelic experience is something that everyone can experience. It may differ a little or be perceived in different ways but ultimately the same experience. (I have recently discovered that there are some that cannot have a psychedelic experience. These people are people that pretty much empty. They look, act, feel, and do things just like people do, but there is nothing truly there. Empty shells, soulless shells, consciousless shells.)

I completely understand the psychedelic experience now and there is nothing that will ever compare to it. The change is coming, getting closer, and everyone is still living in there same patterns, afraid to divert from the path they walk, which will ultimately result in nothing.

I really want to help wake people up and prepare them for what is to come, but I can only do so much for people. It takes a big step on there part to get through this change too. I can only give them the key and show them the door, they have to choose to use it and go through the door.

I feel as though my purpose here has changed and I want to be a shaman and want to help all those in need of help and offer truth to those that seek the truth. There needs to be more shaman, scientists, psychonauts, and people in general that must experience and remember all about Ayahuasca/Pharmayhuasca the sacred brew/pill.

The night after I remembered all of this, I had the most vividly/real dream like experience I've ever had (almost don't even feel like I can call it a dream). I was in the forest, like a tropical rain forest. There were a bunch of African looking shaman (very very dark skin), they all wore huge headdresses and were all sitting looking at me. Then they pushed a cup of ayahuasca in front of me and without a thought I just drank it. Then all the shaman that were there drank after me. And I had what seems like an ayahuasca experience and the shaman were guiding and helping me with everything. Cant even begin to describe the experience I had.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 10/28/2010 8:24:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 53
Joined: 23-Nov-2009
Last visit: 23-Jul-2023
Location: here
***Continued from above***

DMT Experience ( 1Zip 1Lamat)

Dose: 50mg

Had flight anxiety really bad, but knew I had to get over it. Went outside and layed under the stars. Hit 3 times before I had to put pipe down, forgot how fast it came on smoked. It was really fast and rushing. Don't remember what happened except that a being, like a friend was there and we were just talking as if we talk all the time. The being was orange and was maybe 3-4ft tall, maybe. It was a remembrance of what DMT could do though. It is endless it cant come to an end cause it is limitless possibilities.

I came back and felt really good and relieved. So, I hit the pipe really hard again and instantly closed my eyes and became part of a pattern with really complex geometric forms, shapes, and a lot of other stuff. It also looked like vines and then the jungle. During both trips I was able to interact with this reality or go in an instant in either direction.

Experiences over now smoked a bowl of chronic that I couldn't finish. Closed my eyes and tried to connect with the higher conscious. Drifted away from my body and then remembered when I was in this state, I see it now as a weird mist but I know there's something there but I cant remember what. May have to revisit soon.

Changa Experience ( 11Zip 11Etznab)

Dose: Leftover MAOI was in pipe from person before me, he had 100mg MAOI 10:1, 50mg dmt only hit once.

Hit once and had to get rid of pipe (thought I was going to drop it). Don't remember much except a little being (maybe about 2ft tall, bluish colored skin, smooth looking skin, antenna type things with eyes on top) and the little being opened my box mind (my head unfolded like how you would unfold a cube, after going through a tunnel of eyes) and unfolded it. Then I was in some kind of forest. Don't remember much else. Intense and almost scary feeling.

I hit about 25mg an hour later or 30min and I literally explored my brain and passages and tunnels in my brain. Strong feeling pattern also.

Well that is all I have about my experiences. I will keep writing and keeping track of certain things I noticed while writing this I should have kept better track of.

Just read about THH and B. Caapi also, so I will be trying that soon too. For pharmayhuasca doses ive been using harmine extract from syrian rue 100mg per dose. I would like to make pharmayhuasca with B. Caapi extract now instead and have something closer to ayahuacsa (without the taste).

DMT Experience ( 2Zotz 9Muluc)

Dose: 60mg dmt (my friend did 60mg then I did 60mg after him)

Had flight anxiety really bad. Me and my friend decided to go together, and I told him I could try and take him farther when we went. I meditated for a few min and felt a lot better, like a lot of stress and flight anxiety was lifted from me. As soon as we started we both had trouble smoking dmt (found out after dmt clogged the pipe so we didn't get good hits). We were outside under some trees that surrounded us like a dome around us. Right after my friend hit it 4 times he passed to me and I lost track of how many times I hit it (I thought I should hit it more than usual to try and catch up).

As soon as I sat the pipe down the patterns formed over everything perfectly and I saw my friends energy resonating and remembered I wanted to take him farther, I jumped to a tunnel connecting to the direction, if you can call it a direction, of where my friend went. I started seeing flowers and flower patterns everywhere, flowing, shifting, growing, shrinking, then out of this grew a window (the entire time this was happening, I was calling out to my friend with my thoughts) and saw my friend but he was distracted and could not reach me. As we came back, just had nice feeling after effects for 15-20min.

Duration of trip: 5min.

Later that night:

Dose: Leftover 120mg from earlier that night (was 60mg each put in for me and friend, smoking leftover from that).

Sat down outside under the moon and stars. Dark and quiet out, very nice time. I got really comfortable, hit it maybe 6 times, really good hits. I saw patterns form over everything perfectly and realized I am in total control, I can stay at this point or jump to other point (by jump i mean like teleport, move without moving).

After I was done with that, I closed my eyes and saw flowers everywhere blooming and growing and flowing. Cant remember much else, but the flowers were just beautiful. Came out of it and sun was barley coming up, got up looked around and everything was just so beautiful around me. The world is such a beautiful place. People destroy lots of nature, but at least we keep nature around us.

Before I saw the flowers but after the patterns, I was telling myself, "I am a Shaman" over and over. I felt the only reason I was saying this was because I didn't believe myself so I had to physically repeat it to know I am a Shaman. I had just forgotten what I am suppose to know.

DMT Experience ( 3Zotz 10Oc)

Dose: 60mg dmt, took 6 hits.

Hit the pipe 6 times, sitting in my room. After that I felt as though I had become enlightened and felt empowered and in control. I then decided to close my eyes and meditate and I appeared as a Hindu goddess. A lot of stuff happened, cant remember much of it except for there being mountains.

Then I opened my eyes. In front of me, I was still here in physical reality, I saw a little pure white light shaped like a cube and I wondered what that was and wanted to see. Then all these translucent gold crystal looking things formed all around me and I was able to physically feel them (without actually touching them).

After seeing this for a while, something hit me (like 2 fists hitting me at the same time, one in my heart the other in my stomach) and I fell backwards from sitting to laying in my bed. As I was laying there my eyes were still open and everything was like love, giving and receiving love to all things.

Then I thought, "Wait, I'm still tripping, I need to close my eyes" and had an awkward feeling and my arms came up and held my head. When I saw my arm, still eyes closed, it had spiders all over it. Thousands of tiny little spiders. Made me kinda scared at first but then realized it was the trip and went into a tunnel.

In the tunnel I looked out to the side and instantly a 9-10ft tall dragon, with wingspan maybe 20ft was on me and I was fighting it. But then I realized I wasn't through the tunnel yet and kept going (just gave in, instead of resisting the dragon). Then, I was dead again, and cant remember what happened after that.

Duration: 10min.

Pharmayhuasca Experience ( 4Zotz 11Chuen)

Dose: 200mg harmala crystals in pill form (2 pills that were 100mg each, took at one time, at 9:15pm), 140mg dmt crystals in pill form. (Weighed myself and I weighed 130 lbs, so I divided that in half and added 5mg extra to each pill. 2 dmt pills 70mg each. Took the first one at 10:11pm, took the second at 10:21pm.)

Then, went and layed down outside under the stars and just begun trying to calm myself from wanting it to happen, whatever it could be. Started understanding my own thoughts, and ideas a lot better. I also did Pharmayhuasca with 2 of my friends, I gave them the same doses, weighed themselves and split that amount into 2 dmt pills. We all took it at the same time.

This is first thoughts I felt like writing down about everything:

WOW. Feels like the best way to explain what just happened and is still happening now (its all the same). I remembered how to create, how to imagine, how to dream, how to think, everything. The magnitude of everything is literally everything. There is no reason to do DMT or any form of it at this point. Because everything that I experienced was everything that I experienced and can only be left at that. No word, thought, possibility, anything. Nothing can be compared to it.

I experienced eternity, complete understanding, everything. At the end of it all, it just shocks me that I'm here right now. I feel like all this new understanding keeps surprising me. I have relearned how to use my pineal gland. It is just a sleeping part of your brain, that connects you to the mind.

I feel like I am experiencing you. All possibility of what the "you" or the person reading this is but then it's like compression in an instant, realizing its all just a part of the mind. I cant describe what I saw, but the best way to think of it, is just "IT".

Everything is just compressing and feels like all thoughts, ideas, everything is syncing in harmony together perfectly, but it all feels natural. Not like something you haven't experienced. Just something you forgot about.

In the end, I feel like I'm only remembering what I've forgotten. Still completely me, understanding what real is. Like what it actually is which is just remembering that you create everything here and are everything that here is. All the other people, beings, entities, aliens, fears, doubts all of this, is just you.

You realize it is all just part of you and part of experiencing. It is all thought. I feel as though now all dmt, weed, all psychedelics are, are just, "thinking medicine". Gives you the power of thought, reprograms and rewires everything (is what it feels like, like rebooting an old computer). I experienced so much that it feels like I'm constantly remembering now and I also just feel like I'm just remembering ultimately that there is nothing wrong with being yourself.

It is 5:07am now. Me and my friends are back from our experiences. My friends went to sleep, but I'm used to staying up really late. Now I think I'm just going to eat some food, relax, listen to music, smoke some bud, and then go to bed. I still feel like slight effects but i smoked some bud a little bit ago too.

One last thing to add to Pharmayhuasca experience. I regained control of myself, my thoughts, of everything. I control everything I see but also know how things are suppose to be. Feels like I just woke up from a dream and I know everything about myself and everything. I control all my senses and everything. Didn't even realize that I couldn't do this before, but I do realize it all now. Everything just makes so much sense and is so crystal clear now. I feel what it really did to me, was allowed me to be me. I guess before, I thought I couldn't be me but don't remember ever not being me. Feel really good now though, happy and relieved.

Changa Resin ( 1Tzec 2Lamat)

I hit the pipe 8 times, not sure of dose or duration.

I was sitting outside with my girlfriend (she did it before me). I just sat there already faded from chronic resin and felt DMT going through me. Then decided to close my eyes and see whatever I saw. I saw infinite space with a square spiral at the end of it that I kept trying to figure out. Then, everything got really bright and colorful and there was golden-red gummy bear looking butterscotch kids everywhere and then wondered if they were the "machine elves", that Terrance McKenna talks about.

Started wondering about DNA but then, a being (very small, less than a foot tall, had no arms/legs, kinda looked similar to a fish) was trying to tell me something but I don't remember what now. It was small and I grabbed it and through it away. It got mad at me and left (after pretty much calling me an asshole for grabbing it by its face and throwing it).

Then I was in empty thought and I could do anything and had no idea what to do. So, I went and brought my girlfriend to there. All I did to do this was connect my open mind that was creating this to her open mind that she wasn't connected to and i brought her into the connection of her own mind. By doing this I also had to encounter all her bad thoughts that she was stuck on at the time. I also had to ignore them and help her to do the same.

We were both there looking like stick figures. I brought her cause I didn't know what to do there and thought maybe she could think of something. When I went after her she was surrounded by what appeared to be negative thoughts. I pulled her through and away from it. Cant remember what happened after that. Then decided I was ready to come back so I did.

DMT Experience ( 13Tzec 1Ahau)

Dose: 5mg (one hit, then closed my eyes)(was testing batch)

It came on fast, instantly I was "there". There was a mother and child being there waiting for me. When I was there they were telling me about my girlfriend and her baby. I responded to her with, "Yes, I know and I love them both". It all looked really bright, like yellow bananas (at the time I was thinking about the yellow sun, ahau) is how I'm thinking of it now.

Very pretty though, but it was so "pretty" that I thought maybe there was more and I was getting distracted. So, I started to meditate and the beings said, "Oh, he's here for business." with kind of a joking tone. Then everything got darker and simpler. It was pretty boring and dull, so I wanted to try and go back but my trip had ended already and I couldn't.

When everything went from light to dark though, it felt as though my head was facing up and it was light and then facing down was dark. Just like a balance of the two. I also remember right at the beginning I felt a lot of little beings everywhere.

Duration: 8min.

*Later Note: Wanted to call the mother a goddess, because of how she looked. Golden-yellow light and patterns all around and making her.

Changa Experience ( 2Xul 10Muluc)

Dose: 100mg 10x extract Syrian Rue with 60mg DMT (smoked)

I am a Female Shaman. I saw a lot of "bad". The "bad" things I saw were like things from one of Alex Grey's paintings. The first one in the chapel of sacred mirrors where the person is surrendering to a higher power. All the things like lust and greed were what the "bad" looked and felt like when I went in.

A spider goddess that was really disgusting, showed me and reminded me of a lot of things I had forgotten. Then I stopped and smoked some more and remembered that this was just like thinking medicine. It allows you to think a lot more clearly (and use the power of your thoughts).

Then I saw this blob of flesh and disgusting things that I really didn't want to see but, I needed to see it cause it was all the shit in me. Then, I began to meditate and ohm. I was a female shaman and started singing in tongues the song ohm originated from. (A voice I've never heard before singing with me, through me, while I was also learning about what she/I was singing).

Duration: 30min.

Changa Experience ( 2Xul 10Muluc)

Dose: 60mg DMT, and leftover 100mg of 10x extract Syrian Rue (3hits split between me and my girlfriend)

As soon as I started there was little beings crawling and moving all over the blanket. Then I layed down and closed my eyes and saw what my girlfriend see's on her trips. Also felt her presence with me as soon as I saw this. I saw a dark looking room with grids, and on the lines of the grids were little baby looking beings with metallic looking spikes coming out of there spines.

I started to sing the song of ohm, and then they started to flee (at this time my girlfriend says that she heard me singing and she came into where I was going but then was pulled back away from it by something). My girlfriend at this time was laying on my side and they started to attack her.

She sat up and started screaming, so I sat up and she was at multiple places at once seeming to be panicking (at this time she said that she had came out of her body, and was trying to build reality). There was so many things going on around us, but I got rid of them all, layed her down and made her one again. I also got her back to a calm and good place, and began to heal her of these beings that attacked her, and then focused on bringing her back after that.

Duration: 30min

Changa Experience ( 13Xul 8Ahau)

Dose: 60mg DMT, 100mg Harmala crystals (smoked)

I hit the pipe 4 times, then put the pipe down. I was sitting outside under a full moon and open sky. Then, I closed my eyes. I started to meditate and ohm, as I went through everything. As I was going through, I saw all the dark "things" first. As I ohmed the dark started to flee as light beings came in.

I saw what looked like a huge tree covered in dark beings while all the light beings were trying to push up out of the roots and return to the tree where they belong. But the dark beings were not allowing them to. I had a feeling that it was the "world tree" or a "sacred tree".

As I went to the light beings, I was in a round stone built looking room with a round stairway that went down. A being was telling me about something that I cant really remember but soon there was a huge red dragon that was 30-40ft (just like mythological dragons), it was fighting me and as I was fighting I stopped and let the dragon kill me.

After it did I felt like I was becoming one with the dragon. As its energy became mine its head rested peacefully within my head. All at once I felt as though I understood why Egyptians had the snake resting with there head. I also felt that I understood enlightenment and the awakened state at that point.

After that physical reality flashed a couple of times and realized I was interacting with parallel realities and then some type of mechanical machinery took away all my senses and I left everything and chose to go in this new direction, then decided to come back for now (cant remember what happened during that).

Duration: 15min

Changa Experience ( 9Yaxkin 11Cib)

Dose: 40mg DMT and 100mg Harmala crystals (smoked)

I was out in the middle of the desert, away from everything, under a clear sky full of stars. As soon as I started I saw everything I've seen before and realized it was a distraction, all of it was a distraction. It turned into a tunnel.

This tunnel branched off in a lot of ways but I knew the way through. After I got through, I can't put into words what happened. I can still see it very vividly but cant seem to put words on it. When I try to think of a word t describe it, its almost like it flees from the word and changes in some way. But it was amazing.

The most amazing thing I feel like I never could have imagined before. Then I was with 3 (maybe more) beings that were Ancient Shaman (that were interconnected with me and everything else just as I was). I was one of these Shaman. These Shaman have been Shaman in many locations and times in the physical plane, to help people here remember what they have forgotten about themselves.

I realized I was one of them that chose to come back here to help people. When we spoke to each other, it was with telepathy humming song music, that is how we communicate. I also took my friend and my girlfriend to this amazing point that I saw to help them. (They were not physically with me, I took other aspects of them not of the physical so they would be able to reach it easier.)

Duration: 20min

Some of my after thoughts:

As I was having after effects, I started thinking about the dome (the dome that encompasses the physical plane), and I started thinking about the book, "The Mayan Factor Path Beyond Technology" by Jose Arguelles. I remembered he had something similar to this dome in his book. I went back and started looking through this book and realized he had found a map that the Mayan Shaman left behind to help people through.

The tunnel was called "Kuxan Suum" and there are 20 aspects that reflects its opposite through the tunnel. It goes through like this, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Each of the 20 is one of the Mayan glyphs (in this order from first to last, Imix, Ik, Akbal, Kan, Chicchan, Cimi, Manik, Lamat, Muluc, Oc, Chuen, Eb, Ben, Ix, Men, Cib, Caban, Etznab, Cauac, Ahau, and combining the numbers with glyphs it would go in this order, 4Imix, 5Ik, 6Akbal, 7Kan, 8Chicchan, etc).

The best day to go would be the exact day of the Tzolkin you were born on (for example: if you were born on 8Ix then the best day to do ayahuasca, dmt, pharmayhuasca, or changa would be on 8Ix of the Tzolkin Calendar. This is not a calendar based on time, or anything physical. The Tzolkin is a calendar with no physical boundaries at all.

This is a picture of the map I found in Jose Arguelles book: http://img22.imageshack....g22/5756/photo0005es.jpg

If anyone is interested in knowing what day they were born on the Mayan calendar or what day of the Mayan calendars it is today, you can find out here:

DMT Experience ( 7Mol 3Ix)

Dose: 40mg DMT (smoked)

Just as the sun was rising, I sat outside, got comfortable, calmed myself (from the usual flight anxiety), and then started hitting the pipe. After the 3rd hit, I put it down and closed my eyes.

As soon as I did these bird-headed scaly looking humanoid creatures jumped out as if to scare me, a small part of me was scared but I just ignored it. As I traveled trough, I hit the end and asked the tree (that was physically in front of me) why it distracted me a couple times.

Then began to think, "If everything is a distraction, than does that mean everything that happens in physical reality and exists in physical reality is just a part of my own tunnel that I am creating for myself?" Then after another deep feeling of realization occurred where I remembered once again that I am a Shaman, and have always been one (once among the Maya also, which is why I am relearning everything about the Maya).

I was shown the symbol for the shaman (or what is modernly called schizophrenia) it was like day and night with a wavy line in between the 2, or light and dark, a balance in between the two, interacting with the two together). After that, I felt as though I was the Creator of the physical reality (felt strongly empowered to manifest, and was encompassing all things) and was One.

Then had thoughts of when my time of demise of the physical form comes, physical reality will cease to exist. All those who chose not to believe in the words I spoke or ignored me when I tried to help them or ignored my advice down the path of the awakened state, will at that moment also cease to exist. The thoughts and feelings I had pertaining to this were very strong and it was hard not to take it seriously at the time. What I wanted to believe, was that even if I could not help someone or if they were oblivious to what I said, that they would be alright and would find there own ways, and that even when I'm gone physical reality will still be here for everyone and everything else.

That's what I wanted to believe but it was really hard to believe that after a while. But in a sense it is also completely true from my perspective, if I feel when I die that I was not able to help someone, then I would only and could only think of them not to exist. Rather than to dwell on them in death (otherwise I could spend forever dwelling on, did I help them, will they be alright, etc).

Duration: 5 - 10min
#3 Posted : 10/28/2010 8:31:00 AM

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****Tzolkin Information & Dream Experiences****

This was also a theory of my own and it just surprised me to read about my same theory. From: The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness by Carl Johan Calleman:

"There are certain days in the Tzolkin count when especially meaningful events take place in your life that can serve as guidance for your life's purpose. All days ruled by your own Tzolkin number and glyph, respectively, may be such days. The reason is that if you chose to incarnate in the holy universe of time on a day that was 7 Ik, for instance, then all days that have the energy of either 7 or Ik will tend to reactivate your memory of why you chose to incarnate in the world and what your life's purpose is. Generally, this should mean that on days ruled by your own number and glyph your life's purpose would have some wind at its back. But, of course, such events are not necessarily always pleasant and may sometimes take the form of lessons to learn. Something similar may be true for the various tuns of the Galactic Underworld, in which someone who was born on the day 7 Ik may find that the seventh tun in this underworld is an important time for manifestation of his or her life's purpose."

Dream Experiences

My dreams also started taking effect to this as well. I did an experiment that took a little over a year, where I was not keeping track of the Tzolkin with my dreams, and dreams that seemed of more importance I wrote down, with only the tun calendar dates next to the dreams so later I could figure out when they fell under the Tzolkin. As a result I noticed that the Tzolkin was literally a calendar that calculated/measured consciousness itself.

The day I was actually born on the Mayan calendars is: 9Pax 11Cib. On Mayan astrology (Dream spell), which I have come to learn literally describes parts of your conscious, subconscious, and higher conscious as well as other aspects of yourself. Mine was 13Oc (conscious self), 13Chuen (subconscious self), and 13Ix (higher conscious self). So according to this there are many days that I can be effected by, days with 13 and 11, or Oc, Chuen, Ix, or Cib. The other 2 aspects of my dream spell are Ahau and Muluc also.

Here is my dreams that I wrote down, these were all before doing dmt or salvia. The last dream I have written down was after salvia, a lot of dmt, a lot of changa, and 2 pharmayahusca doses: 2Tzec 2Kan

In a store maybe, stopped by cops, lots of girls, lots of negativity, everyone looking, not much noise. 3Tzec 3Chicchan

Tunnels/ducts, beings, don't know where, room full of red lights. Maybe on another planet, some type of ship, some island with different colors in the sky.

Later note: There were emotionless, personalityless, beings working or doing something. There was also something/someone after me, or just had a feeling of that.) 4Tzec 4Cimi

Tried to learn about DMT. Manifested things. 5Tzec 5Manik

Naked woman, very comforting and positive. Alchemical things, maybe on island, sacred geometry things. 6Tzec 6Lamat

(Kundalini mediation before) Driving, thought I was going fast but when I looked at speedometer it said 30mph every time. The car changed into RHD, there was people with me, someone went through the car, people were getting mad cause I was going slow. 7Tzec 7Muluc

I saw a cube, but it was a cube that I cannot explain. It was silver or metallic, or shiny colored. That is all I saw was this cube looking thing. (Woke up freezing and shivering badly)(what is this cube?) There were markings on it.

Later note: I looked into the markings, at first I thought it was Tibetan writing, but actually came to find out it was Sumerian writing. I have no idea what it said, I only remember the look of the markings. 8Tzec 8Oc

Thoughts upon waking: We are all equals, we are all one, so why do I still feel detached from so many? Is it because of their thoughts and influence?

Dream: I couldn't even say yes to something I wanted, cause of the fear or maybe just influence. I was with some people and someone came along that I wanted her to hang out with us too, but I couldn't even tell her, but she comforted me and gave me a hug and it really did make me feel a lot better, like she understood me and my choice even though I didn't tell her my true intention. I want to find my twin flame. She looked like a friends sister.

I don't want to fear anymore, I want to love. i don't and cant let the fear of what others think of me effect my thinking. I wonder how many things I have missed out on. Maybe I even already met or was with my twin flame but I let fear and influence cloud my mind for too long. People may call me crazy, or weird but its only cause they cant understand, maybe. 9Tzec 9Chuen

It seemed like I made everyone mad in my dream, but I don't know why? I manifested my bike and a car. Don't know where i was at though. I was in some type of vehicle for a while then I noticed everyone was gone. 10Tzec 10Eb

Went to a river. Kept hitting a wall until I broke through and found (myself) DMT treasure. Changed my dream to many times after that. Cant remember all of what happened, I left people behind. 11Tzec 11Ben

What does the cube mean? I was with 2 people that did what I said. Then, with group of people that looked younger. Always alone, no one with me. I was always like the extra person in the groups that is just there. I was trying to take someones girlfriend, but then realized it and felt bad for trying to come between them. 12Tzec 12Ix

Was on a broken bridge. Then, I think I was trying to stop something from harming people, then a female took me with her somewhere. Then, I was trying to find out about a gate (I think the gate was called Alumi, Aluni, or Amenti) and last Egyptian king.

I thought I woke up and started writing in here. The female I met took me into a building where it was a long stairway that I couldn't see the end of. Someone also asked me if I wanted to know the last ________ king or priest instead of the last Egyptian king.

Later Notes: The last Egyptian King was Psammetichus III, son of Amasis the Egyptian King before him. I always see a female in my dreams, often comforting or guiding. Maybe the broken bridge I saw was a broken bridge between my conscious and higher conscious self. 13Tzec 13Men

Can't explain. Cleared my mind just before I went to sleep and I'm not sure what happened.

Later Note: Something I realized with dmt experiences is that things I couldn't remember or couldn't explain were usually things beyond my own level of understanding or perception. 14Tzec 1Cib

Went through star gate type thing. Was in a small town with lots of trees, it was very nice. 12Yaxkin 13Ix

Was in a jungle or forest trying to escape and protect others from something. They had other people contained in some type of containers on a train or being pulled by a train. I got on to find out where it was going and taking people to, but it was derailed by something and crashed. At which time I just tried to avoid being seen by anyone or anything.

When I was back in the jungle or forest, I was being followed and got into a fight with another person that soon came to tell me that, he was only after me and others cause his family was captured by these things and they told him that if he helped them, then they would be free. I convinced him to come with me (I knew "they" were deceiving him), to a place where people that had escaped or were just surviving had made into a place to live, there was not many.

Different part of dream, later on. I was in a city with many buildings or maybe just a few but there were some really tall buildings (I've had this part of the dream twice before). I was looking up at one of the buildings and then a ship came and some type of laser or light weapon started shooting the tall buildings and there were little metallic type or robotic type creatures that also started to attack people. I started trying to get away but was quickly surrounded by a lot of them, then woke up.

Later Note: I don't know what "They" are. In my memory now they look like double the size of a human, very muscular, with a reptilian human type look to them, very darkly colored (dark greens, and black). 0Ch'en 2Ik

I'm not sure if it was a dream or if I really saw this, it felt to real to be a dream. I saw 6moons and a blue UFO beside the moons.

I woke up once and the sky flashed like lightning a few times then, I thought I saw rain (middle of the night), but if it was rain, it was glowing bright blueish color. I know I was awake when I saw this and it wasn't lightning or rain that I saw. 9Uo 2Cib

(This was after salvia, dmt, changa, and pharmayhuasca experiences. My dreams became much more vivid after all this and now, my dreams are as real as here.)

I was in a forest, a tropical rain forest with birds and animals all around, making there song with the forest. It was a very beautiful, colorful, peaceful day. Sun shine coming through the trees a little. As I look around I see that I am sitting under a huge floating stone (felt like a cave but there were no walls). Under me is a large circular stone as well.

There are 12 African or black shaman sitting around me with huge complexly made head dresses on. I made eye contact with each of them (acknowledged each of them), and then one pushes me a cup of ayahuasca. Without a thought I instantly picked up the cup and drink the cup (I found it to be a great honor that they came to visit and completely trusted them, I had no reason to think about taking it).

As soon as I took it, the other shaman drank right after me. The shaman guided me, showed me around, and helped me remember lost knowledge. I had a full experience that felt just like Pharamayhuacsa except much more peaceful and loving.

Later Note: Ive noticed since this experience my trips/dreams have changed dramatically. I have complete control over my trips (When I trip now, I am here and there at the same time. Completely separated from the ego but still able to do things here and communicate with beings here even though I am also there doing something completely different at the same time.) My dreams are no longer like faded memories they are just as real as here, but with more possibilities available.
#4 Posted : 10/28/2010 6:32:11 PM
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These are really good reports. I like the chronology! Keep 'em coming..
FYI- Anything I post here is just stuff made up by my crazy brother who lives in my closet. I feed him jellybeans.
The Centre
#5 Posted : 10/29/2010 11:32:22 PM
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Interesting. You have taken a long and brave journey with the molecule. I am yet to experience the loving side to DMT, but I am confident it is there. If I finish what I have and still experience no loving experience, I will discontinue usage. I am glad that you have learned much from it. I have realized I have learned much myself, and it kept me from making the biggest mistake of my life, but I wish for a loving experience.
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