Breaking through? Options
#1 Posted : 10/15/2010 8:50:42 PM
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I know this may be a tired subject but i was hoping for some more clarity on it...

My first time trying DMT i had about 3/4 very big hits & then lots of little ones where i was finishing off the residue of the large hits.

Unfortunately i didn't have scales so i can't be accurate with exactly how much i did or didn't do, but on the big hits, it was really hard on my mind & body, i was writhing around a lot, i had flashes of alien images & made some sense of them afterwards, but at the time everything was way too fast to make any sense of at all.

On the lower doses when i finished off the residue of the big hits, during the afterglow, i still had that super fast onset but after the quick come up i had nice fractal images massaging me from inside for a few minutes, i could breathe slow, stay still, and go deep...

Does this sound like on the high doses i did too much, or not enough?
I'm figuring if i'm writhing around uncomfortably it's gotta be too much.

Although i am a 6,4" male, maybe i wasn't dosing high enough to 'breakthrough' and was only getting strong onset symptoms.

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#2 Posted : 10/15/2010 9:16:56 PM

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When you have broken through, you will know...that is all there is to it.

Breakthroughs are not necessarily dose-dependent.

You are the only one who can say whether your high doses were too much or not enough...Did you want more? If so, you didn't do enough. Did you want less? If so, you did too much.

I've had experiences where I was writhing around, unable to stay still and I had only vaporized a very small quantity of DMT...again...experiences are not necessarily dose-dependent.

Allow me to humbly suggest you stop questing for a breakthrough and simply open yourself up to whatever experience the spice may present. You may be surprised as to what happens. Wink
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#3 Posted : 10/15/2010 9:52:16 PM
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Nice reply Thumbs up

I felt to ask as i saw a few trip reports where people were saying 'i didn't do enough because i had the uncomfortable onset without the breakthrough'

The Centre
#4 Posted : 10/16/2010 12:41:25 AM
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What snozzleberry said. If you quest for something or ask for something it means you expect something. One thing DMT is sure to do is blow away all your expectations, so just sit back, relax, and let it take you where it thinks you need to go. My last experience and the one before that was really uncomfortable because I wanted to go somewhere, I wanted to "break through", I wanted to be taken. I now realize the only way is to just shut the heck up, throw away any expectations, and just go along for the ride. It is all you can do anyway. Don't even weigh out your doses, just take a small pinch and put it in a pipe and toke up with no expectations.
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#5 Posted : 10/16/2010 10:21:58 AM


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i agree with snozz and centre. years ago, when i first stepped into my head, i would note what time i dosed and keep up with it from them. kinda turned it into a science experiment. i was always the last one to take off, if i did at all. this went for all trips. lucy, cacti, salvia. it wasn't until i stopped controlling things that i was able to consistently break through. you paying so much attention and wanting it so much is just you trying to control the trip. ha. yeah right. that one back fire's every time. like snozz said, stop looking for it. you're not gonna find it. it's gonna find you. relax. let down your guard. quit expecting (after all...expectations are future resentments). like centre said, don't weigh. just put enough. you don't even have to smoke it all. make as little to do about it as possible. you know what i've found works the absolute best to cure the control in your head? COMPLETELY RANDOM DOSING. have your spice around and everything you need. don't do it. don't think about it. just wait a week or two. then one day when you're all alone, say hey, i wanna take off and do it at that very moment. expectations and anxiety will ruin a trip.
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#6 Posted : 10/16/2010 10:59:43 AM
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Yeah i def went in with some expectations as id only just finished reading the Spirit Molecule.

I also think i did too much & measuring doses is a good thing with such a powerful molecule, i'm going to make my 1:1 enhanced leaf with peppermint & just wait until like you say, i spontaniously feel like diving in.

It's kinda hard to not have expectations because almost everyone talks about 'i did or didn't break through', i guess i'm asking what do you guys think a breakthrough is? Entity contact? OBE?
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#7 Posted : 10/16/2010 3:57:53 PM


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yeah. it is hard. i think the idea behind doing hallucinogens is to break through the walls of the human conscious so yes, there should be some level of expectation with each dose (no matter what your poison). thing is, you've gotta stop looking to see the face of God or talk to the aliens. just be prepared to be taught a lesson. if someone were to drop all expectations and just take hallucinogens without looking forward to something, i think that would be abuse and a sign to stop. so keep up your soul searching but remember that spice is a true teacher. you can't control the lesson. show up eager to learn, not eager to teach. also, i've known quite a few people who couldn't break through in the beginning because it's so intense they fight it for a time or two. salvia can be the same. in essence, your only problem with blast off is in your head. now that you've jumped off the cliff once and seen what it was like, most people can get off the second or third time. now you kinda know what to expect so you should have less anxiety. it's like premature ejaculation for guys...the more you think about it, the worse it is. just relax and go with the flow and you'll be taken. i'm very new to the spice world but very well versed in other psychonautical chemicals. just keep asking questions. keep looking. keep searching. everything you need to know is inside of you. you've just gotta find it. don't put too much into this. it'll happen once you're ready brother! good luck and have fun!!!
embrace your's all you are...
I am.
#8 Posted : 10/16/2010 4:02:52 PM


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and as far as what a breakthrough's like snozz said. you will know when you're there. it's hard to explain. if you're wondering whether or not you broke through, you didn't. it'll happen. handle a snake long enough and you're gonna get bit kinda deal. so don't stress it. don't feel it a waste if you consume but don't get off. it's all a part of the trip. just consider it training. sometimes you might contact entities. sometimes you're the only entity you'll contact. there's no text book trip. there are similar experiences but you've gotta remember that everyone's psyche is a bit different so everyone might perceive the trip differently. try not to compare your experience to others. they'll contact you when they feel you're ready.
embrace your's all you are...
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#9 Posted : 10/16/2010 4:37:08 PM

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Many great replies to the OPs question.

I agree with Snozzleberrys reply; its also important to let the trip take you where it will rather than proceeding with expectations.

Dosage is important but the story is a little more complicated.It seems to me that there is like a fairly narrow 'window' of experience which defines the breakthrough that is sought where one encounters what seem like sentient entities.Ive found that 40mg vaporised perfectly and consumed in 2 breaths gets me there consistently; if I consume the same amount in 1 breath it produces an experience some way beyond the breakthrough where the tempo of the trip is much more frantic and my ego is so annihilated that even if the entities were apparent I wouldnt be able to make any sense of it.Antrocles recently started a thread titled 'The Limits' which relates to this aspect of DMT use.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#10 Posted : 10/16/2010 5:20:56 PM
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Yeah i think i gotta find my 'dose' and get my method of administration downpat.
#11 Posted : 10/17/2010 8:29:46 PM
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breakthroughs are all about getting a certain dosage (your breakthrough dosage) into you AT ONCE. If you don't do it the first time, it's likely that the second dosage you load won't do it either.
I find that the first dose i smoke has to be the one that gets me there, otherwise after the DMT is already in me, i can't get there anymore, no matter how much i smoke. On a "clean brain", about 35 - 40 mg of freebase smoked DMT will have me out there. If the first attempt fails, i stop and try again some other time.
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