Step one. Go pipe shopping. (and I don't mean going to go find a sweet ass glass a roo pipe that would make a morman want to give you an exorcism) I am talking about finding a decent wooden pipe that you are happy to hold. One that feels nice in your hand. One that makes you smile when you look at it. Something cozy. My idea is that if you spend a few dollars on something you are committing a little bit more... and that is what we want right?? a commitment.
Mullen is a definite must have my friend. This friendly herb acts as an expectorant to get all that nasty built up horror out of your lungs that have accumulated over the 15 years. Fresh mullen is best if you have a way to go and pick it or find it somewhere that has only been dried a little bit. Rub it.. make it a ritual to rub it between your fingers. Get all those micro lung savers activated.
May pop is the next buddy on the list. This lovely flower is actually an addiction receptor blocker! As if mother nature would leave you hanging. She makes the nicotine.. and its arch enemy. may pop.
damiana-Damiana is a shrub native to North and Central America. The leaf is the part of the damiana plant that contains the powerful therapeutic compounds. Damiana has long been used by Mexican cultures for treatment of a variety of conditions.
Catnip is also something you could apply to the blend. and marshmallow root.. ya know. different things for taste.
Lobelia Is a very powerful herb that helps to calm the mind and relax the body. It has helped many people to control their cravings for nicotine. Lobelia is also reputed to have the effect of making cigarettes taste very bad.
Skullcap Contains plant compounds that help the brain produce more endorphins (naturally occurring chemicals that promote feelings of well-being). This is believed to enhance both awareness and calmness. Skullcap relaxes states of nervous tension while renewing and reviving the central nervous system.
Black cohosh- Is commonly used by women to help them stay balanced during their monthly cycle. However, it is also known to be a safe sedative that relieves nervousness and anxiety, which makes it useful for the irritability, restlessness, and nervousness associated with quitting smoking.
Read more:
http://www.care2.com/gre...king.html##ixzz12SOPjgbrOkay so with those in mind. DON'T GET OVERWHELMED!!!! This is just a lot of them. You can choose any one of these to help you out of it. YOU DON'T have to have all of them in order for this to work. I only had mullen, may pop and tobacco crumbs. If there is a herb shop in your town.. They are great people in helping in the assistance of this.
Now MY FRIEND here comes the trick. You might want to do it your own personal way, but I know this is what works for me.
Get your smoking blend together. get your rub on the mullen leaf. Breath deep and appreciate the smells of the herbs. YOU ARE GETTING YOUR SENSE OF SMELL BACK. Be happy for that.
get a little bit of tobacco and mix it in with your herb blend. JUST ENOUGH SO YOUR CRAVING IS GONE. So just enough for like 3 drags or so. The may pop and what ever you choose do the rest of the work. Most of it is just a smoking thing. CUT DOWN THE AMOUNT OF TOBACCO EACH DAY YOU WORK TOWARD QUITTING.
You might even consider once you decide to not put any tobacco in for a few weeks and leave it all together that you enjoy the new smoking blend just as a form of relaxation. At least your mind is free from addiction and able to concentrate on more 'elevated' endeavors.
Love and Light
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."