a big Nexian thanks Options
#1 Posted : 10/14/2010 9:14:46 PM

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I wanted to share my first full-blown aya experience from just last night as a way of thanking the many Nexians who inspire and make it easier for newbs like me to begin this work on themselves. Not a "breakthru" thing, but a wonderfull 3+ nonetheless!

So well well, last night was certainly a grand culmination of all my aya experimentation to date. I'd started small a couple of months back, caapi only and added leafy admixtures slowly until I could see where and how they kick in. So last night was for sure the latest - 11pm! - I've done something like this, but I've learned that with the relatively modest 50gm caapi doses I'm working with, that my body would be wound down for a good night of sleep in 4 hours. Which is exactly what happened. Since I have to wake up at 6:30am on weekdays, I needed the confidence I'd be able to do that and function normally after a cup or three of coffee.

I finished drinking at 11:30, it was 45gm yellow caapi mixed the "eyebelled equivalent" of 40 gm of chacruna in a brew. But half the chacruna was replaced by chaliponga in a 1:4 replacement ratio. So, it was actually about half N,N and half 5-MEO. All I can say is that it was really fine, but completely unlike the cactal phens.

As opposed to cactal speediness, there was an underlying wooziness that left me curled up in bed or moving around very slowly so as not to bring on a purge (the wooziness faded away around the time it began to peak, about 1:30AM). But that was just a minor distraction, there was plenty going to keep my mind off THAT!

It also was incredibly visual, I was in a sea of rapidly changing flashing webs, patterns and nets and scintillating rainbow dots whether my eyes were open or closed. I mean, really really Disney's Fantasia played at 1000X the normal speed. Through it all, I had a choice: either merge into the experience, in which case it just got crazier and crazier, or slowly think carefully constructed thoughts like, "OK, now I will get out of bed and walk around"..."now I will go to the back yard".

It was such an intensely visual experience that it seemed less mental and cosmic than San Pedro usually does for the trip did not have that "I am the Big Bang" feeling I'm used to with cactus. I did focus throughout on this big internally illuminated salt crystal in my bedroom that for the entire trip took on the form of a Buddha head and kept me pointed in a very comfortable direction.

The aya began to hit me at around 12:30 and slowly crept up with hearing expansion until about 1 when it REALLY began to hit with crazy OEV/CEV. Too overwhelming to stay in bed for kept getting stronger and stronger, and I thought, I've got to occupy myself by doing more than staying in bed, so I got up at 1:30 and walked around the house, the back yard, played with my dogs. I saw that my dogs were giant living crystal dogs that were participating in the trip with me by sharing our energies. I was vaguely aware of thoughts coming up, thoughts from that part of me that "need work" and I could see that these parts of my life were like the last detours I had the option to take - or not take - on the Path to cosmic I came out of the experience feeling better and stronger about taking care of those issues.

I can barely recall the last hour in much detail, but suddenly I found myself coming down, aware that my first major visit to aya land was coming to an end.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/14/2010 9:43:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member


Posts: 1538
Joined: 24-Nov-2009
Last visit: 31-Aug-2024
Bravo!!! Congratulations!! I'm so happy it was a wonderful experience for you!!

When do you plan on returning? Cool
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