Several members in this forum are very willing to help others in their quest for better understanding the psychedelic experience and for solving their extraction doubts. Nevertheless, this can only be possible if the questions are asked properly.
Important aspects to think about when asking questions:1- Did one spend enough time reading the forums before asking the questions?We dont want people to be affraid of asking questions but its important that they make at least a minimum of effort to search around for what one is wondering about. The
FAQ, the
WIKI and the appropriate sub-sections of the forum should be the first places consulted. One should be patient when looking for the answers just like he wants others to be patient when helping him with the answers if he cant find

2- Is enough information given?
If someone comes and asks something like "hey I followed noman's tek and got no crystals, whats happening?", this is a very poor way of asking the question. How can we guess what happened? Please state: proceedure used, amount of bark, lye/base, solvent per pull, was the pull heated or not, how long one mixed before making each pull, what is the source of the bark, etc.
3- Is the question asked in a clear way?Please re-read your question before posting and try to imagine if it will be understandable for someone that has no other information apart from what you are stating. Questions like " hey so I was making some pulls and then the filter got upside down and the crystals were sort of there but then I dont know so I decided to add vinegar because I remember reading this and it might be it prevented it from precipitating so I added some more carbonate and now its all in the fridge, can you guys help?" are impossible to decipher, and really makes us wonder if you guys are purpousely making it complicated to test us
4- If one is adding a picture, is it a helpful picture?
Blurred pictures of some dish with some barely discernible spots in it, for example, are not of much use to really understand whats going on, and
much less to know about the purity of your stuff . This is not to say that pictures must be professional to be useful, there are many times where poor quality pictures can be helpful in visualization. One must consider his own specific case and see if it is of help.
5- Is the thread titled appropriately?Don't use CAPS to write thread titles, and please use the thread title to describe the contents of the thread so that others can already have an idea what will be inside, and so others using the search function in the future can find relevant threads if they want to ask the same. Examples of bad thread titles: "Help quick please!" "Im wondering...", "my extraction" ..
6- Is one being patient?Apart from what was mentioned before about being important to search a while before asking, also its important to be patient and not ask the same question in many different forums or constantly bumping one's thread, which can be annoying and clutter up the forum. Be patient, give a couple of days for people to have the chance to answer, and if nothing comes up after a reasonable amount of time, then feel free to bump the thread and repeat the question.
There are more things that I might think of and add here.. If anybody else has more ideas or comments, please go ahead and post