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#61 Posted : 10/9/2010 5:12:08 AM

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well I wouldn't worry too much about it. We go into hyperspace because we went out and actually found the facts instead of listening to the propoganda. It's been this way for people who use drugs throughout the ages and well I suppose we can classify ourselves under that, even if we are a more enlightened group than the common junkie.

But the main source for all this bad propoganda won't just go away until many many years later. It's because the drugs that prostitute us to society and dumb us down, such as alcohol and tobacco, fight with billions of dollars funding the entire anti-drug program almost by themselves. And that also goes for hemp which was illegalized by the paper industry so that they wouldn't have to compete with a by far superior product.

And we can expect more. As people become more enlightened then these institutions will fight knowlege with propoganda all the harder but I wouldn't fear it. I would be patient. Tobacco was deemed extremely detrimental with no benefits whatsoever and it's slowly being phased out. It took us 30 years but we're getting there. So I wouldn't get too worked up over this. I'll just let society be hypocritical and share my knowlege with those who are open to it Smile

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#62 Posted : 10/9/2010 12:17:34 PM

John Murdoch IV

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soulfood wrote:

It's perhaps the biggest threat to the nation's mental wellbeing, yet it's freely available on every street – for pennies. The dealers claim it expands the mind and bolsters the intellect: users experience an initial rush of emotion (often euphoria or rage), followed by what they believe is a state of enhanced awareness. Tragically this "awareness" is a delusion. As they grow increasingly detached from reality, heavy users often exhibit impaired decision-making abilities, becoming paranoid, agitated and quick to anger. In extreme cases they've even been known to form mobs and attack people. Technically it's called "a newspaper", although it's better known by one of its many "street names", such as "The Currant Bun" or "The Mail" or "The Grauniad" (see me – Ed).

In its purest form, a newspaper consists of a collection of facts which, in controlled circumstances, can actively improve knowledge. Unfortunately, facts are expensive, so to save costs and drive up sales, unscrupulous dealers often "cut" the basic contents with cheaper material, such as wild opinion, bullshit, empty hysteria, reheated press releases, advertorial padding and photographs of Lady Gaga with her bum hanging out. The hapless user has little or no concept of the toxicity of the end product: they digest the contents in good faith, only to pay the price later when they find themselves raging incoherently in pubs, or – increasingly – on internet messageboards.

-Charlie Brooker (for the guardian)

Full article HERE

Great article,
Thanx for sharing Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#63 Posted : 10/9/2010 12:25:51 PM

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Just thought I'd point out another piece of misinformation on the website article, with the caption about Bruce Parry, they have added a few quote's from him which is meant to be from when he done "DMT" in the Amazon.

"TV'S Bruce Parry described how he collapsed and fell sick after drinking a DMT potion in the Amazon."

"The former Royal Marine, 41, told BBC viewers: "The trip slowly builds."

"Powerful visions of childhood and past misdemeanours return. It is a vivid, disturbing and profoundly humbling experience."

The last quote they put up is actually from when he done Iboga with the Babongo tribe, it's unbelievable how they just lump all hallucinogens together just to make things sound a little more harrowing.

It's a good thing most "Sun" readers don't have the brain capacity to actually remember what they read the previous days, they probably already forget it to be honest, nothing to worry about in my opinion!Wink

#64 Posted : 10/9/2010 1:27:56 PM

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"Border guards have intercepted a record £13million haul of DMT"
- I don't even beleive this is true. Who would make that much DMT?

Side-effects include paranoia and flashbacks weeks or months later.
- Where has this been proved? paranoia?

The Class-A drug has also been linked to schizophrenia.
- By who?

"Dealers have seen big money to be made here."
- From *who*??

"We must get a grip on this before it takes hold of our young. DMT is a nasty piece of work."
I'll tell you, this article is the only nasty peice of work.

"DMT, first seen here in the 1970s, costs up to £100 a gram - twice the value of cocaine because it is so rare."
But it's not rare. Who would pay £100 for a gram, when for £50 you can buy 500g mimosa and extract
5 grams your self.

"In May, Danielle Jacobsen, 17, was found in a pond in Connecticut, US. A coroner cited DMT as a contributory factor to her death."
Again, I do not beleive this for one single second. Clearly, a load of utter bullshit. Sure, it's possible that somone who was gonna
kill themself was getting high on DMT, but in my sincerest opinion, smoking DMT would not lead you to want to kill yourself;
only shows you the beauty and complexity of worlds beyond our current understanding, and would fill you with wonder
and a thirst for life.

The sun is a notoriously sketchy tabloid newspaper, quite adept at throwing shit around to cause hype.
I wouldn't be surprised if the spiritually evolved community which is DMT completely resists this. Although
that is a fairly damning picture, to somone who's never seen crystals.


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#65 Posted : 10/9/2010 1:37:03 PM

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Infact most of the article is completely untrue. I can't beleive they can just make up, misconstrue, confuse, and then publish the thing as if its gods honest truth, and then afterword they'll publish another article simmelarly twisted, so that they can sell the story they want to sell:
"Killer Addictive Crack-Cocaine Replacement Enters UK From Amazon, fucking up your kids, In record $16bn haul."

To be honest, I am so, so glad that there is that quote on the right hand side, about visions of previous misdemenours, and it was incredibly humbling...
With that quote on there the real power of DMT remains untarnished.


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#66 Posted : 10/9/2010 2:32:22 PM

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shoe wrote:
To be honest, I am so, so glad that there is that quote on the right hand side, about visions of previous misdemenours, and it was incredibly humbling...
With that quote on there the real power of DMT remains untarnished.

Yeah, I thought that was nice.

I'm not going to read the article. I think my head might explode.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

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#67 Posted : 10/9/2010 6:32:23 PM

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If anyone would like to voice their opinions to the author of his supreme journalistic skills, maybe send him an email. It won't change anything but it eases the pain. I did and I'm not sure he liked what I had to say... Wink
#68 Posted : 10/9/2010 7:30:42 PM


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shoe wrote:

Side-effects include paranoia and flashbacks weeks or months later.
- Where has this been proved? paranoia?

The Class-A drug has also been linked to schizophrenia.
- By who?

by them:

shoe wrote:
"Dealers have seen big money to be made here."
- From *who*??

The real question is: Since *when*?

#69 Posted : 10/9/2010 9:32:19 PM

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They know what kind of nonsense they are spreading. Its not a paper run by idiots but by people that know what sells well.
#70 Posted : 10/9/2010 9:35:05 PM
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A tribute to the office-boy's googling skills. I shouldn't worry too much, last week Benzocaine was the Sun's latest threat to western civilisationRolling eyes
mistakes were made
#71 Posted : 10/9/2010 10:10:27 PM

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The Sun, what a dumb paper. This story smells terrible, aot of misinfromation here, so much xtal??

But hey, this is just the begining, we can be sure that we will be seeing alot more of these kinds of media stories.

Btw, Ive merged the 2 threads, we keep it in the Nursery for all to be involved in one conversation.
#72 Posted : 10/9/2010 10:35:52 PM


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Poor girl drowned in an condominium pond, wonder what really happened that night? At least this article is not a load of bull like the Sun article, they actually seem to get their facts straight. Still it comes across with "the new drug menace killing your children" attitude which is unfortunate. 10,000 points to the guy who left the comment, it was very truthful, articulate, and well written.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#73 Posted : 10/10/2010 1:49:10 AM

John Murdoch IV

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It's bad how people that have never done psychedelics don't understand how beneficial it can be to go through hard trips where you sometimes suffer a lot of agony and pain. They just see this as something as crazy as hell but no positive side. They need to go there them selves to understand what it can give you.
Psychedelics can teach you things in hours that might take years to understand in the normal time continuum. Psychedelics happen on another time level. It's another dimension in your being.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#74 Posted : 10/10/2010 11:41:28 AM
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I'd be really interested to see a graph of hits to this site over the period before and after the publication to see if many people had suddenly started looking into it.
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#75 Posted : 10/10/2010 5:42:16 PM
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The sun has a reputation when it comes to spreading fear among the british people with slander and lies. Isn't rupert murdoch the evil genius behind the distribution of this overly expensive toiletpapers?

Well, it's easy ofcourse to write bullshit stories about DMT because hardly anyone knows what DMT is. Even people who're pretty familiar with other psychedelics often don't know what it is.
#76 Posted : 10/11/2010 12:33:29 AM

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clouds wrote:
shoe wrote:

Side-effects include paranoia and flashbacks weeks or months later.
- Where has this been proved? paranoia?

The Class-A drug has also been linked to schizophrenia.
- By who?

by them:

shoe wrote:
"Dealers have seen big money to be made here."
- From *who*??

The real question is: Since *when*?

I'm confused clouds, you seem to be under the impression that you are proving your point when in-fact you are proving mine:
the paper you attached states clearly: "Our findings suggest that the excretion of DMT is not exclusively related to schizophrenia or
even to mental illness."

and the link to erowid you posted was examining the skitzophrenic-like nature* of the DMT flash itself, and not any links to development of schitzophrenia in DMT users, as the sun claims as truth.

Obviously, we are all aware, as a psychotropically active community, that any psychedelics, especially the prototype; DMT, can precipitate mental illness in users who are classed as high-risk candidates for that kind of illness anyway.

Used in the correct mindset, setting and with the correct set of goals (or something like thatPleased DMT as well as other psychoactives can be wonderous: it can bring you a taste of enlightenment, help you to heal your ails, allow you to explore the fractal CEV universe, bring you to prosperity, allow you to explore divine places (I mean literally, the c.e.v's have the same patterns as the REAL holy walls!) they can bring you to greater understanding and a deepening appreciation of all things in life. Not to mention, they can be extremely enjoyable experiences. Joy. Love. Healing. Understanding. Awareness. Oneness. Love.

Ultimately, thats what you're going for; a hightened state of well-being. If you're not being well, then why are you being what you are being??

* Since as you may not know, Schitzophrenics (famously, Louis Wane) also experience hallucinations.

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#77 Posted : 10/11/2010 2:11:28 AM


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shoe wrote:

I'm confused clouds, you seem to be under the impression that you are proving your point when in-fact you are proving mine:
the paper you attached states clearly: "Our findings suggest that the excretion of DMT is not exclusively related to schizophrenia or
even to mental illness."

and the link to erowid you posted was examining the skitzophrenic-like nature* of the DMT flash itself, and not any links to development of schitzophrenia in DMT users, as the sun claims as truth.

The statement said that: The Class A drug also has been linked to schizophrenia.

That is a (broad?) statement, which is true. The Sun is not saying that it causes non schizos to turn schizo after smoking DMT.

Also, the paper I attached (which was attached by someone else in this forum first), says:

Our findings suggest that the excretion of DMT is not exclusively related to schizophrenia or even to mental illness. That all 14 normal subjects tested also excreted DMT raises the intriguing possibility that this hallucinogen has some physiological function. Nevertheless, we have now demonstrated in two separate studies that much higher levels are excreted by some acutely psychotic patients.

Additionally, as you can see in the erowid link, there is yet another paper that has linked DMT and psychotic effects:

(9) Szara S; Dimethyltryptamine: its metabolism in man:
the relation of its psychotic effect to serotonin metabolism.
Experientia 12:441-442, 1956

*I am a clinical psychologist, it is my job to know that schizos present hallucinations. It is also my job to not confuse hallucinations with drug induced visions.

#78 Posted : 10/11/2010 2:25:18 AM
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Sadly fearful drug propaganda is more interesting to the average viewer/reader than thousands of years of fascinating ritualistic use among early human tribes and all the spiritual connections associated with it.

It's not about the facts, it's about the money.
Unless someone with access to media outlets produces counter-media, there is no defense to articles like this.

A fictional show about amazonian shamans using DMT and Ayahuasca in positive manners; no matter how false, would likely be more convincing to the average human than any real and factual study out there.

Unfortunately a lot of people can't be bothered to read the facts, or better yet discover them for themselves.

With the way things are, society would probably accept vampires and blue cat-aliens before accepting DMT!Twisted Evil
Disclaimer: All Entheogens and other research materials are not for Human consumption! I have researched by text the effects of consuming such things in case of accidental consumption. I have never actually consumed any of the materials I speak about and it should be assumed I'm speaking hypothetically. I have a wild imagination.
#79 Posted : 10/11/2010 10:40:39 PM

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Clouds: I could *so* argue psychology with you, but instead I'm just gonna say: stay on topic .

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#80 Posted : 10/12/2010 1:16:51 AM


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shoe wrote:
Clouds: I could *so* argue psychology with you, but instead I'm just gonna say: stay on topic .

Uh... ok? If you are referring to the *statements, I was responding to yours.
As far as the other 95% of the post, it is very much on topic.
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