Hi all,
I just want to say thanks to whoever for keeping this awesome site on the web for everyone to use. I've been lurking about these forums for some time but I thought it was time now to step out of the shadows, so to speak. I understand now, that while extraction teks and whatnots are the first hurdle to comprehend, the true challenge is the reconciliation of the effects of our beloved molecule. So, I believe this to be a pretty cool group and I would love to precipitate from the cloud of anonymity and say, WhaTs up!
Anyways, Im a researcher of a million topics, most having to do with altered states. I once had a notion that altered states not only hold the key to the salvation of our species but also provide a great deal of happiness in the individual. I continually strive to prove this notion right at every opportunity. Currently, I am very interested in altered states that can assist relationship building with loved ones but my attention is broad and deep and I am often side tracked.
Anyways, you can probably expect me to be lurking about the various archives, as usual...
I'm glad to be here, wherever "here" is...