After having failed several times using the machine, SWIM decided to try the sandwich method. SWIM lay a bed b. caapi (50% white leaf strain, 50% yellow leaf strain) inside a glass pipe. He sprinkled on 60mg of spice. SWIM waved a lighter in the proximity of the spice until liquified onto the bed of b. cappi. SWIM then laid down another layer of b. caapi (same mix), as well as some cannabis.
SWIM took total nine hits from the pipe, 10+ second holds. SWIM closed his eyes and enjoyed the onset of the CEVs. It hit hard very, very quickly. SWIM began to have difficulty discerning whether his eyes were open or closes. He was positive his eyes were closed but he could also see his surroundings. Any attempt to move SWIM's eyelid was barely noticed. So SWIM just let his eyes open. It didn't seem to matter any more whether they were open or closed, as the visuals became quite intense.
Now the trip is incredibly difficult to explain. SWIM's body, all of his senses (auditory experience, visual experience, sense of touch, etc.), thoughts, time perception, perception of the three dimension of space, emotion, speech, and body movements all became enmeshed in a "web". The "web" fluctuated and moved in a very wavy manner which SWIM best feels can be explained as the liquify tool in Photoshop.
SWIM spoke gibberish at times and moved his body in bizarre ways, moving along with the wave-like fluctuations of the "web". Everything moved with the web: SWIM'S speech, vision, body movements, thoughts, etc. Everything was interwoven. Moving from each part of the interwoven web to the blended sensations/perceptions. i looked at the reflection of my face in the computer monitor, it looked very distorted, actively moving, parts of my face blowing up/shrinking in erratic patterns. I watched a video of some fractals. SWIM became totally immersed in it, replacing his reality. Using a computer was fairly difficult both physically and mentally, but SWIM managed.
SWIM expected to meet some aliens, and is a little disappointed he didn't, but still had a powerful experience. The trip lasted around 4 hours, which is very unusual from SWIM's understanding. Wow. Has anyone had any similar experiences?

Photoshop liquify tool