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#21 Posted : 10/7/2010 6:59:58 PM


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WSaged wrote:
Anyone still think DMT being popularized & sensationalized through easy internet access is a good thing?


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#22 Posted : 10/7/2010 7:24:01 PM

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Oh well. Dropped off the front page of the site now. Things get quite buried in The Sun site and I think if this isn’t major news in the other rags it will hopefully die away. I myself also agree that this may well be a sensationalised rendition of the truth. The Sun is quite good at that. I can’t personally believe there is a use for that much spice across the UK.
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#23 Posted : 10/7/2010 7:46:52 PM

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I suggest we leave intelligent, factual and reasoned comments under the article.
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#24 Posted : 10/7/2010 7:56:45 PM

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WSaged wrote:
Anyone still think DMT being popularized & sensationalized through easy internet access is a good thing? Thanks internet!Confused

Heh, probably not if I was one of the guys lucky enough to know about dmt before it came to be known on the internet. But the internet inevitably opens pandora's box for virtually anything on the planet. It's unavoidable. Anyone can research anything with the internet. I certainly think DMT could stand to be less sensationalized. I'm not sure how "The Spirit Molecule" portrays dmt. I hope both dmt, and the people using it, will portray themselves and the substance as a potential tool for healing and exploration for a individual capable of making their own decision whether to use it or not. That's really all it, it doesn't need to be sensationalized any further than that.

Hopefully, more scientific articles about dmt and users will be written, presenting things like facts and statistics. My only hope is that people are intelligent enough to make their own decisions, and human enough to allow others to make their own decisions about this substance. All I want for myself, and for everyone, is to not be a potential criminal for choosing to take a substance which I KNOW with every fibre of my being, has been a helper and a teacher for me. I just want the right to choose what to put in my own body. If there are people out there with a different opinion of dmt, if there are people out there who believe dmt is bad, they certainly have every right to not take it. No one should be criminalized or have their life taken away with prison, just for choosing to ingest a substance, and minding their own business.

1664 wrote:
I suggest we leave intelligent, factual and reasoned comments under the article.

I agree. I will.
#25 Posted : 10/7/2010 8:13:15 PM

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d*l*b wrote:
Oh well. Dropped off the front page of the site now. Things get quite buried in The Sun site and I think if this isn’t major news in the other rags it will hopefully die away.

Here today, Gone tomorrow. i mean its the sun for goodness sake. if you take anything it says
as gospel you most certainly are a couple of sandwiches short of a pik nik.

I mean.... they found a london bus on the moon!!
I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.

#26 Posted : 10/7/2010 8:40:41 PM

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I made an account purely to comment. Most likely wont get through the moderation review though Razz

The worst thing about it is the people that actually read the sun will believe it, because they were dumb enough to buy the sun in the first place... I don't understand why the hell ANYONE would want to just read lies? if i want to read fiction i'd read a standard book. Papers are for news!
No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. ~P.J. O'Rourke
#27 Posted : 10/7/2010 8:48:29 PM

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Astralking wrote:
Papers are for news!


I thought papers were more for views. That and giving inaccurate information that no one's ever going to call them up on because as it turns out an investigation can take months, sometimes years. A newspaper report on the other hand takes about an hour. As for the facts... who gives a shit... really?

#28 Posted : 10/7/2010 10:24:45 PM

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Oh dear lord what an appalling article. Now, I'm a fan of free speech, me, but I read things like this and it makes me think somebody should censor the populace from lies and drivel like this. Now I saw' 'The Sun' and expected it but to be bad...but the amount of gross inaccuracies in so short an article was impressively dire. What a travesty of a newspaper. Confused
#29 Posted : 10/7/2010 11:25:54 PM

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Can't say I'm surprised. Its' the standard tabloid mass panic approach to this story. It's the same story it always is - take a substance that can be called 'a drug', exaggerate its negative effects, invent a few more, scream that it is the greatest threat to society and that it will turn our children into hollow-eyed prostitutes and destroy their minds. Create a moral panic, and sell newspapers. Hey presto. They did it when cannabis was downgraded to class C in the UK, again when mushrooms were freely available, and of course more recently they've been targeting the online sale of legal highs.

The tabloids only do this to shift papers - they know its complete bullshit. Its a formula, just like the 'footballer + hooker' story that keeps coming up - just change the name of the footballer and hooker every now and then.

The bad news is that every time they run with the "new drug danger" story, the government rush through new legislation to restrict the availability of the substance being targeted.

This won't be the last time the Sun or one of its equally bilious red top rivals runs with the DMT story. They have no other easily available target since mephedrone was criminalised, so they'll run with this, and they will run with it because the drugs are dangerous story sells lots of papers.

If it surfaces again, it may be necessary to mount some kind of counter attack. This may be the moment to finally push for a wholesale rethink of the whole 'war on drugs' attitude that poisons society and criminalises our citizens. We need to change the law and we need to change attitudes or we lose this.
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#30 Posted : 10/8/2010 12:39:42 AM
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I can just see the government jumping on the mephedrone bandwagon and banning MHRB. It'd be just my luck, as I only start finding out about it!
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#31 Posted : 10/8/2010 2:27:36 AM

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Buster wrote:
I mean.... they found a london bus on the moon!!

While I would like to believe that The Sun is quite that stupid I am afraid that was probably the Sunday Sport.
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#32 Posted : 10/8/2010 2:29:37 AM

John Murdoch IV

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Horrible article but maybe this is a good thing. Scares the morons that read this crap away Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#33 Posted : 10/8/2010 3:34:00 AM

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i find most of the "news", either written or televised , here in the
States to be more mind-bending and terrifying than any drug known
to mankind....Smile

fear....makes the "sheeple" easier to control....

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#34 Posted : 10/8/2010 4:57:08 AM

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RaveN-ous wrote:

i find most of the "news", either written or televised , here in the
States to be more mind-bending and terrifying than any drug known
to mankind....Smile


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#35 Posted : 10/8/2010 6:03:32 AM
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#36 Posted : 10/8/2010 6:17:23 AM

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That article is full of some of the most gawd awefull shit i've seen in a while! Crying or very sad

I'm hoping not many see it

Create an account and post a comment on it if possible!

theres actually already a thread on it :

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#37 Posted : 10/8/2010 7:24:39 AM

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Yeah, it's nuts, they are doing the same thing as they first did with cannabis. Scare everyone into thinking it is worse then is really is. Most of that information they had on it was untrue also. I just saw a youtube video about some Dr. saying DMT was really dangerous and all this other crazy stuff.
*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

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#38 Posted : 10/8/2010 7:34:28 AM
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^what youtube video?
#39 Posted : 10/8/2010 7:43:16 AM
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#40 Posted : 10/8/2010 8:24:13 AM

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That article is basically a hate speech, as its purpose seems to be to condemn an entire class of people by spreading false and slanderous information in hyperbole. Anyway, if people don't pay attention, it will go un-noticed. I tried to post a response in the comments section and my comments were rejected. I was respectful, and didn't over react, despite their obvious lies. Basically, all I said was, "I hope people consider the facts presented in this article, do your own research and decide for yourself how much truth there is to this article." Go figure. I guess they don't want people advocating thinking for themselves.

So, I'll just have to ignore this nasty piece of work for now. Until there is some kind of bill presented to change the current situation for the worse. And of course, even the current situation is very bad. All I can do is keep up with my own writings describing how this substance, which people use solely for themselves and of their own free will, has helped them, and been a teacher, as well as brought much joy in to their life. My only hope is that if people see that entheogen users aren't criminals, or bad people, they'll stop criminalizing users. I hope everyone documents their journeys and how they have been helped. If enough people speak out about their real lives, if enough actual users of entheogens document the reality of their usage, it will eventually change the way people view these substances. Eventually, people won't be able to fall for false negative propaganda because there will be so many accounts of the positive aspects of these substances. It won't be automatically assumed that drugs=bad. That little bit of questioning, that little bit of leeway might be all that's needed for decriminalization. If people disagree or do not want to use dmt, they don't have to of course. But hopefully, people will eventually be human enough to come to the attitude, "it may not be for me, but do I have the right to imprison someone with an alternative view? I don't think so." It just takes a lot of people coming together and documenting the real life use of these things and their effects. That is essentially, what DMT-Nexus does.
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