2c-e + 2c-b combo: the wrath of E, the bliss of B Options
#1 Posted : 10/5/2010 3:41:00 AM

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combos are tricky.
it's very rare that a combo works out the way i thought it would, especially if i take both substances at the same time.
i prepared, thought-out, and executed my last caapi + LSD combo with great consideration and was utterly unprepared for the force with which it dissolved my reality.
some substances are better left alone. some substances can never really be tamed. (yeah i'm talkin' to you Lucy!) Mad
anyway this 2c-e/2c-b combo was one of the few combos that actually turned out exactly how i predicted it would.
everybody's gotta get lucky sometimes!!
2c-e seems twice as potent, plus a little more, than 2c-b for me.
so 6 mgs. E is like 14 mgs. B.
10 mgs. E is like 22-24 mgs. B, etc.
though even when similar intensity is achieved, 2c-e seems to be just plain more intense any way you slice it.
2c-e's body load is far more intense than 2c-b for me, and i confess that i don't feel exactly safe with the way it makes my heart pound through my chest sometimes. (i never get crazy heart-pounding from 2c-b)
BUT, i really enjoyed my last 6 mg. 2c-e experience and was thinking of ways to intensify it without subjecting myself to the increased body load.
(body load was tolerable with only 6 mgs. 2c-e)
so i thought: if i take 6 mgs. of 2c-e and 4 mgs 2c-b on top of it, that will be equivalent to the intensity of 18 mgs 2c-b.
but, i reasoned further, it would be MORE visual and more intense because of the 2c-e backdrop.
2c-b would be the topping on the cake that would add a sweetness to the sometimes bland sternness of 2c-e alone.
well success and success.

about 40 minutes after dosing, i could definitely feel the B in there.
i get this sensation in my heart i call "being swooned" from only 2 molecules: MDMA and 2c-b.
like the way it's sweeping over me starts in the heart and spreads outward in an orgasmic, flowing intensity that starts to "move" or "swoon" me.
it makes me wanna moan as i'm exhaling. "ohhhhh, hello B. there you are." Cool
well as i'm coming up, i feel the B swooning my heart space and it's quite welcome in that dryer 2c-e space.
by 50 minutes i'm coming up REAL strong and am vaguely apprehensive about where the experience is going.
stronger and stronger she gets until it flattens out at 1 1/2 hours, as predicted....E takes a touch longer than B.
(when i say 'E' in this post i mean 2c-e not MDMA)
i remember the moment i started peaking.
the medicine was stirring my bowels with nausea so i went to sit on the toilet in the dark.
lo and behold, the "neon cartoon" effect of B, which is totally absent in E, starts painting the bathroom walls with it's soft, laser-beams of light.
i feel like i'm under water and the walls are illuminating the darkness with florescent veins like a deep-sea jellyfish.
i am very comfortable. body load is manageable and i can relax into the experience better with the B-softness.

even with such a small amount of B, i still feel like B was in the driver seat.
the E was almost unrecognizable except for the occasional thought-process or visual aspect that would remind me that E was still a participant.
the most important difference i feel that the B contributed was a positive push of ecstatic joy that i find either absent or reluctant in E alone.
i spent the entire experience in an uplifted and comfy euphoric state, punctuated by a visual intensity that you have to take 3 hits of acid to get to!
and the time-frame of the experience was totally the E talkin', it went for a LONG time. 3-4 hour peak with 6 hours after that of residual effects.
if B was callin' the shots, i would've been down in three hours tops.

i remember thinking about how "pliable" the experience was.
my lady was having a bit of emotional difficulty and i felt completely emotionally accessible to her, and was quite able to talk fluidly about interpersonal issues.
giving her space, i layed a blanket out in the backyard and completely merged into the abyss of the night sky with profound psychedelic rapture sweeping me out of my comfy sphere of reality.
"oh i wonder how she's doing." back into the house i go as if nothing had happened.
back onto the blanket and merge into the swirling lights.
very controllable and maneuverable, as i said.

as the night went on i became preoccupied with my heart-rate and decided to check it out.
just lying there it was at about 110 beats-per-minute.
this was producing a little anxiety in me.
i know my pulse has probably been more in more intense trips, but i started wondering how "okay" it is to be subjecting the body to such an elevated state for so many hours at a time. (it was probably like that for 3-4 hours before slowing down).
i've never had this preoccupation with B alone, but have definitely had it with 10 mgs. E.
i tried to do a little research about dangerous or excessive heart-rate levels but only found a bunch of info on exercising!!!!
well it sure was a 8 hour marathon, but i wasn't jogging!!!!
if anyone has any thoughts on this i would appreciate it.
i think next week i'm gonna try 18 mgs. 2c-b by itself and check my heart rate.
if it's under 100 BPM than i'll know that 2c-e just might not be for my particular nervous system.

lastly, i wish to report that an excellent way to sooth the stimulant effects without diminishing the intensity was well-acheived with kava extract.
i took about 3 grams (yes, 3 grams!!) of 84% kavalactone paste throughout the night and was pleasantly drowsy by the end.
if i hadn't had the kava, drowsiness wouldn't have even made an appearance for at least 12 hours!!!!

i think because of the body load, (and my preference for B) i will probably switch the portions up next time. 2c-b as the base, with a touch of
2c-e for the extra kick. those who enjoy 2c-e more should find a greatly rewarding addition to their evening with a 4 mg. 2c-b "frosting."
"B frosting" leaves all the force and honesty of E intact, while infusing it with a bliss and care-free joy that enhances the experience without distracting from it's deeper agenda.


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#2 Posted : 10/5/2010 4:24:50 AM

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thanks for the most interesting research on a delicious combination. I love the part where you're able go back inside to check on your lady, then switch back to the "under stars" mode! Reminds me of some epic cactus experiences....check into the kitchen to help the Ms with some project, then back to the gazebo to commune with the garden! Off, on, off, on. Nice to have that luxury, though there are certainly times where that's not possible.
#3 Posted : 10/5/2010 7:10:31 AM

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you never cease to grab my full attention. Wink I imagined some alien plant with an array of 2c's in a beautiful combination.
I wish I lived out in cali. it's been cold and raining on n off for like 2 weeks now. Mad
Glad you had a successful and comfortable experience. It's nice to go softer sometimes.
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#4 Posted : 10/5/2010 1:43:36 PM

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This makes me wish I could get a hold of some 2c-b. I've always been interested in that one, but have yet to procure it.
#5 Posted : 10/5/2010 9:05:39 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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she sure is the bee's knees.
(stupid pun intended) Rolling eyes
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