Who has seen Entities on DMT..and... Options
#41 Posted : 8/23/2008 6:31:15 PM

The Great Namah

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Fable wrote:
I made up a spicey smoking mix that containes damiana, caapi vine and 10% brugmansia flower.


Ack! All Datura's scare the hell out of me. I won't even touch one. Talk about Master Teacher Plants...even the currandero's of the Amazon fear and respect that plant over all others.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#42 Posted : 8/23/2008 7:38:30 PM
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It should scare the hell out of you. i've done it a few times when i was a little younger and a little more naive and reckless and looking back at it i consider it a miracle i'm still alive. once i took it and i remember the most insane hallucinations but afterwards this guy who was 'babysitter' told me that(of wich i don't remember a thing)at a certain moment he realy had to stop me when i was walking/ crawling around looking for a knife to 'cut things'. If this guy would not heve been there, something terrible would have happened, i'm sure of that.
By the way acolon_5, what is it like, being insane?
magic clown
#43 Posted : 8/24/2008 11:52:24 AM

aka Slap Stick Sam

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There is a very nice place to visit and with out a tropane ticket you will never get there. Obviously the potential for disaster is quite big, but its not as scary as you might think. Random looney events can be very entertaining. Coming out of delerium is like a rebirth. You should try a cartoon joint, half and half tobaco and datura leaves with a sprinkle of spice. The effects of the lovely tasting cool smoke are blissfull.
I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense
#44 Posted : 10/6/2008 10:36:09 PM

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Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
#45 Posted : 10/6/2008 11:35:35 PM

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this picture does not so much represent what SWIM sees, but it perfectly represent what SWIM hears during a strong ayahuasca or smoked dmt trip!
#46 Posted : 10/8/2008 9:35:30 AM

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Swim saw countless dimensions in the sky, all in the shape of vertical eyes. Peering down into my being.

But swim does not know what they wanted.
#47 Posted : 10/8/2008 2:20:46 PM

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first time SWIM smoked it...broke through...and there were 4 beings there...but only one came..RUNNING at him...and then sang the most gorgeous song to him...SWIM has been in contact with other beings almost everytime sHe goes in...

The relationship between them and shim has progressed since then...a few months after the first breakthrough...maybe two months..not sure...they started asking for SWIM to stay with them..they even showed him how it could be possible..but when they asked...all SWIM could think about were the important people in his life and actually was able to pull himself out of the was kinda startling...but right after the experience..somebody else that was going in said that SWIM was in his physical presence was flickering in and out of this reality...

pretty soon the beings start to show SWIM more and more of the otherside...he started to go through initiations when he would smoke it..being transformed by the beings...he even met one of his families over there...they would always take great care of him when he went in..haha one time even got to have sex! massages and nice..

sometimes the beings would throw SWIM all over the bouncing off walls and whatnot

another time he was thinking about LOVE and loving everybody as he went in...and what happened next was sweeet...he got taken up into this dome shaped room..and there were about 9 cloaked figures sitting in a circle around him..they explained to him what the purpose off all this one...they were there to help reconstruct his light body with him...they explained the whole process and actually let him help in the whole process...the interesting part of the experience is that it took about 2 actually felt like two years to him...they also explained what would happen as he funneled back into his physical body...he would slowly start to loose the details of the visit...he would start to feel the changes they made slowly start to condense into this energy packet that would then reside in his was to help change the future in a certain way...and when he finally got back to his body...he apologized to his friend that was there for being gone so long...and she looked at him and said it had only bee 2 minutes...

another time when he smoked it..he came to this place where this virus was ripping through reality..and anything the virus touched would become part of the virus...he became part of the virus and swept through the whole universe and consumed and became all..not really a being...but certainly some sort of weird entity..

these beings have started to enter his dreams as well...he has been having many dreams about ET's and ufo's....he has also been injected with DMT + (unknown) in his sleep...they have actually sent messages to him through his came from this little alien fellow who was extremely good natured...the message was

"A consciousness unit can travel faster than light." what that means to him is that with our consciousness we are not bound by the physical laws...and we can travel throughout the universe from right here..and so can they

whenever he smokes it soon as he puts his pipe to his lips...he can hear a cheer...they cheer him on everytime he smokes now...

one time he smoked some in the middle of the day...he got to this place where he was able to direct the experience...but they were there helping out a bit...they showed him how to use the hypercomputer...showed him how he could split his consciousness in there so that he could do an infinite amount of things at once...and still be aware ever every single one...and then one of his friends in real life..was there and showed him his new 'apartment' there...and they said that he had to equalize the room and himself together and that he should breathe very deeply...when he came out of hyperreality he was breathing very very hard for about ten would think that he would have started HYPERventilating but he was a very powerful experience..

there are so many other times when he has contacted OTHERS...and it is amazing
it's a sound
#48 Posted : 10/8/2008 2:41:36 PM

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oh yes the machines...SWIM has been to a world of was the whole place...there were beings there that were communicating with him but he didnt see any...they were showing him where we humans are gonna have to go when the world is no longer livable...we have some very very advanced beings watching out for us..
it's a sound
#49 Posted : 10/8/2008 2:54:15 PM

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This was propably the most amazing post about the Aliens, I've read for a long time. Thank you for that jorkest!
#50 Posted : 10/9/2008 6:18:47 AM

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it's a sound
#51 Posted : 10/11/2008 7:04:24 PM
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I see colored shapes that seem to communicate with me, almost as if i opened an old computer and was watching the led lights in non-scillating irregular patterns that lend themselves to communication. Could it be our minds eye and brain communicate by breaking down thought into geometrical archetypes and shapes like a computer would break an image into pixels and then the software scan each one for important info?

Last time i had the weirdest trip of all, it was an alien abduction scenario, i felt a ship blinking landing light coming through the back of my eyes and out and around to the front of my head, then the communication and then... liftoff with a whirring sound, i saw the "tentacles" lift away from me as though the end of a heavy dentistry session, and then the lights went white and the "ship" lifted up and away. I finally understand what mckenna et al might be saying about alien abduction by dmt.. this wasn't just communication, it was the landing, the probing, the liftoff, and away.... like an actual narrative story.

I find the yellower the spice, the more "juicy" or "opaque" the visions... with pure white i have never had the relaxed pleasurable visions of plateau, only the flash. I now get much more excited seeing yellow spice than white, i think we're leaving important stuff behind in the pure white and have read so other places.

#52 Posted : 10/11/2008 7:10:38 PM

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they are two different things...sometimes the white is better for a certain experience...while yellower spice is more for deep exploration.....the white seems like a better teacher though....yellow seems a bit stranger and more intense in a sense
it's a sound
#53 Posted : 10/16/2008 5:35:15 AM

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flyboy wrote:
I would not say elves, I would only say aliens... if they are elves, they are elves from another dimesion so that makes them aliens that look like elves, but aliens nonetheless....the problem with the question is that if you ask me 5 minutes after a trip i'll tell you no doubt aliens were communicating with me, but just an hour later i have convinced my rational self it just couldn't be.

My feeling is we are being communicated to from another dimesion at all times, and it takes place on a wave closer to the speed of light, and with spice we are able to think or see at that higher dimesion.

Perhaps our brain (pineal?) is a receiver of intelligence at all times, like an antenna, intelligence of a basic order that is communicated via shapes, only the density of that activity is increased on dmt.

... or maybe it's just that it's been less than five minutes :O

I agree with your words friend Smile But what does it all mean?
#54 Posted : 11/27/2008 3:14:04 AM

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Hi all. I'm new here but have been lurking for some time. This thread has finally put me over the top and inspired me to share a related experience...

SWIM has yet to see the elves but has certainly felt the presence of entities. That said, a friend of mine had a breakthrough her very first time and knew absolutely nothing at all about the elves. She was very vocal during her experience and was writhing around a bit and verbalizing some of what she was seeing. At one point she announced the presence of elves with the utmost excitement in her voice. She continued to giggle in their apparent presence for a while and then a bit later she said "Oh my, they're all waiving to me". I then turned to another friend in observance and mentioned that from what I had read this often means that they are leaving and she is about to come "back". Sure enough, this is what happened.

Any doubts that I had about the elves before witnessing that are now completely gone.

#55 Posted : 11/27/2008 3:26:34 AM

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that is very cool to hear
it's a sound
#56 Posted : 11/27/2008 5:23:11 AM
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Foaf had no idea what to expect when he drank his first mimosa/rue brew and he had NO IDEA that he would be seeing entities, he just thought he'd see gentle-dose acid stuff. But see them he did! In just one session he saw natives, native gods, Mary, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, friendly skeletons, angels and demons and buddha. His second session turned out to be a little stingey on the light, but again he was seeing native entities. Both times there were more entities than anything else- pretty patterns were merely a background to them. He was hoping for a religious experience and had recently been to Central America, which perhaps explains the nature of his visions... BUT NOT THE FACT THAT HE SAW ENTITIES. He had seen entities even before DMT- salvia spirits- but was not expecting to see them with any other drug.

He then found this website and was made aware that DMT is all about entities. When he smoked, he found hyperspace much brighter than before, and first met creatures that looked like the offspring of dwarves and aliens, in leotards with big flat heads like guitar pics and tiny beady eyes, in a medieval-type psychedelic palace. However, they looked nothing like what he was expecting. The next time he saw elegant humanoids in jester outfits that were noticably elvish. Then Quetzalcoatl in a Mayan form when he opened his eyes. He noticed that closed-eye hyperspace seemed similar to this forum's banner, so either that's what hyperspace looks like and the artist knows it, or foaf's smoking experience was moulded by this site.

If you look up self transforming machine elf on Wikipedia, it says a bit about how DMT is all about the entities.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#57 Posted : 11/27/2008 9:48:50 PM

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Why yes, it seems DMT is most definitely about the entities. The first time I drank Ayahuasca I did not know about contact with beings or too much about the reptilian phenomenon, I did know a bit however. And after the most insane purging of all emotional baggage that had been stored in me for years I was spoken to by 3 reptilian entities that reside in the fifth dimension. The said that they were from the constellation Draco and do not have a physical form in our dimension. They spoke about the technology of entheogenic plants, specifically Ayahuasca brews that allow humanity to communicate with them which is their purpose. They took me on a tour through the incredibly massive and complex matrix of energy/consciousness that connects everything and everyone in the universe. They also spoke to me about upcoming world events such as staged alien attacks that would lead to the centralization of governmental power. Since then I have foudn the works of David Icke, a great man in this strange and amazing field of research.

On my first spice excursion I reached a breakthrough experience and found myself lying on some sort of conveyor belt traveling through some type of alien laboratory/factory with ducts coming out of the floor and circling the many machines in the 'room'. I was under the supervision and 'care' of many 10-15 foot tall beings with 3 foot necks that connect to elongated shiny black oval heads. Their bodies connected to octopus tentacles as feet and they seemed to float around on them. They performed many different procedures on me including some form of energy implant between and behind my eyes that induced a very strange feeling. I was then sealed into a pod and sent back to my physical body. I did not expect this from my first spice experience. About an hour later I had to return and I was greeted by the same entities with the same frantic demeanor, rushing through their testing before I had to be shipped back away, this time was terrifying I might add, much like parts of my Ayahuasca journey. As for elves, not luck yet, maybe in a few more tries. Pleased
Psychonautical musical adventures

I am the Pickled Herring, raging through the streets of Aurangabad. Smiting the simian fortress of Agartha I fly with pan liners and garbage bags attached to my million tentacles of horrid putrefaction, eating souls and raining down corpses on the mighty city of Gruad.

Hail Eris!
#58 Posted : 11/27/2008 11:25:58 PM

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Anyone ever been followed into the bathroom by entities, SWIM was yesterday. Never smoke if you even think you may have to's awkward.
#59 Posted : 11/28/2008 2:32:03 AM
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Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#60 Posted : 11/28/2008 2:55:12 AM


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I have seen clowns, evil spirits, entities;
(or electric souls, three to be exact: the center being was the smartest))

people, fractals, ghost looking shaped trying to press through the veil at lower doses..
& weird things that i cant even describe that BAFFle me haha

Sometimes i feel like im seeing the people around me only in their spice form, like earth is just a game we are playing & whjen we wake up were gonna be like whoa that was a TRIP, right?!

we all like tripping, maybe its a simulation of some sort for pleasure, or maybe they are the creators, but we def. all KNOW that they have knowledge & are of higher power..

does dmt open up a new area of mind or a new universe.. will we ever know?

Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
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