Journey #3: The Golden City and Beyond! Options
Ms. Munki
#1 Posted : 9/24/2010 10:07:05 PM

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After hitting the wall of each end of the emotional spectrum from my last two journeys, I calmly anticipated my next one. And like the last two, I had no expectations of what was to happen. I could not have predicted what was to come.

As usual, I took in three or four big breaths to send me off to my journey. With the dim lighting and some candlelight surrounding me, I closed my eyes, exhaled, relaxed, and went off.

Ever since a trip to Egypt in my childhood, I have been somewhat obsessed with all things pyramid, mummy, sarcophagus, cartouche, papyrus, etc. So it was with great pleasure that when I went on my journey, I was greeted by seven or eight Egyptian-esque beings. Each one wore a very ornate gold and blue headdress. Just as impressive were their gold and blue cuffs.

I wondered for a moment what they were thinking or if they were going to do anything to me. They stood in front of me in a semi circle, looking at me, and without words somehow, welcoming me to this place. Although they didn’t say anything verbally, I felt them welcoming me. And after sending me a welcome “vibe” the semi circle broke in half and they each opened one arm toward this city as if to allow me inside, encouraging me to explore.

When they opened their arms, my eyes could hardly take in all the light. This was a golden city. Everything was gold. And the gold was bright and luminous. There was a large building, temple, or compound of some sort to the left of me, but it was so bright that I couldn’t look at it straight on. Peripherally, all I could make out was that it was a massive superstructure made of the brightest gold of all the city. I could see it glistening in the corner of my eye.

The “Egyptians” went on about their way as I advanced forward to explore. Two of them escorted me onto a vehicle. It was a little cart that went on some tracks (think Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom… the mine cart!). The tracks went through the city, and as I rode the cart I tried to take in as much as I could along the way.

All I could see was gold… everywhere. It was beautiful, but the light was so intensely glaring, I had a hard time trying to see. I struggled to look at everything straight on. I wanted to see the architecture, but the light was just too brilliant. I squinted to see. I could barely make out the structures, but they looked Egyptian.

The cart took me through the city, and it eventually led me out of the city. The rest of the landscape in my direction was desert land. And further, the cart took me down below the city into some caves where I ran into some humans. I rolled right past them in the cart, so I’m not sure what they were doing. I think it was a man, woman, and a child. They may have been in another cart passing through or just in the cave… I really don’t know because by the time I noticed them there, I was already rolling out.

The cart kept on rolling. I rolled through more of the cave and then somehow my surroundings morphed and suddenly the cart rolled me into a room. It was a dance studio. Having been a dancer for 12 years of my life, I’m familiar with dance studios, so I knew exactly what this place was.

Here was an older couple, human, maybe in their 50s or 60s, dressed in early twentieth century garb. He, in a tuxedo, and she, in a long white dress with lace and her hair pinned up. They were ballroom dancing together.

The studio wasn’t lit if only for the small amount of sunlight beaming through a couple of windows. They didn’t even notice I was there. It was mesmerizing. They were elegantly spinning, twirling, and gliding along the dance floor. And every time they danced through the line of sunlight, her dress dazzled a bright white. I watched for a moment before my vision got cloudy and I came back.

I was filled with awe and amazement at what I had just seen. The images of the city still make me squint just thinking of it.

I’m left with curiosity though… Who were the “Egyptians?” How were they able to speak to me without words? Where was this golden city? What was in the cave? Who were the humans? How/why did I end up in a dance studio? What does it all mean?
just be yourself... everyone else is already taken

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#2 Posted : 9/24/2010 11:47:25 PM

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Interesting how your journies seem to be so informed or influenced by your personal history, as that's just not the case for me. I'm always shocked by how far removed they seem to be from my personal frame of reference, as if it really is an objective space I'm just somehow showing up to. Not that this is really my belief, per se - but it's certainly how it's presented to me.

I wouldn't look too hard for meaning. It will drive you bonkers if you do. Just enjoy taking part in the mystery and the magic you're priviliged to experience.
#3 Posted : 9/25/2010 1:48:40 AM

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oh that golden city and those golden beings.....

i have such an amazing connection to 'the golden ones' and when you came out and told me you had seen them and been there i nearly lost my mind. what are the odds??

art does have a very valid point CANNOT try to make sense of this work. it is the true art of 'unknowing' we embark upon when we begin to take our baby steps with the molecule. understanding who/what/where/when/why/how are all tricks of the ego to effectively wrap up our experience with a tidy little bow on top. this simply cannot be done here...

the tao that can be named is not the eternal tao. the spice that can be explained is not spice! Pleased

it almost feels like this is a large part of our 'waking up' process here right now. to learn a new way, we must first unlearn how we learn. we must forfeit how we know to even be able to fully experience a new way of knowing. personally, i feel that we are shifting from a 'linear' way of thinking to a much more 'holographic' way. i won't hijack this thread to go off on this tangent.....instead i will simply point out that i personally believe that the ancient egyptians (and earlier) had this ability. i don't find it coincidental at all that Ms. Munki or myself both have journeys that are directly connected to this intelligence.

actually, i'm more surprised that i don't hear of more egyptian/pyramid flavored experiences....

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
Ms. Munki
#4 Posted : 9/25/2010 1:53:43 AM

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my journeys have twice (out of four times) had a tendency to lean towards my personal history. is this not... "normal" for a journey?
just be yourself... everyone else is already taken
#5 Posted : 9/25/2010 9:27:00 AM


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Great words from all of you, this Golden City startles me, I want to see the wonders. You had an awesomely sublime experience Ms., I am happy for you.

Bringing up what you said antrocles, it does make me wonder what this life really is about, and what we go through in this journey of life may not be the ultimate existence. Maybe DMT is giving us a deeper understanding of it all, and what it could be to us. When I read about your experience of the giant stone like hands you saw of the notion of time and the universe to be simply reborn every moment, created new, we simply must touch these aspects, we know we must be there...Now I am losing track of what I intend to say..
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#6 Posted : 9/25/2010 1:00:05 PM

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Thank you for sharing Ms. Munki. Egyptian theme has been experienced here as well. No ancient architecture. But, warm tan or gold lighting (bright desert sun?); that signature face painting with heavy black eye outlines; and hieroglyphic symbols. Also felt as very welcoming.
"Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling, and knowing, they don't perceive the radiance of the source. If they could eliminate all conceptual thinking, this source would appear, like the sun rising through the empty sky and illuminating the whole universe." - Huang Po
#7 Posted : 9/25/2010 1:35:27 PM

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Awesome trip report - thanks Ms M! It's incredibly coherent, and fascinating ... there seemed to be a real narrative to it.

I wonder constantly if the things we see are within us already, at some deep subconscious level, or whether we are seeing something that exists externally, separate to us. Spice is such a distinctive journey, and there many who experience the same imagery and symbols - snakes, mantoids, jesters etc - that I'm inclined to think we're tapping into some kind of shared consciousness that exists both within us and separate from us ... but it is always clear that our own ideas, memories, thoughts and outlook shape the journey. Your dance studio relates directly to your own experience, for example.

Personally, I can't help but wonder what it means, what it is telling me, because it often feels like it is trying to tell me something ...

"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#8 Posted : 9/25/2010 2:37:06 PM

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Ms. Munki wrote:
my journeys have twice (out of four times) had a tendency to lean towards my personal history. is this not... "normal" for a journey?

What’s normal? Especially with DMT?

Only my lighter (smaller dose) journeys seem to “borrow” material from my subconscious. My deeper journeys are always alien beyond description. The places I go, the things I see, are so unlike anything I’ve ever seen in everyday life that it makes it very hard for me to see how my mind could possibly be generating this stuff.

Not only do I see things that I’ve never seen before, but I often see things that cannot be seen in everyday reality. My normal visual sense is simply not able to “render” some of the things I see. This is something I’m aware of at the time – upon seeing some things, I realize “oh, that’s something I couldn’t see with my ‘normal’ vision”.

Anyhow, there isn’t a “normal” journey. There may be common threads that run through many of our journeys, but we each experience the eternal mystery in our own unique ways.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#9 Posted : 9/25/2010 3:18:41 PM

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Ms. Munki wrote:

I’m left with curiosity though… Who were the “Egyptians?” How were they able to speak to me without words? Where was this golden city? What was in the cave? Who were the humans? How/why did I end up in a dance studio? What does it all mean?

Thanks for taking the time to compose that great report. I have a hard time remembering things to the level you seem to be able to recall, but I have on many occasions seen Egyptian or Mayan entities.
My work with the molecule has carried over into my daily life in that when I journey, I realize that I am totally detached and that I have no control of, or connection to the other world from which I came. Now in my daily life on this side I am far more able to accept that I have very little control of things here even when I'm stone cold sober. Its very freeing to my soul. I can appreciate things much more now knowing that its okay to revel in being the "spirits" that we are and that we dont need to feel so seated in or in control of this reality....and that its ok to enjoy and look to enhance the spiritual, joyful side of our life and ok to let go of negative feelings that may hold us back.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
Ms. Munki
#10 Posted : 9/25/2010 5:05:52 PM

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thanks everyone Smile

@ 88: i wonder sometimes how much of my journeys are coming from me and how much of it is external... or if it all is indeed external and that i am just seeing certain things and referencing my past to be able to recognize and understand what it is. or if it is all external, but it's using images from my mind to tell me something.

@ mad banshee: i too have learned that it's ok to let go of any and all control over my surroundings. in my first report (entitled Journey #1: The Relief Effort) i had the hardest time letting go at first. but it allowed me to realize and accept that i have very little control over things here and on the other side and that it's ok to let go!
just be yourself... everyone else is already taken
#11 Posted : 9/25/2010 5:31:40 PM

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Ms. Munki

Wow what an incredible spice journey, as i was reading your experience i was reminded of a mescaline journey that i had some time ago... although i did not feel welcome within their gold world. Thank you ever so much for sharing your experience it is greatly appreciated, i wish you safe journeys fellow traveler.

Mescaline Journey

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For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#12 Posted : 9/25/2010 6:03:47 PM
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Thanks for sharing Ms. Munki Cool

I'd "kill" to spend an evening with a gal like this on the Nile; sunset red sky horizon all that, yeah Embarrased

#13 Posted : 9/25/2010 8:42:39 PM

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gibran wrote :
Only my lighter (smaller dose) journeys seem to “borrow” material from my subconscious. My deeper journeys are always alien beyond description. The places I go, the things I see, are so unlike anything I’ve ever seen in everyday life that it makes it very hard for me to see how my mind could possibly be generating this stuff.

I am at a point speaking only of my own journeys that there is something beyond ourselves.
There can sometimes be a blend or an overlap of ourselves imposed on an experience.

there is a manifest portion that mixes with the actuality of it. My journeys are so intense and direct right now I can barely contain it.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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