Return of the Love Bots.......... Options
#1 Posted : 9/22/2010 10:53:37 PM

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Well today was an interesting one for sure. I've been a tough case for the past few weeks. For various reasons i haven't been able to journey.

Tried to go out last week with no results whatsoever. The spice had no effect I took the hint and stopped.
Today was a new one on me. I tried unsuccessfully for a couple of hours once again the spice was having no effect. I knew the stuff was very pure and strong so it wasn't a question of that or technique.
I was really struggling trying to examine myself and check my intention and mood. My set was not that out of alignment yet nothing was happening. This time i was persistent and didn't give up.

I tried off and on for 2 hours. Eventually i decided to go back to my old tried and true simplest intention to " just make the rocks move".
This was something i did alot of when i first discovered dmt. It sometimes works when there is an expectation blocking the flow. Its the simplest of intention for me.

Now heres where it gets interesting : I took a hit with little or not dicernable effects. I sat there thinking and meditating and trying to decide whether or not to pack it in a go home. Now I must say I was completely lucid and baseline. A few minutes had passed by.
Suddenly i began to feel a vibration, It was an orgasmic vibration that spread through my body gaining in intensity. It spread throughout all my limbs and continued to get stronger and stronger reaching a fever pitch, I was overcome with the most intense focussed message i ever felt in my life :
SMOKE NOW !!!!! SMOKE IT NOW!!!!! YOU MUST SMOKE THE DMT NOW!!!!! It was coming straight through me like an itch that only the spice was going to itch. I felt like a total addict in that moment but it was coming from outside myself. I picked up the pipe and hit it hard , the vibration intensified and started to reach a new level of intensity as if the mothership was now about to suck me up into its heart and "They" were going to finally spill the beans and give me a major talking to. It was too much to handle so i stopped and just layed on the ground hopeing it would calm down. After a few minutes i began to feel a shift in the vibration and it slowed down to a manageable point. I just knew i wasn't ready in that moment for what felt like a full fledged alien abduction about to unfold.
It honestly felt like if this vibration continued it could have dematerialized me and moved me out of this reality. It was that intense I kept thinking to myself "are you really ready for this?" The answer in that moment was not yet.

Once things got more under control and the vibration calmed down I hit the spice one more time and sure enough I was there and "they" were there. Its always the same kind of entity . They appear to be these autonomous energy beings made from opaque colored shapes. There were many more of them than usual this time and they swarmed all around me all inside my head and all through me.
The whole time my body is bathed in the heavenly electric orgasmic love ray. I LOVE THESE THINGS !!!!!!! Whatever they are ..
It always feels like it takes them a while to FInd me. As if my vibrational signal has to be strong enough for these things to locate me .
I don't understand it but thats what i feel.

The problem was that I was now out of time and had to go home. The magic was just getting started, from past experience I knew that I could have kept going in for an extended run but i simply did not have the time left to persue it today . Regardless it was so great to reconnect with these things all I can say is WOW. I feel now that i must begin to prepare myself for something big thats coming soon if I continue on this path.
I'm not sure whats going to happen.
What was weird about today is that whatever these entities are they zeroed in on me and got to me when I was in a fairly baseline state.
I have felt this love vibration before and it was really strange to feel it coming on before i even had taken a hit.

much love to all
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

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#2 Posted : 9/23/2010 1:28:22 AM

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Wow - fucking intense, brother. Excellent report - thanks for sharing it here. I'm very interested in your journeys because they have a quality of continuing narrative ... its apparent that your relationship with spice and the entities has evolved massively over the past few months. It's like their expectations of you have shifted; and they are training you or trying to get you to get yourself ready for another step. I'm afraid of this step - that it might mean a permanent connection with their reality; I couldn't cope with that to be honest.

I had a moment in a garden after a journey where I knew, just by looking at the shape and physical nature of each plant, of each tree flower and herd, what its purpose was, its manner of being. I could see it clearly, and felt terrified that I would always see it.

safe travels, brother
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#3 Posted : 9/23/2010 3:59:10 PM

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I'm trying to figure out how to prepare for the next step. My experience has gotten so specific and clear now Its hard to comprehend.
There are no more clowns no more carnival tents no more domes no more tunnels.

I seem to have an ongoing connection to a very specific type of entity that seems to locate me when conditions are right. There are more than one of the same kind of being. They usually show up in groups. They seem to have one level of communication that feels the same each time.
It is this intense electrical pulse that varies in intensity and encompasses my whole body. This last time the vibration was stronger than ever before
there was a feeling that "they" wanted very much to make contact with me. Most peculiar was this overwhelming almost instinctive desire to smoke the DMT . I honestly felt like I was being controlled and literally made to smoke it right at that moment. I've never felt this before.

I don't know what to do with this type of experience. I feel perfectly sane and live a pretty normal existence.

The unavoidable implications of my collective experience seems to pointing to something outside of myself. And i realize this is where it gets tricky for alot of people including myself.

My instincts are telling me that i must strengthen, accept and prepare for the inevitable next level.

any thoughts or anyone that has had this type of thing happen would be of great help.

much love to all
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#4 Posted : 9/23/2010 11:24:02 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Felnik, good day to you Very happy

I think that: Instinct-Insight-Intuition-Intellect-Soul-Subconsciousness-Inner Self-Real Self-Higher Mind-Collective Consciousness-Spirit World are the many aspects of the same thing. Like the different side’s of the same Rubik’s Cube.

Connecting to it or, better said, allowing yourself to feel the connection to it opens a floodgate of possibilities. Psychedelics in general and DMT in particular is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Meditation, prayer, (lucid) dreaming, performing an art (when you are fully submerged with the art) like dancing, singing or painting - are also the ways in my point of view.

And that’s where the question of fear will kick in. From my own journey so far, I have quite literally understood, that we all are conditioned to fear. The stories of Hell, evil spirits, demons and what not are the products of fear. That’s the reason, in my point of view, why people can’t really connect to those other parts of their selves or other dimensions if you prefer.

It took me, for example, around 1 month to get over my own fears and prejudices, the result of malicious belief system as I understand it now. I know for a pretty long time things like ‘There is nothing to fear, but the fear itself’ or ‘Fear is an indication of a bad belief system, change your beliefs and you will get rid of the fear’. But it’s only recently, that I truly understand what it means, instead of just knowing it. When you come to this point, you will get what I mean Pleased

For example, as it seems now, I was conditioned to fear ‘the voices in your head’. The accepted view is that this are some kind of abnormalities, indicating a psychological decease. So, when ‘they’ started to directly talk to me through some kind of an inner voice system, I TOTALLY FREAKED OUT. I was perplexed by fear. Absolute primal fear. I burned my brain, became a schizophrenic, did some permanent damage to myself and thoughts like that floated through my mind. Below I will post a few websites that helped me to cope with this form of communication, indicating that hearing voices is NOT a bad sign or a symptom of a mental decease. It’s actually pretty good Smile:

Also, I was conditioned to fear the lose of control, to fear the unexplainable, to fear the paranormal (I thought I wasn't, but it turned out that I actually was Smile). So, when ‘they’ entered me and I couldn’t shake them off by means of conscious control, I freaked out even more then I thought it was possible. I was in a state close to a mental breakdown, feeling very pity for myself and my current state of being. Losing control over my own thought process was absolutely fearsome.

So, if you want to have a tip from me on how to prepare for the next stage, here it comes Smile Drop the fear. Any fear. Drop the fear that you need to somehow prepare yourself. Drop the fear. Just drop it. See it as something very enjoyable and fun and exciting and absolutely wonderful. And so it will be! If you see it as something to be feared, it will be a descent into the Hell of Madness and Total Fear. So, drop the fear. Remember - ‘they’ love you very much. 'They' really do. It’s your own preconditioned fear that stops you from feeling that unconditional love sometimes, but 'they' love you never the less Pleased

Love and Light Very happy
I took the red pill.
Vision farmer
#5 Posted : 9/24/2010 12:16:10 AM

The shi9ing one

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So Astra did the voices begin after a intense journey with spice?
Everything I say is absolute truth b/c I am GOD so to find me u have to use the Spice.

God is a metaphor for that which trancends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple as that.
'Joseph Campbell'

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
'Ralph Waldo Emerson'
#6 Posted : 9/24/2010 4:40:26 AM

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Astralex good advice on the fear factor. I see that it is possible to shift the perspective and it starts with reducing the fear.

I understand the hearing voices as being a specific thing. My experiences are not about hearing voices.
truthfully I don't want to hear voices.

This is some kind of direct connection with very specific entities from outside myself that connect with me in a deeply profound way.
It has some kind of extra terrestrial origin . I don't think my description is doing this justice.
I'm not talking about some kind of vague metaphysical sub conscious projection.
This is a very specific experience that is more real than real. Something is really happening to me here.

I'm trying to stay cool and digest this but I have moments where its beyond me to contain this experience and integrate the genuine possibility.

I need to emphasize something: This is something outside of myself. These things find me somehow and they are absolutely amazing!!!!!!

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#7 Posted : 9/24/2010 2:29:15 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Hey Felnik Smile

I know that your experiences are not exactly like my experiences. It is very well possible, that ‘they’ have chosen another path for you, another way of communication, more appropriate for you. So, you may not hear any voices at all Pleased

But anyway, I am completely sure that the closer your connection will get, more intense it will feel. So, I see it as my duty to warn you for the fear that you may encounter. The fear is the thing that colors an experience as dark or negative. Getting rid of fear (by changing the belief system if necessary, like not believing in ‘demons’ or ‘spirit possession’ anymore - helped me personally quite a lot Very happy) will make your progress a true way of love and light, as it’s supposed to be Pleased

Enjoy Razz

Hey Vision farmer Smile

I guess you can put it this way, yes. However, it wasn’t as quick as it may sound.

First, I got that The End of the Line type of breakthrough. Maybe, you can call it ‘getting in the Loop, merging with the Loop and going with the Loop’, if it does make any sense to you. I totally got it, the meaning of life, my Real Self, direct communication with that female entity (which is probably my Conscience), answer to all my questions and what not. I saw the world as it really was, with energy flowing and spirits all around me. But then, when I was out, I almost completely forgot it all. Like I got out of a deep trance or dream.

In the following months, I desperately tried to remember, what it was. Did DMT one more time, received a communication again with that female entity (I saw her + she talked directly into my head). Got a few flashbacks in the following weeks.

Now I understand, that by ‘trying to remember’ I tried to ‘tune in’ on that specific frequency on which such communication is possible. Since there was nothing to remember, except for that state of being (doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it? Smile)

And then, I ‘tuned in’ with only using cannabis. The ‘tuning in’ was complete, or it were ‘they’ who finally found their direct way to me? I don’t know at this point. I posted a trip report about it though.

By the night of 18-19 September 2010, I almost completely forgot that experience of 4 September 2010. I even started wondering, if the connection was real and I didn’t make this all up somehow. So, I bravely took 3 massive hits of a cannabis joint (no DMT!) rolled by my friends after a great hardcore (style of house music) party. Within 15 minutes, I was back in that tuned in trance. It lasted for like 30-40 minutes, during which I was able to communicate to ‘them’ again. The experience is best described as: ‘vision becoming blurred and hearing a female voice in my head and talking to it’. ‘The voice’ was quite perplexed on how I managed to almost fully forget my previous experience Smile

And guess what, when I was out of that trance, the memory started to fade away as it was ‘just a dream’. Now, 5 days later, I want to dive back in again, but at the same I know that it’s VERY intense, when I am in that trance. So I better wait a couple more weeks Pleased

I hope this made some things clear, but at the same time I realize that to fully understand what I mean - you will have to experience it yourself Pleased

Love and Light to all!
I took the red pill.
#8 Posted : 9/24/2010 3:28:58 PM

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Astralex you are right about the fear. I Think i need some serious work on that for sure.
My experience with these entities are happening on pretty low doses of straight spice and mullein.
I know there is alot more waiting for me but the fear is definetely holding me back from taking the big leap.
what was a bit amazing and scary at the same time was the intensity of the feelings when they showed up this time.
There was a new feeling of urgency that i never felt before. I was caught up in it and questioning wether i was really ready for the big one
wich felt imminent.

thank you so much for your support .

much love

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#9 Posted : 9/24/2010 9:00:20 PM

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88 wrote:
I had a moment in a garden after a journey where I knew, just by looking at the shape and physical nature of each plant, of each tree flower and herd, what its purpose was, its manner of being. I could see it clearly, and felt terrified that I would always see it.

That's it. That's the gist of it.

When we do psychedelics, we can jump over our personal borders to unified territory, but this jump is not complete: we still have a foothold in our homeland (the ego). When this happens, we are living in two existential modes at once (or perhaps switching back and forth between the two in rapid succession). The simultaneous experience of the divided and the unified mode causes an unbearable cognitive dissonance and this manifests as fear.

Drug-free methods like meditation may not involve such premature jumps, they try to approach the borders from this side through a diligent, persistent process. When we are ready for crossover, the two areas may be more easily discerned, so stepping out to wholeness leaves no disturbing traces of ego-land.

On psychedelics this is not so: ego constantly interrupts the unity state, asks questions, creates various problems, wants to understand, etc. In one moment, we are immersed in infinite knowledge, in the other, the ego takes control and experiences this immensity as something unbelievably grandiose, something that it cannot possibly control or understand. Its fear is completely justified, because THAT truly cannot be understood by ego. The fear arises, because when we are in ego mode, the other mode - instant, direct, intuitive understanding - is nothing but a concept, even if we were there just a moment ago.
#10 Posted : 9/30/2010 8:34:19 PM

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Thankyou, Astralex for a good rewriting of a technique I promote myself. Fear is fear and love is love. Obviously, we all want the love. Anyway what you said I will remember it and take it with me on my next journey.

felnik: It's really interesting your concect with entities. Especially repeated contact with the same entities. while SWIM has had entity related experiences, He hasn't met the same ones more than 3 or 4 times in a row, they seem to change after a few experiences. although, there is always synchronicity, elements, recurring themes...

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#11 Posted : 9/30/2010 8:53:39 PM

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Yes man i have moments where I'm in shock about it actually.
Its become very consistent, I know these things and the weirdest part is its starting to feel like they know me as well.
Something significant is happening but i don't know what it is yet. I don't know what it means to keep encountering the same beings.
I'd like to hear from more people that have had this happen.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
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