Is weed trippy for anyone? Options
#1 Posted : 9/23/2010 1:34:49 AM
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I am a very frequent smoker (everyday) and I loveeverything about it. I feel really tripped out and get almost visual like vision all the time when I'm smoking now and I don't know if I just recognize it better after other entheogen use or if it is the entheogens themsleves making the cannabis high "trippier". Thanks every one

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#2 Posted : 9/23/2010 2:02:58 AM
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I'd say it's a little of both: You're sensitized to the psychedelic experience and recognize and can bring your attention to it, and strains today are highly tweaked in their breeding for certain characteristics.

Try not smoking for a few days and then load up a major ripper and treat it like a mini trip. I get the same characteristic build/peak/comedown on weed as mushrooms, complete with CEV on the comedown. It's very mild, akin to maybe a gram of shrooms for me but certainly there. As an artist some of my best designs have come this way Smile
#3 Posted : 9/23/2010 3:09:11 AM

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the very first few times that i smoked weed, it was trippy as fuck for me. this was the first "drug" that i had tried, and the experiences i often had in my initial stages, prior to any psych experiences, were very psychedelic. Now, after experiencing psychs, i would totally relate those particular weed experiences to a shroom experience (not as long obviously).
THis is what i experienced: My body and my consciousnes felt like they were dying and being re-born every moment of existence. I literally felt like i was manifesting every nanosecond, and then disappearing into an emptiness every nanosecond, simultaneously. It was anaologous to blinking your eyes in a way. every time the eyes are blinked, the eyes in a way, reset their vision. Similarly, my reality was coming into existence, and being constantly reset, in a "blinking" was fucking weird. There was also quite a bit of time dilation.
After those initial periods, i have never again in my life experienced such occurances, even on some very chronic weed. When i told my friends about it, they said that the weed was probably laced with some other shit. And my friends didn't understand what i exactly meant, since they were major potheads, and weed high had become their "natural sober state," so they obviously never experienced sopmething like this from weed.
idk if it was laced or not, but i don't think so cuz no one else besides me experienced this.

Another thing i have noticed, is that after a shroom trip especially, upon smoking weed, some of the aspects of the shroom trip come back, as in a flashback of a sort.

but i believe weed can def be trippy as hell, especially McKenna style in silent darkness, on chronic weed or hash, after a long break from MJ
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#4 Posted : 9/23/2010 6:53:37 AM


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It's very, very trippy if I have taken psychedelics recently. Otherwise, with certain strains and tolerance kept low, it is, too. And by trippy I mean resemblances in mental state, CEVs (mostly colorful checkerboard patterns) and OEVs (massive tracers, vibrant objects and colors).

In fact I decline weed from potheads when I feel like I'll be tripping more than sharing a high.
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#5 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:12:26 AM
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reefer madness?
#6 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:30:58 AM

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It is at the moment.

But keep in mind, my micro doses daily are: caapi + blue lily + pink lotus + mucuna pruriens + calamus-based mental tonic formula........

Yeah, peertty high. Settin' up a stone and crystal altar/launch station in the Naturez tomorrow. Pranayama + art naturez = sweet pictures.......just thought I'd mention that, here in this thread where it does not pertain...Rolling eyes

Yes, meh + wehd x right now = mind expanzion & great ideazzzZ

psssss.....the calamus is what keeps it fresh, and you...not burnt out or filled with.....duhn duhn duh duhnnn....the foOOOog! Shocked

double pssss....Acorus calamus is used in Ayurveda to balance the effects of marijuana. Wink
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#7 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:41:04 AM
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^you chew that calamus?
#8 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:47:43 AM


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The first time i got really, really stoned was one of the most mind shattering experiences I've ever had. It was really just indescribable and my dreams that night changed my life forever.. one of the most intense things I've ever experienced. Weed seems to affect people really differently. Its always tripped me out, its pretty funny. Some get calm and relaxed, others get uncontrollable energy, some get paranoid every time, and some stop caring about everything. I used to smoke all the time but now i like it once or twice a week, taken like any other psychedelic, its very trippy this way.

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#9 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:48:49 AM

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azrael wrote:
^you chew that calamus?

No, it's extracted into a base of clarified butter....with a dozen other extracts.
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#10 Posted : 9/23/2010 9:16:33 AM

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it was psychadelic to swim only for the first times he used it. it made his vision very bright and colorfull with a strange framed slow motion and sharper sound of voices. swim remember that at high school he could stop chronometer at cent of second mistaking max by +/-0.02 s
usually just 0,01 or nothing .5 minutes seemed 1 hour to swim years ago now he could smoke 3-4g/day without tripping and he's able to drive or to do what he need.(clean bong..) lol
Tz'is aná
#11 Posted : 9/23/2010 11:40:44 AM

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Mentally weed feels very much like a psychedelic to me, not quite ego destroying but the mental space feels very similar to me. Visually I couldn't say it compares at all, I sometimes get mild CEVs of random coloured spots etc, but nothing special, and as for OEVs, with a strong sativa and low tolerance I'll occasionally see random wavy lines when it's nice and light, but that's pretty much as far as it goes.

I have had a couple of instances with extreme time dilation, where minutes feel like hours, and with such intense mental highs that it really did feel like a strong psychedelic minus the visuals.

I do see weed as psychedelic, but it seems to be a mental rather than a visual psychedelic.
#12 Posted : 9/23/2010 1:12:48 PM

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My favorite psychedelic for friday evening : )

Trippy indeed. Some powerful reflections always..

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I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#13 Posted : 9/23/2010 3:14:01 PM

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I've had experiences where I have been watching a TV show after smoking cannabis where something has happened that looks visually insane, then on repeat watching with a sober mind things barely look distorted at all. Though I've never seen a distortion of physical reality.

I'll always enjoy listening to and performing music after some quality hash on mullein. It very much centres my brain for the types of music I love the most.
#14 Posted : 9/23/2010 4:36:16 PM

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Weed can be very trippy. Especially if you smoke it out of your changa pipe lmao. Did that yesterday and it added a beautiful touch.

Ps. Weed makes video games feel like virtual reality lol. I love it. Love that COD MW2
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#15 Posted : 9/23/2010 5:56:36 PM


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Can get pretty strange sometimes..
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#16 Posted : 9/23/2010 6:44:55 PM

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Weed/cannabis can be VERY trippy especially if you eat it! 3.5g Afghani black taken orally is properly psychedelicShocked
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#17 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:40:04 PM
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VERY MUCH SO for me. I strictly use my volcano. Last bag...Held each breath of the bag for as long as I could...i'll be lucky to finish one bag. It brought me entirely to the present moment...just existing slipping in and out of my deep meditative state. Some on here give it a bad rap... Marijuana can be very beneficial...but most take it much foarther and indulge quite often!! Its not the plant...but the user!

An oz will usually last me close to a years time on my volc. I do it in moderation...usually by myself...with the strongest intent to let go possible.
#18 Posted : 9/23/2010 7:47:35 PM
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Very veryy good book... But very interesting snippets from the book.
#19 Posted : 9/23/2010 8:06:20 PM

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i think that 3.5 g would be headpowner to me. anyway i think it would be a waste too couse if you melt it properly in butter i think it would be enough for 3 SWIMs.
Tz'is aná
#20 Posted : 9/23/2010 10:55:10 PM
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I consider cannabis to be a psychedelic substance. When taken orally it can definately be on the same level as a large dose of LSD. Only in it's visual effects it's clearly inferiour to LSD.

I must say though, that after taking cannabis for a few days in a row, i seem to become more or less immune for it's psychedelic effects and then it only numbs me. This tolerance can last for a very long time. Even months.
I also find it very addictive.

But besides these downsides of it, it is definately one of the friendlier psychedelic's. I would say it's in my top ten of favorite substances, way above fly-agaric or NO2.

Only compared to shrooms, ayahuasca, DMT and mescaline it is clearly very inferiour, but i would say those are just THE ultimate psychedelic's. Hardly any substance can compare to those.
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