Hey yall,
I have recently started working with vine only brews as a way to start working up from Pharma to Aya. My first brew was 50g of Red. The Red went down smooth and I felt very light body buzz and no nausea. I definately underdosed with this one, however I fell in to a deeeeeep sleep and had several very profound and lucid dreams. I could feel the vine working during my sleep and dreams, very cool! Both my girlfriend and I woke up at like 2:00am and had to right down our dreams. Overall this was a nice light introduction to the vine.
So last night I drank my next brew, it was made with 100g of Maya's Cielo Vine. First off, the taste was much more bitter, believe me I can still taste it now. I started with about 60g and had a booster cup nearby in case.
I started sitting in my meditation chair doing some simple breathing and energy exercises just trying to relax and feel my body and the subtle effects of the medicine. After about 20 minutes I decided that I liked where this was going and that I was going to take the booster.
I began to develop a very strong body buzz, beautiful, I started to feel as if I was preparing for an OBE with strong vibrations and feel of being pulled up through my head. I decided to go with it, and visualized my self as an eagle soaring over the Arizona mountains (I have history with this Eagle from my last Pharma journey), I flew through the clouds, dipped to the forest floor and returned to the sky driving straight upwards to the heavens. When I broke through the clouds I saw the eagle (no longer me as the eagle) project a small rainbow overhead, the sky then opened with rain. Watching the Eagle bring rain reminded me of a Native American legend or something, i.e, "and this is how eagle brought us rain."
After the Eagle vision, I had one more very interesting visualizaion. This one again was flying, but this time I was flying through deep space in my chair! I zipped around perusing various heavenly bodies and ended with a handshake from a very stereotypical looking grey alien. While shaking his hand it occured to me that what I was really doing was accepting the other, both the other out there and the other in me. This vision was about accepting your shadow and allowing yourself to heal and become complete. I wonder if all the fear in out culture of aliens coming down to attack and abduct, is just people being deperately afraid to unlock the shadow aspects of themselves?
My body buzz continued nicely at this point, but with increasing nausea. At first I was uncomfortable, then I just really wanted to purge, and purge I did. The next hour or so was a strange mix of feeling a nice body buzz, thoughtfull reflection, and significant nausea and vomiting. I was happy to experience the purge, and I really enjoyed thinking about the medicine cleaning me out, apparently there was quite a bit of cleaning to do.
Overall, I am very enthusiastic about my new ally, Caapi. I know that I have some brewing techniques I can improve, and I am getting a better feel for the dosage. Apparently 50g of red is too low and 100g of Cielo is just a little high. Im thinking that 75 or 80g might be perfect for me with vine only brews.
Thanks for reading, Blessings
All statements made by Once have no basis in reality, if reality even exists.