summary of a few positive experiences with DMT Options
#1 Posted : 9/20/2010 12:19:42 PM

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My work with DMT lately has been extremely inspiring. Let me share the technique, and the experiences since
I initiated this thing. I feel that when I go back to hyperspace, It is a continuation from the last time I was there.

If you are up for it, you may arrive at a place of oneness and white light (to elaborate; that means
that you are the only entity and that there is nothing else outside of that.) by good smoking technique,
and by feeling the highest feeling of love you can possibly muster, declaring 'THERE IS NO FEAR' and
focusing only on the highest feeling you imagined and felt like you felt, as you smoke. do not even ignore all else
simply do not give your attention to it in any way.

Hyperspace will resonate with this feeling, and pretty soon you will find yourself in the unity experience.
All spirit is one, all consiousness is one consiousness, all things and all people are only one thing, one point
of pure love, vibrating in empty space forever. You'd never want it any other way, and it'll never be any other
way because love is all there is.

After experiencing everything experiencing itself subjectively, feeling incredible feelings and putting myself
continually in a state of love with everything, I experienced a state of beingness: being in love. It was literally
infinite, everlasting, and beautiful, incredible. Sex is making love. One of the many infinite ways of expressing
love, is sex. Love is infinite and unbounded. Everything IS love, just slowed from an infinitely high vibrational
rate to a slow, seemingly dense state, where it is stretched out and may be experienced as being more dense and
solid than the high, ethereal states of pure vibration; beyond awareness; beyond boundaries; to the places where
seperation has not cooled and everything is so close together as to render it meaningless to say 'this part is called
such, and this part is different.'

We, us, god, or whatever THIS IS, we invented the name 'bhudda'. We invented the name 'god'. We made it up!
When consiousness was that point of light and there is nothing else, it didn't know that it was called bhudda. It
didn't know or care because there wasn't anything outside to know it as bhudda.

all energy will return to source. the white light is now, its only slower. the bhudda being is a process: everything is one;
reality is an illusion - however I agree, it is great.
everything is love, if you will only love it.

After the oneness experiences triggered by the technique I have outlined,

I lit a candle and smoked. I heard a voice; "one single candle to guide the billions... one candle to light the way." and
suddenly everything seemed to be coming at me. In my heart of hearts I wanted to achieve something good; I wanted
to free all beings from suffering and attain everlasting oneness with everything. I moved to enlighten myself; but I was
scared: they came toward me; billions of tiny things. billions. toward me, toward me, ever toward me. The ones closest
started to raise me up, up, up, I couldn't stop them: they loved me, they wanted me, they moved toward me, more than
this; they NEEDED me. I was terrified. I thought i'd have to pull off bhudda's trick, the illusion of bhudda, the achievement
of bhudda himself to get out of this one. But I realise now, there is no 'getting out'. By being there, the single point
at the centre of the spiritual universe, bhudda, the awakened one, is the centre of the universe, and by being there, he gives
all souls hope. this is the point to which we all came from, yet which we all still are in this moment, and which we will all return

I opened my eyes and forced my way out of that terrifying little experience. not the experience itself that was terrifying, but
the realisation of the cosmic forces I was tampering with. If I was all that there was, the single candle, then there was nothing
outside of me whatsoever, just emptiness. there were a number of little experiences afterward, centring around the idea that
spirits were coming to me, to see me. Im sure we've all had spiritual experiences with DMT where you encounter unfriendly
spirits, when you see with your spirit-eyes. Well, these guys were intent on meeting with me and I couldn't help it. They were
demanding to see 'the show'. and it was one of those moments where I just froze; and said ... 'This.... is the show?' and hoped
to ad-lib something for these poor deluded spirits. This part was wonky and terrifying. at this moment I was bigger than any
rock superstar you could name: but my problem was that I was the only entity in the room and everything else, was an illusion,
which I had clearly seen through. Buy the ticket, take the ride... I can't describe how I got out of that situation,
because I just don't know. Somehow. I could elaborate a lot if somone asked.

I smoked again the next night, and the offerings which had filled up my mouth with saliva and hope and joy and tears from
the beings, vanished, oddly. Leaving a strange space.. a strange emptiness. It can't be that simple... no way.

I smoked DMT again after that, not because I heard the call or wanted to get high, but because I felt I should. Diligence is a virtue.
I should return and see what had changed. Something was different because of my intent. Dilligence it seemed, was what was needed.
There was deep, deep work to be done.

Immediately I saw a beautiful visual pattern, which I won't describe, and said to myself "fucking angels..." and knew it to be highly evolved

then, half terrified and half in mindset of utter calm and tranquility, I was folded up into a tiny box, My consiousness was altered.

I fell through myself, infintely. A hand, a foot, a leg, a head.
This is the meaning of nirvana, true peace. to continually fall, forever, with no stopping.
no sound, no friction. There is no suffering in the world, when you view everything as oneness; only peace. all
points rest perfectly on eachother with absoloutely zero of anything remaining. In the transformation, I knew that In the process of the
transformation, I had lifted an incredible number of beings to a place of peace. I also knew that there were no others;
that all is one, and you can't deny that I am part of that unity.

Months later, I smoked again. Through design or subconsiously, again, there was a single white candle in the room; a different candle, admittedly, because the previous experience had terrified me. Afterwards I became scared that I had bitten off more than I could chew; that no one could dare to be the one, that I had
doomed all other souls to suffering at my hands because I could not pull off the bhudda trick.

But I was pleasantly, and joyously surprised. Around this time I remarked that although my real life needed a bit of work, and was a bit boring and a bit lonely, my spirit life was off the hook through the roof banging the walls out of this world beyond anything I thought possible. but everything is possible and there is nothing you can think of or sing about or draw which cannot occur in some dream or virtual reality, drug-experience or alternate universe, if not here, if not now.

I smoked again. Immediately I found myself in an increidlby bright place; a white place where the walls seemed to be made of tiny faces; little processes, I noticed; I had seem them before - on my previous experiences, and finally when I realised that I was observing countless other beings, and I looked at them, The most incredible experience unfolded. I was in a luminous, luminous white place of love and joy: billions of other entities were looking at me and I moved across them like the quote from genesis "and the spirit of god, moved across the face of the waters"

there was so much light in this place; it was utterly incredible. As I looked into the light, I went into it, through into their light - heading toward an utterly pure place of pure light. In the most incredibly pure, contamination free, lazer-beam style teleportation, I was sucked through the wall and into a vision - I was sitting on the planes of africa under stars, In the vision, I was huge. I was a golden meditating figure. smaller entities sat around my feet. I was in a positive place anyway, and then I saw their light. BeaMing out across the planes, Shining with love and light. Then, I smiled. THE HUGEST SMILE you can EVER immagine. The kind of smile with GIANT white teeth which makes you smile when you look at it. not just a smile but a 110% smile. LOVE REFLECTS LOVE REFLECTS LOVE REFLECTS LOVE. The positive energy in the room was incredible. The white place was the nexus, the meeting point of two intangibly different energies. I heard a voice; the voice said "...I am awake."


ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/20/2010 12:55:08 PM

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shoe wrote:
I knew that in the process of transformation, I had lifted an incredible number of beings through suffering to a place of peace.

My only reason for concern.

Otherwise, you filled my heart with eternal joy. Smile
#3 Posted : 9/20/2010 1:11:57 PM

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cellux wrote:
shoe wrote:
I knew that in the process of transformation, I had lifted an incredible number of beings through suffering to a place of peace.

My only reason for concern.

Otherwise, you filled my heart with eternal joy. Smile

Edited. seems like a really odd and specific thing to pick up on, when the meaning is clear?.

Updates: enlightenment is a permanent state of being; which once attained is never lost. I do not know whether this means that DMT offers only a taste of enlightenment, if the state I reached was not true enlightenment, but merely a oneness experience and a place of much light, or whether the meaning is more that the enlightened one forever sits, beyond the constraints of time, guiding all spirits back home, and in that way it is completely permanent.

what I can say for sure, Is that the experiences SWIM had were very beautiful, and he felt deeply honoured to be able to share in the joy which every being had in that experience. it was like an incredible celebration. 'a single candle to guide them all.... I am awake.' love is not diminished when shared.

In any group, and indeed in life, we must all humble ourselves, to the level of the littlest one, kneel at the same level as them, and seriously and honestly listen, and take what they say on-board without prejudice and without thinking ourselves higher, even for one moment, and only then can we call ourselves enlightened.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#4 Posted : 9/20/2010 2:09:12 PM

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Sorry, shoe, it's just that when the light seems to shine the brightest, that's when I feel the urge to play the devil's advocate. Truth can withstand any "attacks" anyway...

I picked up on that specific thing because it made me remember my own messianistic zeal, when I was ready to put the world on a fire, so totally convinced I was (and still am) that the suffering I may cause through that is only temporary and that going through the purgatory is inevitable if we want to reach the other side.

But if I see this same drive through somewhat "practical" eyes (through the eyes of a "six" or "seven" instead of a "nine", if you get my drift), then it tends to be a bit scary, it makes me a bit uncomfortable.

But anyway, let love dissolve it all. I won't get in the way. (Or I will, but that's on purpose.)
#5 Posted : 9/20/2010 2:29:06 PM

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By all means, attack my truth. As you said, its not subject to debate! It would be fun anyway, having a big discussion.

One line of what you said doesn't make sense, grammatically. Please can you rephrase and reread and let me know what you're trying to say.

Additionally, In the second sentence, I don't know what you mean 'six or sevens or even nines', but if this kind of topic makes you a little unfomfortable, don't worry - it made me pretty uncomfortable too. I thought I was loosing my mind, and I thought I would loose everything I had worked for.

Apparently that's not happening, so... Im feeling great Smile Infact, Life is good just now, especially in relationships; I have lots of friends, but also in focus and ambition.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#6 Posted : 9/20/2010 2:50:54 PM

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shoe wrote:
In the second sentence, I don't know what you mean 'six or sevens or even nines'

I referred to a film entitled "The Nines" where the protagonist turned out to be a "nine" - meaning a God in disguise, controlling the fate of the world - while most of the other characters around him were ordinary humans, "sixes" or "sevens". He had a karmic partner in the form of a "seven" (woman) who loved him very much in a platonic way, while trying to help him get to enlightenment in a way that is non-destructive to the lower "castes".

shoe wrote:
One line of what you said doesn't make sense, grammatically. Please can you rephrase and reread and let me know what you're trying to say.

Umm, which one?
#7 Posted : 9/20/2010 4:41:36 PM


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shoe wrote:
all energy will return to source.

Amen. We are the godhead.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#8 Posted : 9/30/2010 8:37:50 PM

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This makes me look pendantic... but here goes: "so totally convinced I was (and still am) that the suffering I may cause...". Again: so totally convinced that I was that the suffering I may cause...

Or even more simplistically, so convinced that I was that the suffering I may cause...
see, it just doesn't make sense. but I get the general vibe of what you're saying.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
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