100,000 years back then 100,005 forward. :) Options
#1 Posted : 9/14/2010 6:16:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi folks.

This actually happened a few days ago, but the relevance of it is only really hitting home about right now. My goodness!

Well I had 200mg ass kickingly pure harmaline. I swear this stuff gives you the weirdest visual tracers. It slows your mind down to a crawl and makes you feel so sedated. So I figured it would be a very interesting state to try some DMT, naturally. Not much to write home about just yet, but I get the feeling for something more. I only had a trace of freebase left in my pipe and the rest of my DMT was in fumarate form. Here’s the "gangsta" part. I got a little fumarate on a piece of paper and some calcium hydroxide, rubbed them together, then spat on it. “Proper ghetto” I thought. That will be waiting for me on the other side. Pleased

I hadn't applied my usual diet as this session was quite off the cuff, but I had the urge to go deeper. However, before I did that I had to do an emergency reset which usually involves forced vomiting. The only problem with harmaline is that it doesn't let you give up your stomach so easily. The usual fingers down throat wasn't doing the trick, no matter how hard I tried. But anyway I happened upon some Vodka... it wasn't mine just so you know, but some my sister in law had left the last time she visited. Anyway I drank a good half a glass of the stuff pretty quickly and hey presto, we have projectile vomiting. Score! Talk about throwing the text book out the window though huh? Pleased I've never seen vomit after such a heavy dose of harmaline, but that stuff really must make your insides glow!

So anywho, now I was prepared for the next step, I measured 200mg harmine and 100mg dmt and wrapped them in a small piece of rolling paper and swallowed. I then lay in bed listening to Simone White's "I am the man" album in order to keep me grounded while I integrated into what was going to be a rather intense experience. I made it about 30 minutes in before my brain was getting hit by lightning bolts and I could no longer concerntrate on the music. The usual urge to head to the bathroom sets in, so that way I did stagger.

In my usual style there I kneeled by the toilet, prepared to vomit, but trying not to, as to build up a nuclear negativity bomb to flush away and never return. I think it was only on the third trip to the bathroom that I actually let it go, as I kept having to remind myself to get a glass of water so I actually have something in my stomach to purge after the previous thorough purging. I have a thing with harmine, which I wasn't even sure would take effect as that large dose of harmaline was no doubt also still going strong. But the harmine did indeed speak up loud and clear over the forgetful mumbler that is harmaline. I suppose it's a different way of becoming physically disorganised, whereas with harmaline I keep hitting road blocks and the ability to think straight becomes a mountain and a mud slide, harmine always make me go off on very detailed and insightful networks of emotional information that always lead me miles away from where I started, but the journey is most often very worthwhile.

In all honesty, I went into this journey with very little in the way of intention, other than the need to smash down some serious barriers. I got that and plenty some more I can surely tell you. Here comes the background.

I guess for the last five years I've been drifting. I'm 26 now looking back over five years of very little to show for it. All I've been doing was putting things off until later, with no plan of what to do next and no drive to get me there. I've let all but less than a hand full of my old friends drift away between bouts of shitty jobs and unemployment. I probably get about 1 phone call a month from a friend, I spend most of my time alone, I go to festivals alone, I go to concerts alone, I go out shopping alone, I enjoy music alone. That's pretty much it for the last 5 years. Weird thing is I'm actually a very cheerful and outgoing individual. I'm very rarely in a bad mood and 95% of the time I'm very content with the world. Or so it seemed.

This journey completely ripped the blind fold off my face and pulled the anaesthetic drip right out of my arm. It even pinpointed the exact moment it all started to go wrong. I was about 20 at the time and I'd been going out with this girl for a couple of years. At the time she was pretty much more than I could ever hope for. She'd write me poetry, cover our bed in rose petals, say the most beautifully profound things and had the most instantly recognisable, pure glow of warmth that would absolutely intoxicate everyone around her. She was an avid academic and I was a lazy bedroom musician. I used to record very amateur, but quite interesting music. Two years into our relationship she went to study Literature at college and suggested that I applied to a school to study music. I moved around quite a lot as a child and the only constant I've known has been my family, so I always wanted to stay close to them and never really thought about going away to study. When I was with her, I could do anything. She was the key to untapping my limitless potential, so I applied to this course and started the next season.

I was actually doing pretty well for the first term or so. Even though I'd never studied music academically before, I was always a little bit ahead of the rest of the students, got top grades and did some pretty cool projects. I was also hanging around with some DJ's and getting pilled out of my mind on the weekends so I guess with being so distracted and being so far away from my lover I didn't take notice that she didn't feel the same way anymore. One morning in spring after a night out with a gram of MDMA and a bottle of absinthe (I know! YUCK!) my housemate woke me up with the phone. It was her, she was very direct and to the point, it was over. I replied "yeah you're right, we're both still young. Take care now." No shit. Ten minutes later I did the hardest double take of my life, called her back "what?!" Looking back it was actually pretty damn funny, but at the time it was the lowest I'd ever been.

Anyway things lead their course and then a couple of months later I was pretty much over the whole thing. However I did shit at college and the rest of my time spent there was just a mad drug binge. It felt right at the time. Then it was back to my life.

Back to the point. Some five years later ( 2 days ago to be exact) I realised how much that whole experience completely destroyed me. I guess I found myself far from home, completely deflated of strength and a person who had been my inspiration and muse was out of my life. Everything that had given me the strength to be in that situation just went. Every great thing anyone had ever told me about myself didn't count for shit anymore and all I aspired to be just ceased to exist and I didn't even realise.

At that realisation... BAM! Everything clicked. I have some seriously untapped potential. Everything I ever thought I could be, I can still be, rather than putting everything of until later, I can do it right now. The weirdest part was having flashbacks of encounters of some pretty cool girls coming onto me and me being completely oblivious. I used to work with this girl who literally couldn't keep her hands off me. I honestly thought she just had really terrible balance. It just shows the extent of extreme numbness that I have been oblivious to for 5 whole years. Overall though I just felt the most amazing gratitude for such a strong wake up call.

So now I'm back in my bed. My hair for some reason seems really irritating. I kept scratching the top of my head. Also my upper back was hunched over in a very strange manner, but for some reason it felt like my natural posture. So I got under my duvet and started chewing my hand. Then it occurs to me that I've actually turned into a chimp. Smile Awesome! I've never been a chimp before! It felt just like I was running on an old outdated operating system, but there laying in my bed, I may as well have been outside on the grass, picking bugs out of my fur. A very strange turn of events this was!

So anyway at that point I remember the DMT I had started freebasing which was now a dried up lump in a screwed up piece of paper. I scraped it out into my pipe and lit up. I can't believe it actually worked, but that taste was unmistakable. Maybe I should do a tek writeup for the "one hit organic fumerate conversion" Smile Damn I forget how slow and strong that stuff comes on with a system fully loaded with harmaloids. I am now becoming a blank slate as my inner self slips away before my eyes until I become a pure trance as I lie back...

... as I arrive back, the first thought to enter my head gets repeated round and round in a mantra style, "remember who you fucking are!"

and I did Smile


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#2 Posted : 9/14/2010 6:46:07 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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D-d-d-damn. Nice post. Thank you for sharing.
#3 Posted : 9/14/2010 8:48:36 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Lol. Awesome.
Disclaimer: Everything I say is the truth.
Infinite I
#4 Posted : 9/14/2010 12:37:50 PM


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Cool report, the bit about the girl having bad balance had me in stitches, ive had the same oblivious problems in the past lol
#5 Posted : 9/14/2010 5:58:00 PM

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amazing soulfood, thank you so much for sharing this. <3
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#6 Posted : 9/14/2010 6:15:46 PM

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Soulfood - good to get to know you a little better. Sometimes experiences can leave deep marks without our being aware of them, and I have always found spice to be an excellent way of having them pointed at! After that, it's up to us. So yes, remember who you are!Smile

So I got under my duvet and started chewing my hand. Then it occurs to me that I've actually turned into a chimp. Smile

This gave me flash of the movie "Altered States"!!

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#7 Posted : 9/15/2010 2:59:35 AM

John Murdoch IV

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Good read
Thanx for sharing Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#8 Posted : 9/15/2010 3:39:51 AM

The Dude

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I really enjoyed reading this! I can relate to a lot of the issues you've dealt with. Thank you!
*We are now at a phase of human development where we have accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge through scientific research in the material world. This is very important knowledge, but it must be integrated. -Hoffman
*A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading -C.S. Lewis
cephalopods are enlightened -benzyme
#9 Posted : 9/15/2010 4:10:17 AM

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Ah yes, the healing powers of Ayahuasca never cease to amaze. It's good you had a great trip. But I am curious about your methods, and physioloigcal reactions. First, why did you have to barf so much? You said you purge to go forward or somethinglike that. What's with that? What was the point of freebasing your fumarate? Wasn't this an oral trip? If so, then the dmt in salt form (fumarate) would have been easier on your stomach.

People out there seem to agree that harmaline and harmine and thh have different effects. I don't find that to be the case. To me, a big dose of harmine just feels like a medium dose of harmaline. If you take enough harmine, it feels like harmaline, where harmaline has that heavy sedated feeling. Does anyone else agree?
#10 Posted : 9/15/2010 5:12:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the kind replies everyone.

I think I'll be following this up with a proper ayahuasca brew later on in the week after I've had a good think about a set of intentions based on what I learned from this last experience. It never ceases to give me strength and I need as much of that as I can get on my new journey.

Apoc wrote:
Ah yes, the healing powers of Ayahuasca never cease to amaze.

This wasn't ayahuasca. It was merely a chemical cocktail with a few similar components. I actually used to make that same mistake but now since working with the vine, I've actually become quite sensitive about the misuse of the terminology Smile

Apoc wrote:
First, why did you have to barf so much? You said you purge to go forward or somethinglike that. What's with that?

Psychological as well as physical cleansing. As I was dosing orally after I had already used an MAOI an hour before, I needed to redose with MAOI to make sure the DMT was effective. However I didn't want to digest anymore harmaline, hence the thorough purging.

Apoc wrote:
What was the point of freebasing your fumarate? Wasn't this an oral trip? If so, then the dmt in salt form (fumarate) would have been easier on your stomach.

Surely you read in the report that I smoked the freebase DMT after the peak of the experience.

Apoc wrote:
People out there seem to agree that harmaline and harmine and thh have different effects. I don't find that to be the case. To me, a big dose of harmine just feels like a medium dose of harmaline. If you take enough harmine, it feels like harmaline, where harmaline has that heavy sedated feeling. Does anyone else agree?

I find harmine and harmaline to be very different. One's sedating and one's stimulating. Also with harmine I can dose heavy and still purge. With harmaline this isn't possible. I can also drink a good 100g of caapi which is abundant with harmine and remain quite clear as with pure harmine of which I have tried doses up to 250mg. Doses as low as 80mg harmaline causes mental fogging in combination with DMT.
#11 Posted : 9/15/2010 12:51:19 PM


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Thank you Soulfood. I really do enjoy your words. I can totally empathize with the situation described too.
I want to cheer at this... 'cheers'

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#12 Posted : 9/16/2010 12:44:30 AM


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Nice post, seems you got an inspirational message. There has been a lot of synchronocity with me for a little while now. The answers are there, you just have to find them. I got this one realization in a place where I usually sit to think about things. I recall being in that place looking at the wooden floorboard patterns and think, well here I am again. Did I use the lessons I learned the last time I was here? Usually this is when I am under the influence of entheogens when I start contemplating these things. I was telling myself "remember this time and place, remember everyday will be a lesson, take steps and grow, it is very important!" The obvious thing is that everything you have now is all you have, don't let the past batter you down and don't let the future be too far out of reach. When I return to that mind state in that place, it does very often seem like a loop, but it's good for me, because I realize and can appreciate anything I have accomplished since returning. This is the life part of it.

For me I am not in any means where I want to be. But this can change and I even wrote down goals and things I want to get done, small steps at a time. You need to be motivated. At least for me I realize I can do something NOW and not put it off until later. I always fear that I will look back and say WTF happened? I am already 2 years into that trip and want it to change now. Thanks for the courage soulfood.
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#13 Posted : 9/16/2010 8:29:34 AM
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wow soulfood. thanks for this. wow.
#14 Posted : 9/16/2010 3:55:20 PM

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xtechre wrote:
Thank you Soulfood. I really do enjoy your words. I can totally empathize with the situation described too.
I want to cheer at this... 'cheers'

'cheers' Smile
#15 Posted : 9/17/2010 4:44:05 PM
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Ive gotten the same message from pretty much the same dosing you described. Basically the spice told me I could do anything I wanted, all I had to do was go out there and get it. Any problems I encountered on the way would be "handled" so I had nothing to fear. I've wanted to be a doctor my whole life. I'm just in the middle of an engagement and buying a house (with my fiancees crazy family interference, BTW), but once that stuff settles down, I'm on my way!
FYI- Anything I post here is just stuff made up by my crazy brother who lives in my closet. I feed him jellybeans.
#16 Posted : 9/19/2010 1:01:14 AM

polyfather anomalous

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Excellent report Soulfood! Look forward to hearing how things progress from here.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#17 Posted : 9/19/2010 5:01:29 AM

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i am deeply moved by your honesty.
very eloquent and poetic.
peace and love to you dear friend.
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