We need beautiful people Options
#21 Posted : 7/28/2010 10:27:06 AM

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Thanks for your participation in this thread!
My point was, that we NEED beautiful people in the sense, that they are capable of waking other people up. Not that it would be absolutely necessary to radiate love. But human compassion is psychedelic in its own way.

To make this thread more complete, here is a short bit of said sitar concert. Very very beautiful in itself...

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 8/20/2010 1:19:53 AM


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Everything is only perfect, each moment is happening in perfect tune to the universe. These beautiful people are already here and have always been here! They are you, me and everyone else on this planet and to think otherwise is giving into the deception. Of course we may judge others action's as being one way or another(good/bad) but in our very core we are all pure light. Others may seem asleep or not living to ones version of "good standards" but this is a reflection of the change we wish to see in ourselves-not others.

When we meet someone or observe the effects they may have on the world, they are not where they are- where we see them. They’re in their own head thinking about yesterday or tomorrow or what to do or what not to do. It’s rare to find someone who is here, really here in the now.

Imagine all this energy we put into judging how bad the world and everyone else is, into giving-letting a person behind you in front while standing in line, baking a friend muffins, planting tree's, picking up garbage much can be done by YOU right now. Other's can never share your goals or be at the same point in this path as you

Just as your muscles have to break down to build up, you are meant to go through difficulties in order to correct and elevate your soul. These un-beautiful people are doing what they need to do to get where they need to be and to judge them as unenlightened or otherwise is merely showing you your own faults.

We all have issues, things to work on. Otherwise we wouldn’t be in these bodies. We’d be flying around in other dimensions as light or spirits.
Perhaps I am asking the wrong questions but it doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

#23 Posted : 8/20/2010 12:21:58 PM

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Great thread, and Pharmer, I have to say I agree with you. In theory at least.
In practice I find myself talking to walls more often than not, feeling that no communication is taking place at all, even when I'm making more than an effort. And I find both myself and the other person shrinking back and losing the connection that we should be having in the conversation. I lose faith in my own words when I see no reflection in the other's face. And I end up thinking, I'd really need someone who was more awake. It's been getting easier lately though. I just don't care if they don't understand. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and let their higher selves sort it out if they want to understand.

It is frustrating though - They laugh at words like enlightenment or consciousness even. They hear hippie-nonsense. I say EVOLUTION and they think Darwin... and I think... 'I've got to get out of here'... They would rather watch an episode of **INSERT SOME BORING MAINSTREAM TV SHOW** than sit and think. Everybody around me seems mildly depressed and only functioning on a low level of brain energy. Numbed down, zombified.

Am I projecting my own fears onto the outer world?

I do wish for more meaningful relationships with other people. Communication where I don't feel sick at the sound of my own voice because it really doesn't matter what I say, it's not going to get to the other side. Who is this authentic self anyway? Why can't I talk to that for a change?

But it's ok. The revolution of spirit as already begun and though it might seem dismal and bleak at times, change is coming. Change is here. We are the revolution. At least that is what the mushrooms told SWIM recently. I believe her. Whether they meant the outside or the inside to me doesn't matter. We're all connected. One spark can make a difference. Critical mass can be attained. Eyes opening all over the world, a wave of novelty. Maybe.
What we need is the optimum trajectory, and everything falls into place - where we are aligned with our highest principles, our divine nature.

It's not about sharing goals or dreams etc. Community is about supporting each other on the individual adventures that we find ourselves on. Sharing part of each other's journey maybe, or just brushing by with a knowing smile. Something as small as that can make all the difference. If we can catch it.

anyway, the divine in me bows before the divine in you all. Namaste.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#24 Posted : 8/20/2010 12:22:16 PM

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I love your tormented soul..

When someone compliments you for your love, sympathy, wisdom or whatever..
then please explain to them psychedelics are to blame.

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#25 Posted : 8/20/2010 4:24:53 PM


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It’s easy to see what’s wrong with people. It’s not so easy to see what's right.

Instead of focusing on what is wrong with others and right in your own thinking, focus on what is wrong with your thinking and right with others.

Enoon-if you feel that people are not receptive to what you have to offer-are you really receptive to what the other person is offering even if it does not fit your expectations? Talking to walls is often a reflection of how one sided the flow is. It's the pendulum effect-if you want one thing and go after it, it will only go further away but if you focus on the other person (if they are awake or not in your mind) you will find them listening to you more and will be more interested in what you are offering. I would not get hung up on how people react to your words because they are only that-letters shoved together to form some type of understanding between people but what those words mean to you is not what they mean to anyone else-even if we agree to have an understanding of the word.

talk is cheap, action is priceless
Perhaps I am asking the wrong questions but it doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

#26 Posted : 8/20/2010 10:36:40 PM

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yah... I know, I know... I'm getting there.

obliguhl wrote:
"I've wished for more open people, coming up to me, wanting to talk" a friend says after a couple of days at a hippie festival.

I so know this feeling, and also that it's inherently flawed. Not just because of the signals you could be sending, but also the openness we just miss because we're so bent on thinking how closed and shut off everyone is. And more importantly, if we want contact, we need to go and get it ourselves. It's in our hands right?

Well, it is, if we weren't neurotic, self-conscious or downright terrified... at least I am.
Most of the times.
Right now maybe not so much. Something's changed for the time being, but sooner or later I will fall back into these patterns of fear-induced shrinkage.

Pharma, again, you are right. I am not open to what other people have to give; not nearly enough in any case. A lot of times I don't care. I don't want to hear the other people talk. I feel like I already know what they're going to say. Patterns I fall into. Out of fear of losing my link to the divine. I push myself away from any form of normal anything. And then I complain that no one gets what I say... it's not like they could.

Except then I come here, or I have these chance meetings, and it's like - YOU.ARE.LIKE.ME. like no matter how strange I think I've gotten, there are people out there that share this bewilderment and awe in a way that I can relate to that it's almost uncanny. I wonder if it's just that I don't notice them when they're right in front of me, 90% of the time.

That is the hard part, isn't it - to recognize the divine in everyone, and to address only that, and not the other parts. Beautiful people indeed.

J.W. Goethe said somewhere
Goethe wrote:
"Behandle die Menschen so, als wären sie, was sie sein sollten,
und du hilfst ihnen zu werden, was sie sein können."

-- Treat people as though they were that which they should be, and you will help them become what they could be.

This goes for yourself too, doesn't it?

But what do I know...
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#27 Posted : 8/24/2010 6:31:10 AM

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i want this also, i will do my part in changing this reality
Reality is not something you wake up to
#28 Posted : 9/4/2010 11:29:25 PM

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As someone who used to have really bad social anxiety I really agree with this post. I beat it pretty much for a couple of years after I started smoking Cannabis - whether there was a link I'm not sure, but I moved to Poland (and stopped smoking) - and my anxiety returned. Recently I was at a festival, and although I didn't speak to too many people there, I really opened up, awakened and witnessed all the love and happiness around me, so many of us were tripping or rolling, and we didn't *need* to say anything, we just danced together, smiled at each other, moved as one - all in the moment, enjoying the atmosphere and the company. One of the best nights of my life and I think it's jump-started me on the way to beating the anxiety once again.
#29 Posted : 9/5/2010 1:37:44 AM

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Amen Pharmer. Speak that truth!
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#30 Posted : 9/19/2010 3:34:01 AM

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Pharmer wrote:
Everything is only perfect, each moment is happening in perfect tune to the universe. These beautiful people are already here and have always been here! They are you, me and everyone else on this planet and to think otherwise is giving into the deception. Of course we may judge others action's as being one way or another(good/bad) but in our very core we are all pure light. Others may seem asleep or not living to ones version of "good standards" but this is a reflection of the change we wish to see in ourselves-not others.

Well said Pharmer.

Beauty is in the perceiving. Truly in the eye of the beholder. For superficial things it is easy to notice. Different cultures have nearly opposite preferences for physical attractiveness. I know we are speaking of something deeper - but consider if this isn't the case for this as well. The nature of others is a reflection of ourselves - of OUR judgments of the other.

Seeing someone without automatically instantly and unconsciously projecting the 1000 dualistic judgments of the Psyche is seeing ... 'Everything is only perfect' (Pharmer). What else is needed? Smile

Perhaps some of the remaining frustration is actually compassion. Even when you see beauty in someone and have no need for more blessings, the 'desire' for the other to be similarly free often remains - especially if they are judging their world negativity.

"Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling, and knowing, they don't perceive the radiance of the source. If they could eliminate all conceptual thinking, this source would appear, like the sun rising through the empty sky and illuminating the whole universe." - Huang Po
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