Hi travellers,
I just woke up to new day after the stream of visionary insights given to me by spirit molecule last night.
First I want to apologize for broken English, not a best tool to describe last night events, but I want to try anyway. Purpose is that I went through something different journey and I’d like to understand it. So if someone got an opinion or went through similar experience, please let me know.
Thank you.
I’ve got some experience working with spice last half year or so. I’m using free base DMT extracted by myself from Jurema root bark. From notes I keep I know that I extracted and studied about 4 grams already. My studies take place in my house during darkest night (around 2 a.m.) once in two weeks. I proceed till dawn usually. Basically I’m trying and trying, altering dosage, set up, technique, herbs enhancement and so on, till it has sense to continue. I’m using GVG most of the time.
During these entheogenic psychoanalyses I went through many intense DMT hyperspace trips and I’ve been given a wonderful ability of lucidity in dreaming (which I have to train to keep). I consider spice to be kind of mirror of mind with capabilities to modulate brain (or reality???) frequencies(???), tool to explore the mind. And it has something to do with mechanism of dreaming in my opinion. Maybe by thinking this I didn’t experience much of 'metaphysical visionary states' or such so far, didn't encounter many 'divine entities'. I’m not much of religion person either. But last night was different. Here I try to describe it...
Last night I worked with sample from fresh new extract. First time I used different Jurema, from different vendor (dark pink, whole chunks). Yield was great. In 3 hours, 5 successful attempts into breakthrough with various dosage were accomplished by GVG. MAOI containing leaves smoked with DMT in last two attemps. Overwhelmed by difference of experiences compared to DMT from different Jurema in almost every aspect. Three of five trips almost identical, in visuals and mind set. Two peaks experienced. First visually rich 'DMT hyperspace' and few minutes after, very meditative flying (floating) state with dreamy visions.
In Hyperspace:
Usually DMT ‘carrier wave’ of energy steals my body and shots my consciousness into ‘a dimension’ with great speed, no control, almost violent and to much to grasp. I have to let go (of fear, confusion...) to get to experience that realm fully, otherwise (if I fight against it) it become spoiled with uncomfortable confusing time loop sub breakthrough. Last night it was different. It wasn't violent, closed eyes visuals appeared slowly. There was no feeling of fast movement or rapid patterns transformation, it was moveless and stable, only slow movement noticed (kind of me turning head right or left). Visuals were as usual very sharp and beautiful and as I paid attention to a detail ‘a flush of light' appeared to enchanted that detail from which whole new vision aroused. Most of the time I was in ‘The Room’. It was most beautiful blue temple hall. The variations of colour was astonishing. Walls of temple were covered by most gorgeous ancient visionary art. If I fixed my view on one detail, flush followed, detail pop out from the wall and I've kind of melted into that picture (visions of people, animals, patterns...sometimes meaningful, sometimes not). Than back in blue temple different detail caught my attention, pop up and so on. There was no entity with me there, only really divine feeling that temple is alive and I’m welcomed and loved here. Now it'll become interesting. The main difference I noticed was, that I managed to keep control. I had to concentrate to stay in the temple (concentrate on visuals). If I didn’t, I fell out back to my body. But if I closed my eyes again I paid attention to visuals, the room arouse again and body went gone. I tested the level of control (during all 5 trips) and I was able to create visions on a wish too. I even fell into kind of evil mind mode, creating sinister visions of monsters and such. But as I concentrated to idea of room I was back into the temple soon or later (during the peak). I'd been thinking about this control ability and it felt like to be lucid in DMT hyperspace. Thats how it felt. Very divine experience, which was rare with DMT for me so far. I've got no idea, where Blue Temple Hall came from, but it was there with me whole night. I start to think that DMT is more than 'a mirror of my mind', I have to give the spirit molecule more credit and great deal of thinking and testing more. I actually asked Jurema, to show me something new before the I used it (I do speak with spice before every attempt, it's a ritual I keep)
By the way auditory hallucinations were similar to any other DMT trip. I usually hear kind of repeating loop of 'chant' which changes its speed. I think it has connection to 'carrier wave' somehow. It is strange, obscure music, always sign that trip is going to be intense.
In flying state:
After first hyperspace peak finished, I was given few minutes of calm quiet mind trance during which I started to feel floating up from my body toward ceiling. It was accompanied with peaky feeling and dreamy visions. Actually it felt pretty much as a lucid dream. I was under control, felt very comfortable, almost ecstatic. I was able to choose what to dream about, it wasn't ‘divine’ as the blue room was, rather liberating and meditative. Real enchantment to DMT experience.
In Afterglow:
Mind set at afterglow (I hope it is right word for coming down) to each attempt was quite different too. It wasn’t like mediocre shrooms trip with ‘wtf just happened?’ thoughts. I fell quite nice and calm, lying down with closed eyes and very light, almost no feeling of body. Very easy to meditate and let body go totally. Strange thing happened during last (fifth) trip. I decided to look at my face in the mirror. What I saw was the mask of dead person in coffin at funeral viewing.

It was my face, but lifeless. I remembered that horrible feeling at funeral when I saw my friend in coffin and realized, that he is dead, that he is not in that body anymore. I don’t know if you know what I’m talking about now, but that is what I saw in the mirror: Mask of somebody who was me once, but is dead now. I had problem to identify myself with my reflection too and I freaked out a bit. I've felt panic attack creeping up my spine. I couldn't get rid of the fear that I'm going to die in few days and how horrible that is(I was still triping).

I had to really calm down. I realized that last two samples were enchanted with Caapi leaves and I've had quite enough of spice tonight. I recollected from memory that one of many names given to Caapi was ‘wine of dead’ or 'wine of spirits'.This dead presence feeling was the reason to end the session and go to sleep, it were dawning already.
Anyway, all and all last night was quite interesting, almost as different entheogen experience (???). I will do more testing with this new batch. With retrospect it was very delightful and vivid experience. One of the most profound and divine I’ve been given by spirit molecule so far. I saw overwhelmingly beautiful ayahuasca visionary art in the blue temple and definitely hope to go there again.

This new Jurema is different...
'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'