Mescalocin. Shaken, not stirred. Options
#1 Posted : 9/10/2010 11:40:58 AM

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Excuse the Sean Connery catch phrase, but... this is the best psychadelic experience SWIM has ever had, by far. And the kicker is that it wasn't planned. It's always been something SWIM has wanted to try, "one of these days". And that day happened to be yesterday.

11:45am - 12:45 pm: 10g dried Trichocereus Peruvianus chips (outer skin), powdered in a coffee grinder. Slammed the first half in orange juice before a light lunch, the remaining half right after eating, in a chocolate milkshake.

2:30pm: 1 coffee, espresso. Typical low-dose (feels like ~100mg mescaline, chips are roughly 1% mesc) cactus trip settles in, which for SWIM equates to light/moderate euphoria, a slightly drunken feeling (which is the one thing SWIM has never liked about psychs), and slight visuals -- where the world (especially nature) is painted in a sort of weird (but beautiful) artistic style.

2:45pm: SWIM lives at the feet of a long chain of mountains that seperates him from the sea. Since he's feeling pretty good right now, SWIM decides to take a short hike up in the chestnut and oak forests, hoping to pick up the last of the edible mushroom stragglers that were highly abundant up until last week.

4:30pm: While SWIM is peaking (barely noticeable), he chances upon 2 Amanita Cesarea in some scattered oaks bordering a small field. At this stage, with part of his dinner in hand, he decides to drive (5 minutes) back home.

5:00pm: Back home now, SWIM isn't feeling particularly satisfied with the low-dose mesc. That's how he always feels about it, there's just something missing. Unfortunately, he doesn't particluarly like strong mesc trips either, they last far too long and the drunken side effect increases exponentially to where he feels really drunk (happy, but drunk) all day. Ugh.

5:15pm: SWIM decides to lemon-tek his usual dose of Copelandia Cyanescens, 0.5g. This is equivalent to roughly 1.5-2g of regular cubes, and the lemon tek strengthens (and shortens) the trip for SWIM. Typical effects of this dose of copes for SWIM is euphoria, moderate OEV and CEV visuals (fractals flowing through natural objects, especially ferns and clouds), strong color enhancement, and that omni-present annoying drunkeness, which is a lot less present in copes than cubes, but still present.

5:45pm: At this point, SWIM suddenly feels totally base-line.

Yep, that's right folks. SWIM feels fresh like he's just woken up after a really good night's sleep. All of the mesc side effects are gone, and he starts feeling an incredibly intense euphoria begin to develop from back of his head, outwards. Within 5 minutes SWIM is having the most incredible experience ever: he feels totally sober, fully alert. He can do absolutely anything with total ease. At the same time, SWIM is experiencing very strong color enhancement and an unbelievably intense euphoria, stronger than anything he's experienced with mdma, which never becomes uncomfortable in any way.

But the kicker is that SWIM discovers that he can "toggle" the psilo visuals at will! When he sits down outside on his porch and starts gazing out to the horizon, the visuals suddenly turn on. He sees clouds spiral and flow in fractal patterns that bleed into the electric blue sky. As soon as he focuses on his porch, this goes away. He walks to the porch on the other side of his house and sits down in the sun with his eyes closed, and has typical psilo CEV's when facing the sun: strands of thick, intertwined orange/red energy bands pulsating and flowing into each other. For some reason, these "bands" are always textured with the same "wierd" South American motifs, sorts of like what's present on the dmt-nexus logo.

Phone rings. SWIM gets up feeling perfectly "sober", picks up the phone and has a 5-min convo while checking his email and writing a post on another forum. Then he's back outside, in full psychadelic bliss. Very happy

This goes on for a couple hours, then slowly fades back to the mesc trip, MINUS any side-effects, as the psilocin expires. Sleep is no problem and the next day SWIM wakes up totally refreshed with slight after-glow from the previous day's experience. Take care y'all. Cool
Infundibulum wrote:

Item: A goat (eats everything, gives milk, it is fuckable, can be converted to meat)


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 9/10/2010 12:09:02 PM

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might be iteresting to try such a combo of cactus and mushrooms (truffles in my case)...
Maybe the other than mesc alkaloids play a nice role there.

You ever tried acetone&IPA washed mescaline-HCl?
Ime not so 'drunk' as resin (or cactus chips?)...

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#3 Posted : 9/10/2010 1:00:43 PM

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Virola78 wrote:
might be iteresting to try such a combo of cactus and mushrooms (truffles in my case)...
Maybe the other than mesc alkaloids play a nice role there.

You ever tried acetone&IPA washed mescaline-HCl?
Ime not so 'drunk' as resin (or cactus chips?)...

I had mesc HCL over a decade ago, haven't tried it since. Lately it's mesc acetate, resin, and plain cactus. Of these three, I prefer acetate and plain, which are almost identical, difference being I always lose potency from the extraction process to acetate, so prefer plain. I get no nausea at all from slamming the powder, while I do (a little) on acetate and resin, which is why I prefer plain. Resin has to be my least favorite, I get a little nausea and stomach discomfort, and the high is more "jittery" than with the other 2 methods. As far as I can recall, HCL wasn't far off from plain or acetate. Also, keep in mind I used peruvianus, not pachanoi, so it shouldn't contain anything much besides mescaline.
Infundibulum wrote:

Item: A goat (eats everything, gives milk, it is fuckable, can be converted to meat)

#4 Posted : 9/10/2010 2:54:29 PM

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Sounds like a great day. Thanks for sharing.
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#5 Posted : 9/10/2010 3:02:19 PM

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Mescaline and psilocin/psilocybin is now my ultimate combo. This last weekend I jumped into it pretty damn good and had one of the most confident soul searching experiences of my life. I consumed 15g's 4% mesc resin, then 2 hours later consumed 2g p. cubensis so that way the peaks of both would occur at the same time.

MY GOD! I had to be so careful because the world looked almost exactly the same with my eyes closed as it did when they were open, only when they were closed I could see more people. Usually in that state I would have a reluctance to explore, but not on this day. I wasn't back to base for around 18 hours and the strong visual peak lasted 6 hours. This was shortly after I had eaten a reasonable meal so I coudln't imagine if I had fasted.

This experience put my sessions with mdma/mushrooms mdma/lsd on a much lower shelf. The only way I can describe it was very pure and natural, yet very intense at the same time, but not in a way that left me gasping for breath. It was kind of a mobile ayahuasca in the sense that I had some pretty mighty insight, yet I was active doing other things at the same time.
#6 Posted : 9/11/2010 12:05:22 AM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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Jammr wrote:
4:30pm: While SWIM is peaking (barely noticeable), he chances upon 2 Amanita Cesarea in some scattered oaks bordering a small field. At this stage, with part of his dinner in hand, he decides to drive (5 minutes) back home.)

Driving under the influence????

Enjoy your break for some time and be very careful in the future with anything that involves DUI!

I'm dead serious here.

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#7 Posted : 9/14/2010 12:57:46 PM


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Whassup kidder?
Parroting ?
Many months ago ILPT already claimed this to be the very good combo especially when shrooms are taken after peak of weaker mescaline trip.

He never tried it with whole torch but with torched extracted, rinsed hydrochlorides.
Later he tried the evaporated washings only to find they have some maoi activity as some rumors claiming.
Therefore he added a lil bit of harmaline and harmine into this combo next time to gain even better effects.

He tried it many times with trufles ,once with liberty caps and will try it with some cubes next time.
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#8 Posted : 9/18/2010 2:28:20 PM

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Infundibulum wrote:
Jammr wrote:
4:30pm: While SWIM is peaking (barely noticeable), he chances upon 2 Amanita Cesarea in some scattered oaks bordering a small field. At this stage, with part of his dinner in hand, he decides to drive (5 minutes) back home.)

Driving under the influence????

Enjoy your break for some time and be very careful in the future with anything that involves DUI!

I'm dead serious here.

Someone pee in your corn flakes there Infundibulum?? Can't say I enjoyed the break much, sorry. I apologize for breaking the forum rules by posting that SWIM drove 5 minutes under the influence of a barely noticeable mescaline dose. I pasted most of that post verbatim from an email I sent to a friend of mine, and simply forgot to edit that part out. I would have thought that a simple pm warning me of the mistake I'd made would have been more productive (and well educated, to boot). I would have edited the original post with little to no harm done. Anyhow... sowwy, won't happen again.
Infundibulum wrote:

Item: A goat (eats everything, gives milk, it is fuckable, can be converted to meat)

#9 Posted : 9/18/2010 3:45:20 PM
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When you combine mescaline with mushrooms, do you still have that vibe of positivity and warmth that's so typical for mescalin?
I mean, mescaline is one of the most awesome hallucinogens while it's at the same time probably the most 'mindfuck-free' psychedelic available, i can hardly imagine someone getting a bad trip from cacti. On mushrooms, the chance of having a bad-trip is much greater.
How does the combination of both compare in this perspective?
#10 Posted : 9/18/2010 4:00:33 PM

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I imagine a high mushroom dose on a smaller dose of mescaline may cause that farmiliar anxiety, but as long as the mescalines in the driver seat the mushrooms just seem to add to that invincible euphoria.

I love this combo.
#11 Posted : 9/18/2010 4:08:04 PM

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polytrip wrote:
When you combine mescaline with mushrooms, do you still have that vibe of positivity and warmth that's so typical for mescalin?
I mean, mescaline is one of the most awesome hallucinogens while it's at the same time probably the most 'mindfuck-free' psychedelic available, i can hardly imagine someone getting a bad trip from cacti. On mushrooms, the chance of having a bad-trip is much greater.
How does the combination of both compare in this perspective?

What soulfood said Smile It's pretty much a combination of the positives of both entheogens, without any of the side-effects. I know, it sounds almost too good to be true, but there you have it. Cool
Infundibulum wrote:

Item: A goat (eats everything, gives milk, it is fuckable, can be converted to meat)

#12 Posted : 9/18/2010 5:24:28 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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Jammr wrote:
Infundibulum wrote:
Jammr wrote:
4:30pm: While SWIM is peaking (barely noticeable), he chances upon 2 Amanita Cesarea in some scattered oaks bordering a small field. At this stage, with part of his dinner in hand, he decides to drive (5 minutes) back home.)

Driving under the influence????

Enjoy your break for some time and be very careful in the future with anything that involves DUI!

I'm dead serious here.

Someone pee in your corn flakes there Infundibulum?? Can't say I enjoyed the break much, sorry. I apologize for breaking the forum rules by posting that SWIM drove 5 minutes under the influence of a barely noticeable mescaline dose. I pasted most of that post verbatim from an email I sent to a friend of mine, and simply forgot to edit that part out. I would have thought that a simple pm warning me of the mistake I'd made would have been more productive (and well educated, to boot). I would have edited the original post with little to no harm done. Anyhow... sowwy, won't happen again.

We have strict rules about DIY, and the decision was supported by all the mods. And we do not care if the dose was too little or too much. The way we see your excusing is like a rapist says in the court "but I only inserted 2cm of my dick in this woman..."

So it seems someone peed in more cornflake bows than just mine!!!

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#13 Posted : 9/18/2010 5:37:14 PM

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Infundibulum wrote:

We have strict rules about DIY, and the decision was supported by all the mods. And we do not care if the dose was too little or too much. The way we see your excusing is like a rapist says in the court "but I only inserted 2cm of my dick in this woman..."

So it seems someone peed in more cornflake bows than just mine!!!

I hear ya, and totally agree with those rules, just thought the ban with no warning a tad harsh. Must suck to be the fall guy, you know... the guy with the stick. But hey, I'll always enjoy reading your posts, every other sentence of yours is sig material Very happy
Infundibulum wrote:

Item: A goat (eats everything, gives milk, it is fuckable, can be converted to meat)

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