Well i don't really know where to start! (sorry a little long)
First off i guess, is this isn't my first post. And it won't be my last! I joined a couple, two three months ago under the avatar SCRIBES. I haven't posted in a while because i've been going thru some major personal adjustments in my life suchas moving back in with my grandparents (roommate is getting married next month,giving him space), my band just replaced our drummer (we've got some gigs coming up, things r going in the right direction), and i've needed to take some time to myself and get my roots back in the ground mentally and spiritually.
Second, is that im def not trying to clog up the Nexus with another screen name. I don't know how it happened but my password wasn't working, and the reminder e-mail function just sent me a whole bunch of gibberish. So i could only think to create another screen name and get a hold of another member (thank you again sir :wink

to get back on the train. (tried to fix it first though)
Third, Yes i said Surf Clown!
This is my second powerfull experiance this week. I'm starting to really get the smoking tech down. Been using a bong instead of bulb pipe, wwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy better

. I'm def saving for a GVG though. Guess work can really distract my train of thought and can be wasteful. I'm always scard that im going to burn the spice with the torch.
So here i sit, nearly an hour after one of my most profound experiances, and only four hours til i have to wake up for work. It really made me smile and filled me with joy. This is my second encounter with the clowns, except this one didn't scare the crap out of me. This was a crazy OEV trip! If my eyes weren't open i was looking through my eyelids(or just really out of it,heh). The Clown (or what i can now only vaguely remember as a clown) was only between 2 and 3 feet tall. It had from what i could see makeup, red hair, and a morphing pattern on the clown suit. Very brightly electric colored checkered patterns, dancing poke-a-dots, and viberating plad. The whole time i was watching him i never got a good look at the front of his body. Just back and side. His back seemed to be toward me the whole time! Like it was on purpose so i couldn't fully see..
This guy was a fiesty little raskle! He moved with such speed and elligance, which was a beautiful dance on its own. He seemed to be tagging up my wall with triangles and other moving art of some sort. Dancing around, throwing around "paint" (fractils), this leppercon clown actually jumped up on the "art work" and mounted it like a wave and surfed through his art. Heh, he rode it halfway accross my room and i lost track of him, due to the messey but amazing artwork i gazed at.
My walls were heavily breathing, my closet doors and dressers seemed to be moving. And I looked at my dog who was lying on my bed this whole time. My dog DEF knew there was something strange going on in the air, she was a bit uneasy. (not the first time she has acted strange after such occasions)
Im not sure how long the trip was but it seemed to last a long time. After my dog was cool i kinda got stuck looking in the mirror with shpongle playing in the backround for a few minutes,heh.
I really didn't think my come back post would have ANY clowns.... Until i just made up my mind a few minutes ago i had HUGE doubts about posting this Flash because its ssssssssooooooooo incredibally goofy and unbelieveable. Then again many are. I know its best to have no real expectations when entering the spice world. It's hard not to have some in the back of your mind.
I went in with almost an expectation or an urge to see something more profound on the serious side of things. What i got was an amazing, dancing, artistic clown who showed me that the "Other" is also truely artistic and humorous. And i haven't had a flash this humorous ever.
Who else has had clowns? any one? come on, i know ur out there!
Thanks for reading this crazy thing.
Much Love to the Nexus
Soulshine (def second thoughts about posting this, better posts to come, but here we go....)
The tragedy of life isn't that it's too short, it's that we take too long to begin it...
"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in !!!"
"Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity" - Pema Chodron