Many thanks kind sir. I'm glad to have been met with friendliness. My friend's friend mentioned posting some findings on low dose experiences, so here goes.
After ingesting a threshold dose SWIM noticed that he was detecting letters and words all over his bedspread. It was as if his pattern detection equipment had become hyperactive to the point where even a plain white bedsheet could pass for a string of greek letters. If there was a network of neurons in his head that sends a signal whenever he sees the letter T (or a line with a longer line under it), then it seems like this network is much more prone to fire from an identical set of stimuli after ingesting a sub-breakthrough dose.
SWIM wonders how ingesting spice seems to prime his feedforward recognition processing such that it sends signals more easily. He knows that the central nervous system is way too complicated for him to ever understand, but it's fun to try.
SWIM also experienced the cusp of a breakthrough dose. He felt overwhelmed and scared as the experience began, and felt as if there was a mysterious force pushing the lower part of his brain upward (definitely not what happened, but that's how he felt at the time). He felt as if he was hanging on to the lower part of his brain. As if he was hanging on to his sanity. Perhaps he could have decided to let the mysterious force take him away. He can't help but wonder how the experience would have differed had he not tried so actively to hold on to everything that he thinks keeps him sane. During this moment realized that this substance could be a direct pathway to madness if he isn't careful. SWIM just gripped the covers tightly in the half hope that holding onto the ground would keep him from flying off into space until the experience was over. Either SWIM needs to prune his fears before breaking through, or SWIM needs to treat this more like jumping into a cold swimming pool where the best tactic is to simply plunge right in. For now he'll take the safe route.
So far, SWIM's encounters with spice have been insightful, humbling, and entertaining. SWIM hopes to do everything he can to make sure his future encounters are of similar, if not better quality.
Every tool is dangerous when misused. That is no reason not to use tools.
Isn't it strange that a gift can be an enemy?