2c-Ego Shredder and his intensely ass-kicking ways Options
#1 Posted : 8/24/2010 7:21:23 AM

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2c-e is not a recreational experience. it is not "fun."
i go into psychedelics for personal growth and expansion but i would be lying (and so would anyone else) to say that i don't enjoy the bliss and joy that come from them.
bliss and joy are valid aspects of Spirit and can be enjoyed in a spiritual fashion, that is to say, calmly and not manically and obsessively.
all psychedelics i've ever taken (all the naturals and a few synthetics) had a certain amount of bliss in them.
2c-e seems a striking omission in the "enjoyment" department.
a lot of people have difficulty with 2c-e, it doesn't take much reading to see many a manic freak-out from it's usage.
people speak, often, of being intensely uncomfortable while on it for the entire duration.
i assumed this to be a dosage phenomena, and chose to start "low" with 10 mgs.
i had heard that 2c-e is similar in dosage to 2c-b, albeit a little more potent.
a LITTLE bit?!?!? yeah....Shocked
an hour after dosing i'm pretty much floored by how hard it's coming on.
especially so realizing i have another half-hour to come up still.
sure enough, by an hour and 15 minutes i'm so freakin' high i decide that praying is my only option here.
looking at a picture of a great spiritual master brings me infinite comfort and peace.
suddenly his face transforms into a sinister looking alien reptile.
" more looking at people's faces......"

2c-b makes me feel like the whole world has turned into soft, blissful pillows.
2c-e felt like the whole world turned into razor sharp buzz-saws of ego pulverization.

if LSD is called "pushy," 2c-e is "shove you on the ground, pin you, and buzz-saw your ego to pieces."

of course this depends on blanket statements here....

an interesting aspect of the experience was it's utter emotional blandness.
i kept thinking to myself that it felt like my "wings were clipped."
that is to say, i felt suppressed and "pinned down" somehow.
like the medicine wasn't letting me soar in high skies of blissful freedom.
the sensations coursing through my body started as joyful and would kinda get "blunted" in body tension and discomfort. i couldn't get comfortable the entire time. one of the most hideous body-loads imaginable.

the discomfort was entirely based on the kundalini energy in my spine being WAY to strong for my poor aching body to handle.
i've experienced this similar sensation on any overdose of a phenethylamine, not just synthetic.
too much mescaline gives me this "kundalini discomfort" too. bridgesii is especially ass-kicking in this regard.

2c-b feels like it "fits" in my body very well....that is to say, the kundalini is not too strong to handle.
the energy from the 2c-e got so intense after about 2 hours that my arms and legs started completely going numb and no amount of changing their position would bring them "back to life."
to top it off, i could actually audibly hear a "whooping" sound (like the sound of a helicopter blade spinning) emitting from the center of my body. at first i thought it was a helicopter or a car, but then i put on ear plugs and realized that it was the audible sound of such an intense barrage of energy!!!!! this was no child's play trip!!

the force coming through me was so strong that i actually feared the atoms of my body would become
"un-hinged" and fly out into space.
i prayed deeply for peace and acceptance to be restored. i prayed to let go into the force and let it take me.
the inner voice clearly said, "i'm not here to save you from this experience, i'm here to teach you the secrets of death."
shaky and nervous i said, "ummmm okay....."
with that i lied down on my back and practiced releasing tension in my spine and muscles.
then i started to go breathless for about a 30 seconds to a minute at a time. (i counted at one point)
as i exhaled, my breath would not return to me for a seeming eternity and whenever that happened things that were utterly impossible would happen.
i have no way to remember or explain what these "impossibilities" were. it was astral travel of some sort.
the soul would leave to body and experience things beyond the scope of physical limitation.
when the breath left, the visions would obscure a well-lit room to the point of an inability to recognize the physical surroundings. i thought to myself, "this is easily as intense as a solid dose of smoked DMT and WAY longer....."
the impossibilities were somehow linked to seeing at least a thousand images superimposed onto one another while simultaneously beholding them all. like some sort of hyper-dimensional omniscient consciousness of omnipresence.

not only was my pulse racing a mile-a-minute, but i also felt that i had an incredibly high fever.
it was this consciousness of "fever" that produced the most fear in me.
there were always two "me's" during the trip.....and on any trip for that matter.
one is the silent, indifferent witness to all things that happen. this is soul awareness.
the other was a scared ego trying in vain to hold onto what is slipping through his hands like sand.
but this "fever" was only experienced by the ego, and it produced the sensation of a tangible and frightening delerium. i actually thought it felt more like a datura stupor than a hightened awareness at one point.
i've had many high-dose experiences but this was very unique in the way that it felt like my ego-thoughts were spinning out of my conscious control. i began fearing for my safety thinking i might do something crazy.
(even though i know i never would!!!)
now that i think about it, i've experienced that "spinning wildly out of control" thing with acid and a black-out dose of ayahuasca before. it's just been a while since it had hit me full bore.
also, as mentioned before, this wildness was not accompanied by any euphoria whatsoever so it just felt maddening.

after 2 1/2 hours it started fading a little bit, much to my relief.
though i felt so jangly and speedy that i wanted something to sooth my nerves.
i actually entertained thoughts of wanting valium or wine (two things i would never normally enjoy).
ANYTHING to get this energy to mellow out!!
all i had was cannabis.....
not wanting to sky-rocket into another psychedelic oblivion, i kept taking really tiny tokes at first.
the thing is, i was soo high that when i would breath out (with or without smoking) all i would see is rainbow smoke coming out of my mouth!!!!
so i couldn't even tell if was getting a solid toke or not cos the visuals were too strong!!! wacky stuff.
so opted to take a slightly larger hit "just to be sure."
oh my........Crying or very sad

it shot the peak up well past the original intensity and stayed there for a solid hour and a half more.
at this point i didn't even care.
i kept laughing to myself about how jacked i felt and was enjoying (as much as i could) the most astounding visuals any drug could ever produce EVER.
seriously though, the amount and intensity of visuals was on par only with high-dose smoked DMT.
LSD and mescaline could NEVER step up to what 2c-e was revealing!!! utterly mind-blowing, obscuring any trace of recognition of the outside world even with eyes open in a well-lit room! Shocked

but strangely i look at this experience with utter awe and amazement at such an incredibly powerful tool.
someone described it as a "difficult yet worthwhile experience," and i can't agree more.
as i was coming down, i pretty much entertained no thoughts of ever wanting to try it again!!
but strangely the next day, talking to my trip buddy, i found myself praising the medicine somehow.
he said, "nothing you've said makes me wanna take it." i couldn't agree more.
it was a terrible, uncomfortable, dark, almost sinister experience at points but there was a power of honest introspection there that is utterly beyond what i've encountered on any psychedelic, "natural" or synthetic.
the reason why it was so profound, i feel, is because there was no mask of bliss to hide behind.
sometimes on mescaline i'm enjoying the experience so ecstatically that i'm not even really paying attention to what it's trying to say to me on a deep level cos i'm too busy laughing my ass off enjoying myself!!
2c-b is similar, i think it's such a talkative, blissful experience that i get distracted by how good i feel at times!!!
2c-e has no props. no toys to play with. no euphoria (for me at least). nothing....
nothing except awareness of how ego is such a tense, complaining, whiner with no agenda other than to ruin your life with it's incessant nagging and complaining!

i don't think i'll be visiting Mr. Ego Shredder again soon.
and when i do i will start at 6 mgs.
please be careful with this one, friends!!

i don't know how you guys take 15-20 mgs. of that stuff!!!!!!!!!!!
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked


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#2 Posted : 8/24/2010 7:38:32 AM

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You must be really sensitive to the stuff man. I work with 2c-e on a somewhat regular basis and have never experienced the thrashing you described here. 50mg oral kicked my ass pretty good but I had no real problems maintaining my grip on reality and never came close to ego death. Visually it is unreal though, second only to DMT. As you mentioned there is a very noticeable dark side to this drug. Even at very euphoric low doses I've felt a darkness that seems to come from nowhere with no provocation.

2c-e is an interesting and powerful tool. Hopefully you'll give it another shot but definitely dose lower, heh.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
Like a blue lotus floating on the sea of love.
Lingering in ashantic realms
Lingering in the akashic realms
Lingering in, lingering in the realms.
Blue lotus floats, floating, floating..
Some laugh, some weep, some dance for joy.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
#3 Posted : 8/24/2010 12:24:28 PM

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Thanks so much for posting this report.
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#4 Posted : 8/25/2010 3:44:34 AM

polyfather anomalous

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dragon-n wrote:
2c-e is not a recreational experience. it is not "fun."

nothing except awareness of how ego is such a tense, complaining, whiner with no agenda other than to ruin your life with it's incessant nagging and complaining!

Great report Sir; what a gift to have received such a powerful experience from this material which so many people in the underground find "not worthwhile". Based on my own experiences with three of the 2C's (-B, -E, and -T-2) the first time seems so much more powerful than ensuing times. I had less than 5 mg of 2C-E on my first try (a couple of mg's for allergy test then I licked off the remaining residues from the weighing device) and the resulting experience was *powerful* to say the least - I was camped on the side of a huge granite mountain during a ferocious thunderstorm, so a mind-blowing experience was to be expected - but all the same it was incredible. Given the dose-sensitivity seen with the 2C's your very powerful experience makes sense. I bet if you test the same amount again you won't have such an Ego-Shredding experience. All the same, thanks so much for this report!
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#5 Posted : 8/25/2010 6:32:43 AM

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Awesome read. I know you don't regret it now that it's passed. Awesome to hear that you got to the point where you could just laugh at the intensity. Thanks for reporting this. I know more of what to expect when I dose 2c-e for the first time. I did 10mg of 2c-t-2 today for the first time. And will try more next time. looking forward to further exploration of these beauties.Wink Very happy Very happy
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#6 Posted : 8/25/2010 9:37:58 PM

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lysergify wrote:
what a gift to have received such a powerful experience from this material which so many people in the underground find "not worthwhile".

2c-e not worthwhile?!?!?!! 2c-b a party drug?!?!?!?!
what silly claims....
all these medicines do is make you see yourself deeply.
and if you don't know where to look or are unconsciously scared to look, you will indeed see "nothing worthwhile."
if i was looking for a blissful escape from ego i would not find it in 2c-e.
just what are these people looking for when they say they don't find it????
#7 Posted : 8/25/2010 9:46:39 PM

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lysergify wrote:
I bet if you test the same amount again you won't have such an Ego-Shredding experience.

i agree, i think you're right.
though i'm not so much averted to the ego-death or mental intensity (easy to say that while in ego!!!!!). Laughing
it's the "4,000,000 watt feverish lightening tremors from high-heaven" i'm trying to avoid!!
viva la no body load! Razz
maybe 8 millies next time!!!! i'll be sure to have ground control this time.
solo trips to the electric void are to be avoided in my opinion.
though i can't really say anything bad ever came out of 'em.
some sort of grounded reassurance is always a plus, though.
like someone saying, "you're temperature is not 110, don't worry." phew that would've been nice.
or, "your pulse isn't gonna make your heart explode." wow, it's not? great!!!
these things can really help to free the mind for deeper exploration instead of bodily preoccupation.
#8 Posted : 8/26/2010 2:04:06 AM

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SWIM loves 2c-e and would without a doubt consider it 'fun'. It is so much more gentle than acid, so much less mind-fuck, so much more gentle than mushrooms, so much more earthly. I think you must have mis-measured your dose. 10mg of 2ce is not enough to cause ego death, not even close, definitely psychedelic experience - but nothing groundbreaking in terms of psychedelia. It ain't hard, if you aren't using a proper scale, to bump that up to 20 or 25mg, in which case this makes total sense.

SWIM doesn't however associate 2c-e with emotional blankness, in fact he feels emotionally connected to things he never even considered before, 2c-e's home is within nature, and love, true love, making love on 2c-e is one of the most amazing experiences, nothing more emotional. SWIM is brought to his knees with awe and amazement so frequently with this chemical that he considers it more of a godsend than any other. It has shredded the meaningless mindloops of acid and mushrooms and traded them in for a blooming integration with everyday existence. This is why SWIM finds it earthly, you are comfortable with your place, and can see all angles, but it doesn't displace you or make you uncomfortable.

If you really are so sensitive to get such an experience off 10mg, you are very lucky, this chemical is obviously fond of you. I'd lower the dose down to 5mg, get twice the doses out of whatever you got, and keep it at that until you feel you need more.

Don't let this first impression scare you away, there is so much more to it.
Everything I post is made up fiction. SWIM represents a character who is not based in or on reality.
#9 Posted : 8/26/2010 5:57:46 AM

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narmz wrote:
SWIM loves 2c-e and would without a doubt consider it 'fun'. It is so much more gentle than acid, so much less mind-fuck, so much more gentle than mushrooms, so much more earthly. I think you must have mis-measured your dose. 10mg of 2ce is not enough to cause ego death, not even close, definitely psychedelic experience - but nothing groundbreaking in terms of psychedelia. It ain't hard, if you aren't using a proper scale, to bump that up to 20 or 25mg, in which case this makes total sense.

SWIM doesn't however associate 2c-e with emotional blankness, in fact he feels emotionally connected to things he never even considered before, 2c-e's home is within nature, and love, true love, making love on 2c-e is one of the most amazing experiences, nothing more emotional. SWIM is brought to his knees with awe and amazement so frequently with this chemical that he considers it more of a godsend than any other. It has shredded the meaningless mindloops of acid and mushrooms and traded them in for a blooming integration with everyday existence. This is why SWIM finds it earthly, you are comfortable with your place, and can see all angles, but it doesn't displace you or make you uncomfortable.

If you really are so sensitive to get such an experience off 10mg, you are very lucky, this chemical is obviously fond of you. I'd lower the dose down to 5mg, get twice the doses out of whatever you got, and keep it at that until you feel you need more.

Don't let this first impression scare you away, there is so much more to it.

beautifully put. thanks for your input.
yeah, i can see that the mind-fuck was not as much present as with acid or shrooms.
and i wouldn't call it ego death as much as an ego ass-kicking. only half of me was spinning out.
the other half was quite indifferent to my mental rantings!!
all of the uncomfortable things i felt were related to the body load being too strong.
i did feel the incredible power and "fun" in the perceptions. i just need a lower dose so the body can hang out comfortably with those perceptions. i'm just aware that the mental effects might not be so grand with a lower dose.
but who knows???
it wasn't a mis-dose. i weigh my product multiple times (5-10 times) to be sure it averages out.
10 mgs. indeed. i know it sounds crazy but i have always been the most sensitive person to psychedelics i know.
ever since i started meditating 5 years ago, too, my sensitivity has only increased.
it's like i'm accostumed to opening those doors by myself, and so these medicines blast open the already loosened gates. i look forward to starting lower and working my way up.
it's funny, my girlfriend thinks i'm crazy!! she's like, "you're really thinking about taking it again?!?!?!"
i'm like, "oh yeah!! it was just a slightly over-estimated dose that's all!!"
people who don't explore these things with commitment look at a harrowing experience as a warning sign to stay off the road altogether.
the true seeker always sees that the road can easily be traversed safely, he just might need more careful planning next time, that's all....Laughing
#10 Posted : 9/2/2010 1:02:06 PM

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I'm very intrigued by your post, you described 2C-E as exactly the opposite of how it is to me. For me it is extremely euphoric, one of the most euphoric drugs I have ever taken - but it does not touch the ego at all, in fact at times it even reinforces the ego rather than attempting to break it. I even know people who have taken intense doses up to 200mg orally - with no signs of ego loss. It's a shame, ego loss is very useful and I'd love to be able to attain it on 2C-E but I don't seem to be able to.

The thing I love about 2C-E is the introspection and analytical side of it, I feel like a genius when taking it, I can understand everything so much better, answer any question posed, and I am very creative and influential. Very useful chemical by all means.
#11 Posted : 9/2/2010 7:06:04 PM

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JesusGreen wrote:
I'm very intrigued by your post, you described 2C-E as exactly the opposite of how it is to me. For me it is extremely euphoric, one of the most euphoric drugs I have ever taken - but it does not touch the ego at all, in fact at times it even reinforces the ego rather than attempting to break it. I even know people who have taken intense doses up to 200mg orally - with no signs of ego loss.

yeah, it seems the 2c-x's (or even psychedelics in general, i guess) are notorious for their exact opposite reactions in different people.
2c-b is said by some people to be very uncomfortable, i feel it's the most blissful medicine ever discovered alongside MDMA or LSD (when yer on a good one!!). Smile
i've read people thinking the sensations 2c-e brings into the body as extremely euphoric, and have read the exact opposite.
i've also experienced, sometimes simultaneously in the trip, mental confusion and mental clarity/groundedness.
so who knows???
i'm certainly not saying it's NOT euphoric, just that it's euphoria seemed to elude me.
i feel it more worthwhile to point out a potential dark-side rather than push it aside lest people think to jump in too quickly.
as long as we approach slowly and cautiously, far fewer will be overwhelmed (seems i'm the "lucky" few at 10 mgs. Wink ) by the potential dark-side, should it arise in a susceptible mind.
thanks for your response jesusgreen!!
#12 Posted : 9/3/2010 6:25:54 AM
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The 2C-x's go very deep mentally for me, but in a different direction then LSD or mushrooms. I wouldn't say it's spiritual, or enlightening, but I've had some pretty profound "NOW I GET IT!" moments on 2C-E and 2C-I. Lower doses seem to help me with integration from past experiences or current life issues. 10mg is on the lower end of the dosing scale, but the first time trip with the 2C-x's can get overwhelming with the intensity of the come-up. Definitely try it again at somewhere in the 6-10mg range until you get the feel for it.
Anything stated above is a work of pure fiction. The delusional author is writing a story about his imaginary friends. The author does not condone nor participate in any illegal activities. Anything said by the author should not be attempted, taken seriously, or believed. Enjoy the story.

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#13 Posted : 9/3/2010 1:28:59 PM

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dragon-n wrote:
JesusGreen wrote:
I'm very intrigued by your post, you described 2C-E as exactly the opposite of how it is to me. For me it is extremely euphoric, one of the most euphoric drugs I have ever taken - but it does not touch the ego at all, in fact at times it even reinforces the ego rather than attempting to break it. I even know people who have taken intense doses up to 200mg orally - with no signs of ego loss.

yeah, it seems the 2c-x's (or even psychedelics in general, i guess) are notorious for their exact opposite reactions in different people.
2c-b is said by some people to be very uncomfortable, i feel it's the most blissful medicine ever discovered alongside MDMA or LSD (when yer on a good one!!). Smile
i've read people thinking the sensations 2c-e brings into the body as extremely euphoric, and have read the exact opposite.
i've also experienced, sometimes simultaneously in the trip, mental confusion and mental clarity/groundedness.
so who knows???
i'm certainly not saying it's NOT euphoric, just that it's euphoria seemed to elude me.
i feel it more worthwhile to point out a potential dark-side rather than push it aside lest people think to jump in too quickly.
as long as we approach slowly and cautiously, far fewer will be overwhelmed (seems i'm the "lucky" few at 10 mgs. Wink ) by the potential dark-side, should it arise in a susceptible mind.
thanks for your response jesusgreen!!

That is a very true point, the nausea and body load being a perfect example as me and many of my friends have zero nausea or uncomfortable body load from 2C-E, but others have it so bad that they cannot even use 2C-E without puking many times and being put off the whole experience. Strange, but understandable since psychedelics can vary oh so much.
#14 Posted : 9/7/2010 6:28:51 AM

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I don't get all the fuss over 2-ce being overly intense and extremely ego-shredding. Although me and my friends have only taken 10 mg doses, we each found it very pleasing and controllable. The only relation i can make to dragon-n's experience is the distinct whooping noise that definitely sounds like a helicopter blade, quite unique to 2c's i feel. Might i suggest your ego was shredded this hard not because of the substance in question but because it needed to be shredded and any substance at this point would have shredded it in this regard. I found this to be true of certain LSD trips of mine, i can take the same amount of the same quality LSD-25 and sometimes feel complete ego-loss yet other times have ego-strengthening. Maybe i need to man up and take a 20-25mg dose, but in my experience i have had very gentle and pleasing experience with 2c-e, but especially with 2c-i which i find extremely controllable and able to turn the visuals on and off as if with a switch. They are absolutely nothing compared to the COMPLETE ego-shredding of a high dose LSD trip or fat bowl of spice. Yet these are "research" chemicals for a reason, and it seems the effects of these chemicals vary widely depending on the mind and mind-state involved.
Om Mani Padme Hum

#15 Posted : 9/7/2010 9:33:28 PM

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camdemonium wrote:
I don't get all the fuss over 2-ce being overly intense and extremely ego-shredding. Although me and my friends have only taken 10 mg doses, we each found it very pleasing and controllable. The only relation i can make to dragon-n's experience is the distinct whooping noise that definitely sounds like a helicopter blade, quite unique to 2c's i feel. Might i suggest your ego was shredded this hard not because of the substance in question but because it needed to be shredded and any substance at this point would have shredded it in this regard. I found this to be true of certain LSD trips of mine, i can take the same amount of the same quality LSD-25 and sometimes feel complete ego-loss yet other times have ego-strengthening. Maybe i need to man up and take a 20-25mg dose, but in my experience i have had very gentle and pleasing experience with 2c-e, but especially with 2c-i which i find extremely controllable and able to turn the visuals on and off as if with a switch. They are absolutely nothing compared to the COMPLETE ego-shredding of a high dose LSD trip or fat bowl of spice. Yet these are "research" chemicals for a reason, and it seems the effects of these chemicals vary widely depending on the mind and mind-state involved.

thanks for the reply camdemonium!! Smile
if there's one thing i've noticed, having always been extremely sensitive to psychedelics, it's that people who aren't sensitive often lack understanding
of how someone can actually experience full-spectrum effects from such small doses. that's not a diss at all....just an observation. Wink
sensitivity, i've found, not only makes small doses more intense, but also highlights and exaggerates certain qualities that would otherwise just be mixed in with the other effects and more easily over-looked.
sensitivity = magnifying glass
i've told people how i've felt extreme over-dose reactions to just 12 grams of dried bridgesii powder to have them say, "you must be new at this....12 grams is a starting dose." new at this??? Rolling eyes
though i completely agree, camdemonium, with my destined ego shredding possibly being inevitable on any substance that evening.
i used to take the same batches of the same cactus powder and would always end up at a different place even though the doses were uniform and measured. i started feeling like Papa Mescal was in control of my destiny and would just surrender to his guidance.
i agree with you too, that the phenethylamines are NOTHING compared to the tryptamines when it comes to actual ego death.
even on 1 1/2 grams mescaline i was able to say to myself, "damn! you really did it this time, dragon!! just stay calm, we'll make it through."
i've NEVER been able to do that on a full dose of smoked spice!!!
though, it's funny, cos you talk of experiencing alternately ego-stregthening/ego-loss effects from LSD and it makes sense because LSD has both a tryptamine AND a phenethylamine skeleton within it. it really is BOTH depending on how the wind is blowing that day.

i suppose i should define my terms better here. in my mind i have a humorous picture of what ego-shredding means...being quite different from ego-DEATH. trytamines bring ego-death: like i don't remember that i took a drug or that i've ever been human or that any other reality has ever existed except insect-aliens molesting/devouring me.
with ego-shredding i picture a piece of paper going through a paper shredder. all the information is still there, it's just not in the right order.........i still know i'm a human being who took too much 2c-e and that i'm experiencing it as "dysphoric." more of just a psychological ass-kicking than anything else.
i still stand by the fact that this experience was really only difficult because of the body-load.
if i didn't get a seemingly hyper-toxic reaction i wouldn't have found the mental effects to be too overwhelming, it was more like the mind was dragged down by the body. those who don't get this physical reaction seem to be "in the clear" with 2c-e.
well lucky you!!! 2c-e is a wonderful tool to explore, i hope he treats my organs better in the future!!!

#16 Posted : 9/27/2010 7:55:53 AM

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okay tried 6 mgs. of 2c-e today after a little vacation from it. felt a different side of it for sure, a lot more forgiving and "nice" at this level.
though i can still see, even at this light dose, why i felt it was a little "dark" last time i took it.
my notes are as follows:

well the 2c-e was thankfully a lot smoother this time. i only took 6 mgs!!! and it was a little difficult but not "hellish"!!
i'll take anything after that last ride to Ego Shredder country at 10 mgs.
just 6 mgs of 2c-e was like as intense as 14 mgs. 2c-b, really potent for some reason.
was really long too. 7 hours after peaking and i'm still feelin' quite spacey, though i've been a-smokin'. Cool
i could feel a certain euphoria with it and wasn't ever uncomfortable but it was definitely not as "nice" as our cactus and 2c-b friends. very "stern" in comparison.
some initial strangeness and weird head-space on the come-up. a bit jagged around the edges.
this molecule feels very "blah" and "neutral" to me for some reason. like everything just "is." not in a zen way but like in a drab way.
no nothing about nothing. it's kinda ho-hum in a sad kinda way. maybe it was showing me what i needed to see in myself.
felt a lot of sadness surface on the trip.
felt all alone at home and not content in myself. felt like i was just chasing some fleeting experience to remedy myself.
psychedelic junky? ya know?
i've been there and am not completely guilt free for indulging too often and for the wrong reasons.
i think what my ego was looking for was some thrilling magic ride into psychedelic land with happy elves and all.
what it got was a clear and unbiased look at what it feels like to feel "not ecstatic." anyway it was good, don't get me wrong...
but the deepest trips are always the saddest trips to me for some reason. it's like i'm aware, on a certain level, that there is something VERY wrong with ego consciousness, and all it's attending moral crimes, but there's NOTHING we can do about it right now. yeah, we can gradually get there. but coming to these places of spiritual freedom reminds that i've come from something MUCH bigger than this and i feel kinda "stuck" here sometimes. 2c-e really "shows you how it is."
..definitely NOT a party drug. there is no escaping the unbiased stern 2c-e introspection, i'm afraid to admit.
after a tiny puff of weed things got a little "warmer," though. i was grateful to be feeling the connectedness then.
i think my ego would have rather had 2c-b teaching class today. bumblebee is more care-free in her outlook, never allowing me to get "overly serious."
but i get what i need and i need what i get so here was 2c-e.
sometimes i forget that i come to these state to actually get WORK DONE.
sometimes they are just all puffy bliss and i get attached to that bliss and want to avoid doin' the work, uprooting all the weeds of selfish attachment. 2c-e is 95% work, 5% bliss. that's a STEEP ratio if you ask me!! bumblebee is like 50%, 50% HAHA! Laughing
#17 Posted : 9/27/2010 8:18:51 AM

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okay and if anyone's stoned enough to read my stupid story that happened while on that last trip: (which happened as i was just starting to come down)
everything was bread and butter until this huge THING (animal of sorts) flew into my house and started bangin' against the walls. i saw it out of the corner of my eye and it was as big as a freakin' bat!!!!
i was like, "there's no way a BAT just flew into my house!!!!" i even thought it was a small bird, cos it was so big!!
i was cooking beans over the stove (grounding food, ya know??) just minding my own business and am home alone so it was especially terrifying. i've never been that terrified of anything in my whole life!!! i'm still shaky as i'm writing this!!
i think the stimulant nature of the 2cE mixed with a little cannabis paranoia mixed with encountering a real live BEAST of sorts turned sour for a moment and i got THE FEAR.

i turned off all the lights, opened all the doors, and just huddled in a corner, beside myself with a sort of clueless fear.
like, "what the HECK am i supposed to do now???"
if the lights are on he'll stay in here. if i turn the lights off, i can't see, so how do i know he really left?????
suddenly i hear the sound of wings beating against something and the flame on the pot start flickering and crackling!!
i'm like, "did this creature fall INTO my beans?!?!?!?!" talk about a real live witch's brew!!!!
so i flip on the light and sheeeeeeepishly look into the pot.....nope, just beans.
okay but i HEAR him around here.
i start beating the cupboard walls and the contents of the cupboard and he's obviously not in there.
okay maybe he left.....*fingers crossed*....but how do i KNOW he left if i didn't see him leave.
so i huddle back into my corner and just sit there not knowing what the heck to do and am too scared to try and figure it out.
so i call a good buddy and say in as normal of a tone as i know how, "so the trip went okay and i'm fine but i have this dilemna, i think there's a freakin' BAT in my house.....what am i supposed to do??????"
he says laughing, "just get him in the air and start 'leading' him out the door with a broom."
yeah easier said than done!!!!
so i hang up the phone, not reassured in the least!!!
i hear him beating around IN MY OVEN.
how did he get IN the oven??!?!
at this point the adrenaline is making me feel SPACED out and i feel so psychedelicized i'm gonna collapse.
i contemplate just flat-out panicking but realize nothing good will come of that. gotta keep cool.
so i sheeeeeeeeeeepishly open the oven door and start beating around in there....nothing.
then i'm like, "oh no...i think he's UNDER the stove and ABOVE the oven in that little space that you could only get into if you flew into and below the burners!!!!"
i retreat to my corner.
then as the sound of his wings start fluttering against the tin foil that is under the stove my heart starts fluttering in unison with such tremendous fear that it actually JOOOLTS me backwards in a staggered, shaky motion.
at this point i'm like, "dude, LOOK at yourself, you're a wreck. it's just a bat that's 1/100 the size of you. GET UP. grab the broom and let's show this little guy where his home really is (not in my house!!!!).
so i turn off the stove. take the beans off. take the metal-burner things off.
and i proceed to lift the encasement to the middle part of the stove/oven.....SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY.
am i making this up?? what's going on?
i look around again and THERE he is!!!!
*gasping* "it's a HUGE-ASS moth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
holy crap!! he was as big as my FIST, no joke!!
i dropped the stovetop and started shuddering away in those same shocked waves of jolted fear.
then he started going crazy and i saw him "emerge" from the stovetop.
now's my chance!!!!
i was glad he wasn't a bat cos i knew that when he would fly around the room he would be more "aimless" and "drifty" like an insect rather than hyper-aware of my presence like a flying mammal!!!!
i grabbed the broom and in the most desperate tone a human could muster, I addressed him verbally, "alright buddy....let's get you outta here. c'mon....c'mon.....c'mon....c'mon.....*EEK*"
before this i had placed a lamp by the backdoor and turned off all the other lights so he would be attracted to the door and not to the kitchen.
as i was "guiding" him to the backdoor with a broom i saw my chance....
he was in the doorway so i "pushed" him as hard as i could with the broom straws.
he flew back in.
i pushed him out.
he flew back in.
i pushed him out AGAIN.
he flew back to the lamp.
i couldn't close the backdoor cos it swings the wrong way to close him out as i pushed him out.
he ducked behind the stereo which was sitting on the chair by the door.
i started rustling around. he didn't move. i started scraping him off the stereo with the broom.
he wouldn't move.
then i just broke down. i felt like crying i was so desperate.
all of a sudden i realized why he was doing what he was doing.
he just wanted to be near the light.
he didn't care what was guarding it or how dangerous it was, he just wanted to be near the light.
if i banished him, he would come back, cos there was light here.
my inner vision expanded and i beheld the whole world in my aching sadness.
we all just want to be near the light.
we are all desperately seeking to be near whatever light we can find in this dark world, whatever the danger.
i threw my broom aside and sat there with this moth for a moment....not afraid of it anymore.
he was the same as i was on this earth....scared, shaky, and uncertain.
he didn't know why i was hitting at him, and i didn't know why he had to be in my house.
we were stuck with each other.
since he wouldn't move from the stereo no matter what i did, i just unplugged the stereo and set it outside and closed the door behind me.
"no, that's not enough. i need to SEE him go."
so i opened the door again proceeded to pester him with my broom.
he flew up and into the night again as i turned around and put my beans back on the fire.
i am just the same as him. we are just reflections of ourselves...
we are only as scared as we let ourselves be, and boy did i let myself go this evening!!!
thanks for listening to my story. it helped me calm down by writing it.
#18 Posted : 9/27/2010 9:15:11 AM

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you can imagine what a DRAGON looked like to this little moth-bat! It was his destiny, too, to share discoveries with you this evening....and with all of us. Thank you for that report.
#19 Posted : 10/5/2010 9:39:55 PM

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Every 2C-E report i read makes me want it more and more.... Solid ass kickings are too rare for me! Tolerence or the fact i take it too often or whatever ensures i never seem to get as high as i want to be so would love to try some 2c-e. Obviously i'd start off slightly cautiously though! Smile

Can't seem to find anywhere that sells it in any small quantity. So i know you can't post suppliers but if anyone fancies PMing me one that delivers to UK i'll be happy to look at it Very happy
No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. ~P.J. O'Rourke
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