"Sass"/"Organic Ecstasy" - a report and some questions Options
#1 Posted : 8/11/2010 1:37:02 AM

polyfather anomalous

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This weekend I made it out to a beautiful little festival in the rolling hills and new-growth forests near my new home. I've just moved to a different part of the country, and was lucky enough to discover there was a very nice festival going on nearby. I took it as a sort of "Welcome Home" from the Universe, since I met many kind and like-minded peoples from all over the surrounding parts, and I instantly knew I would feel quite at home here, even though it's a somewhat different culture than where I've been living.

I ended up working security at the front gate, basically looking through people's cars and making sure the "Nitrous Mafia" was kept out, and soon enough a car pulled up with an old friend from back home. I had no idea he was coming, so it was a welcome surprise, and also a bit exciting since this particular friend is a reputable source for very clean and potent LSD. I asked if he brought any along, but he said he didn't due to various concerns he had about traveling with it in unfriendly parts. However, he did bring along a quantity of what's called "Sass" or "Organic Ecstasy" by the hippie crowds; my friend insisted it was MDA but I wasn't sure given how he described the clean effects. At first I was resistant to the idea of trying it, but after hearing some positive reports, and realizing that I was in a very friendly and loving crowd of like-minded souls - I don't think the word "friends" quite applies - a better description is "brothers and sisters" or simply "family" - and knowing that my friend was a very trustworthy source, I decided it'd be the perfect opportunity to try out this well-reputed material. In addition - and I'm afraid the "scientifically" minded folks may laugh at this - there was a bit of a synchronicity surrounding the circumstances, where someone placed a sign with a large X directly on top of my tent - so I took this as a little sign from the Universe to try out some of the "Organic Ecstasy" that was drawing such rave reviews from fellow travelers. In addition, I had brought along a quantity of 2C-E, intending to take it on its own, but I figured I'd try out the MDx/2C-x combination that has drawn such positive reviews from the psychedelic therapy community.

So around 4 PM Saturday, I took a tenth of a gram of the "Sass", a slightly-brownish-white crystalline powder, followed an hour later by 18 mg 2C-E, and WOW! For an hour and a half I thought nothing would happen, then all of a sudden SHAZAM. The next 3-4 hours was an insanely beautiful, intense, heart-filled, loving experience. It was such a lovely gift to be surrounded by groovy people, listening to positive music with a stunning light show, and climaxing on whatever chemical the "Sass" may be. The most glorious moment of the experience was feeling the serotonin being released - an absolutely ecstatic feeling, but one I'm afraid needs to be limited to rare occasions. Also, while listening to the climax of the main show, with a most delicious Shpongle-like electronic jam-band improvising to a brilliantly-designed light show, I felt what I can only describe as the "Healing Earth-mother" reach her hand up through my spine, massaging my heart centers, and using the music to give me an ultimate inner massage. The strong serotonin release continued for a couple of hours - towards the beginning of the journey I considered asking the friend for a finger-dip-boost off the magic stash, but pretty soon as the serotonin began to release I realized this was unnecessary; this serotonin release was an absolutely incredible feeling, and the entire experience was full of magic, both internal and external, just like mescaline, and beautifully entactogenic to top it off; a phrase that I've seen used to describe MDMA experiences, "comfortable rushing", describes it well. The come-down was gentle as well, and the 2C-E then came on strong; a powerful visionary experience ensued, and I saw that this is indeed a stunning combination. It was an undeniably wild and crazy experience, and something I'm very grateful for. I won't be meeting the MD* family often (due to concerns about messing with the serotonin system) but this experience was medicinal at the core.

All in all, for anyone interested in the MDx family, I recommend following it with a 2C* for a highly emotional and psychedelic journey, or perhaps taking dragon-n's advice for combining MD* with other materials in order to reduce the load the MD* takes on your body. The "Sass" opened up my Heart Space to a degree I've never experienced, and the ensuing 2C-E journey was deeply visionary and helped me to reflect on what had happened and how to integrate it into my life. Also I am curious if anyone knows more about what "Sass" actually is. The experience - in both duration and subjective effects - sounds very similar to the MDA reports on Erowid and elsewhere, minus the negative aspects such as amphetamine-like tension that I've experienced with an equivalent amount of lab-made MDA. Other friends' descriptions of their "Sass" experiences parallel my own, including the smoothness of the come-down and the lack of noticeable after-effects, and this doesn't correspond to the research that's been done showing that MDA commonly has hangover effects. It's not MDMA, since it's very psychedelic on its own, and doesn't appear to be MDA, even though that's what everyone claims it is, given the lack of aftereffects. I've looked through 69Ron's "Is Safrole Psychedelic" and none of the compounds mentioned there seem to be correspond to the effects of "Sass". It doesn't appear to be a simple extract of sassafras root - the sources state that a chemical process is done on the sassafras oil to obtain the "Sass". Does anyone on here have similar experiences to report, or any clue what this worthy medicine may be?
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#2 Posted : 8/11/2010 3:30:56 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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nothing organic about it either lol
#3 Posted : 8/14/2010 5:38:20 PM

polyfather anomalous

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dg wrote:
nothing organic about it either lol

Hmm well given the absolute lack of body feeling associated with it I concluded it's not MDA. Reports such as those from
Gracie and Zarkov sound very similar in terms of experience but minus the body feeling. The only other time I've gotten reputed MDA it had a much heavier body load, but with similarly deep psychedelic/entactogenic/aesthetic/emotional/heart-opening effects. Here's G and Z's commentary: "The differences from MDM(A) are striking: MDA is more hallucinogenic with noticeable closed eye imagery, is a much greater aesthetic enhancer, especially of people and of music; is more euphoric; more "drug-like", a heavier and more obviously body-involved trip. Tactile sensation is more powerful, erotic and noticeable on MDA. Physical effects are more up-front: gastric upset, pupil dilation, water retention, limbic arousal. On the whole, we find MDA a more enjoyable and interesting trip; longer lasting and more sexual/sensual. Our favorite characteristic is that one retains an interesting psychedelic ideation on MDA, rather then the feeling-oriented, but rather idealess thinking of MDM(A)."

That sounds exactly like the MDA powder, but only somewhat similar to the "Sass", again the difference being the body effect. I suppose with no lab testing results there's no way to say, but I was hoping to find someone with more knowledge than the source. However, it was very clean, no aftereffect or comedown issues; with MDA crystals there was a two-day body load, as is reported in the literature. Well I suppose this is all going in circles, but hope to get some more information about this "Sass". I wonder if there's anything between safrole and MDA/MDMA in the synth that it could be.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#4 Posted : 8/14/2010 6:22:09 PM


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possibly MDE? maybe a combination of MDxx chemicals in just the right proportions to hit that sweet spot? could be a different style of or not fully completed synth? maybe an mdxx cut with heroin would explain a lot of the effects? oh so many possibilities on this one
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#5 Posted : 8/14/2010 6:38:36 PM

polyfather anomalous

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dreamer042 wrote:
possibly MDE? maybe a combination of MDxx chemicals in just the right proportions to hit that sweet spot? could be a different style of or not fully completed synth? maybe an mdxx cut with heroin would explain a lot of the effects? oh so many possibilities on this one

Nah there was no heroin in it, I certainly would recognize that given experience with opium and synthetic opiates! I've seen it in different places at festivals and so forth and the two things I've heard are "MDA" and a mid-point on the synth to "MDA"; it's definitely MDxx family, but it's distinct from MDMA. It seems to be quite widely available so I'm surprised more people haven't come across it. So many possibilities indeed...
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#6 Posted : 8/14/2010 7:02:34 PM


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Did you save any?

You can order tests, the marquis reagent.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#7 Posted : 8/14/2010 7:06:02 PM

polyfather anomalous

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proto-pax wrote:
Did you save any?

You can order tests, the marquis reagent.

No but that's something that slipped my mind. If I come across it again I may just stock up and do a Marquis Reagent test on it. Will report back, thanks...
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#8 Posted : 8/14/2010 7:39:39 PM


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we get sass but its pure mda and like you say its got a really rough comedown that doesn't fit with your descprition. I'm leaning toward the incomplete synth or mde/mda mixture.

the problem with most reagents is its very hard to distinguish between mdxx chemicals, though I think the mandelin gives a decent idea of whether its mde/a or mdma.
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#9 Posted : 8/14/2010 9:34:37 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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"However, he did bring along a quantity of what's called "Sass" or "Organic Ecstasy" by the hippie crowds"

yup,us hippies call mda sass
tons of silly rumors and subjective experience reports.

my friends cat(note not me, that type of practice is BS) adds rootbeer flavoring to them to help spread the myth these are organically extracted from sassafrass root, opens market to hippies who dont want synthetics-----lmfao
#10 Posted : 8/14/2010 9:53:54 PM

polyfather anomalous

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dg wrote:
"However, he did bring along a quantity of what's called "Sass" or "Organic Ecstasy" by the hippie crowds"

yup,us hippies call mda sass
tons of silly rumors and subjective experience reports.

my friends cat(note not me, that type of practice is BS) adds rootbeer flavoring to them to help spread the myth these are organically extracted from sassafrass root, opens market to hippies who dont want synthetics-----lmfao

Hm, thanks for the info everyone; like I said before this still doesn't explain the clean reputation "Sass" has; all the information I can find on MDA suggests that painful hangovers of the type I previously experienced are pretty typical for MDA. Also, it seems from what I've seen that the "Sass" doesn't come through the organized-crime-dominated "Ecstasy" distribution rings, and there's no apparent cutting down of the materials with caffeine (or worse) as is seen with "Ecstasy" pills or "Molly" or whatever's being sold at clubs and what not. Judging by the experience I had someone's doing a relatively good job at the synthesis, too.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#11 Posted : 8/14/2010 10:24:28 PM

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dreamer042 wrote:
possibly MDE? maybe a combination of MDxx chemicals in just the right proportions to hit that sweet spot? could be a different style of or not fully completed synth? maybe an mdxx cut with heroin would explain a lot of the effects? oh so many possibilities on this one

Not sure about the heroin, but the effects described are nothing like my experiences with MDE. The effects were very similar to MDMA, but with slightly less duration.

I'm told there are a number of stages that have to be gone through to go from sassafras to MDMA. Could the product from one of the stages be psychedelic in some way and thats what was consumed?


#12 Posted : 8/24/2010 6:13:34 AM

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hmmm...i think the fact that you combined it simultaneously (if i remember correctly) with 2c-e makes it more difficult to discern where the effects were coming from. they can blend and create their own little unique twists together.
people have often reported reduced hangover from MDxx when combined with a 2c-x, so that could explain it feeling a little "lighter".
i personally have had a few MDA experiences (especially at the 100 mg mark, like you) that were quite mild on the body, not at all producing a crash or anything like that.
that usually comes from the full-on doses...130 and up.
i guess no way to tell...but, in my ignorance, i will vote MDA!!!!!
maybe i'm just rootin' for the home-team mascot over here though!!
viva la heart space!! Very happy
#13 Posted : 10/10/2010 6:07:31 PM
Tryptophilese Metaphysticus Anomalopteris III

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No, there are definitely alkaloids in sassafras that are psychoactive in their own right without any synthesis involved. There are other threads on this forum addressing this.

The suspected alkaloid is cinnamolaurine, based on its structure... though of course it could be a synergy of effects of various alkaloids in the plant, any one of which on its own would be mildly active or not at all.

I'd go into more detail but it's already been addressed elsewhere, just do a good search. Of course there's still much to be learned here, hence my reason for posting... but "organic ecstasy" is real, though extremely subtle compared to the synths.
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