What to do with my teen? Options
#41 Posted : 8/13/2010 1:06:12 PM

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For a start, welcome to the Nexus, Statues. You've demonstrated an open-mindedness in coming here to try and understand what your daughter is interested in that I'm sure will serve you both well. Your relationship with her is clearly one based on trust in that she has told you her intentions, and again, I think that is to be applauded. You are obviously doing a lot of things right as a parent to have such a relationship with your teenager.

I know some of what I'm going to share with you has already been posted here, but this is my 2c.

We don't have a lot of rules here on the Nexus, but there is one that is uncompromising: no-one under the age of 18 is allowed.

At 17, she is just too young to do this. It is too powerful, and I don't know how she'd make sense of it.

There is a link at the top of each page for Health & Safety - I recommend you both read it thoroughly. We put that together collectively as a community after one of our members appeared to suffer a psychotic breakdown of sorts.

Be under no illusions: smoked DMT is not something to be taken lightly. It has the power to change a persons life, values and perception for good. And I say for good, rather than permanently, because most of us who have been changed by it would say the changes are positive - but it is a difficult journey, and one that can be the most terrifying experience of your life. There's a lot of darkness in there.

There was also a recent thread you should read from one member who believes strongly that this is in fact an addictive substance, though that has not been a view shared by many other people.

If she insists on exploring this, she should really consider less powerful substances first.

Why do we do it? Good question. It seems to many of us that DMT chooses us, rather than the other way around. Personally, I was stuck in a bad place in my life, and I was drawn to discover the far shores of my own identity and perception. I was prepared to roll the dice with my life, my sanity and my reality. I'm 37, a parent and a professional film maker and not 'a druggie'. For me it has been a powerful and life changing experience. It has been at times truly horrific, and after some serious exploration and truly overwhelming experiences, I no longer use DMT at all.

Anyway, I wish you both luck and hope you discover interesting things in your research.

Safe travels
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#42 Posted : 8/13/2010 1:08:58 PM

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"I can't imagine giving this stuff to someone that isn't even experienced with cannabis."

Cannabis use is completely irrelevent IMO..why should anyone need cannabis experience? Tons of people drink ayahuasca that dont even like or want to use cannabis.

I personally dont think it's necessarily a good thing to think that we think a person needs to use other drugs to use DMT..I think this is a reflection on how some of us approach things. Alot of people smoke cannabis all day long it's just sort of accepted within the culture, but that doesn't mean everyone else that wants to work with DMT or ayahuasca should have to do the same thing.
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#43 Posted : 8/13/2010 1:15:43 PM

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I personally dont think it's necessarily a good thing to think that we think a person needs to use other drugs to use DMT.

So eating mushrooms or any other psychedelic does not show a novice at least in what direction this is going? That its very different from alcohol? I myself did not take mushrooms before smoking dmt and havn't had a pleasant cannabis buzz before. But wouldn't a strong dose of another psaychedelic at least help to put things into perspective, to show that its something not to take too lightly?
#44 Posted : 8/13/2010 1:37:03 PM

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No thats not what I said. I just dont see why someone SHOULD or SHOULD NOT go that's not like mushrooms cant be just as powerful as ayahuasca..and cannabis is just something totally different and not comparable.

If anything I would give them mushrooms or ayahuasca first. But I dont think someone needs to take mushrooms before ayahuasca.
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#45 Posted : 8/13/2010 2:07:50 PM

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Ahh...accento on "should"..well, that was self evident for me.
#46 Posted : 8/13/2010 3:14:21 PM

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ayahuasca is the way.
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#47 Posted : 8/13/2010 3:27:27 PM

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Maybe she should start of with something "lighter" than DMT!
I started with cannabis, tried mushrooms, found DMT!

If she has no problems, has a calm mind and is VERY certain, i would let her try it.

Of course this depends on my judgment as an experienced user of entheogens.
She should start of with 10-30 mg of DMT + some Rue or Caapi.

But 17, a girl, no experiences regarding psychedelics or drugs, i don't know Smile

elusive illusion
#48 Posted : 8/13/2010 3:47:49 PM

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I'm very anti-cannabis myself, I can't stand it and I can't stand when people are stoned. I would not recommend starting there, a lot of people have bad experiences with it, become unpleasantly paranoid and turn away from all other substances. It is not very revealing like other psychedelics can be. There are also many theories linking it to psychosis.

Now that I think about it, maybe starting with DMT isn't that bad an idea. You'd be cutting through a lot of crap that I think a lot of us went through when we were your daughter's age, trying to figure out life, trying substances from questionable sources, in contexts that were not always positive, with mindsets that infused a lot of anxiety in some of those experiences. Substance, set and setting - those are the three golden elements for any responsible explorer.

I haven't tried Aya, so I can't help you there, but it sounds like it might be a good idea.
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#49 Posted : 8/13/2010 3:56:08 PM

Dr Do Little

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Welcome to the nexus StatuesCryBleeding.
I think you will find that there aren't many 'druggies' here. This is a community, bound together with love and care for eachother's health and safety. Thats why we come together here and share our knowledge and experiences.

Personally, being in the medical field myself, and currently researching psychedelics for a project, I can tell you that physically they are some of the safest substances you can consume. (Within reason and with good sense ofcourse) In saying that, these are not recreational substances in my opinion. They are gateways into the mind and beyond, used as a tool for those who wish to know themselves and those around them better.

*They are called "psy"chedelics because psychology plays a very major part in the use of DMT. One must approach it with caution and with good/pure intentions. Its not a drug you can 'get high' from.
*She must not be on any form of perscription medication (to be safe), but typically SSRI or other forms of anti-depressants are a big NO NO.
*If she was to prepare/extract DMT herself, i would suggest using the non/less toxic methods. (limo/lime)
if not
*(as everyone else reccomends) ayahuasca is the safest way to go, easiest way to control dose, etc.
- South americans have used aya for thousands of years, even today kids as young as 14 years old use it on a semi-regular basis there for healing. (this may be psychological or physical)

It will be difficult to find you relevant journal articles as only IV DmT Fumarate generally has been clinically tested in humans. This is the reason why the ayahuasca community is so closely nit, they feed of eachother's experience and wisdom. Perhaps you should try it yourself first before letting your daughter try, or try it together. It will open your eyes.

Personally I believe it would be great to start with DMT, no preconceptions from other drugs - it would be the most pure experience of mind imaginable!
Alcohol, weed, pills...are all quite bad for ur body in one way or another, would be awesome to skip those Very happy
Will be interested to know if she enjoys it/ found it insightful.
If she or you ever needs further advice, feel free to return to the nexus any-time and gain some insight.

Safe journeys.
DJ Cool
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#50 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:22:08 PM

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
My 17 year old daughter has been reading your site and wants to try dmt. I caught her ordering bark off the internet, and I don't know what to do or how to deal with it. She claims that she wants to try it because it is a unique experience and she want to explore and open her mind. She justifies the use of this drug by stating she does not drink alcohol, smoke pot, drink coffee or do anything else for that matter. I don't know much about this stuff. I've asked around on several answer sites but nobody seems to know anything. I know government sites are a flawed source of information. Obviously you druggies are going to point towards this stuff being safe, could you back that up with clinical studies or trials? I just want to know whats best for her and for her to be safe.

First of all welcome friend, and i can see how responsible but good hearted and caring father you are and i wanna say congrats for that. I can understand how willing she is for the spirit molecule. But if you ask my opinion she is still young for using this substance, her personality and mentality has to grow a little more in my opinion in any case of an intense experience she can handle it without any mental or psychological damage, when you are sure about ur daughter that she is certain about "what is what" in this life that is the right time when she can use this substance.

Still i would recommend some low dose mushroom trip first as an initiation to psychedelics before directly jumping into DMT. We as Nexus people are here to provide help to everyone who is willing to take this substance, we are not druggies as u define who will pull her leg down the blackhole, send her my greetings and love and please make her understand that its still too early for this substance.

#51 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:52:51 PM

Hermes Trismegistus

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fractal enchantment wrote:
"I can't imagine giving this stuff to someone that isn't even experienced with cannabis."

Cannabis use is completely irrelevent IMO..why should anyone need cannabis experience? Tons of people drink ayahuasca that dont even like or want to use cannabis.

I personally dont think it's necessarily a good thing to think that we think a person needs to use other drugs to use DMT..I think this is a reflection on how some of us approach things. Alot of people smoke cannabis all day long it's just sort of accepted within the culture, but that doesn't mean everyone else that wants to work with DMT or ayahuasca should have to do the same thing.

I don't mean to imply that cannabis or any other drug should be a necessary prerequisite to using DMT. The reason I say this is because some people are frightened by the effects of cannabis. They are scared of perturbing their mind even a little bit. Personally, I wouldn't give DMT to anybody that doesn't have experience with some form of drug induced mind alteration. In my opinion, if you give cannabis to someone and they freak out badly, then you have a good reason not to give them DMT. Giving DMT to someone that is not experienced with any other drug is jumping in at the deep end, I can't imagine a more irresponsible use of the drug.
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#52 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:54:53 PM


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I see so many differing opinions and thoughts on this, I know no one under 18 is allowed to post on the nexus, but personally I would like to hear the daughter's perspective on all this as well as the parent's now that they have had the opportunity to do some further research and discussion on this matter.

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Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#53 Posted : 8/13/2010 5:31:39 PM

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Personally, my mushroom experiences have been far more potent and overwhelming than my ayahuasca experience. I would also try smoked DMT before ayahuasca since it's much shorter for testing some of the "effects". My ayahuasca experience was a full 8 hours long of bizarre tripping. I'm probably projecting, but I think smoked DMT should be tried before oral. Also in terms of the whole cannabis argument, I don't see it as a valid one of any sort. I do not see how cannabis which does completely different things with completely different purposes in completely different settings, by most of the people who would never actually muster the courage to consume DMT in the first place, has anything to do with DMT.
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#54 Posted : 8/13/2010 6:08:37 PM

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Location: im still trying to figure that out
what our western societies current laws and feelings about these substances rob our children of, is a safe initiaion into these expirience.

when i think of my own children approaching psychedelics (especially ayahuasca or dmt) i would feel very unneasy about it unless i myself (or someone more quailfied) was there to provide guidance, and to hold space for them.

i hope you realize, you are not capable or truly giving your parental consent until you yourself undergo the expirience, then re-evaluate, then make a decision concerning your daughter.

#55 Posted : 8/13/2010 10:17:28 PM

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Your daughter sounds pretty responsible. You say she does not do other "drugs" but then again do you really know? If I was in your position, I would tell her to keep up the research untill she's 18 and then it's her decision.
I personally don't think that age has anything to do with it though. I would not give this to my father because I don't think he has the mindset. But, I did it when I was 18 and I did not have any ill effects.
Is you daughter responsible? Mature? Do you trust her to make her own decisions? Children have been doing DMT throughout history in tribal rituals.
If she wants to do it, she can find a way. The best thing to do is make sure she is ready and to start off slow.
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#56 Posted : 8/13/2010 11:18:05 PM

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TrustLoveMan wrote:
Children have been doing DMT throughout history in tribal rituals.

They haven't been smoking it, or raised in a culture that constantly positions psychedelics in a negative context.
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#57 Posted : 8/13/2010 11:22:29 PM

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Woopa, this is a very long tread already but i also wanted to share my point of view on this one as i regard it as very important.
The second important question was why do we do it... I cannot speak for others but for me it comes down to this
- some months ago i got a strong calling from the depts of myself to start working with this substance (wich i´ve known for about 7 or 8 years)
- when i started working with It i realised that it has wonderfull healing abilities, and i´m not talking about only psychological healing, i am talking about witnessing on the flesh very positive physical effects
- i am a very stable person, always happy with life, fully accomplished and yet i feel this substance teaches me to further develop core values like humility, respect, responsability, interconnexion, empathy and above all teaches me to interpretate the world through my own stand point(without the catholic guilt syndrome that is imprinted on us). I can honestly say i am a better person after working with DMT, as long as She will continue to teach me i will listen and make one of my higher priorities to integrate what i´ve learned.

As for the first one:
As many others of my fellow nexians have said i don´t believe that a 17year old psyche can possibly be ready for a 10min trip with DMT... Her mind is still forming, it is just too susceptible to that kind of "energy release".
But might i suggest that you try the substance and see for yourself the effects it causes, go in with an open mind and just experience what it has to offer to you. Then, imo, you might be better equipped on how to advice your daughter. and to support her if you guys decide her to go forth with the experiment.

Much love and peace

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#58 Posted : 8/13/2010 11:43:06 PM

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1. The DMT Nexus does not condone giving drugs to underage people. Please rethink this "experiment", it sounds like bad new to me. There is no way that my mind was ready for what DMT has to give at 17/18.

2. I Love the Nexus, alot of answers here have made my day, you guys rock!!!

To the OP, you seem like a cool dad, and it sounds like you have a good relationship with your daughter. Please talk her out of this till she is atleast 18. Words and reports just dont give a clear enough idea of what DMT is capable of.
#59 Posted : 8/14/2010 1:41:05 AM

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well said gamma.
If i overthink it, DMT at the age of 17 is not a good idea.
It can literally rip your reality apart!

Little girl, if you read this: I want you to finish your personality first. Read about concepts of self-evolvment and growth!
Start meditate, get focused.

If you still want this, after you accomplished a certain maturity, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!
elusive illusion
#60 Posted : 8/14/2010 1:41:25 AM


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Hey guys, this is Melanie im OP's daughter. im not sure if its against forum rules for me to be posting this but here it goes.

Me and my dad have have been discussing this alot the past two days and i agreed to refrain from use until i am atleast 18. My dad is worried about the legal issue about dmt and does not want to get in any trouble. i love him so i guess i can wait until im legally an adult. thanks everyone for the reading material, im going to look through everything i can get my hands on it is all so fascinating!

Though many of the arguments conflicted i realised that by doing it before im fully developed mentally is not worth the possible risks. im almost certain im ready but i guess if you were to ask a 14 year old they would say the same thing.

Thanks everyone, love the community. You can bet your ass in three months ill be a part of it. Cant wait! <3 <3 <3
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