What to do with my teen? Options
#1 Posted : 8/13/2010 3:32:48 AM


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My 17 year old daughter has been reading your site and wants to try dmt. I caught her ordering bark off the internet, and I don't know what to do or how to deal with it. She claims that she wants to try it because it is a unique experience and she want to explore and open her mind. She justifies the use of this drug by stating she does not drink alcohol, smoke pot, drink coffee or do anything else for that matter. I don't know much about this stuff. I've asked around on several answer sites but nobody seems to know anything. I know government sites are a flawed source of information. Obviously you druggies are going to point towards this stuff being safe, could you back that up with clinical studies or trials? I just want to know whats best for her and for her to be safe.
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#2 Posted : 8/13/2010 3:53:47 AM


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I don't think a 17 year old should be doing this stuff at all. I think most members of this site agree. As for safety? Smoked DMT is fairly new, and I'm looking for studies on it (most studies use on intramuscular injection as the route of administration). But people in south america have used oral DMT for many many centuries. As for being called a druggie, I respectfully disagree, I'm a biology student at a university going into a genetics lab with a full scholarship to my university. By all marks I'm pretty successful.

If you really want to be safe, just make an ayaushcha mix. That way no dangerous chemicals have to be involved.

As for what you should do with your teen? That's your decision and yours alone. Maybe she's ready for it, maybe not. You know her better than us.

Unfortunately I'm having a hard time finding studies regarding the safety of dmt, but that's probably because it never became popular and the government didn't have to go about trying to squelch it. Just know some people on this forum have been using dmt for years.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#3 Posted : 8/13/2010 3:57:26 AM

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Wow that's an interesting question. I don't think everyone here will be "for" the idea necessarily. DMT is some seriously powerful stuff. It doesn't last for a long time when smoked, and one tends to feel refreshed after a trip, but the trip itself is absolutely complete in terms of hallucinations and spiritual experiences.

I don't know how I would've dealt with it at 17. I think I would have freaked out to a certain extent at least, but it's true that I was pretty unhealthy back then, and not into yoga and "being balanced" like now. My value system was also incomplete, a lot of things still existed only at the unconscious level, and that can make a psychedelic experience scary in my opinion. Of courser, your daughter is not me. If she is balanced and well, DMT may be a very beneficial experience.

Concerning clinical studies and trials, you might want to check Dr. Rick Strassman's book The Spirit Molecule. He has conducted many experiments with volunteers, and though he is sometimes criticized for slipping in his own esoteric theories here and there, his method is very scientific and legal.

I do not believe there is any physical harm associated with DMT, outside of breathing it into your lungs, which I would think is comparable to smoking a few cigarettes. The potential is there for psychological harm, however, but mostly in people with problems. Whenever I find a post about a bad experienced, it is usually prefaced with talk of bad breakups or depression or obsession that stems from real life.
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#4 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:01:01 AM

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Oh, congrats on the openness with your daughter too.

And I also refuse the term druggie. I'm a production manager for an internationally renowned artist, on my way to do an MBA for which I was granted some bursaries because of my excellent academic record. I go to yoga every morning before work, and I don't really party often anymore. There's more to these substances than "getting high", your daughter is right about that.
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#5 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:03:46 AM

Hermes Trismegistus

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StatuesCryBleeding wrote:
My 17 year old daughter has been reading your site and wants to try dmt. I caught her ordering bark off the internet, and I don't know what to do or how to deal with it. She claims that she wants to try it because it is a unique experience and she want to explore and open her mind. She justifies the use of this drug by stating she does not drink alcohol, smoke pot, drink coffee or do anything else for that matter. I don't know much about this stuff. I've asked around on several answer sites but nobody seems to know anything. I know government sites are a flawed source of information. Obviously you druggies are going to point towards this stuff being safe, could you back that up with clinical studies or trials? I just want to know whats best for her and for her to be safe.

Firstly, seeing as you're asking for help you should at least be respectful. I don't think using a phrase like 'you druggies' is going to provoke many helpful responses.

Disclaimer: I'm in my early twenties and not very experienced at all with this substance but I'll tell you what I know about it. Many people here are very experienced with DMT and you might prefer to take their advice over mine. My position on this matter is fairly conservative.

DMT is by no means safe. It is physically safe, so far as I know and it is not addictive. However this substance can seriously impact on peoples' mental functioning. Occasionally, people will use DMT, or other psychedelics, and become deluded (there is evidence of this in these forums.) In my estimations, most people are not ready for DMT. I think DMT should only be used by intellectually sound, mentally stable, mature and fully developed people. It worries me that your daughter is only 17. In my opinion she should wait until she is at least 21. I can't imagine what this drug would have done to me if I started using it at age 17.

It is generally agreed that DMT is the single most powerful psychedelic drug known to man. It is not a recreational drug. The experience of DMT is so profound that it often influences the user heavily. Every belief is called into question, it can be extremely mentally disruptive. Only the strong minded should use this drug. I would never recommend it as a starting point for someone interested in exploring their mind through the use of drugs. Your daughter is far safer with cannabis. If I was in your position, I would express to her your concern for her mental health, and perhaps allow her to use cannabis if she is pleading for such a freedom.

I can't imagine giving this stuff to someone that isn't even experienced with cannabis. She is not ready and I think many other members of this forum will conclude the same.
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#6 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:08:00 AM


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Honestly I think she should try some psychedelics before delving into dmt. Obviously you or her probably don't know how to acquire them though.

Maybe I am a druggie Laughing
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#7 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:10:36 AM

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oh yeah, blame the druggies/drugs, not bad parenting.

Rolling eyes

here is a mainstream primer for those who are unfamiliar with the chemical that probably made jesus and peter pan famous
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#8 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:15:01 AM


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I definitely do not appreciate that tone "you druggies", but I will put in my 2 cents.
Just cause she doesn't do anything else does not give her any valid excuse to experiment with DMT.
This stuff if mistreated will lead to permanent psychosis.
Read some of the darker reports posted here.
If you are truly a concerned parent, you owe her to inform her of such consequences.

Best regards.

The most merciful thing in the world... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
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#9 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:17:53 AM


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if anything mimosa and caapi tea with you sitting her would be best, a very mild one.. but for scientific studies DMT the spirit molecule by Rick Strassman is a good one
: )
#10 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:19:56 AM


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I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, I'm simply worried. My daughter says she has been researching this stuff for months now and she's insisting she is ready. Is the experience really that heavy? I'm reading some ''trip reports'' at the moment. She said to look it up on eroid. Is it a good source of information? Thanks.

Penguin <3 Panda
#11 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:25:11 AM

analytical chemist

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also look at

if she says she's ready, she's probably not. the experience is akin to skydiving from the edge of inner space.
low doses are more merciful, like a pure antidepressant. it's a lovely natural chem, not something to abuse. certainly nothing to be taken lightly. i'd at least wait til i was at least 18, if i were her, to begin thinking about experimenting with psychotropics. dmt is the most powerful psychedelic, hands down.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#12 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:25:54 AM

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legitimate concern Statues, and like others have mentioned here, she shouldn't be smoking DMT at the age of 17. Also, DMT and other psychedelics like LSD, mescaline, mushrooms, etc are only for the most healthiest, mature, and spiritual of minds. I know how thats hard to see, especially when you already have a set viewpoint in your mind about us being "druggies." If you had done a psychedelic, i can assure you that you too would be a druggie..and a proud one at that.
I think you should spread awareness in your daughter about these compounds, and ask her to read some of the bad trips posted here about DMT. It's not something that just anyone can do. Most of all though, it's not a DMT experience your daughter needs at this age, but SPACE. give her her space..and if she chooses to experiment with cannabis, allow her to do so. I can assure you that once you have given her her space, she will understand your viewpoint and concerns more readily and acceptingly.
Best of luckVery happy
#13 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:26:24 AM


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Erowid is a compiled database.
It is a valid source for information.

And yes. This stuff is that HEAVY.
The most merciful thing in the world... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
~H. P. Lovecraft~
#14 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:26:43 AM

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Glad to see you are taking an interest in your daughters life. I prefer the term "ex-druggie" thank you. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Minors are not aloud to be members here and when found out are banned, but information is as always free. Another good place is
As a teenager she is , as many, looking for meaning in a rather shallow meaningless world. Good for her! Now love her, counsel her and DONT be afraid of what you BOTH might find! It can be beautiful and enlightening...
In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order..Jung
All above writing with the exception of Dr. Jung's quote is pure mushroom encrusted cowpie!
#15 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:36:12 AM

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Erowid is a great source of information. You'll also find some trip reports here of course, and everyone is always honored to be read Smile

The experience really is that heavy. Not heavy like heroin or crack. Heavy like a different, completely foreign universe unfolding before your eyes and interacting with you on the most significant levels. As someone has said somewhere, it's like LSDx1000 + aliens, for 10 minutes. The "switch" from one reality to the other can be very unsettling. I am not an advocate of half-dosing myself, I find the mix of reality and "hyperspace" to be difficult to handle. I prefer to go all the way without dipping the toes first.

Have you done drugs yourself? One thing about DMT, as Terrence Mckenna says, is that it does not affect your mind, it simply replaces the world, 100%. He's quite eloquent about it : Terrence Mckenna is a very famous "psychonaut" - that term is preferable to "druggie" Smile
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#16 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:36:30 AM

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Welcome to the Nexus!

Ultimately the choice is between you and your daughter, but here's what I think:

First off, I don't think she is too young to start experimenting with psychedelics, I started at the same age. If she wants to start experimenting with DMT, I would suggest to brew Ayahuasca. However, if she wants to smoke DMT I don't think it's a problem at all, but considering it's her first time with psychedelics, the learning curve will be a lot easier. It's good that she has been researching this stuff for a while, that matters a lot, since she knows what she is doing and what she should expect -- i.e., this is a safe experience for people who are stable and who do not have a history of mental disease. Erowid is a good source for all drugs in general, but always take any one source with a grain of salt. Wikipedia has good information on DMT as well as the Wiki on this site and the whole site in general. I believe that if she has been honestly researching this for a while now, then she knows what she is talking about and most importantly she knows what she is getting into.

HOWEVER: This is an extremely powerful experience, whether you are 17 or in your fifties. So if you think that your daughter is not stable, doing this on a whim, not mature, or weakly spirited, I do not recommend this at all for her. You definitely need to be a strong individual to handle this.

If you want to read about clinical trials, there is a great book called DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman. Strassman was a researcher that experimented with DMT on human volunteers. The LD50 for DMT is high, and it's not toxic to the body when used appropriately.

Since you are taking your time to find out more about this substance instead of just shutting her out I get the feeling that you are at least open to the idea. I wish you and especially your daughter the best of luck.
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#17 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:41:25 AM


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Thank-you everyone, looks like i have alot of reading to do. Ill make sure to show hew your responses and hope that she changes her mind. I was raised christian with very firm anti-drug values, however recently, my attitude has started to change. I dunno if I want to let my daughter try cannabis seeing as it is illegal, however I no longer have anything against the people who chose to indulge in it.

The trip reports seem down right terrifying, I don't know why anyone would want to experience ''it was the feeling of having every atom ripped apart in intense torture that seemed to have lasted eternity''

Why do you guys do dmt?
Penguin <3 Panda
#18 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:44:27 AM

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benzyme wrote:

if she says she's ready, she's probably not. the experience is akin to skydiving from the edge of inner space.
low doses are more merciful, like a pure antidepressant. it's a lovely natural chem, not something to abuse. certainly nothing to be taken lightly. i'd at least wait til i was at least 18, if i were her, to begin thinking about experimenting with psychotropics. dmt is the most powerful psychedelic, hands down.

If she were ready, she would have found it without being caught by her Authority. I believe this alone signifies a degree of ignorance and a lack of patience.
#19 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:45:24 AM

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Well here at the nexus we don't condone minors using any type of drug. But since your her guardian its your call. Dmt is safe chemically yet can increase heart rate. Anyone with prior heart conditions or blood pressure issues should not use dmt. Dmt is endogenous in most plants, animals, molds, and people. It is intense at the high end doses. If your daughter has done her homework, has read both good and bad trip reports, and still thinks its for her then I don't see any reason why not. Its your call. Just remember if she wants to do it she will find a way. Either you can allow it and make sure everything happens in a safe enviorment or who knows with who or where. -goodluck to you both.
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#20 Posted : 8/13/2010 4:50:40 AM


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Why do I do dmt?

Two levels. It's the ultimate novelty. Nothing like being shot through the universe.... And the afterglow is amazing. Something you have to try to believe.

Also it helps me integrate my life experiences. It helps me be a better human being essentially. It also help me overcome challenges. I don't think I would have gotten through calculus if it wasn't for dmt and the lessons and motivation it provided me with. It has allowed me to grow as a human. I am a much calmer person due to my psychedelic use and apply the trips in my sober world time.

Also just for your information DMT IS illegal. It is highly unlikely you will be caught if make it though. Don't let this stop your daughter though. It is possibly the most beautiful experience you can have as a human (that is just my pov though).
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
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