Mullein and DMT Options
#1 Posted : 8/11/2010 8:30:52 AM

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Hello all,

Haven't had a lot to post about since most of us here have already seen if not done an extraction and despite having extracted several good grams of elf spice, I had been fighting some pre flight jitters/nerves when it came to smoking spice.
I don't know if all the misinformation I got about it early in my attempts or just poor technique on my part, but while normally enjoying the experience it was something I always had to kind of force myself to do.
I have no problems taking doses of LSD or Mescaline etc. Mushrooms are rarely any fun for me although I hope to make peace with them someday soon.

But anyways, back to the mullein.
I had picked up some mullein as I had heard it was a great smoking herb to use in infusing or just sandwiching DMT to take off.

I am so glad I finally gave this a try. A good friend at another site had made me a handmade wooden pipe and I put some mullein then DMT then more mullein etc and put on some good soothing ambient music and started to toke away very slowly and gently. Didn't want to try and rush through it. Just wanted to draw the smoke slowly and smoothly into my lungs and hold it for a litle while and let it go. Then after a moment I felt like taking more. I did so 2 -3 more times w/ a m in or so apart. I could feel each boost of each hit and where each one started to let down.
It was a great re-introduction to the DMT sensorium and had me excited for further exploration.
THis was all last night.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/11/2010 8:38:21 AM

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after having some good conversation w/ a friend who likes DMT on Passionflower. Well he was saying about how some of his best trips come from when he gets the urge or call to do so.
I often feel the urge myself but have found some way or other to not do so.
It wasn't until starting to meditate again recently that I finally got the gumption to try DMT again as mentioned in the above post.
But thinking about flying with it when the call was felt was on my mind and I was kinda wanting to try again after the previous nights success.
I was just going to go to bed but my other friend is coming by in the morning and I wanted to be able to tell him I went ahead and did the DMT and not procrastinate my way out.
This time I took 1-2 hits off the bowl which I thought I had packed even more potently than the last one. At first wasn't feeling nothing but the bowl was still cherry and hitting so I took a couple more hits form hit b4 feeling like putting it down. At that point the weirdest muted colors of zigzagging patterns was all that I saw.
I thought I just wasn't going to get very far this time.
But then it all intensified and the best way I can describe it is like a shaman w/ a cylindrical mask on his head dancing and
thrusting his totem at me which would always show another quick vision.
everything was fast and chaotic as DMT normally is but it was definitely a 2nd success and I look forward to finally logging some hyperspace hours Laughing
#3 Posted : 8/11/2010 9:23:25 AM

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sounds like a pleasant trip Shadowlord. I've read here at numerous places that mullein is a very soothing combination with dmt (plus i love the taste)...but i remember reading here somewhere that mullein can sorta cancel out the dmt effects. Is this true? i don't think so, but would still like to hear people's opinions here.

Shadowlord, have you noticed a decline in potency due to mullein infusion with dmt?
PS: Best of luck on your future journeys!Very happy
#4 Posted : 8/11/2010 2:45:05 PM

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mullein is my favorite for many reasons. one is that it grows wild locally. It does not interfere with the DMT in any way.

I think it works great as a neutral element allowing the maximum potential of dmt to come through.
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Arthur C. Clarke
#5 Posted : 8/11/2010 3:12:08 PM

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Swim puts mullein in every one of his changa blends. Very happy

I've never heard of or felt mullein decrease potency of spice.
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#6 Posted : 8/11/2010 5:26:31 PM

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Yeah, I don't believe Mullein dulls out any of the DMT effects.
I have only flown w/ DMT like 20 times and only 3 times w/ mullein and the mullein seems to have come on easier and the trip to have been almost better. Like when I was on LSD and tried a small toke.
The visuals seem to be a lot wilder w/ lots of lashing tentacles or long beams or rays w/ eyes on them. Very interesting.

So far I have liked the come on and visuals of DMT on Mullein better than on DMT alone.
#7 Posted : 8/11/2010 6:04:41 PM

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Plus Mullein helps sooth the lungs , It is perfect for Changa and any herbal smoke blend.
Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole
#8 Posted : 8/11/2010 6:19:44 PM

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Yes, no harsh taste and the spice doesn't get burned improperly.
Probably the best thing for me is the mullein seems to stay lit w/o destroying the spice. Can wait a moment between tokes but when I start to softly pull on the pipe again it starts to cherry right back up for me. And I am always amazed at how far I get as from the feel and taste of the smoke it doesn't seem like one is taking any heroic hits or anything. That and I am still pretty sensitive to the spice I am sure. Even though I have extracted it for 2yrs now I am still in double digits for attempted flights. Prolly given away as much or more than I've smoked LOL.

On a side note; it seems that when you gift someone spice who is looking to experience it, the spice gains strength or something. Never had anyone I have given spice to not breakthrough. And I don't believe I have managed to break through myself yet. Indeed know I haven't as everyone who has says you'll know Laughing

Thanks for all the replies everyone.
#9 Posted : 8/11/2010 7:43:54 PM

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ok i see. i definitely need to infuse some mullein in my changa then. i absolutely love the minty flavor of it...mmmmmm..yyuuummmyyy
#10 Posted : 8/11/2010 10:09:12 PM

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All summer i was wondering what this phallic shaped plant was in my GF's garden. It grew naturally and before it had fully grown we thought it was a weed. Turned out to be mullein!

Thanks for sharing, shadowloard Smile
#11 Posted : 8/11/2010 11:02:16 PM

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I like it for its fluffyness and ease on the lungs. I find it doesnt affect enhanced leaf in any way, not like other herbs. I wont add it to caapi leaf changa very often, caapi leaf is smooth to me. If I do add it it will be to a blend that has extracted harmalas in it.
#12 Posted : 8/13/2010 6:52:01 AM

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Well, once again all I can say is WOW.
I am so glad that I finally got around to trying DMT on herbs. Mullein so far has been excellent and has me very excited to try w/ passionflower, blue lotus and Caapi leaves. Separately and then mixes to taste.
But I am so grateful as I always enjoyed the trip of DMT but had so much apprehension going in for some reason.
But after that first smooth ride w/ mullein I truly enjoyed it and felt very comfortable. So comfortable that I did something I rarely did and smoked it again the next night.
Then, tonight I was feeling the call yet again but then started having all the second thoughts. People coming over later, got to get up early, maybe I am not really in the mood etc.
But since I had such great results I decided to go w/ my first instincts and put on some music and hit it again. 3 times in a week is unheard of for me! Laughing :space:
Tonight's ride was no disappointment and I feel all that much more comfortable w/ DMT and what it has to show and offer. I am also liking that I am wanting to do it and it isn't like a chore that I feel that I must perform to get what I seek.
I am especially happy as not only is a DMT trip the most visually stimulating thing I have ever encountered, I have also noticed that I have been in a very good state of mind and spirit.
I have been meditating as well but a good DMT trip is like a deep hour of meditation in some ways Laughing
I hope to continue to assay the mighty elf spice and and couldn't be happier that I am making progress w/ the spirit molecule.
#13 Posted : 9/14/2010 12:43:24 AM

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putting fluffy mullein in a mix is like taking your teddy bear to hyper-space. very comforting.
#14 Posted : 11/17/2010 8:21:09 AM
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just wait till you smoke it with caapi buddy.... it slows the experience down so much that you can drift so much further in the same aproximate time frame.... its synergistic as fuck compared to mullein + DMT
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