Farewell DMT Options
#81 Posted : 8/9/2010 7:26:47 AM


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sticking up for the fairies I see. If that's what you want to believe brother go right ahead. Relax and don't be so angry, I can feel it seeping through the text
I have honestly never been so addicted to anything in my life. DMT is on my mind more than sex, more than food, more than anything, and I havent even done it in longer than I can remember
sometimes I wish I knew how not to be addicted to what DMT is and has brought into our lives but its like my mind is an autopilot slave hooked on the possibilities of this thing
There is nothing else in this entire universe that affects me in such a way. I feel for this guy

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#82 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:19:49 AM

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The biggest mistake we can make with Spice is having expectations for it.

Those with a clear mind and good intentions will find that life can be true happiness, and that Spice will teach you how to live on your own, without any substances to help guide you or provide a crutch.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#83 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:26:21 AM


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did joebono have expectations? i doubt it. i didnt either. i remember the first time, and every time, telling myself to expect nothing but DMT, and it does what it does
#84 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:29:48 AM

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wade wrote:
did joebono have expectations? i doubt it. i didnt either. i remember the first time, and every time, telling myself to expect nothing but DMT, and it does what it does

I'm sorry, wade, you are mistaken in thinking that my comment was directed at anyone. I did not quote any member.

Although, nor did you, so I shall point the finger at myself for being a hypocrite Razz
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#85 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:32:19 AM


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roger well youre right having expectations definitely is stupid
#86 Posted : 8/9/2010 12:33:14 PM
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mapp wrote:
Do not waste your time and attempt to help this man for he is truly helpless. His posts here and throughout are more than enough evidence.

What a shit thing to say. Everyone loves when people post about how they experienced 'oneness' and such, but someone posts their long term experiences that turned out negative and this is the reception? I've not posted much but lurked here for a number of years and people usually have more understanding and compassion.

People keep bringing up projection, but half the stuff they say are projections. It is not so easy to see ALL of our own projections for what they are. I for one appreciate joe's post and his point of view. It was disheartening to see some of the responses were so close minded, and how violently opposed they were for something people claim "is just a thing." But anyway.. best of luck to joe. If I am honest I expect to see more posts like this from others in the future.

To be clear, I am not really trying to attack anyone on here, nor am I angry. Just kinda dissapointed that at the way this was treated (with exceptions of course). It doesn't seem like people really gave joe's ideas a lot of thought.
Bill Cipher
#87 Posted : 8/9/2010 6:30:33 PM

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I agree with that. I hate to see the community turn on one of their own for offering dissenting viewpoints, and I think it's unfortunate this pressure exists not to report negative long term effects. I can understand members becoming defensive when they feel they're being attacked, but comments about DMT relationships going bad are not personal attacks on anyone.

The bottom line is that whether or not DMT is healthy is an extremely personal decision. Let's not as a group get all weird and combative when someone chooses to stop.

I'll miss you, Joe - but I think this is 100% the right move for you, and I really hope for the sake of your sanity that you stop for good and move on.
#88 Posted : 8/9/2010 7:16:44 PM

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Yep, it was the same with house. I miss him, but it's good that he found the strength to pull the plug. Maybe a little late, but still. What you say about peer pressure resonates stgrongly with me and i think it has grown to a bigger problem with the new members all trying to fit in or to establish themselves somehow. Who takes the most, who can offer the most awesome revelation...its all ego. And DMT? It's a power...sometimes raw, sometimes gentle ...but don't be fooled. Its very easy to be fooled in the beginning. Then, after a while you start to notice, that you aren't the man in the house in this relationship and you can't control the spanking.
#89 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:05:29 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
Yep, it was the same with house. I miss him, but it's good that he found the strength to pull the plug. Maybe a little late, but still. What you say about peer pressure resonates stgrongly with me and i think it has grown to a bigger problem with the new members all trying to fit in or to establish themselves somehow. Who takes the most, who can offer the most awesome revelation...its all ego. And DMT? It's a power...sometimes raw, sometimes gentle ...but don't be fooled. Its very easy to be fooled in the beginning. Then, after a while you start to notice, that you aren't the man in the house in this relationship and you can't control the spanking.

Yes, exactly. That opinion resonates with my experience. We can set the sails but from where the wind blows is not decided by us.

We have to live our lifes like we want to! Not like we are used to. We must wake up and decide about our being from moment to moment! We must evolve and feel better/get more centered day after day after day!

Some get confused by substances like DMT because they can't integrate the experience or transfer it into their real lifes.

There is no help outside. You must help thyself!
I'm very sorry that we have a misbeliever here. You shall be crucified and tortured until the end of your days!

Just kiddin'

So long

elusive illusion
#90 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:10:22 PM


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if DMT was a mirror I would be an infinite insect howling electricity into exploding universal souls or something. which is definitely not the case. i would never put the label "mirror" onto the dmt experience.

maybe im old school but I also dont believe in integration. if you read post 81 you will see why. there is no integrating this, only dealing with. i have absolutely no way to say no to my memories that come to me by the minute even years later.
#91 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:22:34 PM

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I think you guys might be having a misunderstanding on what integration means. Integration isnt about finding a specific meaning for every little scene and object and feeling you had in a dmt experience, thats just impossible.

Health and Safety Section: Integration
#92 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:41:30 PM


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okay i read your health and safety section and i already knew all of that already. i still consider myself extremely addicted to something i dont even use, which just completely boggles my mind. if i ever learn how to stop thinking about what dmt does and has done i will let you know so you can post it there, because honestly to me it feels like a trap and the only way out is death. i got myself into this mess. even when im focusing my energy on a plethora of other hobbies, work, and other things the "hyperspace" still comes up weaving into every memory triggered from eyes, to flowers, to sound, pretty much almost everything all day.
if i could do it all over again i would never have used dmt. im sorry if this bothers some of the cult members here but its how i really feel. i appreciate being able to talk about it here, dont get me wrong.
i dont believe what i used to. i used to believe that this was some kind of sacred thing, but i realized like jobono its only designed to seem sacred, enlightning, divine, etc.
its a really clever paradox set up in this world to try to make us content. but it is flawed.
#93 Posted : 8/9/2010 8:49:29 PM

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joebono wrote:
Hey guys, its' cool. I'm done posting. It's like arguing religion. I don't accept your beliefs, you don't accept mine. I relegate DMT to a kind of masturbation with harmful side effects and you sanctify it as mysterious and elegant.

I am free of it. Liberation never felt so good. Peace.

Hope you keep in touch.


“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Bill Cipher
#94 Posted : 8/9/2010 9:00:32 PM

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wade wrote:
i dont believe what i used to. i used to believe that this was some kind of sacred thing, but i realized like jobono its only designed to seem sacred, enlightning, divine, etc. its a really clever paradox set up in this world to try to make us content. but it is flawed.

I'm sympathetic, honestly. Your reaction and regret are as valid as anyone else's experience here. But I think once you start assigning some kind of malevolence to a chemical you willingly imbibed, you lose much of your credibility. "A clever paradox set up in this world to try and make us content"? Come on now. What exactly is that? No one (much less a plant) has duped you. Can you honestly doubt it deep down? You willingly went down the rabbit hole and what you found was too much for you. There is no hyperspatial conspiracy to harvest human souls.

My advice - if what you really want is to relieve yourself of the obsession - is to not spend your days wallowing in it. Why continue to frequent a DMT forum if what you need is to excise its memory?

Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to drive you away. As I said, your experience is a totally valid one and I empathize, believe me. I just think you might be better served joining or something.
#95 Posted : 8/9/2010 9:05:58 PM

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Wade, you 'knew' that already but did you put it in practice? Did you take a break when this started getting too much in your mind as it advices there ?

Why do you say 'cult members', dont you think this sounds offensive? AFAIK there is no cult here, this is a community of diverse members with diverse opinions on it. Is it because people react to joebono's posts for example?

Well just think about it, this is the DMT-Nexus, thats what this community is dedicated to. There's many people here that have used and known others that have used these substances for many many years, with no ill effects. So when someone who has taken no care at all for integration and taking breaks, even though he was repeatedly warned and adviced about it, and then this person comes and starts saying that DMT is a bitch, addictive, and senseless, how do you suppose people will react?

Im not justifying anybody's response, but I think action-reaction is pretty clear here. Had he been more reasonable, self-reflective and had some tact, he would have made clear from the beginning (as he seemed to a little bit in other subsequent answers) that the problem with dmt is all about HIS relationship and not dmt itself, and people would have discussed the thread with him reasonably (as many did). But then when he starts calling ayahuasca users as addicts and what not, that is not only untrue but its very disrespectful. It goes to show how many rationalizing defenses we create for ourselves, projecting onto others what we unconsciously see in ourselves.

These substances are not to blame like a knife cannot be blamed for a person being stabbed. Look at who did it and what came before and it will all become much clearer.

I dont think that DMT is an easy-going substance with no risks whatsoever. In fact, just read all that health and safety section and you see how strongly we emphasize that taking it is not a light-hearted decision. If one does take it, he is implicitly signing a contract where he accepts all the consequences of his actions.

If one is using too often while not taking time with integration, is being too fanatical about it, and disregards all sorts of very important advices, then it seems pretty obvious to me its unsustainable and it will blow up at one point or another, just like it did with another member and just like it most likely will in the future again with those who dont take care. Blaming the substance after being the one misusing even when being pointed out in advance so often, is not fair nor realistic.

That being said, I wish joebono and you and all the others in difficulty the best. I think if you guys feel being obsessed about this subject, then maybe visiting this dmt-dedicated website constantly is not a good idea, maybe you should dedicate to other things in life for a while (months/years)..

Just like a big heartbreak when one is sure they will never get over it, it will happen with time that you'll get on with your life. Do consider visiting a health professional as that can help you dealing with the difficulties. And know that if there's anything we can do, we are here. But please, so you are also respected, do your part and have some respect for all members here and dont start calling people cult members, addicts and so on.

See you around....................
#96 Posted : 8/9/2010 9:08:45 PM

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wade wrote:
okay i read your health and safety section and i already knew all of that already. i still consider myself extremely addicted to something i dont even use, which just completely boggles my mind. if i ever learn how to stop thinking about what dmt does and has done i will let you know so you can post it there, because honestly to me it feels like a trap and the only way out is death. i got myself into this mess. even when im focusing my energy on a plethora of other hobbies, work, and other things the "hyperspace" still comes up weaving into every memory triggered from eyes, to flowers, to sound, pretty much almost everything all day.
if i could do it all over again i would never have used dmt. im sorry if this bothers some of the cult members here but its how i really feel. i appreciate being able to talk about it here, dont get me wrong.
i dont believe what i used to. i used to believe that this was some kind of sacred thing, but i realized like jobono its only designed to seem sacred, enlightning, divine, etc.
its a really clever paradox set up in this world to try to make us content. but it is flawed.

Who or what has “designed” DMT to seem sacred?

Also, who are the cult members you mention? Most of us who object to joebono’s bashing of DMT don’t object to the criticism of DMT. We object to the unwillingness on joebono’s part to take full responsibility for what happened to him.

What he has done is like you playing with matches, then burning your house down and blaming the match. Or playing with a loaded gun, then shooting yourself in the foot and blaming the bullet.

Using DMT is not a game. It is not play. It is not recreation. It’s serious and comes with risks, both physical and mental. We all know this, don’t we? To use DMT in an informed manner, suffer negative consequences, and then blame DMT is just plain irresponsible and immature.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Ice House
#97 Posted : 8/9/2010 9:11:06 PM

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endlessness wrote:
I think you guys might be having a misunderstanding on what integration means. Integration isnt about finding a specific meaning for every little scene and object and feeling you had in a dmt experience, thats just impossible.

Health and Safety Section: Integration

Well said and thanks for the Health and safety link.

When I have a particularly heavy Pharma voyage the residual effects and even emotional trauma can last for weeks and sometimes months afterword. It is very rare that I can find much if any specific meaning to things that happen during my journey.

For me integration comes over time. Over time I visualize what happened, I think about it and frequently relive bits and pieces of it reminding myself that, yes, this is a part of me and its one of many slices of the holographic universe I live in and I attempt to control or regulate my feelings toward that experience. I do not ingest DMT if I am experiencing any strong anxiety or emotions from past experiences. Call it integration call it recovery or whatever.

IMHO joebono didnt pause to reflect and process his feelings over time. Joe didnt put one chapter to rest before he started to open another.

IMO when a person stacks several seriously intense experiences one on the other, the mind begins to become very confusedand fails to properly seperate the different experinces, this causes some very serious stress to somone who is searching for answers to his journeys.

I have experienced that. It does cause psychosis.

Time and integration is the only cure.

IMO more DMT only compounds the problem
Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#98 Posted : 8/9/2010 9:26:55 PM

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even when im focusing my energy on a plethora of other hobbies, work, and other things the "hyperspace" still comes up weaving into every memory triggered from eyes, to flowers, to sound, pretty much almost everything all day.

Exactly - lately a lot of stuff reminds me of hyperspace , its inspiration

Farewell Bono!

Edit: Maybe we could benefit from a section for Long Time Experience Reports and Compiled Trip Memoirs.
Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
#99 Posted : 8/9/2010 11:16:12 PM

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endlessness wrote:
I think you guys might be having a misunderstanding on what integration means. Integration isnt about finding a specific meaning for every little scene and object and feeling you had in a dmt experience, thats just impossible.

Health and Safety Section: Integration

I already tried to make that clear..people dont want to hear it. Perhaps we should put our words into a neat little package for everyone so we can deliver to them exactly what they want to hear..

Why even bother to come post here if you dont want to hear someones opinion? Mght as well just write letters to yourself.
Long live the unwoke.
#100 Posted : 8/9/2010 11:19:44 PM

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"im sorry if this bothers some of the cult members here but its how i really feel"

Nice, so you stereotype peope as well?

"its only designed to seem sacred, enlightning, divine, etc."

So before, you were implying people are crazy or something if they believe in "fairies in hyperspace", but you now are implying there is some intelligence designing DMT to seem a certain way to humans that take it?..Isn't that kinda inconsistant and hippocritical.
Long live the unwoke.
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