Entity Question Options
#1 Posted : 8/2/2010 8:04:43 PM


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I asked this question months back but never got an answer about the entity that I was visited by.

So, again has anyone been visited by a shadow like bald guy who would slide his hands around your awareness and dance around, contorting his hands and arms in a square/rubrics cube like fashion and dance around in front of you.

Like I said it was like he was a shadow on the wall, but he looked like this only with a bald head and no hat. I never got to see facial details as his whole being was black with light around his outline. He was skinny with long arms and legs and danced in weird ways. He never spoke but neither did I.

I spoke to some people who had encountered the same entity and "god of fertility" got mentioned, but they were as confused as I was. I'm not sure if this entity is the god of fertility but I would really like to know.

Anyone have any ideas?

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#2 Posted : 8/2/2010 8:15:19 PM


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yes seen beings like that all I could do was laugh at how absurd it was, I have no answers for you
#3 Posted : 8/4/2010 9:13:52 PM

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Well, since the experience is your mind, you can "see" anything you want to, I guess. I don't believe these things to be real, but I acknowledge that I can feel like I am seeing God, or an Ancient Egyptian being, etc. Also, these things are barely describable, except when you can vividly make something out visually. I see clowns and 2-d freaks, for example.

I don't know if actually believing these things to be real is good or bad, but I know that I don't believe they are anything else except what is in my temporarily transformed mind. It's probably neither good nor bad; you just have to make your peace with what you believe and find your own way. As an atheist, it's simply my view. But come on, look at the science. lol
The above is for entertainment purposes only.

"A caged community of chimpanzees reacts very sensitively if a member of the tribe has received LSD. Even though no changes appear in this single animal, the whole cage gets in an uproar because the LSD chimpanzee no longer observes the laws of its finely coordinated hierarchic tribal order."
From LSD: My Problem Child
#4 Posted : 8/4/2010 9:27:24 PM

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"But come on, look at the science." - Haha well as a fellow atheist I sympathize with the view but looking at the science? I'm afraid we're on our own here. No science can explain these experiences.
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#5 Posted : 8/4/2010 10:31:15 PM

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if you see him again you should dance with him,
for the fun of it; can't hurt can it?
It's not the first time we've been in this dream.
#6 Posted : 8/5/2010 6:37:00 AM

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Well, we don't know whether science can explain it yet. Our technology for exploring how the consciousness works is very, very limited right now. And the brain is ridiculously complex. The processing power of the best super-computers in the world are at about the level of a guppy's brain. And of course, brains have to process more than 1's and 0's. The imagination is the most fascinating of the brain's abilities, and there is likely more for me to discover about it from DMT.
The above is for entertainment purposes only.

"A caged community of chimpanzees reacts very sensitively if a member of the tribe has received LSD. Even though no changes appear in this single animal, the whole cage gets in an uproar because the LSD chimpanzee no longer observes the laws of its finely coordinated hierarchic tribal order."
From LSD: My Problem Child
#7 Posted : 8/6/2010 1:09:36 AM

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If you're an atheist, you haven't smoked enough spice yet.Wink
Om Mani Padme Hum

#8 Posted : 8/6/2010 4:56:55 AM

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Any answer you believe in is the answer. What else could there be? I try to look at dmt experiences like I look at dreams. Something in consciousness is being exposed in a dmt experience. Explore your feelings on that particular image. Only you know what it "means".

On the other hand, it could be some random firings of brain stuff that manifest in various ways, and the very idea of meaning itself is just something we take seriously only in this state of consciousness. The subconscious mind, or higher mind, might not give a damn what you think, or what meaning you ascribe to anything, and meaning is just something idiosyncratic to personal consciousness......and we're just making it all up as we go along. Either way, it's a hell of a ride.
#9 Posted : 8/6/2010 5:13:35 AM

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Dedalus wrote:
Well, we don't know whether science can explain it yet. Our technology for exploring how the consciousness works is very, very limited right now. And the brain is ridiculously complex. The processing power of the best super-computers in the world are at about the level of a guppy's brain. And of course, brains have to process more than 1's and 0's. The imagination is the most fascinating of the brain's abilities, and there is likely more for me to discover about it from DMT.

Well that's what I meant. I'm not saying science can never explain it, but the gap right now is ridiculous. I try to withhold any firm theories about the basis of what goes on in hyperspace simply because it always sounds lacking in one way or another. Not that I don't respect other people's theories, in fact I'm partly here to read about them as I'm sure you are. But 'knowing' and 'believing' are just not things I'm very comfortable doing in the long run.
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#10 Posted : 8/6/2010 5:18:29 AM

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camdemonium wrote:
If you're an atheist, you haven't smoked enough spice yet.Wink

Hehe yeah, I haven't smoked much, and I do get the urge to explain what I've seen, but when God enters my vocabulary, that's actually when I feel I've smoked too much. To each our own Smile
SWIM is Spartacus!

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#11 Posted : 8/6/2010 6:11:06 AM


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Dedalus you have derailed the purpose of this post...

Anyone want to shed some light on the original topic?
#12 Posted : 8/6/2010 7:36:03 AM

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Shayku wrote:
Well that's what I meant. I'm not saying science can never explain it, but the gap right now is ridiculous. I try to withhold any firm theories about the basis of what goes on in hyperspace simply because it always sounds lacking in one way or another. Not that I don't respect other people's theories, in fact I'm partly here to read about them as I'm sure you are. But 'knowing' and 'believing' are just not things I'm very comfortable doing in the long run.

I will say science will never be able to explain anything. Science is no closer to explaining what consciousness is than it ever was. The knowledge is already inherent. Science can say things about consciousness, science can say what it's like, even reproduce situations, but science has no place saying what consciousness is because consciousness already IS before anything is said about it. Science is another part of consciousness. I'm just sayin..... not that I'm against science or anything. Just trying to clarify the situation that is in front of us.

Imagine you're in a dream and you realize you're dreaming. You know it's all consciousness, things are not as they appear to be. Would you go get a microscope and start looking at the dream more closely to see if you can find the dreamer?
#13 Posted : 8/8/2010 8:44:33 AM

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@Apoc: Exactly man! The more "discoveries" made in the field of quantum mechanics, or general astronomy, or even the human mind, the deeper down the rabbit hole we fall. But forreal can this post stop getting so sidetracked and someone answer the mans question already!
Om Mani Padme Hum

#14 Posted : 8/8/2010 11:50:12 AM

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I recently had my first "entity contact" on psychedelics, in this case 2C-E. The entity was an "Octopus" which I saw in my CEVs and which spoke to me in my mind. I don't really know what to make of it either, it claimed it was talking to me by some kind of frequency similar to that of radios. It made me feel temporarily crazy at how ridiculous the idea of talking to an Octopus was and how realistic it seemed. I'm still trying to figure it out now.

One of the things the "Octopus" said is that I could ask it any questions I wanted to on my next experience. I'm planning to trip again tonight, and while I'm sceptical, I'll ask it about other entities - and whether it is of the same "realm" of entities that people make contact with on DMT and tryptamines - being that 2C-E is a phenethylamine.

I'll post back if it says anything interesting, but remember I have no idea how real this is or isn't so take it with a pinch of salt.
#15 Posted : 8/8/2010 8:06:42 PM

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@ JesusGreen: 2C-E entities? Sounds awesome! Mind giving some dosage info so my dog can be on your level next time he experiments with that fabulous phenethylamine?
Om Mani Padme Hum

#16 Posted : 8/8/2010 11:06:06 PM


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Dedalus wrote:
Well, we don't know whether science can explain it yet. Our technology for exploring how the consciousness works is very, very limited right now. And the brain is ridiculously complex. The processing power of the best super-computers in the world are at about the level of a guppy's brain. And of course, brains have to process more than 1's and 0's. The imagination is the most fascinating of the brain's abilities, and there is likely more for me to discover about it from DMT.

No offense but you are completely wrong my friend.The Crazy XT5 Jaugar supercomputer had a processing rate of 1.75 pflops per second. I am pretty sure a human brain can't even begin to imagine to have that kind of processing power, and in 20 years we'll have $1000 computers that are smarter than the human brain.
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#17 Posted : 8/9/2010 7:23:36 PM

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camdemonium wrote:
@ JesusGreen: 2C-E entities? Sounds awesome! Mind giving some dosage info so my dog can be on your level next time he experiments with that fabulous phenethylamine?

Sorry for the late reply, but it was a rather large dose, somewhere between 20 and 30mg nasally.
#18 Posted : 8/10/2010 8:39:51 AM

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Whoooooo that's quite the dose my friend!!!!Smile
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#19 Posted : 8/11/2010 7:32:52 PM

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lol, so I "derailed" this topic and sent everyone off track. My bad?

But I looked at his question again today, and realized that I can connect with it. For me, the "guy" wasn't bald, but either just undefined, or too made of something other than vision for me to "see" him clearly. But yes, I sensed him dancing in front of and around me, with long arms. I felt several presences, and they danced around me and echoed thoughts while I tried to get comfortable with the intensity. As for the shadow aspect, for me what that feels like is having someone's face near mine when my eyes are closed. I know they're there, but I don't see them. Perhaps with more spice, you feel them more and more intensely until you can actually make connection with them.
The above is for entertainment purposes only.

"A caged community of chimpanzees reacts very sensitively if a member of the tribe has received LSD. Even though no changes appear in this single animal, the whole cage gets in an uproar because the LSD chimpanzee no longer observes the laws of its finely coordinated hierarchic tribal order."
From LSD: My Problem Child
#20 Posted : 11/11/2010 5:20:30 PM

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I've had encounters with shadow figures a few times. The first time two figures came to me to study me. One was distinctly a male figure, the other female. The female entity seduced me and comforted me. Moments later the male figure seem disrupted by my presence and tormented me. It kept passing through me making sure all the while I could see his anger. This was an interesting yet disturbing experience for me.

The next encounter I had with the shadow figures was extremely vivid. I was blasted into hyperspace and just as soon as I was there the same two shadow figures were there waiting. They tore my soul into oblivion and i ceased to exists with collected thoughts. I can't describe the sensation too well. It was terrifying. I felt like my existence was doomed forever. When I got back to my senses I could still feel the shadow figures' presence.

What I gathered from that experience was that I was not welcome, I was not prepared for the power of the spirit molecule. I have not used dmt since. I told myself that next time I will have to be more knowledgeable. Two years later, I'm ready to understand the power behind the spirit molecule.
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