I'm still about a month away from being able to extract some more DMT but before then I'm going to learn all about Haramalas and thier inhibitiing properties. Everyone seems to like flowing visions so I'm going to order from there. I've made this list of items that costs about $96 and I don't know if flowing visions charges for shipping.
Caapi Copy - 1 gram of Banisteriopsis Caapi pure alkaloids
Harmine and Harmaline freebase (1 gram) 95% pure extracted from Peganum harmala
Harmine freebase (1 gram) 95% pure - All the caapi glow without the plant!
10% off! Harmaline freebase (1 gram) 95% pure extracted from Peganum harmala (Syrian rue)
Tetrahydroharmine HCl 200 mg 90-95% pure (THH) All the caapi glow without the plant!
I'm probably going to remove a few items but I'm wondering what you guys think I should start with? I'm interested in smoking and sublingual dosing. Also, I have mullien leaf, sodium carbonate and a bit of calcium hydroxide if those do anything in combo. I want to get aquianted with these maoi's so I can combine them with DMT for the first time. Hopefully, this will help me break through easier.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. At the moment, I'm thinking of either getting the caapi copy and harmaline freebase mix OR the seperate harmalas in freebase form.
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