Who has seen Entities on DMT..and... Options
#1 Posted : 7/14/2008 8:05:05 PM

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#2 Posted : 7/14/2008 9:33:03 PM

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still have not seen them yet
all of my posts are fictional. please interpret them as such.
#3 Posted : 7/16/2008 2:47:19 AM

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Very good question! I experienced encounters with entities / beings of various sorts while on the spice, prior to reading or hearing anything about DMT, other than how it had been used in shamanic rituals (which never mentioned anything about elves).

I actually never experienced interaction with anything I would describe as an elf until a friend asked me if "I'd seen the elves". I also had never gone as deep until after I was asked that question however. I interact with them all the time now that I'm consistent in my dosage technique. I think I know what your getting at with this question though. Great topic!
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…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
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#4 Posted : 7/16/2008 9:00:03 AM
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once had an experience where many elf-like creatures were watching from underneath an altar. they had glowing eyes. and yes this was after reading about them, however thought they didn't look machine like at all
#5 Posted : 7/16/2008 4:49:00 PM
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The first time i smoked marihuana, i saw crystal birds wich sang beautifully. I sat down, smoked the stuff, not noticinmg any effects. Then i stood up and....woosh..i fell down and for a few seconds i was somewhere else and when i opened my eyes i saw these things. Later, when i discovered the tryptamines their effects where all so familiar to me, and i cannot explain how it is possible that i had these effects with marihuana. The psychedelic effect of it in time, went away eventually, but the first few times i smoked weed were really very psychedelic.
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#6 Posted : 7/16/2008 4:56:52 PM


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Ive never seen any, seen some things I call space pixies, they were female and gorgeous and kind of elf like but not the machine elfs people talk about though
#7 Posted : 7/17/2008 3:31:36 AM

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I've seen pixies and elves both. The pixies are usually the most vivid and complete. They fly right up to me and interact with me. The elves are much more elusive, and to pop in and out of the picture, never revealing their entire being, but communicate more, and seem to pass a lot of knowledge.

The best representation I've seen of what I would call an 'elf' is acolon_5's avatar on this site. That and the "dancing circus guy" in the graphic at the top of this site. I've never seen anything machine like either, but I have a friend who's visions are always machine like, with metal and bolts and rivets. He had never read about the "machine elves" when he started seeing things machine like.
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#8 Posted : 7/17/2008 7:32:36 AM

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Yes, idtravlr I'm hinting at the possibility that we're feeding ourselves with this imagenery. If you take Strassman for example. His "patients" had lots of alien visions, but that could be because he told his volonteers to expect them. The only way to find out if this is something DMT specific would be to give someone DMT without telling him about elfes and stuff....

It doesn't realy higher the probability that it's a real contact with other entities, but it would at least look more plausible as the "self suggestion" argument would fall flat on the ground and we could stomp on it with our rusty boots.
#9 Posted : 7/18/2008 6:10:29 AM
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My buddy swim never saw elves but has had extremely alien like experiences lately. The feeling is not of this world and not some much of the other side but of extreme alien nature. He had the sound of bein in a ufo hangar type thing one time and last time just alien is all that can describe it.
#10 Posted : 7/18/2008 6:10:43 AM
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dbl post
magic clown
#11 Posted : 7/18/2008 7:15:35 AM

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I never saw aliens or machine elves untill well into my fourth gram. I had previously read alot about them being there and I had been searching for them. Once I became confidant with spice and knew it wasn't going to hurt me, I was able to relax into the experiance and found I could go much deeper. At that point the machine elves and other peculiar entities came out to play.

I have wondered wether their materialization was a result of my confidence and familiarity with the spice or me willing them into being. I have tried hard with absolutely no sucsess to will into being the next lottery numbers. I am now, after many years of serious effort, quite sure DMT will not provide me with those numbers. As the elves and aliens readily appear, I assume they are a quintisential DMT phenomana.

I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense
#12 Posted : 7/18/2008 12:05:40 PM

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One friend of Mine saw a Clown , without ever having read about the topic.
Another one saw Monkeyish Gnomes in his Room , also without reading about them .

A third friend saw things you could describe as little elves , while smoking a 100mg Joint ,alone, in the nature ,at nighttime, at a river flowing through a forest. Altough he knew about the possibility.

Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
#13 Posted : 7/18/2008 5:54:45 PM

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Please read carefully. It's not uncommon to see other entitys. I'm interested in learning, if one sees them WITHOUT reading or hearing about them FIRST.
#14 Posted : 7/19/2008 8:07:40 AM

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obliguhl wrote:
Yes, idtravlr I'm hinting at the possibility that we're feeding ourselves with this imagenery. If you take Strassman for example. His "patients" had lots of alien visions, but that could be because he told his volonteers to expect them. The only way to find out if this is something DMT specific would be to give someone DMT without telling him about elfes and stuff....

It doesn't really higher the probability that it's a real contact with other entities, but it would at least look more plausible as the "self suggestion" argument would fall flat on the ground and we could stomp on it with our rusty boots.

How about if we look at it from a slightly different perspective... Yes, elves and aliens are typically associated with DMT trips, and therefore could be manifested in our journeys purely by the power of suggestion. But what about many of the other commonly described DMT visions? For example, McKenna and others talk about the "glass chrysanthemum" that precedes a breakthrough. I've read a lot about this vision, yet I've never experienced it myself. I've had some seriously hardcore breakthroughs, but never entered them through this "chrysanthemum". So, if the elves are envisioned by suggestion, why not these other visions? Food for thought...
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#15 Posted : 8/3/2008 8:59:50 PM
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I would not say elves, I would only say aliens... if they are elves, they are elves from another dimesion so that makes them aliens that look like elves, but aliens nonetheless....the problem with the question is that if you ask me 5 minutes after a trip i'll tell you no doubt aliens were communicating with me, but just an hour later i have convinced my rational self it just couldn't be.

My feeling is we are being communicated to from another dimesion at all times, and it takes place on a wave closer to the speed of light, and with spice we are able to think or see at that higher dimesion.

Perhaps our brain (pineal?) is a receiver of intelligence at all times, like an antenna, intelligence of a basic order that is communicated via shapes, only the density of that activity is increased on dmt.

... or maybe it's just that it's been less than five minutes :O

#16 Posted : 8/3/2008 9:30:06 PM


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For me ive never seen elves, i like to call them shapeshifters(entities), &/or makers of toys like terrance put it.
But maybe i have never seen them because they just didnt take on that form for me.
Seems like they just like to play games

I think peoples PERCEPTION leads them to say elves, gnomes, aleins, entities, spirits, shapeshifters, geometrical pattern/toys, that like to dance, twist, & play..

The avatar on the top home page of the nexus forum does some justice, & Luke Browns(Spectral Eyes) Work does some justice as well with alex grey/Jerry Garcia!! but they dont even come close to the real thing haha

***Pixies, kalidoscope, glitter +++++ diamonds, Smokey energy waves/air.
The feeling of the our air being replaced with this...

whatever your mind RELATES them too, i think we all see the same general things.

The dome like room or dust/smoke air, the graph/spider web holographic looking laser rays that make the dome look as if its a round dome kind like earth, except no clouds..ect

But yeah i agree that peoples stories & what they relate them too, affects the experience, cause you go their and then your like what the fuck is this?!! oh yeah its the entities, or the elves..

I definatly always go in my trip not thinking anything, & this last time i saw in great detail slowed down The round geometrical mandala that terrance talks about.. so their are def. the same traits re appearing, breaking through from being sober, is like being shot out of a cannon at light speed..

..somethings we pretty much nail to a "T" when we describe Spice Land.
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#17 Posted : 8/3/2008 9:57:53 PM
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Last time i did aya i saw glass like/ transparant snakes and a colourfull firework/mandala like thing that had something feminine. If i would have been a catholic i would have probably thought it was an angel or mother mary or something in that order.
Other times and on other substances i saw green ghostly humans (datura), spiralling low singing and grinning red wires, and many times things i find birdlike, singing high and harmoniously, often in none-chords (chords existing of 5 different notes). There are also fractalic, escher like groups of small creatures, ant-like, often.
#18 Posted : 8/3/2008 11:20:39 PM

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Yep, that's all good stuff..but what about my question Pleased
#19 Posted : 8/4/2008 1:04:31 AM

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when i first heard aya the only storys i hear was from a friend
about his body turning into glowing mico chips and saving his soul from snake people (icke any one) ect

fast foward
you can read my first trip report hear
some of the beings there where elf like but dark like in a shadow with blueish light particals
thay did not care about me i was to busy running around and talking to my new mantis robot friend
you can see
i had a lot of the storyed happanings in my first incounter with it
and min influence towards what i fist incounterd
thought id go to jungle if any where

i did do some reserch into dmt (aya )but never heard of mckenna at the time are his discriptions
are the nexus ect
just looked up to see how safe it was ect

o and lator i aske him bout the elves he said ya he seen them as well but thay bored him
he lives on an island with no power

a friend of mine came over for a blast
never doing it before
i never told him of the elves
i was waching over him
we where out side
and he freaked i did my best to keep him calm
and when he came back enuff to talk
he was like what the f where those little trolls trying to do to me
do thay count as elves lol

o still not shure what there really suposed to look like
mabey a solid discription on your part would do

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#20 Posted : 8/4/2008 11:05:19 AM

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When I first started I expected "McKenna Elves" but ended up with very different alienesque entities.

Two noobs that I shared some spice with had never even heard of DMT, much less entities. One saw metallic, mercurial entities and another saw a lady covered in fire trying to communicate with her.
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