TrustLoveMan wrote:You and me both buddy. DMT has made me cry before. I wasn't sad or happy really but I felt the urge to cry and I didn't fight it. I was also laughing though. I remember thinking it was because the trip was so amazing, but it was actually a pretty tame experience.
That is
precisely what I am trying to convey. Being quite in-touch with my emotions, I embrace every opportunity for sincere tears OR laughs. (the Laughs usually come if and when I open my eyes mid-journey

aetherbound wrote:Happens to me about 75% of the time...they are tears of joy and amazement....tears because I feel so incredibly lucky to experience such a wonderful thing...often saying thank you over and over...
I hear you. There was a period when I politely asked the guides to show me something more interesting than last time... turns out a grateful exit is worth a lot more than a request or demand beforehand. I've had no journeys the same since I changed my stance.
Uncle Knucles wrote:I have cried myself more than once. It's just such an overwhelming (and overwhelmingly beautiful) experience, that I get pretty raw in the aftermath. I think this is totally normal. In fact, I would say that one would have to be pretty shut down (emotionally speaking) to go deep and not be rocked to the point of emotional instability.
Raw in the aftermath..... that touches upon a feeling I've had for some time now. I've never been addicted to substances (well....there's nicotine....

), but the symptoms of 'cold turkey' have been adequately described. The whole DMT experience feels to me as I imagine to feel as if I first use a substance, go through habituation, withdrawal and be clean, all compressed in the space-time of 10-15 mins. And I mean it includes bodily shivers and everything imaginable in such a short time-frame. I know it's absurd: the body won't be able to reproduce these symptoms to any appreciable extend, but the thought lingers in my mind.. But then again, that's mostly my brain talking. The journey is undertaken with the heart, or so it is for me. Thanks for sharing this, Art (what's in a name...)
antrocles wrote:i have cried many times. most recently, just a week ago, i wept for a half-hour solid. hard as i've ever cried. i cried from the sheer massive gift i had received and the weight of it's knowledge. the ineffable beauty and the immeasureable gift of insight....
I do hope to have the revelation of insight one time. For now, I feel like I'm just roaming at the sidelines. But boy! such sights to see and feelings to feel. With other substances, I do fall into the '50% entertainment / 50% revelation'-category. DMT is not 'entertaining' in the usual sense. I guess I am a seeker of arcane knowledge when it comes to DMT.... I might need a stronger light to guide me.
endlessness wrote:But at times it seems like a plain biological reaction, that comes regardless of the emotions. In the publications of DMT pharmacology, I dont remember reading anything about the effect of DMT in the lacrimal glands.. But it seems to indeed be reasonably common, at least for some people, just like yawning happens when taking oral psychedelics for some people (with me, specially on mushrooms)
Wow! I yawn my jaw off in the after-time of a DMT-journey. I yawn shamelessly at least 6 times at that point, every time. There seems to be a cultural misunderstanding about yawning in that it is perceived as a insulting lack of interest at the subject(s) at hand, whereas it is really a limbic trigger to increase the oxygen-supply to the brain. Granted, sometimes needed to keep attention-levels up
Again, none of my fellow-travellers have this reaction. Yay! I'm not alone!
(BTW: I dig the eclectic mix of cerebral and emotional analytical approach you lean towards, endlessness. I'm somewhat of the same persuasion: the dichotomy of this keeps me balanced, I feel.
Thank you for your insights!
TrustLoveMan wrote:The time I cried. That was the first time I prayed and meditated before a trip. I wanted to see if it could make my trips easier. I had thought that people exaggerated the wow factor and was having trips compared to 1/4oz of shrooms. I took a lot of advice and fixed my smoking technique so basically this was my first huge rip without tolerance already built up. Since then I've had more amazing trips but that first one was very emotional because I knew I found something truly amazing.
I went into DMT with cold feet, a healthy sense of self-preservation and a piece-meal upping of dosage myself. My first couple of 'tries' were uneventful, but the feeling of having found some truly amazing strikes a familiar chord in me too. Sometimes I think one should 'drink deep or taste not' of this well of knowledge and experience, but one cannot change the way one is. Mind you, my crying only became common after I found the solution of the problem of having my mouth and throat feel full of gems, and subsequently finding the solution to this problem (toking with my mouth DRY), but once I found that out I had not so much anxiety any more.
I have to add: I am deeply in debt to the enlightened soul who introduced me to DMT, with spice to try and all. He casually described the experience as 'dying'. I guess that kept me on my toes! Thank you, you know who you are!
Thanks you all!
benzyme wrote:you're preparing drugs, not salad.