Melting, Glowing Experience ... Options
State of the Mind
#1 Posted : 7/23/2010 9:19:09 PM

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I am not quite understanding what has just happened. But here goes.

I have just recently smoked 150mg of Changa, which consisted of:

95mg Blend:
12.5% 10x Salvia
50% Blue Lotus
37.5% Passionflower.

55mg DMT extracted using STB with Naphtha as the NPS.

The ratio of DMT to Changa is 1 : 1.7 (The ratio is so low due to poor calculations). However after this glowing experience I care not. Very happy

I have had experiences with Salvia before and have quite enjoyed them. I have also had experiences with DMT, however all my experiences had been sub-breakthrough and nothing that I haven't been in control of.

After smoking around 350mg Sceletium Tortuosum, I felt that I was in the correct state of mind to start my travels and filled the bowl with 150mg Changa. I held the lighter to the bowl, as the bong filled up to the top with the creamy smoke, I took a quick breath and then inhaled the whole bong full of smoke in one lungful. As I held the smoke in I could feel the rushing sensation of the DMT absorbing into my body. I immediately put the bong on the floor and went and lied on the bed. I could feel the body tingles and separation from reality that is normally associated with salvia.

However it was completely different to a normal salvia experience. As I lay there my vision was completely covered with neon green spirals. It was at this point that I began to examine my personality, I began to think at this point that I was not ready for DMT and began to question who I was. This put a negative spin on my trip and for a second I began to panic. However I thought to myself that I was completely safe and I should put a positive spin on the trip and enjoy myself. This helped a lot and I went back to admiring the beautiful artwork that I was drawing with my imagination.

After this, I came back to earth and began to be aware of the room I was in. I lay there in a foetal position, rubbing my hands together because it felt nice. However soon my hands began to stick together and I began to melt. I was lying on the bed and watching as droplets of my hands and legs began to drop onto the duvet. I found this extremely funny and laughed as I thought of Dahli's Clocks. This lasted for quite a while and was the most memorable part of the trip.

After this point I began to come back to reality and just closed my eyes and watched the CEVs it was at this point I began to question my life, my decisions and my personality. I was feeling quite negative about myself and the past, however I began to think about the future and how inspirational the trip had been. As I found my senses, I went and looked in the mirror and was amazed to see how blushed I was and how dilated my pupils were. As I looked into the mirror I couldn't stop laughing and smiling. I felt pure bliss. This feeling has died down, however it has put me in a really positive state of mind throughout the evening and I am feeling quite good right now writing this report.

This trip has been surprising for me though, I am not classing this as a sub-breakthrough dose or a breakthrough as it was neither. I believe that because of the large amount of Salvia in the Changa, the trip was highly influenced by the Salvia. Regardless I enjoyed it a lot and cannot wait to travel again. Very happy

People spend their lives searching for perfect moments and fail to see, that there are many unappreciated perfect moments everyday that are overlooked.

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State of the Mind
#2 Posted : 7/23/2010 9:42:11 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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One thing I did find though is that it is not best to travel in your home, it just doesn't feel quite right. In future I will definitely travel outdoors somewhere secluded.
People spend their lives searching for perfect moments and fail to see, that there are many unappreciated perfect moments everyday that are overlooked.
#3 Posted : 7/23/2010 10:17:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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sounds like a good combo
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#4 Posted : 7/24/2010 12:52:34 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds like the salvia effects really predominated here. Glad you enjoyed it so much!
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