Why NOT go DMT? Options
#21 Posted : 7/15/2010 5:26:20 PM

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Hux wrote:
Some people would say that there are some things in life that we're not meant to know.

I would say these people do not have humanity's best interests at heart.

As nuclear physicist Nick Herbert Says: "There are these science fiction cliches like 'There is some knowledge man should not know'. So there are probably horrible things like...places you shouldn't go, like viruses that would kill all life on earth or...things that make the atomic bomb look...terrible yes, our society has a right to make those things not investigatable by science because they're too dangerous. So our society decides that one of those things is marijuana...and mdma, and lsd and these certain molecules because 'There are things men should not know' and I think that' a scientist, that's laughable...If they trusted me with plutonium, why not lsd"

I really think that things presented to us through DMT are precisely for us to know. Things we have known and forgot, things that we remember every night when we go to sleep and return to the collective unconscious or wherever we go, universal truths, riddles, and games. I do not think the knowledge, information, or experiences accessed through DMT are not for man to know, for, ime, they simply don't fall into that horrific category of truly dangerous and understandably taboo (a la a global virus that sterilizes everything it infects).
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#22 Posted : 7/15/2010 5:31:12 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
I’ve had many experiences where I’ve seen things that are “off-limits” to a mere mortal, and I have never been “allowed” to bring the memories back.

I believe you because this seems true to me as well, but am wondering how you know you had these experiences if you weren't allowed to bring them back.

As for what mere mortals are permitted, DMT seems to be a gateway to conciousness that is everything but mortal. However, this could only be existent and accessable during the breakthrough, which would support your claim of the inability to retain this information.
#23 Posted : 7/15/2010 5:45:33 PM
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Eden wrote:

I believe you because this seems true to me as well, but am wondering how you know you had these experiences if you weren't allowed to bring them back.

As for what mere mortals are permitted, DMT seems to be a gateway to conciousness that is everything but mortal. However, this could only be existent and accessable during the breakthrough, which would support your claim of the inability to retain this information.

Speaking more from my experiences with LSD (which I have far more experience with than Dmitri) there are some moments when it feels as if the whole universe has revealed itself, in all it's glory and with all it's workings, but when I try to remember them afterwards I find it impossible to translate into normal everyday thought processes. During the experience it's expressed in such a different way, perhaps as a combination of all the senses, or perhaps even beyond that. The memory is there, but it just can't be processes by my sober mind. I don't know if it's the same for you or gibran, but that's how it comes across to me.
#24 Posted : 7/15/2010 5:50:11 PM

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Stated like that, it makes perfect sense. The all encompassing language of hyperspace is but gibberish in our reality.
#25 Posted : 7/15/2010 6:06:08 PM

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Eden wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
I’ve had many experiences where I’ve seen things that are “off-limits” to a mere mortal, and I have never been “allowed” to bring the memories back.

I believe you because this seems true to me as well, but am wondering how you know you had these experiences if you weren't allowed to bring them back.

As for what mere mortals are permitted, DMT seems to be a gateway to conciousness that is everything but mortal. However, this could only be existent and accessable during the breakthrough, which would support your claim of the inability to retain this information.

Here’s a simple analogy: Imagine you’re attending a lecture, and the speaker is talking very fast, and you’re distracted by your iPhone and the people chattering next to you.

After the lecture has ended, someone asks you about particular details regarding what the speaker said. And you don’t remember. You remember being at the lecture, you remember the speaker, you remember that the speaker was talking very fast, but you don’t remember the content of the lecture.

I once had an experience where I entered a large room of some sort, and I was telepathically told that I could participate in a “sacred ritual” in the room, but that I would not be allowed to remember the details of the ritual. I agreed. I remember entering the “room”. I remember that the ritual involved some sort of physical transformation. I remember looking around and seeing how unbelievably amazing everything was. I remember thinking to myself – acknowledging to myself – that I wouldn’t remember much of what I was seeing, and told myself to “enjoy it while you can”.

The “amnesia” is very selective. It’s not a total blackout (if it was, as you suggested, I wouldn’t even know that there was something I forgot!)

And as Hux said, there are other things that can’t be remembered simply because the sober mind is not capable of reconstructing the experience.

As an interesting aside: I read once about a person who had a brain tumor or a stroke that affected his visual perception and resulted in him no longer being able to perceive color. The most interesting part was that he no longer had memories of color either. Recall of memories is a reconstructive process – the recall of a primarily visual memory is reconstructed by the visual cortex, so if the visual cortex is damaged, the memory cannot be properly reconstructed.

Similarly, I believe that DMT temporarily “re-wires” some of our perception circuitry, and as a result we are able to “see” things that are ordinarily impossible. And when we return to a sober state, we cannot recall the memories because the circuitry needed to reconstruct them is no longer present.

Whew… That ended up being a longer post than I intended! Smile
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#26 Posted : 7/15/2010 6:29:31 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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gibran2 wrote:
I once had an experience where I entered a large room of some sort, and I was telepathically told that I could participate in a “sacred ritual” in the room, but that I would not be allowed to remember the details of the ritual. I agreed. I remember entering the “room”. I remember that the ritual involved some sort of physical transformation. I remember looking around and seeing how unbelievably amazing everything was. I remember thinking to myself – acknowledging to myself – that I wouldn’t remember much of what I was seeing, and told myself to “enjoy it while you can”.

YES!!! I still remember the experience where i realized I had been seeing much of the same stuff over and over again. This realization came when i was struck by how much I wanted to record this trip so as not to forget it. Then, suddenly I remembered that I had been going to that place for a while and just couldn't remember it. In that realization, my desire to record the trip vanished, as I knew it would always be there waiting for me. Essentially I came to the conclusion of "why dumb it down by translating it into 3-d concepts and thoughts when I could just return whenever I felt the call".
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#27 Posted : 7/15/2010 7:40:49 PM


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I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with the facts!
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#28 Posted : 7/15/2010 8:39:22 PM

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I would say because it can be an awful lot to handle - almost a burden at times.

As Acolon said, you can't un-see it afterwards - and it may reveal things about yourself and your place in the grand creation that you just aren't comfortable acknowledging.
#29 Posted : 7/16/2010 3:15:10 AM

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Because you will have so much to say and so many ways to say it, those in your life yet to experience the molecule might begin feeling insecure about something and put up the "you act like you know everything" wall.
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#30 Posted : 7/16/2010 3:32:30 AM

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Norl wrote:
Because you will have so much to say and so many ways to say it, those in your life yet to experience the molecule might begin feeling insecure about something and put up the "you act like you know everything" wall.

The molecule is a single tool in a vast existence. If tensions arise from people in your life who have not experienced it, offer it. Psychedelics are not a source of pride or an excuse to claim superiority.

Share with compassion.
#31 Posted : 7/16/2010 3:47:23 AM

John Murdoch IV

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If there are some things we are not meant to know then who is it that decided we were not meant to know these things? I think there's nothing we're not allowed to do or know. We just have to deal with the consequences of our doings. We have a free will but we must obey karma. What goes around comes around.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#32 Posted : 7/16/2010 3:57:48 AM
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Because you consider this realm of consciousness to be more miraculous, wonderful and sacred than could ever be appreciated, and therefore believe engaging with it, the self that beholds it, and the entities that share it, a better, more authentic, and healthier way to live.

Machine Elves, Dragons, Opticus and co. are welcome to hyperspace. As for me, this Earth is my home and I love it.
#33 Posted : 7/16/2010 4:47:55 AM

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Eden wrote:
Norl wrote:
Because you will have so much to say and so many ways to say it, those in your life yet to experience the molecule might begin feeling insecure about something and put up the "you act like you know everything" wall.

The molecule is a single tool in a vast existence. If tensions arise from people in your life who have not experienced it, offer it. Psychedelics are not a source of pride or an excuse to claim superiority.

Share with compassion.

This person in particular has tried aya to no success. I think that to somebody with a possible ego problem, even compassion from others can be very threatening and enough for them to mentally gather the tools for that wall. This actually leads me to a question for the nexians pertaining something this fellow has recently gotten himself involved in, unfortunately it has little business in the nursury..
Nirvana may only exist in absence of the concept itself

Art by Zanaffar
#34 Posted : 7/16/2010 6:23:02 AM

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The only reason I can think of not to smoke DMT--an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ONE!!!

-You have failed to extract it correctly.-

Please don't smoke anything that you don't know is clean. Please. And if you screw up a batch that can't be saved, please be patient and try again because purity of product is critical to the experience. Fear is one thing; fear of having smoked something caustic and legitimately dying (rather than a brief, philosophical, atomic death) is bad juju. Bad times. Don't put yourself in a position where you have to ask, "Should I call the hospital?"

In other news, in a way, I never really know anything after ingesting these substances, other than an effervescent, evanescent sense of "knowing," something I can forget just as quickly as I remember, and sadness descends as I sit with the ghost of an answer. (Sometimes reality feels like robbery? Don't do it if you aren't willing to explore these real and lasting territories?)

I love to return... because it makes me appreciate the things I do not know, cannot know, or cannot describe, things left to poetry and nature, feelings and phantom sensations, shadows of leaves in the grass...
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#35 Posted : 7/16/2010 7:47:13 AM
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Eden wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
I’ve had many experiences where I’ve seen things that are “off-limits” to a mere mortal, and I have never been “allowed” to bring the memories back.

I believe you because this seems true to me as well, but am wondering how you know you had these experiences if you weren't allowed to bring them back.

As for what mere mortals are permitted, DMT seems to be a gateway to conciousness that is everything but mortal. However, this could only be existent and accessable during the breakthrough, which would support your claim of the inability to retain this information.

In my experience, there may be things we're not supposed to know.
And we even may be able to remember some of it.
But what we're not supposed to know is often 'useless information' to us.
For instance: let's say that DMT would allow you to look into the future. I can see how we're not supposed to know the future.
And why...? because once we've seen it, that future we've seen is no longer valid: you know that you're gonna get rich and drive a big car, cause you've seen it, so you stop worrying about money and careerstuff and you end up never driving that big car because you stopped worrying about money and careerstuff.

I would say that everything you may encounter in the DMT world could be like this. Once you translate it back into this world, it has become obsolete.
Yet there is always something that does remain.
That would be an overall awareness.

There is no factual knowledge to be gained here, only an attitude.
#36 Posted : 7/16/2010 10:09:44 AM
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I was referring to an ex girlfriends opinions on psychedelics when I mentioned the idea that we are experiencing things we're not meant to know. To her these places are supposed to be reserved for later stages in our existence, parts of the afterlife, and to experience them now takes away some of the magic and mystery of experiencing them with fresh eyes when you are supposed to.

Personally, I'd rather have some kind of idea of where I'm headed. But then, it may turn out to be something else entirely.

To me the psychedelic experience is something essential to humanity, something that has been practiced since the dawn of time until certain meddling self-righteous types got in the way. Ever since we lost touch with this kind of practice humanity has been stumbling around in the dark, unsure of what to do with itself, feeling more and more distant, more separated from the world we find ourselves in and as a result we've effectively been waging a war on nature ever since.
#37 Posted : 7/16/2010 1:18:59 PM

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polytrip wrote:
There is no factual knowledge to be gained here, only an attitude.

I have grown more through DMT than any other psychadelic, lsd being a close second. lsd presents very clear progress in learning through ideas and understanding.

DMT does not have these qualities. I have no cluse what I have learned, only that I have gained a greater sensativity to bewilderment and utter amazement. It is exactly as you stated, an attitude that is aquired and refined.
#38 Posted : 7/17/2010 1:04:07 PM

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If you have high blood pressure, you might wanna consider not doing it since there's that temporally short spike in blood pressure. If you wish not to "safely" become familiar with the death experience, then it may not be for you. Having said that, it's practically guaranteed not to kill you, and as it will likely be one of the most intense experiences of your life, if you can get through a DMT trip, I feel like it makes other scary things pale in comparison.
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#39 Posted : 12/21/2010 11:43:51 PM

Harvie Krumpet

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If you do it wrong then you might damage yourself. But I guess that's more of a reason to do it right than not to do it.
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Isn't it strange that a gift can be an enemy?
#40 Posted : 12/22/2010 12:35:13 AM

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Newfound_wonder wrote:
If you do it wrong then you might damage yourself. But I guess that's more of a reason to do it right than not to do it.

by "do it wrong" are you referring to improper extraction=contamination, or?
sorry, i just don't really get what you really mean

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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