Training and working to the Breakthrough dose Options
#1 Posted : 7/2/2010 2:38:08 AM

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I have not been able to completely breakthrough for some time now. I decided I needed to make some changes and I did a little testing to see where I was at. I recorded some of my trips on video and got some data.
I found out a few things. For one, my trip time (with smoking included) never took longer than 5 minutes. I also found that a little bit of weed is ok, but most of the leaf should be mullien. Otherwise, the weed makes the smoke to harsh and thick. So, I started to work my way up the scale. I increased the dose each time while making sure to smoke everything within a 60second time limit.
By the end of half a dozen trips, I could smoke 40mg, in one lungful but, only if I had about 10mg 10 minutes before. Otherwise my heart is racing and I need two lungfuls. So, now I’m guessing I can probably smoke up to 65-70mg in two hits and that is more than enough to break through. Over the next few sessions I will be increasing the dosage and seeing the changes from this report. I have compiled these recorded trips into a generalized trip report…


1 second-60 seconds: During this time I’m using a very small flame on my bong to vape the dmt into the mullien. It works very well and I haven’t used the ice notches yet either. With large bowls of dmt I become very confused before I see anything and this makes me stop hitting the bowl. Colors may start to brighten and start to take on a fluid animation. I’ll feel very high up and looking down seems very far.

1 minute-2 minutes: I feel very weird. With 20mg I get an extreme body load. I’ll feel tired. On 40mg, I am more wired and in the beginning I feel like I’m being taken away from my body slightly. This is when I’ll start to focus on the humming and whizzing in my ears. If it is quiet, and it always is, I can hear the clock tick and AC run and they are loud as hell. In the past when I used music, I would go partially deaf and couldn’t hear a thing.

2 minutes-3 minutes: I start to see images of machines that transform and large 3d objects are forming in the tapestry of neon lines/jewels that covers my eyelids. This is completely made of reds and yellows and slight green. This is the normal color of sunlight through my eyelids. It is brighter than my room though. Sometimes I see female bodies and silhouettes of people but It’s very fast. If I open my eyes at this point, I usually don’t see anything specific, just messed up vision. This is what I get 99.9% of the time and It can be amazing but I don’t get the realism.

3 minutes-4 minutes: This part feels like 20 minutes and I call it brain soup. What I think about is what I see and what I feel. It’s thinking with all my brain power. At the 40mg mark I saw white and bright blue objects but I realized it was because my eyelids were opening, but it was amazing. On smaller doses I will see a journey from beginning to end and it will teach me about taking time to learn (around 2-3 weeks for anything new, lol).

4 minutes-5minutes: The brain soup starts to slow down, if you focus the shapes that just mutated and morphed, retreat and turn back in on themselves. Sometimes I can’t really think until about now and I get about 1% of what I saw. Words are hard to form and you feel like you’re waking up a bit. I usually lie there and nap until I feel I have nothing left going on.
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#2 Posted : 7/2/2010 3:30:16 AM

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Step one, 40mg.
I'm still coming off the high but today I was feeling like there was nothing out there for me. Well,.. that was crushed, by this here trip. For the first time ever, I have smoked 40mg with no tolerance and determination. Even though I was scared I went for it. I was hearing so much crazy static that I assumed that was some higher being playing with my visuals. The realism is almost there. One of the visuals was coming in through my eyes and he exploded and those remains put certain parts of my brain to that other place. This was the first time I ever felt anything while tripping. Also, Even though I was in the dark, I started to get pastel colors with less lines. I saw rich colors in brown, grey, dark green, and blue. The morphed out imps were laughing with me and I knew they were thinking "Look what we can do!" and I would see them in the normal colors and they showed me an object in their hands with brown and grey and then green and blue. They didn't show me much, but they know I'm finally getting close. I never thought I'd get this from 40mg.
Basically, looking back, this trip had more of a story like feel to it. Ir had an end and a beginning but the story itself was completely subjective. Lots of visuals wiping away other visuals, cartoonish faces. I didn't laugh directly at them because they might have the power soon. So I told them to do what they will.
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#3 Posted : 7/2/2010 4:55:01 AM

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Hi TrustLoveMan!

I like your scientific approach to your endeavours.Are you using a bong with the tackle sandwiched between leaves?

I think for most people taking 60-70mg , if correctly vaporised, would be a fairly mammoth dose.Technique is so crucial here; 40-45mg zapped correctly is enough to send me into a vortex of extreme fractals where the ego melts and has me reluctant to open my eyes for 12-13 minutes due to the overwhelming nature of the OEVs.And this is if its taken in 2-3 breaths.One breath can put me in the zone for upto 17 minutes.

I have recently become a firm fan of the VaporGenie and could wax lyrical about its merits for some time.I can also get there by using foil but I think the VG is the way forward (or the Glass VaporGenie, judging from the many reports of its merits here at the Nexus).

If you want to maximise your chances of breaking through with the most efficient use of your DMT, it may be worthwhile investing in a VG.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

Bill Cipher
#4 Posted : 7/2/2010 5:34:36 AM

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Let me ask you this, TrustLoveMan: When you go, are you closing your eyes? At any dosage, the open eyed experience is completely different than closed - and in my experience, closing them for the entire duration is the only way to go DEEP.

You should read the Martin Ball article that is linked from the thread in the Hyperspace Tavern. As much as it rubbed a bunch of people here wrong (myself included, for reasons I'm sure you'll see for yourself if you read it), he makes a lot of valid points - and a lot of what he talks about there makes me think of you and your posts. This isn't meant as a dig or anything, because I can see you really are working at this (the extent of which may actually be no small part of your problem), but you seem to me to bring a lot of baggage into your travels, in the shape of specific preconceptions. You seem very focused on specific agendas, specific visuals, specific entity contact, etc. - and in my experience, the things you look for within this realm will very often elude you.

He talks about the ego's choice of whether or not to release - and while dosage and technique certainly play a part in that equation, I think he is right that the choice is always there at any level. Total release creates love and bliss, an experience of interconnectedness that can reach a level of godhood. Fear and resistance are manifested with an equal and opposite force. This isn't an experience which lends itself to analysis within the moment. The less you try and throw language at it, the more untethered you'll become. At a certain point language becomes impossible, but I think he is probably on the right track in assuming that the ego still makes itself known without conscious analysis.

I do believe DMT is a mirror, and that I get out exactly what I bring in, albeit abstracted to the hilt. Try to give yourself over, body and soul, and just endlessly roll with the punches.
#5 Posted : 7/2/2010 6:06:29 AM

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You're right. I only get very good visuals by going deep into my mind. I think my smoking technique is on point but I could benefit from a GVG and some caapi leafs. Ever since I've been going in empty minded not looking for anything, I get much more in depth trips. I am learning to let myself go further.
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Bill Cipher
#6 Posted : 7/2/2010 6:12:05 AM

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Don't get hung up the visuals, or on anything you expect it to be. It sounds like you're getting there, slowly but surely - but still, you know, you're breaking down your experiences minute by minute in some kind of attempt to impose linearity, and it just ain't that kind of a party. Relax. Let it happen. Just go where you go and let yourself go and commit entirely to the NOW.

GVG is the ticket, I promise you. It will make an enormous difference. Try sublingual THH as well.

Tick tick tick tick... KABOOM!
physics envy
#7 Posted : 7/12/2010 8:27:50 AM

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TLM - I think it's interesting to see how you break stuff down. For newer/inexperienced users of entheogens, it's probably nice to see posts like this because they are more than likely looking for linear explanations.

Continued good luck on getting where you want to go.

Salvia quid enthusiast
#8 Posted : 7/12/2010 3:21:52 PM

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There is no breakthrough "dose". There is a breakthrough mindset. And even if everything is perfect, its still for them to decide. Force it and you can expect to be punished for it.
#9 Posted : 7/12/2010 3:28:39 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
There is no breakthrough "dose". There is a breakthrough mindset. And even if everything is perfect, its still for them to decide. Force it and you can expect to be punished for it.

So true. I’ve never used more than 35mg, and that was before the GVG. Since I’ve had my GVG, I’ve never used more than 28mg (and never want to or need to!).

My strongest journeys have not been my highest dose journeys. And the same dose might one time produce a sub-breakthrough, and another time produce one of the most intense experiences of my life. (This is the main reason that I’ve had more pre-flight anxiety since getting the GVG!)
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#10 Posted : 7/12/2010 10:55:45 PM


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Lets say you are in fact doing every thing else right. We can still boost things a bit with help from our other plant allies. First, Mr. VanDelay is right about the THH. A sublingual dose of THH is remarkably clarifying. Work from small amounts up, I started at around a mere 12 to 15 mg and found it quite effective at the twenty minute mark. That is MY personal sweet spot. Take the time to find your own.

Also, datura inoxia seeds, just two or three to be well below the toxicity line. Search the Nexus for more info concerning these seeds since they can be harmful in large quantities. 2-3 seeds will enhance many psychedelic experiences. Just chew them and allow the hyoscyamine to be absorbed sublingually.

I have had good luck after 'bed time' herbal tea blends containing skullcap or passionflower. They really seem to sweeten the ride a bit. Personal and SUBjective experience.

And adding any menthol containing herb such as peppermint to a smoking blend will enhance absorption in the lungs as well as the flavor of the blend. Mullein is a staple as well, continue adding that as it is soothing.

I will add tentatively that my experience with source naturals sublingual GABA had me on the edge of breakthrough space with an AYA journey quite recently. A mere fourteen minutes in and I was up to my eyeballs in fractal freebase friends.

good luck and remember that all of this is for naught until you can truly.....


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#11 Posted : 7/12/2010 10:57:04 PM


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And let me note for the record my envy at those of you who can part with a BENJAMIN for a GVG.

My b-day is in April.....Wink

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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