whats the difference in effects, mda vs mdma Options
Ice House
#1 Posted : 7/7/2010 12:28:19 AM

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SWIM has done Extasy a couple of times before. I found the effects to be allot like meth. No two little pills were ever exactly the same.

A very reliable source just hooked up SWIM's Uncle's cousin with some MDA, it came in a pure white powder form and was in a clear gelcap. SWIM was told that it was of high quality and that the gelcaps contained 100mg.

assuming it comes from a reliable source and is of hi quality what should SWIM expect from one of these gelcaps compared to MDMA.

MDA and MDMA are the effects allot different? If so what are they?
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#2 Posted : 7/7/2010 4:09:52 AM

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I had got some pills one weekend that were mdma, and the SAME press the next weekend that was mda.

This is what I found(that I can remember its been years).

MDA is more of a trip, way less euphoria and you might puke coming up if you snort it(i did). I couldn't see very well and even though it was cool, it SUCKED compared to mdma.

MDMA to me had eye wiggles, teeth clenching, sweating, but most of all EUPHORIA! I loved everything and everything loved me, I felt a noticeable lack of this with mda.

I hope this helps a little, im sure someone can clarify better but this is my experience with taking the two drugs within a weekend of each other.
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#3 Posted : 7/7/2010 5:50:04 AM

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GirlsHateMe wrote:
I hope this helps a little, im sure someone can clarify better but this is my experience with taking the two drugs within a weekend of each other.

There's the problem, the reason you didn't like MDA as much. The values of serotonin will not have had the time to build up in only one week, it takes around 3 weeks to reach a normal state after tripping on a serotonin releaser.

MDA may in fact release just as much serotonin as MDMA and thus give exactly the same euphoria. However, MDA does give hallucinations and is more of an entheogen, so you may not feel the euphoria so intense as with MDMA. I've had trips on pure MDA that had way more euphoria than any trip on MDMA though. The visuals are nice too!
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#4 Posted : 7/7/2010 7:40:26 AM

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I agree with Evening Glory-it does take a few weeks before ones serotonin-levels are more or less replenished and this can affect the experience if you re-dose within this time.

I found MDA to have a more psychedelic flavour than pure MDMA, a slighter longer duration of effects and more marked body-load with jaw clenching and nystagmus (eyes jittering).Both MDA and MDMA are extremely pleasurable but I prefer MDA for its 'trippiness' over and above the 'I love everyone and everything' feeling.
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#5 Posted : 7/7/2010 9:51:28 PM
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I would compare the MDxx's i'm familiar with, wich are MDA, MDMA and MDEA this way: MDA is more mellow and warmer than MDMA. MDMA is more energetic, less fuzzy and more social than MDA and MDEA is the most energetic compound of the three.

On a scale from 1 to 10 MDA, i would give MDA a 9 for it's mellow and warm effects and a 6 for it's euphoriant effects and a 0.5 for stimulation and a 2 for it's social effects. I would give MDMA a 5 for it's warm feelings, an 8 for it's euphoria, a 5 for stimulation and a 10 for it's social effects. MDEA would get a 2 for it's warm feelings, a 9 for euphoria, a 7 for stimulation and a 9 for it's social effects.

MDMA is in between MDA and MDEA, but is a bit more on the side of MDEA.

I would say it's like:

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#6 Posted : 7/7/2010 10:00:59 PM

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MDA is better in my opinion.
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#7 Posted : 7/7/2010 11:14:23 PM

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Evening Glory wrote:
[quote=GirlsHateMe]MDA may in fact release just as much serotonin as MDMA and thus give exactly the same euphoria. However, MDA does give hallucinations and is more of an entheogen, so you may not feel the euphoria so intense as with MDMA. I've had trips on pure MDA that had way more euphoria than any trip on MDMA though. The visuals are nice too!


Man, it's been a long, long time for me... and that was only once, in 1978. Is this the same MDA that was then called, "Mellow Drug of America"? If so, it is much more psychedelic, in the traditional sense, than MDMA/Atom/Ecstasy. Like Evening Glory, I saw fractal patterns and felt all mellow, warm and melty. The two times I did MDMA, I didn't see such trippy visuals, although it blew the door to my heart chakra off the hinges!!! I was able to successfully astrally project on Ecstasy, unlike with Salvia Divinorum, but the experience lacked the ego death that accompanies other psychedelics (Mescaline, LSD-25, DMT) and therefore, no integration with the Void.

That being said, the first time on X, I really couldn't tell who I was (as a separate individual), in a group of four good friends. As I was starting to peak on the X I lifted out of my physical body. I was floating at the top of the room, just above our four bodies and bumping against the ceiling, yet could not recognize which one was my physical shell. It really seemed unimportant at the time, since I was enjoying the weightlessness of my out of body experience. I vividly recall seeing the four seated humans sitting in a near-perfect square, cross-legged on the floor. I could see lines of electric energy connecting each of the bodies and rising to meet at the point I was buoyantly hovering. The energy pattern was buzzing with intensity. It was a 7 foot square pyramid of laser rays (kind of, sort of?) and at the apex of the pyramid, was the ALL KNOWING EYE. You know, like on the back of a dollar bill? I became aware that I was the EYE and that I was the I of each of the people sitting on the floor.

It was interesting, intoxicating and most euphoric... yet, not exactly ego death, in the strictest sense of the term. Still, it was a beautiful experience and I will never forget the unbound bliss. MDA seemed a touch closer to a mescaline high but not quite as transcendental. the two chemicals, MDA and MDMA, seem like relatives but distinct (as I recall). Even so, journeying with Atom (what we used to call MDMA in the early eighties, when it was still legal), I remember being able to astrally project in a translucent and ethereal embryonic light-body. Now, great as that is, I did not merge with the ultimate level (like a full break-through experience). self was shifted to another plane but not completely shattered into nothingness. That being said, the LOVE, LOVE, LOVE... was intoxicating beyond the scope of words. In fact, both times I felt like I was a character in that Beatles tune, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. Very happy

I wouldn't presuppose to know for a certainty... but I don't personally believe ecstasy can reveal the Grid or open the Crown chakra (chrysanthemum). Am I mistaken about this? If so, please enlighten me. neither Lady Salvia doesn't have this power nor THC (back when you could still find it), so I was wondering if anyone of our esteemed community has had such an experience with MDMA? You know, total union with God? Can MDA do the trick? I honestly don't quite recall, myself. I know that tryptamines and phenethylamines do, that's for sure!!! Shocked

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Ice House
#8 Posted : 7/7/2010 11:42:35 PM

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Thank you, all of you, for your input. I'll share with you soon what I think.
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#9 Posted : 7/8/2010 2:53:16 AM

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MDA and MDMA are brother and sister. MDA is male, and MDMA is female.
at low doses of MDA (100 mgs) it was hard to tell the difference between the two, they are both very similar.
as the dose goes up, MDA becomes more of a wisdom-guided head trip along with the warm heart feelings.
the peak for MDA lasts about an hour longer than MDMA and there is also a smoother transition into sobriety.
with MDMA i am suddenly sober again after 2 1/2 or 3 hours, with little to no residual effect.
with MDA i am only peaking for 3 to 4 hours but i smoothly come down enjoying the gradually diminishing peak for 6-8 hours.
smoking a little herb after the MDA peak has brought me the most awe-inspiring open eye visions i've ever had.
it's like i'm watching television on the wall. sooo bizzare, though nothing like tryptamine visions.
they're almost like hallucination-style datura visions or something: one time i saw a field of giant house-cats standing upright playing was soooo realistic, like a computer graphics animation movie.
utterly rediculous stuff!!
the body/head hangover is worse from MDA though lacking the emotional burnout i get from MDMA.
MDMA doesn't hurt my head as much, but i have this distinct "seretonin crash" kinda thing going on with my emotions for a few days.
interesting to note that people experience reduced effects from continued use of MDMA, though with MDA i don't get any tolerance effects from it if spaced apart for a week between dosing. it's like MDA works on many different receptors, not just draining seretonin for all it's worth.
once i took MDA every saturday for 6 weeks in a row and experienced no diminished effects.
indeed, as others have commented, MDA's more psychedelic nature is very much prefered to MDMA's more shallow nature.
not that i think MDMA isn't changed my life.
BUT, there's something to be said about adding wisdom-guided depth to an open hearted space that really brings our entire being into balance,
which is why therapists started practicing using 2C-B after MDMA sessions to sort of "get deep" with all the stuff that came up in the heart space.
funny too, with MDA, i feel simultaneously more cracked-out (jaw clenching, etc.) and less stimulated. it's more relaxing and mellow.
MDMA gets two thumbs up. MDA gets 3 thumbs up. that's my take anyway....
i've only worked with pure powders before, so i can't comment on pills producing different effects....somehow i doubt the purity.
MDA/MDMA powder has always produced the same effects, as long as i space out trips long enough.
#10 Posted : 7/8/2010 4:43:37 AM

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Ice House Shaman wrote:
SWIM has done Extasy a couple of times before. I found the effects to be allot like meth. No two little pills were ever exactly the same.

I have had the pills about 2 or 3 times..they were never exactly MDMA..even though they were called "ecstacy" and even "MDMA"..One of my best friends got a bunch of pure white xtals one time and really got into mdma, she was taking it every week or 2 at psy parties, in place of her usual LSD. She dosed me with it at an Adahm Shaikh show and it was amazing! 100x better than any of those was soo euphoric and wonderful and made me open up and just dance..with eyes closed and the strobe lights I even had some faint patterns. I still concider that my real innitiation into the psytrance rave scene. It was beautiful.

Another time I was off on vancouver island on a surf trip and my freind had got some blue "MDMA" pills that he brought. I took half a pill one night, and it was similar to that white MDMA, but it was more visual. I had these nice mellow closed eye patterns, and they were in pink..I literally rememver seeing pink hearts at one point and crying the euphoria was sooo powerful. The next night I took a full pill and ate some mushrooms abot an hour later and that was just amazing.

I think that those blue pills might have either been MDA, or a mix of MDMA and MDA..maybe they could have been 2cb i cant say since I have never had 2cb or other phens besides mescaline.

Those were the only few times I every took "MDMA" like to try pure MDMA crystals again though and get MDA..and I wouldnt take pills again ever.
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#11 Posted : 7/8/2010 6:18:01 AM

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i snorted 40mg of a brown/red/tanish shard like "molly" that im 90% sure was mda. iirc brown shards are more often than not mda instead of mdma. i did it on my way into work and had a very spacey productive night!
#12 Posted : 7/8/2010 9:02:36 PM
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fractal enchantment wrote:
Ice House Shaman wrote:
SWIM has done Extasy a couple of times before. I found the effects to be allot like meth. No two little pills were ever exactly the same.

I have had the pills about 2 or 3 times..they were never exactly MDMA..even though they were called "ecstacy" and even "MDMA"..One of my best friends got a bunch of pure white xtals one time and really got into mdma, she was taking it every week or 2 at psy parties, in place of her usual LSD. She dosed me with it at an Adahm Shaikh show and it was amazing! 100x better than any of those was soo euphoric and wonderful and made me open up and just dance..with eyes closed and the strobe lights I even had some faint patterns. I still concider that my real innitiation into the psytrance rave scene. It was beautiful.

Another time I was off on vancouver island on a surf trip and my freind had got some blue "MDMA" pills that he brought. I took half a pill one night, and it was similar to that white MDMA, but it was more visual. I had these nice mellow closed eye patterns, and they were in pink..I literally rememver seeing pink hearts at one point and crying the euphoria was sooo powerful. The next night I took a full pill and ate some mushrooms abot an hour later and that was just amazing.

I think that those blue pills might have either been MDA, or a mix of MDMA and MDA..maybe they could have been 2cb i cant say since I have never had 2cb or other phens besides mescaline.

Those were the only few times I every took "MDMA" like to try pure MDMA crystals again though and get MDA..and I wouldnt take pills again ever.

If the blue pills where simmilar to the white powder it may be that indeed the white powder was MDMA and the blue pills where MDA. It may also be that the white powder was MDEA and the blue pills where MDMA. It may even be that the white powder was MDEA and the blue pills where MDA.

Basically MDEA and MDMA are very close. MDA is less simmilar to MDMA than MDEA.

MDA is the most psychedelic of the three. As a psychedelic i still find it inferiour even to LSD, though.
If you peticularly want the effects of a euphoriant you better take MDMA or MDEA instead of MDA.

For a long time MDEA was legal in most countries while MDMA was still illegal. Most of the ´real´ MDMA that was sold at that time was actually MDEA. Many testkits could not tell the difference either.

I guess that nowadays, most of the MDMA is actually some other MDxx as well. There is a whole family of those compounds, some of them, like MDEA, are almost indistinguishable from real MDMA.
#13 Posted : 7/10/2010 6:17:36 AM

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Tangarine_Dreams wrote:
i snorted 40mg of a brown/red/tanish shard like "molly" that im 90% sure was mda. iirc brown shards are more often than not mda instead of mdma. i did it on my way into work and had a very spacey productive night!

hmmmm....i've only seen pure white crystalline MDA, never brown or even dull colored. i would question the purity/identity of such a compound.
if it was MDA, the chemists were not doing their homework well....Wink
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