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#1 Posted : 7/1/2010 7:11:20 PM


Posts: 1740
Joined: 10-Jan-2010
Last visit: 05-Mar-2014
Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
Swim made a a gramme and a half of swims hot water stb tek, he would have had more but his girlfriend accidently spilled his dimitri sturated glass of naptha out his hand by mistake :O there was about 2 gramme in the glass.

The gramme and a half that was left tho was yello sodium washed dmt and brown unwashed clean spice, it was decanted twice and re-xd.

This dmt sent swim to typer hyper superspace, it was tremendous!

Swim loaded 85 mg of the yellow dimitri and blasted the ass off it.
I he closed his eyes and saw bright pink dots and crazy sunexplainable sounds, the visuals were also unexplainabe after that.

Swim felt exstatic and was in heaven for ten minutes. The visuals were bright green aliens playing alien music in my ears.

Swim cant really explain the feeling but it was the bst feeling times a million.
truly the best molecule ever invented.

Do this tek at least once, it yields lots of dmt, use reall hot water plenty of lye and a really hot whate bath, shake and roll evry five minutes for 30 mins then extract and sc wash and put in freezer.

For second pull pour boiling kettle wayetr into the soup and and add more lye to the hdpe jug, shake for at leas t45 minutes, pull and was and in the freezer. 4 hours later you will have loads of goodies.

The dmt looks yellow or orangy but its had an sc wash so its perfectly clean, trust me do swims tek Very happy you will thanks me for it.

Thanks DeMenTed.

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