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#1 Posted : 6/27/2010 10:30:02 PM

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-SWIM and his girlfriend drop 5 hits of high powered acid at 5:00.

-SWIM and his girlfriend drink the equivalent of 3 grams passionflower tea each.

-SWIM loads a bowl with spice in his VG and takes in a GIANT hit 4 hours after dropping (SWIM only wanted a moderate dose just to get some interesting visuals)

-SWIM is then sucked from his body and starts to panic.. He gets pulled and pulled and pulled, so fast that he cannot even keep track of visuals until he finally reaches the end point.. The ultimate experience of G/d experiencing himself, only to start getting reeled back in as soon as the realization of the nature of the experience is made. No discernible visuals could be remembered.

-SWIM comes back to reality sweating profusely and is thankful to still be alive. He has been quite humbled by the experience. It is going to take a lot of time to integrate this one.


I'm having trouble understanding how anyone could even need or want to break through more than once. To me, it seems that once you've seen the ultimate truth, there really is no need to go back. With smoked spice, it really seems like too much, too fast.

I am assuming that the best way to work with spice at this point is the oral route. One true breakthrough is enough for anyone. SWIM will still give changa a chance, as he has not yet worked much with it.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
Rising Spirit
#2 Posted : 6/28/2010 12:41:17 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Cloud wrote:

-SWIM is then sucked from his body and starts to panic.. He gets pulled and pulled and pulled, so fast that he cannot even keep track of visuals until he finally reaches the end point.. The ultimate experience of G/d experiencing himself, only to start getting reeled back in as soon as the realization of the nature of the experience is made. No discernible visuals could be remembered.

Hello Cloud,

I love the name of your thread. It is both, definitive and lyrical. So you merged with the Absolute? Beautiful. From an indivisible state of conscious being, God is self, as self is God. My self, your self, our selves, all selves... are refracted from the oneness of ONESELF. At these peak experiential states, observer and observed are in total union. So, I suspect you entered into the Void and dissolved as a subjective witness? How can such a total mind-blowing moment as such, be recalled by the individual soul, when it is within such a transcendent awareness? No viewpoint can be grasped nor found, as such an awakening shatters the fixed point of reference. In essence, all divisions are impossible to perceive when the mind becomes empty. Essentially, you stood before the Grand Mirror and gazed into the face of God (your own face).

-SWIM comes back to reality sweating profusely and is thankful to still be alive. He has been quite humbled by the experience. It is going to take a lot of time to integrate this one.

There is no more terrifying, mesmerizing or exhilarating feeling a person can have! It's the most sane and natural thing in the world, to feel relieved to have survived the all-consuming ego death. Most of us feel that the thin veil between the physical and the spiritual is, after all, a state of mind. So yeah, it's wonderful to be reborn into the "normal" level of consciousness, a living, breathing human being, once more. Who doesn't want to take their time assimilating all of the powerful lessons these Medicines can impart?

I'm having trouble understanding how anyone could even need or want to break through more than once. To me, it seems that once you've seen the ultimate truth, there really is no need to go back. With smoked spice, it really seems like too much, too fast.

Perhaps you're right about that. Unfortunately, the gravity of the ego, fortified by time and personal desire, creeps in to recrystallize the fixations which limit one's awareness. It's only natural to want a sabbatical from the unbelievable intensity. If you ever choose to embrace such a journey, you will no doubt find it the very same moment and the same point in eternity.

I am assuming that the best way to work with spice at this point is the oral route. One true breakthrough is enough for anyone. SWIM will still give changa a chance, as he has not yet worked much with it.

Sounds like a good plan. May your path be bright and full of loving thoughts. I can sense that you are destined to fully awaken, in this lifetime, as is so clear from your experience report of this internal voyage you shared.

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#3 Posted : 6/28/2010 1:53:10 AM

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Cloud, the breakthrough experience progressively deepens, teaching one to engage with it from one perspective before moving into a deeper ground. It continues, apparently endless - always revealing.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 6/28/2010 8:58:40 AM

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It is very hard to say if SWIM will ever smoke spice again. At the moment SWIM is trying to wrap his mind around why anyone needs to go back after experiencing the ultimate point.. Is it for the thrill? To me it seems illogical.

Time to start figuring out SWIMs MAOI efficiency and take the oral route.

There needs to be a better way to work with this stuff.. almost seems like a waste to vape it.
Rising Spirit
#5 Posted : 6/28/2010 1:47:43 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Cloud wrote:
At the moment SWIM is trying to wrap his mind around why anyone needs to go back after experiencing the ultimate point.. Is it for the thrill? To me it seems illogical.

With all due respect, may I ask why SWIM intends to take any form of psychedelics again? If not for "the Ultimate point" or truth... then why? I was never much for the anxiety, terror and confusion, accompanying the ego death that results form the journey. Frankly, I am addicted to the bliss (also an illusion). Regardless of any individuals take on these substances, they are created/have evolved for ONE purpose alone... our conscious awakening and union with God (oneself). The soul remains hungry for it's own true nature. This hunger can lead to further voyages into psychedelia. Not really for the "thrill" of the cosmic elevator ride, or for some, the trippy roller-coaster ride. Not simply to see spacey visuals, fractal patterns and/or the view of the spiralling Grid. They do not exist for our entertainment, as you wisely stated but for the healing of the broken heart of mankind. For the union of the self with the Self. True?

Since these enlightenments are temporary, many folks do go back to the well, time after time. While profound beyond the scope of words, the entrancing experience eventually wears-off with the advance of time and the return to "normal" life. Even advanced native shamans spend a lifetime imbibing Sacred Medicines, over and over again. Why? I can only speak for myself, since I am unsure about how SWIM feels about returning to the Vortex. I personally find the Clear Light of the Void both, ecstatic and deeply trans formative. That being said, I agree with SWIM, regarding the need to repeatedly shatter one's solidified references and individuated fixations. Such dramatic changes in perception can be damaging if over done. Like my Grandmother used to say,
"Too much of a good thing... is a bad thing."

To paraphrase the wisdom of the late Alan Watts, "These powerful substances should be seen as medicines, not as a daily diet. One should learn from such a profound awakening, not become addicted to the medicine, itself." The same can be said for religious seeking, spiritual practice or the pursuit of a philosophical or contemplative lifestyle. Essentially, it's the message not the method that stands above all else. If one intense fusion with the Absolute were all it took... why has Humanity been returning to the well, so to speak, for thousands upon thousands of years? In my humble opinion, it is because of the ceaseless assault of time, space, materiality and collective human thought. It is at the heart of this issue, that we all find common ground. Having tasted the elixir of immortality, the mortal mind eventually seeks to re-kindle such mind-boggling illumination. After all, who doesn't want to remain high, fully awakened and in a state of perpetual Divine-consciousness? The reality of the situation is that we fall asleep, once more, as the Medicine dissipates within our own biochemistry. This is a mixed blessing, of course, as we need to remain housed within our physical bodies and yet, we also need to be free of it's gross, 3-dimensional limitations. It's a paradox, for sure.

Time to start figuring out SWIMs MAOI efficiency and take the oral route.

So what do you seek on such a sacred voyage? Whatever it is... know that since your eyes have been opened once, or rather, your third eye opened... there is really no turning back now. I believe that when the crown fully opens and merges with the Grid, an echoing memory or sense of Divine fusion, forevermore remains with the shadow of the individuated witness' psyche. One does not always knowingly choose, often one is chosen by the innate law of Universal consciousness (which is still, ultimately our own higher self's will). The source, journey and destination are all centered in the same Eternal, moment. Now is now. All else is mirage of subjectivity and therefore an illusion. While taking this path is like being helplessly drawn into a vacuum, it has been said directly or often inferred, that our spiritual evolution requires such a complete series of repeated shatterings. Shocked
The call of the spiralling journey within is never silenced, yet, it remains our personal decision to listen to that inner voice (the Word). Yes? Perhaps the carrier wave eventually can be followed home without the assistance of these Medicines. That is my deepest hope and prayer. WE ARE ONE.

Peace, love and light to you and yours.
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#6 Posted : 6/28/2010 4:15:10 PM

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I've never had the same breakthrough twice. Its always been different from one to the next. Sure some have similarities but are still another place. Its not always scary and I'm willing to play with a chance of fear for a glimpse at beauty.
-Close your eyes, See the light, and feel the sunshine in the shade

~All views, ideas and opinions of this user are strictly fictional and in no way represent an act done in reality.
physics envy
#7 Posted : 7/1/2010 5:18:26 AM

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Beautiful posts, Rising Spirit 8-)

Cloud - I hope to have a similar experience one sounds like you got pretty close to home! Congratulations!

Love and Gratitude to all.

Salvia quid enthusiast
#8 Posted : 7/4/2010 7:43:19 AM

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ragabr wrote:
Cloud, the breakthrough experience progressively deepens, teaching one to engage with it from one perspective before moving into a deeper ground. It continues, apparently endless - always revealing.

For me its like this.

And I think its insanity that we smoke this stuff
The D M T is in your mind.
#9 Posted : 7/6/2010 1:59:02 PM


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I was wondering what catapulted the drive to need to take spice while already on 5 hits?
If it was just courageous curiosity, my hats off to your bravery.

SWIM feels the act of partaking in spice while already on another journey is similar to eating cookies while trying to finish off a hefty dinner.

Fear is only an aspect. Like every other emotion, it can't precede the others forever.
The most merciful thing in the world... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
~H. P. Lovecraft~
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