DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 64 Joined: 22-May-2010 Last visit: 17-May-2011 Location: Earth
OK I've held back sharing this for about a week now... The night before this experience I loaded up the cone in my bong with a 1/1 changa cappi/dmt mix. I decided not to go that evening and the dose just sat in the bong the remainder of the night and all of the next day. The next night rolls around and I decide that I am ready to go.. I go through my normal routine cleaning everything, setting everything up perfectly, short meditation, vape a bowl of straight cappi leaf and I decide I am ready (although I never quite am). I hit it once taking most of the dose which was more than I typically use. I just eyeball things but was more than enough, then take a second hit for the remainder. What happens now has never happened and I didn't think it would be something I would have issues with... I could not let go, in the sense of just let go let it be what it is... I sat there open eyed which I have never done kind of in a weird terrified state. The OEV were not as intense as I would think they should have been. The whole time I just wanted it to be over and after the experience I was just wondering what the hell happened.. I am wondering if my spice somehow has oxidized, I have no experience with DMT-oxide but the spice is approx 3ish months old and I haven't really taken any great lengths to preserve it.. It is just in a plastic bag sometimes sitting out in my room in the daylight. It was about 2 weeks since I last went so tolerance I don't think should be an issue... It was just a very strange puzzling experience, I am taking some time off again as I think trying to go again now would not be something I am wanting to do... Any incite would be great, thanks for reading. Pursue Perspective
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 497 Joined: 02-Jan-2009 Last visit: 29-Aug-2024 Location: Hyperspace, USA
apostle11 wrote: What happens now has never happened and I didn't think it would be something I would have issues with... I could not let go, in the sense of just let go let it be what it is... I sat there open eyed which I have never done kind of in a weird terrified state. The OEV were not as intense as I would think they should have been. The whole time I just wanted it to be over and after the experience I was just wondering what the hell happened..
I've had that happen. I think its just state of mind and probably not the spice. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Try not to make too much of the event and try again another time. Peace
Mad Banshee
Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2807 Joined: 19-May-2009 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
hmmm odd, you didnt close your eyes once? I say start lower, like say, one pull, close your eyes, hold the pull like normal. Then after a while, pull on another bowl, maybe the same size as first. Have the doses ready, dont just be pouring the changa out of a container. See how that goes, their is no need to be getting as much in as possible right away, you can start small and work your way up when you are ready to do so in that evening.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 64 Joined: 22-May-2010 Last visit: 17-May-2011 Location: Earth
gammagore wrote:hmmm odd, you didnt close your eyes once?
I say start lower, like say, one pull, close your eyes, hold the pull like normal. Then after a while, pull on another bowl, maybe the same size as first. Have the doses ready, dont just be pouring the changa out of a container.
See how that goes, their is no need to be getting as much in as possible right away, you can start small and work your way up when you are ready to do so in that evening.
No I didn't really close my eyes it was like I was scared to or something... Very strange because typically I have them closed for the entire experience, until the CEVs stop entirely... Was a first, the last couple experiences have been atypical but what sort of typical am I hoping for with a substance such as DMT I guess... Every time is different but many are similar... As far as lower doses, I hear what you are saying sometimes I have gone that route, but others I am looking to breakthrough and don't want those longing for more type feelings I associate with sub breakthrough dosing. Pursue Perspective
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2807 Joined: 19-May-2009 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
Then load up the small bowl first and have another big one ready, smoke the first one, after about say 10-20min smoke the next one. It comes hard, and you go deep. Maybe intention has somthing to do with it, do you smoke often, if so, give it a break. Other than that, I say just work through it 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 64 Joined: 22-May-2010 Last visit: 17-May-2011 Location: Earth
No I don't smoke often... Or rather haven't it was a couple weeks since last go... It is about intention you are right and I do try to make it about that typically telling myself the reasons for going before launch... It is definitely to be respected just a weird experience.... Everything about procedure was normal and then I was like WTF and got couldn't bring myself to close eyes and just wanted it over.... Just strange I don't feel like it will be a repeating pattern we will see I guess. Pursue Perspective
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 31-Dec-2009 Last visit: 25-Jan-2025 Location: outer limits
What you have experienced is in several threads and I believe can be classified as a loop. I have read that it comes from not enough or too much spice. I have experienced it numerous times and as unpleasant as it can be at the onset, it can also be amazing.MY last looping experience was a few weeks ago during the day. I loaded 30mg of goodies and took it in 3 good hits and had enough time to set the pipe down before I was looping. It is very much like a reset button being pressed every time I remembered my/our true divinity. My brain was trying to NOT remember but it was automatic and I was full eye open , sitting up and twisting back and forth trying to get my bearings. Open eye visuals were spectacular as I could see the fractal nature of everything. I walked into my living room and looked outside and all of nature was bright and alive and aware. I dont know what factors contribute to this type of trip as each time it seems like the circumstances are different. Buy your ticket and take the ride, whatever it might be. Much Love Aether In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order..Jung All above writing with the exception of Dr. Jung's quote is pure mushroom encrusted cowpie!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 180 Joined: 16-Jul-2008 Last visit: 19-Jul-2013 Location: outside of time
I can definitely relate to your experience apostle11. I think it is somewhat common and normal ... I think anyone who works with spice for long enough will have to be confronted with a similar experience  Sometimes it just happens and fear tries to derail the whole experience. As much as I try to prepare myself for every launch there can be some that really take me by surprise... The deep seated sensation of fear can be quite overpowering, even if the OEV/CV are not that intense. I try to see it almost as a kind of test that the spice is training us for. Fear really is such a limiter of true human potential. I know there are some other users here on the forum who could expand on this concept much more eloquently than myself... but I like the concept of the spiritual warrior who can stand and work directly with fear. There can be much to learn from these experiences.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 57 Joined: 26-Nov-2009 Last visit: 23-Apr-2024
I once experienced this after my first try with a jet lighter. Normally I would use a bic lighter and I hadn't washed my VG in a while. Anyway, I bought a cheap torch lighter and got ready. However, the lighter had a switch on it so that one could set it on and the lighter would still be burning without pressing the button. This made me a bit wary since I didn't want accidentally switch it on and burn myself while being in another dimension. As I vaped my spice I noticed an extremely fast come up that I was unprepared for, unlike when I use a bic lighter. I had to lay down and just as I was about to break the veil I got up to make sure the lighter was off, this probably made my body produce adrenaline which interacted extremely bad with the spice. I felt trapped in a multiple universe, there was no visuals at all and my room kept spinning and I just wanted to get back. The trip lasted waaay longer than usual, and it took me at least half an hour to get back to feeling somewhat normal again. I haven't experienced it since, but I don't use that lighter anymore and I always prepare myself more knowing that I have to "let go" for the magic to work. The owls are not what they seem