reaching another level Options
#1 Posted : 6/15/2010 1:14:32 AM

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Lately, my swim has found that he has reached another level with this spirit molecule. In the past, he has broken through, but still usually had some sort of recognition of self. But recently he breaks through and totally gives over and is totally not of this dimension at all and has slipped out with no possibility of return for a while... I mean like gone...fhtt! I guess he used to be scared of allowing total and complete release to the netherworlds, but now it happens and he doesn't even have a choice or want to make a choice in the matter. The strangest and most wonderful things happen there and he's really there while they are happening. Its taken my swim about two years of occasional interaction to reach this new level of absolute release and oneness with spice, but swim feels that he's just at the base of a new platform and senses its going to get even more interesting from this point on. He takes these experiences into his daily life with new, fresh energy and attitudes, more stopping to appreciate the wonders in others, understands his own moods better and deals with lifes little conflict situations better, so he grows in all aspects from the spirit molecule.
Just talking I guess but he likes to talk about the powerful and transformational powers of our sacred molecule.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.

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#2 Posted : 6/15/2010 1:32:51 AM

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beautiful. truly.

i have long held now that the work we do with the molecule comes in levels. i've even noticed an almost structured rhythm to it all..... deep journeys of love and understanding start to give way to journeys that are a bit more challenging and lacking in the 'love bliss' department. all of a sudden....BOOM! a breakthrough that completely rocks you beyond anything you've had up to that point. it's like a graduation into another grade. all journeys from that point forward are different, deeper and more revealing.

layer after layer, grade after grade we do the work and reap the rewards. our soul recognizes it's unbreakability and our mind learns to accept that there is no depth we will not return from. we feel safer through growing experience to push the limits and be at peace with the surrender required.

if death has the potential of coming in an instant. an aneurysm, stroke, meteor coming through my windshield....whatever....i would like to think that i have been training to be able to 'let go' and be a part of everything. plato suggested we should all 'practice dying' as his last words. maybe this was why. death is the one and only absolute guarantee we have in this lifetime. the comfort and familiarity we can learn to have when that time of transition comes can only serve us for the best.

banshee my dear brother....your commitment to the deep work is paying it's dividends and i am so very happy for you. you have a beautiful spirit and wonderful is a gift to read your words.

reminds me of a quote i have on my wall right in front of my computer. it says:

"whatever riches we accumulate materially are abandoned at the moment of death. only the wealth that we accrue spiritually will benefit us in the interim world of celestial visions."

i believe that proper disciplined work with DMT (and other modalities like meditation, soundwork, conscious attention, etc.) IS a spiritual wealth we are able to accrue.

keep up the righteous work my dearest brother. we are all waking up with you!!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#3 Posted : 6/15/2010 1:44:48 AM

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inspiring words i needed to hear. I am having a tough time with my spice relationship lately .
I've become terrified of it and can't seem to let go. I like to think it has these levels you speak of.
Maybe i need more time away from it .
The fear of it is too strong right now. Before as the effects came on i loved it and would completely let go into it.
Now when i start to go in i panic. there is a bad association with it that i need to break somehow.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#4 Posted : 6/15/2010 3:32:21 AM

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if there's anyone i trust will figure out the best way of working through his fear of this deep work, it's you brother.... Pleased

you can always try working with a different teacher for a little while to help you look at things from a different vantage. i find cactus to be particularly healing in this respect.... same profound message, very different voice...

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#5 Posted : 6/15/2010 6:06:03 AM


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What would you advise for someone who has net yet reached even the first levels of hyperspace who has no psychedelic experience, who put together a changa blend to reach a breakthrough, who will probably give in to fear?
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#6 Posted : 6/15/2010 6:22:25 AM

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i'd say find a trustworthy guide to help you. i have been working with newcomers to the molecule for a little while now and i can say this much with sincerity: i have had several sessions with people now where afterwards i thought to myself, "damn...i wish my first experience could have been like that."

not that you can't do it on your own and have a perfectly spectacular life-changing's just really that much nicer and easier to surrender when you are in a sacred space with someone who takes the work seriously and has plenty of experience to share. before anyone i work with even holds the VG in their hands, we have spent a good amount of time talking, meditating, breathing.....candles are lit and by the time the journey is ready to commence, a state of bliss and surrender is present.

also, when you come back from a straight-up breakthrough, you will SO appreciate having someone there to talk with. someone who HAS BEEN THERE.... you won't have words to describe will be impossible....but your guide will know and you will feel so grateful for that...

anyways, sorry to derail a bit here. banshee- see what you've started! Pleased actually....mad_banshee has himself sat in my healing room as i worked with a seeker new to the molecule. i'm sure he would agree that with the proper preparation, a good journey is almost guaranteed.

keep this in mind: there is NOTHING to be afraid of in hyperspace. the only 'fear' that exists is whatever we ourselves bring in from the outside. true surrender to the experience makes fear impossible. it's that simple.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#7 Posted : 6/15/2010 9:45:49 AM


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antrocles, I envy people like you, when I first came across this forum I sensed you possessed wisdom, as well as many other users here, of course. Smile I would love to have an appreciated and profound first trip to hyperspace and would love to be able to connect with someone upon my return. It has been around a year now since I first encountered information pertaining to DMT, I have been patient in seeking its virtues and took that extra step in acquiring materials in purpose of an extraction. With about a dozen sub-breakthroughs I think I am capable, as if I have a choice in the matter, of breaking through. I will try to give in to true surrender and complete focus on intention with my caapi leaf/blue lotus/DMT changa blend. Thank you for the support nexus.
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#8 Posted : 6/15/2010 10:06:51 AM

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As Ant says, finding a guide could help in several ways.

1) Having someone there to watch you may ease any fears of "leaving" the room unattended and controlling any "real" world having someone watch your back.
2) Just in the knowing that this other person has been there and survived quite well is an assurance.

and there are probably a lot of other reasons like someone to talk to about it etc....

I would guess that most people cannot go with full release of their fears to the experience at first. We have very repetitive monkey brains that have been drilled, counterbored, reamed and tapped with fear from society at large, and we have primal survival instincts that demand that we be in control else we get eaten by our predators. What has helped me to let go is to tell myself that being in actual control of my ( day, hour, moment) is pure illusion that we concoct in our minds anyway. There is already so much going on in our little brains and our world that we're just floating with the current anyway and grabbing onto any passing branches to stop is never going to do anything for us but give us a temporary feeling of security as a child with a teddy bear. Just as it took a while to muster the courage to let go of your ( teddy bear or blanket) when you were a child, do you remember the feeling of passage and independence once you did? I feel that this is much the same feeling of growth. You're not losing anything, you can still keep your teddy ( or temporarily abandon your well developed concious mind in this case,) but now you can step outside without teddy, knowing it will be fine and he'll be there when you come back.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#9 Posted : 6/15/2010 12:45:54 PM

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mad_banshee wrote:
As Ant says, finding a guide could help in several ways.

1) Having someone there to watch you may ease any fears of "leaving" the room unattended and controlling any "real" world having someone watch your back.
2) Just in the knowing that this other person has been there and survived quite well is an assurance.

and there are probably a lot of other reasons like someone to talk to about it etc....

I would guess that most people cannot go with full release of their fears to the experience at first. We have very repetitive monkey brains that have been drilled, counterbored, reamed and tapped with fear from society at large, and we have primal survival instincts that demand that we be in control else we get eaten by our predators. What has helped me to let go is to tell myself that being in actual control of my ( day, hour, moment) is pure illusion that we concoct in our minds anyway. There is already so much going on in our little brains and our world that we're just floating with the current anyway and grabbing onto any passing branches to stop is never going to do anything for us but give us a temporary feeling of security as a child with a teddy bear. Just as it took a while to muster the courage to let go of your ( teddy bear or blanket) when you were a child, do you remember the feeling of passage and independence once you did? I feel that this is much the same feeling of growth. You're not losing anything, you can still keep your teddy ( or temporarily abandon your well developed concious mind in this case,) but now you can step outside without teddy, knowing it will be fine and he'll be there when you come back.

I find it interesting that you say this. In fact if you looked at the way you PHYSICALLY moved through space and time, you would find that all your actions are like twigs that emanate from the central trunk/worldline of "YOU".

Trying to control a branch is missing the point entirely because it is not truly "YOU" but rather "you" at that moment in space and time.

Rather, one looks at the Source, and finds that the tree is planted in firm roots which is how it has given you life and even allows any such concept of "you" to exist.

The true "YOU" is the I-ness which is the trunk, the branches and eventually the leaves and the beautiful flowers of one's actions.

The thing is however, just as trees have vast interconnected roots underneath the soil, firmly planted in ground, our trunks also have vast interconnected roots that are our individual branch that vibrates in its own direction.

Each sub branch is also "YOU" but it is primarily "I" whereas just like a human body with cancer, parts of the "I" are subject to rotting and erosion as per the natural ebb and flow of things.

One must tend to their individual branches and twiglets and keep the tree of life healthy and beautiful because if one does not, then the entire tree feels an imbalance and it will send its messengers to take out the cancer and in a world dominated by imprecision, beautiful parts of the I will be swept away by the resulting tidal wave of unconditional healing.

We as humans are the flowers of the tree and our purpose is merely to feel our own beauty but also ensure that other such trees are allowed to live and feel their beauty in peace. Trees may reproduce in a different way but look at a family tree, it's not all different when you think about it. The interconnectedness is firm below ground but it is only there to allow complete interconnection above ground, even if the individual leaves are not going to all help out in the purpose of the reproduction of bliss.
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